Just a short entry from me today as I have things to do and we are looking after Nathan and Daniel this afternoon so that Becky and Dean can go Christmas shopping.
This is really in response to a comment by Sandi. She says in her comment yesterday that she thought guns were outlawed over here.
Well, Sandi, our police are not armed. They have never been armed. We do have special armed response squads for very serious situations but the ordinary "bobby" or "copper" is not issued with firearms.
The two women police officers had been called to a robbery in progress at a Travel Agency. They did not know it was an armed robbery they simply answered a personal attack alarm. The officers who were both probationers, were wearing body army but only against knife attack. It is though that even if they had been carrying guns, they would not have had time to use them.
Sadly, the carrying of guns and knives is happening much more frequently over here. Gang members think knives are an essential part of them being in the group. I just do not know how the authorities will stop it unless they make it illegal for anybody to sell guns or knives. However, that would only create an even bigger "black" market.
I read in the papers this morning that even the proposed Gun Register is to be scrapped. After the Dunblane massacre it was proposed to set up a National Register - a computer record of everyone in the country who applied for a gun licence. It was also to stop anyone applying for a licence after they had been turned down elsewhere and would also have kept a record of all stolen and missing firearms to stop legal guns getting into general circulation. Of course, criminals would have found other ways, but it would have done at least something to help.
It seems that, wherever we live in the world today, violence is on the increase. It is a very sad situation.
My thoughts are with the families of the two officers, both women in their early thirties. The injured officer is not in any danger but she will have to live with what happened for the rest of her life. The other young woman laid down her life in the course of duty. Their names have not been released at this time. I hope that those responsible will be apprehended and that they will be given life sentences and that life MEANS life.
Hear Hear. It is a sad reality that criminals will continue to acquire and use weapons - I agree, the gun register would have made it harder. I also agree that officers need more protection than simply a stab vest, a baton and some pepper spray. None of that will ever stop a bullet. Never. Ever.
I agree wholeheartedly Jeannette, Those poor girls were defenceless and I think the police were partly to blame for sending them there as they were relatively new and besides, where were the male cops?
Glad you get the boys this afternoon, so that Becky and Dean can shop for Christmas. Photo's Please!! Very, very sad about the 2 young police women. Getting so I don't listen to the news much, its way too violent. I agree life sentences that MEANS life. ~Deborah
Very well put Jeannette ,Iagree entirely ,It will be nice to have the little boys to your selves this afternoon ,in order for Becky and Dean to do their Christmas shopping ,have fun .................Jan xx
Jeannette - I can only add my condolences to the familys of the young officer killed - and the other one who was wounded - I asian and two blacks are bing sought for the crime, I hope they catch them soon....and give them "LIFE" in prison - It is so sad........Ally
Sounds like a nice day ahead for you watching the boys...Daniel and Nathan. I hope you have a great day.
Good morning Jeannette, I know you and Mike will enjoy the baby sitting this afternoon. Those two will keep you two on your toes.
The police would never dare to go out on a call without their guns for protection over here because every robbery and a lot of the disturbances are armed. It is so sad those two women were on duty at that time. It probably would have been the same though even if it was men that were on call. An unarmed person doesn't stand a change against armed people. If the punishments were more harsher everywhere then I believe a lot of the crimes wouldn't take place. The Holidays coming up is also the worst time for things to happen. Helen
WE will be seeing our little guys tonight at our 1st hopely annual pre-thanksgiving get together. Enjoy! rose
I agree with you about knives and guns. When you think back to when we were younger we did not worry about being out alone at night. I was a Avon lady for many years and carried a lot of money about with me at this time of year and never gave it a second thought, now if we want a sweety in the evening I don't walk either Stuart goes or I take the car. Not keen to go out at unless I have to. Have a nice babysitting. Love Joan.
This was such a terrible thing to happen Jeannette, that poor, poor young woman, she didn`t stand a chance. Criminals these days do not fear the police as there is little or no deterent. They get `life`, and what is that....fifteen years if they are lucky, or until some `do-gooder` comes along and gets them of on a technicality. I remember as a child that it was a very rare thing to hear of an on-duty policeman being murdered, no so anymore. I think the day may come sadly, when we see our police routinely carrying guns.
Sandra xxxx
It is very sad Jeannette. The bad guys are out there, all over the world. Everyonce in awhile here in Washington, we loose a law emforcement officer. They are out there everyday putting there lives on the line to protect us. I wonder if the rising drug use (especially meth) has caused this upswing of shootings? All I know is that I wouldn't have that job for any amount of money.
Thanks for explaining it to me Jeanette, I had watched a program that showed all guns being destroyed years ago so I thought well Britain doesn't allow guns. I never heard of the Dunblane massacre, sometimes our coverage here does not give us a full picture of the world news. We have licencing in this country to have a carry permit you undergo a bit of scrutinity and there us a state register. My heart goes out to the two officers shot..so sad...Sandi http://journals.aol.com/sdoscher458/LifeIsFullOfSurprises
That was terrible wasn't it, those two poor women, my thoughts are with their families, and hopes for the second woman to make a full recovery.
Sara x
It is terrible what happened :-( My thoughts too are with that ladies family and the poor officer that will have to live with what happened!!
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