Friday, December 22, 2006

Lights For The Children

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There is a house not far from us that does a wonderful display of Christmas lights.  It started in a small way and gradually expanded over the years until the owner decided that his annual light show would be for charity.

Every year he adds new pieces.  I have put photos on this journal in the past.  The neighbours who live opposite are now trying to get it stopped.  It is such a shame because it is only for three short weeks out of a whole year.  Yes, lots of people visit, many take their children, but on the whole they are very good with parking their cars and try not to block driveways or cause problems.   The owner always makes sure his lights are switched off at 11 p.m. so as not to keep anybody awake.  When I tell you that last Christmas he raised over £7,000 (not far short of $14,000) you can see what a worthwhile cause this is.  For the past fifteen years now it has been done for charity so you can imagine the money he has raised during that time.

All the proceeds go to our local Childrens' Hospice to give pleasure and support to terminally ill children and their families. 

Mike took some video for you.  He did not want to miss a single item so you will see some things twice but I am sure you will not mind.

Anyway, take a break away from your Christmas preparations, sit back and enjoy this wonderful display.  I say more power to the gentleman's  elbow.  Long may his lights blaze out at Christmas and long may the money roll in for the children.

Christmas is almost here now.  It comes and goes so fast.  After that we only have the bleak days of winter to look forward to until Spring bursts forth again.

Today it is bitterly cold with very thick mist. Well, I must go and see to Daniel.  We are looking after him whilst Nathan has his last swimming lesson of the term.

Have a good day my friends.

P.S. Jesse and Jack asked me to thank you for your comments yesterday.  They are proud to know that you think them both so handsome and that you enjoyed the video of them exercising in the countryside.


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Anonymous said...

Jeannette lovely video and how nice he is doing it for charity ~ I actually got an alert on this one ~ my alerts seem to be very dodgy these last few days ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic display!  Thank you for sharing that with us.  I'm disgusted by the neighbours reaction.  This man has brough joy to so many lives with the money he has raised for the childrens hospice, not to mention the children (and adults!) who come to see the beautiful lights every year.  Christmas is about giving and this man obviously fully embraces that.  The neighbours must be complete scrooges if they want to stop all that just because they suffer some minor inconvenience for a few hours a day for just three weeks a year.  It makes me so sad and angry that they want to put a stop to this man's great work.

Anonymous said...

What a great display whast a nerve your neighbour that is complaining as it is for such a good cause.  Maybe he should read a Christmas Carol.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Who needs snow when he has so many SNOWMEN. LOL, I wonder why some people act like that every year, you have to wonder what like of Christmas do they have???????  thanks            DIANE

Anonymous said...

I think its wonderful and how great that he raises money for sick children.  Thanks for letting us share.  Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

Those were beautiful Jeannette, Mike did a good job. What joy that man has brought to the children. That is such a good cause that he donates the money to. Those people who are complaining shoud be ashamed for the way they feel. Hope your weather improves for Christmas and hope you soon feel better. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Merry christmas and a happy new year to you and your family,those lights were wonderful and I know lots of children will benefit from the proceeds,how lovely all the best zoe xx

Anonymous said...

wow thanks for sharing the light show. its beautiful very beautiful so kind of that guy to do it for the benifit of children

Anonymous said...

What a Christmas wonderland he has built!!  I hope he raises a LOT of $$ for the kids this year.  Do any of the kids get to come out to see his display, I wonder?  
The complainers should be ashamed of themselves!  Imagine the hours he spends preparing this display.  What a good heart he has.

Anonymous said...

That is amazing Jeannette.  So beautiful.  We have neighborhoods in my area where every house does that and they collect money and canned food for the local food banks.  It serves two purposes..enjoyment for those who have plenty and also helps the needy.  Gabi is still going on and on about Jack & Jessie..she thinks they are both very good looking guys !   But she wishes they were cats.   Have a good day,  Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

Are they new neighbours across from him??? What boring old stick in the muds they must be...There are quite a few people have big lights displays like that in the city up here and collect thousands for charity...As you say it's only 3 weeks of the year and the money is to an extremely worthwhile cause...The local autistic society here used to get several thousand pounds from a light display up here...So both my sons have benefited from such displays in the past :o) It is a fantastic display that man has and bah humbug at the moaning neighbours LOL  Caff xxxxx

Anonymous said...

His house is just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Rainy day here , we are just enjoying being a little lazy.  'OnYa'- ma

Anonymous said...

I think it's fantastic what that man is doing for charity, not to mention beautiful! What is wrong with these people trying to stop it? It sounds to me like he is doing everything he can to be considerate of everyone and he is raising money for charity.
Thank you so much for sharing with us. And I apologize for that ridiculously long entry in my journal yesterday. I just don't know what took over me; probably my bad cold...LOL

Anonymous said...

Sad that people want to stop the lights.
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful display and what effort his man puts into his generosity; not to mention a pretty penny of his own for running these lights for three weeks.  What a shame some Scrooge has to come along and try to put a halt to it.  I hope he can continue as he does collect a tremendous amount for the children.  Merry Christmas to you and your family!  Love xx  Chris

Anonymous said...

Ilove the snow men and the soldiers ,how lovely,why on earth do people want to spoil things for others and how nice of him to give his collection to the childrens hospice ,Thankyou for your delightful message ,we have been busy to day Maurice is off today and tomorrow ,its open day at Aunty Kittys home so we are going there in the afternoon love to you and Mike , Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I think it's marvellous that someone wants to put his Xmas lights display to charitable use. What a bunch of meanies across the street, yuk

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))That is just wonderful,that they want to do it for charity and sad to see that people want it down.I dont understand this world sometimes.But I will tell you something,we have somehting like that just down the road from were I live,this house,decorates every holiday and always has somehting new.I dont know how they do it,wonder how much there light bill they do it because,I cant remember the whole story,but they were doing this for there handicap child who has died.I hope you have a nice night.Wanted to ask you a ? Dont know if you was the one in Uk who wanted a Christmas card from me.I am so lost this me know.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Wow how wonderful and to raise so much money and look at all the snomen and such scrooge neighbers....
Have a very merry Christmas!!
Linda :)
and a belated Happy Anniversary and Happy Belated Birthday to him indoors, I can't believe I missed them...

Anonymous said...

Those lights are amazing, we have 3 neighbours nearby that do a similar thing together and collect for charity but the lights are nothing like that display!! Would love to bring my boys to see them

Anonymous said...

We used to have something similar near us and we loved walking up there to have a look. A couple of years ago I went up there with Mike, Catherine and Flo on Christmas Night. I was on crutches but determined to go and Flo actually wrote a song about it which was on his last album. There was snow and it was magical. Sadly that was the last time we went. The nieghbours had it stopped the next year.

Anonymous said...

we have a whole community of homes, upper class, that do this for free every year and people come from far and wide to see each home. As the years have passed, a few more homes have stopped doing it in that area which is sad. The electric company doesnt give them a break on the bills.
hugs, lisa
i loved the video

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,

I`m here at last.  Some people are just killjoys, what on earth is wrong with them that they would try to stop the Christmas lights, particularly as they are for such a good cause. Thanks for showing us the video, it`s a wonderful display and no wonder people come from all over to see them.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette !!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas. The lights are beautiful. I wish I was there to see them live but seeing them in your journal is the next best thing. I also enjoyed your ghost story I don't think that I would want to see the lady as the Colonel did on the train. I really enjoy your ghost stories I can't wait to read another one. I would like to wish you and your family a very special and memorable Christmas from my family to yours. Take care and enjoy the rest of your holiday.