Thursday, November 17, 2005

Justice Waited

I am sorry to those of you who have read this before but if you see the previous entry, you will see why I am re-posting.


Her name was Nora.  She owned and ran a ladies and babies wear shop in a small market town just a very short car ride from where we live.

Every Tuesday morning my mother and I would visit the open-air market and browse around.  Afterwards we would go into the back street where Nora's shop was located. We would have a cup of tea or coffee and then wander over to Nora's shop to see her latest stock.  She was a lovely lady, coming up to retirement age in a couple of years, quiet but with a sense of humour.  She was much loved in the town and regarded very highly.  She gave service of the old-fashioned kind.  If you wanted something specific then she would do her hardest to get it for you.

On bad weather days, we would still go there and she would offer us a cup of tea and we would sit in her shop and chat and put the world to rights. We considered her a friend.  As she sold babywear, I bought many items there when Becky was born and Nora was delighted to see Becky and watch her progress.

The town is ancient and its narrow streets do not allow for the parking of cars so all vehicles had to and still have to be put in the central car park.

Then came that awful day in 1978 when we heard that Nora had been murdered.

I do not know the full circumstances.  It was a cold November day. Nora had closed the shop as usual.  She lived above the shop and so she must have decided to go somewhere or visit someone.  She headed the little distance to get her car in the car park.  She never made it.  Somewhere in those few yards she was to meet her killer. They found her the next morning. She had been raped and bludgeoned to death.

All the local communities were horrified and fearful.  Did her killer know her?  Even more scary, did we know him?  For months women were afraid to go out at night.  In those first few weeks the police were everywhere, interviewing people, doing house-to-house checks, following up alibis. They centred their enquiries very much around a local public house, the police were sure it was a regular drinker there but could find no evidence.  I myself used to visit this pub on a weekly  basis and I might have sat right next to the culprit.

Time passed. Weeks turned to months and months into years. The killer was not found.  Life went on as life has to go on.  The Essex police did not forget.  In the intervening years science had moved on, especially forensic science and damning evidence had been safely stored away.  The police decided to re-open this "cold case".  After twenty-seven years it seemed a daunting task.  However, they now had DNA.

The person responsible was apprehended because of a routine driving offence.  Whilst he was in custody a mouth swab was taken and having been run through all the normal checks it proved to match with the evidence left on Nora's body.

The trial has been running these last few weeks.  Yesterday a fifty year old builder who lived in a little village just close by was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison which in this case is to mean at least twenty-three years.  He was a married man with young children at the time of the murder. It was subsequently revealed that he had previously been in prison for sexually molesting a two year old child.

There are no winners in a case like this.  His family have to live with the crime he committed and the stigma of being related to a murderer.  His elderly mother refuses to believe her son was responsible. She says the police were just looking for a scapegoat.  Forensic evidence says otherwise.

I am just glad that Nora's killer was caught and will serve his sentence.  That closure has been put upon it.  That Nora's husband has seen the killer receive his retribution. I will never forget her.

Justice waited a long time, justice waited twenty-seven years. He must have thought he had got away with it, the perfect crime.  He went on living his life and enjoying his life. I wonder if he ever re-lived in his mind that cold November night all those years ago when Nora fought desperately for her life on a patch of waste ground in a quiet little town.

Justice has, at last, been served.


Anonymous said...

I am glad it is not only me that has to air the house due to its blue content!!!!!!!
Helen xoxox

Anonymous said...

So youve lost your comments as well ,oh *******you please your self what that stands for Im finding it very difficult not to use some good old Anglo Saxon words here ,as Im sure you are !!Ithink Isaid what a gripping ,powerful entry ,so well told ,and that it was going to be a trip down memory lane til Iscrolled down and read .......she was murdered,that had quite an impact ,At least hes finnally been caught ,and even if he doesnt do all the time at least everyone now knows what he is*******.......................Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this entry Jeannette.  It may have been a long time coming but justice has been seen to be done.  However, it must have been a dreadful shock for you when you first heard the news, and her poor, poor family.  How can anyone ever learn to live with a tragedy like that?

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Thank God for DNA! and a mother is a mother-she's in denial over her son...but dna doesn't lie. thanks for sending me this entry Jeannette, I am NOT getting an alert on your entry's! I just went back and read the ones I missed-I'm not leaving AOL right now-but if I couldn't post my entry's, I might consider it. I'm just not to sure WHAT to choose, I might get something worst. I do enjoy your entry's tho-and I'll have to keep my eye out for mistakes. ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

It is a shock when someone close to you is killed like this. Nora did not deserve an ending like this....too bad her killer is not paying the ultimate price, instead of being coddled in jail.  Glad that they caught him, wish we in this country would do the mouth swab thing...I believe it would have a lot of felons quaking in their shoes....Sandi

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful they found this man. He will never hurt another helpless woman or child. all things comes to light and many times it takes so many yrs. but I do know nothing can stay in the dark forever. I know this doesn't ease the pain of losing your dear friend but it does help you to know her life meant something to everyone she touched and that she was never forgotten.

Anonymous said...

jeannette it was just as good second time around...i enjoyed reading it again! love Joanne

Anonymous said...

Jeannette what a sad stroy, I am so glad justice was done - even after so many years......Science has come a long way, and thankfully found and put away this you say there are no winners in this case......Ally

Anonymous said...

Am glad justice was served at long last...It's good how forensic science has moved on so much with DNA that now they can solve some long outstanding cases   Caff xxx

Anonymous said...

As the saying goes, Justice will out! So pleased the bxxxxxd that did that has finally come to he really thought his luck would last, not nowadays; plus it is good to know the police kept the case in mind.

Anonymous said...

One thing about dna is that there are no two alike.  It is one of the few things that there is no shady areas of doubt.  Thank the good Lord!  Everyone does get what they deserve sooner or later.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I had a good friend killed 20 years ago and they never caught the killer
Donna In TEXAS

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear they caught, tried and convicted him.

Anonymous said...

thats a scary story, but atleast he was finally caught.

im glad you can post again. I found out how to fix our pesky save buttons.

problems, problems problems

love, meg

Anonymous said...

Poor Nora.  
I'm so glad they caught the guy, what an awful crime, he must have thought he had got away with it after all those years.  
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

You are right. Nora wasn't the only victim. She lost her life. That is the worst. But her family and friends were victims as well. Now, the family of the killer ore victims. They didn't do this. They are usually forgotten. But they will suffer too.

Anonymous said...

RIP Nora. Glad that the sick twisted murderer is locked up. This is one of those rare occasions where I would happily support the death penalty!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad they managed to catch Nora's killer and I hope her husband can find some peace and manage to carry on :-(  RIP Nora

Anonymous said...

Having solved the case after so many years is certainly justice served.  You must have been scared in those days being so near to the victums area of travel.   mark