Friday, November 18, 2005

Say Hello

I have notified some of you in e-mails.  For those of you that do not know, we have a new British journaller. I think it is going to be an excellent blog.

So please take a couple of minutes and visit

Jason's Musings

The decorating is finished but we have not yet got everything back in place.  Still waiting for my curtains. I have been busy going through catalogues and choosing Christmas presents.  Most of it is done now although I still have a difficult person to buy for (yes - a man! and no, it is not him indoors).  Men are so difficult to buy for.

Next week we will be getting our Christmas lights down from the loft and sorting through them deciding what to put outside the house this year.  I have bought a new fibre optic Christmas tree so I will not have to decorate a tree this year.  I used to love doing that but as I have got older I find I get impatient with it, all that fiddling about.  Also, we have young fingers around now who will just delight in pulling things off so I think it is also safer as we will not be using normal lights on a tree.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

Just heard on the news that two policewomen have been gunned down in Bradford.  One is dead, the other is injured. My heart goes out to their families.  Oh, for a world where violence did not exist.


Anonymous said...

do  what I do , tell him to go buy something he wants and say MerryChristmas!!

Anonymous said...

I have just heard it as well, it is so sad. What is happening to this country? By the way, just been to see Jason as well

Anonymous said...

Funny you have bought a fibre optic tree we bought one last week for much the same reasons Stuart always does ours and it just got too big a job I know it sound silly but you know what I mean.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

I just heard that on the News Jeannette, what are we coming to. our unarmed Officers being shot and killed....I pray for their families..

Must get our Christmas decorations down and sort them out - don't seem 5 minutes since last Christmas...

Hope your weekend is good and peaceful....Ally

Anonymous said...

Those police officers were gunned down in the next city to me~its terrible to think of what those families are going through right now.
I like fibre optic trees,saves a lot of faff though I havent got one.Everyone here is going mad for the new black christmas trees. .everywhere is sold out .I saw one and it looked gorgeous ,they cost £90,a bit pricey for me.
Been to say hello to Jason,think I can squeeze some more journals in as so many have left.

Anonymous said...

hello beautiful graphic so glad the decorting is done bet you are too can't wait to see pictures once the curtines are up wow done christmas shopping already you are good the wonderful world of mail order hugh we will also be hanging our christmas lights and getting the fall stuff put away and doing our christmas decorting as well hope you take pictures to share with us I will say a prayer for the police and their families such a shame you will be happy to know that my dog is doing much better eating and drinking and getting around and wagging his tail they told me to watch for seziuries and not eating or getting around so I hope and pray he is on the mend thank you for your warm thoughts you are a good friend to me God bless kelley

Anonymous said...

Have a nice weekend Jeannette.  I'm letting my Christmas spirit sit until Thanksgiving is over.  The thought of pulling all of those boxes out of the garage is leaving me exhausted .... and I'm olny 'thinking' about it.  Pennie  

Anonymous said...

I`ve just been there Jeannette,  his journals seems rather good. :-)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I`ve got a new tree to put up this year.  I`m really looking forward to it as well.  Having Roman around will make our Christmas magical this year and there`s no danger of him pulling it over just yet, though next year will be different I`m sure.  Well done with the decorating. :-)

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

here the weather is col like to Noël but I don't think to Noël because i would a year more.!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Jeanette, I hope you have a good weekend too, I love Christmas decoratinos. IT gets me so excited.

love ya, meg

Anonymous said...

H Jeannette ,Istill cant get an entry on will make another try to morrow.its so dissapointing ,Ifull of admiration all the decorating youve achieved ,well done Ido hope your eye is feeling better ..................Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Thanks will check out his many US journalers are going "British" better watch that the island doesn't the map! Sorry to hear about the policewomen getting shot, I thought guns were outlawed over there - or is it only the criminals now that have them? Sandi

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, the older I get, the less I like putting up the tree.  I'm always happy, however, after it's up and looking pretty.   ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

So sorry about the policewomen. My prayers to them.

Anonymous said...

I haven't started any Christmas anything yet. Hope I will feel better soon and will feel up to it. The new journalist seems to be a nice person. Helen

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette.......I thought you would like to know that I visited Jason's Musings and I will be adding his journal to my journal page. I will be letting other people at J-Land know to drop by his journal for a read.........I am one of his new readers. Let him know that I will be one of his new readers..........Thank You Jeannette and its good being back.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, it's that time again? Christmas decorating is fun but shopping for gifts can be taxing. This year, we're going to New York and that will be our gift to each other. It gets a tad hard to shop for kids once they've grown.

Anonymous said...

thanks Jeannette for letting me know about Jason's journal.  Always happy to check out a new one.  Linda in Washington

Anonymous said...

I will definately be popping over to welcome Jason to J-land, sometime today :o)  Glad the decorating is all going well, and well done you for getting all your Christmas shopping out of the way!!  I will have to get ours done in the next week or so, can't bear doing it all at the last minute, with everywhere so busy!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

I get highly impatient with the tree and decoration things too ;-)  Hope you managed to decide what to buy that gentleman!!