Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year To You All

In just a few more hours 2007 will be no more.  I wanted to be amongst the first to wish you a happy, healthy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank you again from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring of love and support that I received from so many of you during what, for me,  has been the worst year of my life.  You will never know just how much your comments, your e-mails, your cards uplifted me.  I have kept every single card and will continue to do so.  My family were moved as well and they came to realise what a very special place J-Land is.

So here we are, all perched on the edge of the unknown.  Nobody knows what 2008 will bring us.  Nobody knows what 2008 will bring to the World.  We can only go forward with hope and optimism that this brand New Year will see much better times for everyone and for this planet upon which we live, put our trust in the Lord and keep our faith strong.

I go into 2008 with a little more apprehension than I have done in any other previous turning of the year.  That is natural due to my medical appointments in the Spring when I find out if I have my first year "all clear."  but I intend to put those to the back of my mind, carry on as normal and pray that all will turn out well.

For those of you suffering from any form of illness my New Year wish for you is that you see great improvements in your health. For all those with family or financial worries I wish an easing of your burdens. Love one another, be kind to one another. Do a good turn for someone whenever you can.

For all of us I wish peace.  For the world I wish peace even if it does seem a forlorn hope.

For those of you who will be attending parties, seeing in 2008 with family and friends, have lots of fun.

To our Scottish friends, I wish Happy Hogmanay. Lang may your lum reek.

So, dear friends and readers, Mike, my family and I wish only the best for you all in this brand New Year.

Happy 2008.

P.S. Photographs and journal links have now been added to


May I suggest that you put it on your alerts and that way you will be able to read any new postings members enter. Remember you can all add to this journal - your own memories of a particular journaller/journallers, a poem, a graphic -  it is an open blog.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Quiet Saturday

I chose this graphic today because it reminds me that winter does not last forever and soon the blooms will burst forth again.

I am glad you all liked the photo of my crystal flowers that I posted yesterday.  They now have pride of place on top of our television.

It seems as though Christmas is already a distant memory. However, we are still getting Christmas cards arriving in the post and I would like to thank Gayla for hers.  Out of the blue I had one from a friend I knew on the computer several years ago and lost touch with.  Naturally, I had not sent one to him and his wife as I never expected to hear from them again.  Feel quite bad about that but I will be dropping him a line.

I was sad to read today of another young child killed by a dog.  Apparently a seven year old girl was carrying a one year old boy in her arms and took him out into the yard of her Grandparents' house to pat their Rottweiler.  Nobody can know what truly happened but the dog sprang at her and snatched the little boy and mauled him.  He died of his injuries later in the day.  The dog was destroyed.  Whether the animal was a guard dog or not I simply do not know but I wish that people would understand that young children should never be left alone with dogs.  Any breed can turn, the wild is never completely bred out of canines. 

I have let many of you know by e-mail about a new journal that was started by Sunny (blazensun) in memory of all those we have lost in J-Land. For those of you not on my e-mail list I am going to post the link here.  It is an open journal, any of us can post on it, add our own little memories or thoughts, it is also for J-Land members who have lost family, they can be added as well.  It was a lovely idea, thank you Sunny.  I hope that if any of you know of any departed journaller who has been overlooked you will add them to this memorial.  Here is the link


Well, that is about all from me.  I am going to cosy up with my book, a ghost story I am reading that I got for Christmas.  We had torrential rain last night but now it has subsided into just strong winds and is very chilly.

Wishing you all, dear friends and readers, a good weekend.


Friday, December 28, 2007


I do not have a lot to write about today.  It has been very quiet here since Christmas Day.

The weather is rough, strong and very cold winds and the sky is so grey and miserable.  I think J-Land is still very subdued from the losses over the festive period.

I am glad that you all liked the picture of Nathan and Daniel.  Mike has enlarged it and it is now in a frame.  When the decorations come down it will be up on our wall.

Oh, I never did get to go to the moon although Nathan assures me that he went lol.

I did tell you that I received a couple of crystal flowers for presents and I am going to put a picture on for you.  It does not really do them justice because the photo was taken in daylight.  You should see them glitter under electric light and they certainly will when the sun shines on them - that is when we get any sun!  They will go on the top of our t.v. after the small Christmas tree on there has been removed.

They speak of the promise of Spring when everything is reborn fresh and new and Mother Nature dons her finery after the dark days of winter.

Anyway, I love them. So, without further ado, here is the photo

The newspapers are full of gloom and doom.  I think everyone will be glad when this particular year is over.

Well, that's about all for now.  I hope life is being kind to you all.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our Urchins

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Day.  Today is a quiet day for us, just the two of us together munching on yesterday's left-overs.

We had a lovely day with our family.  Nathan and Daniel were a delight as usual, both so good.  They loved their presents. Nathan told me, on the quiet, that today he is going on a spaceship. When I asked him where he was going he replied "the moon."  I asked him if Mummy and Daddy and Daniel were going as well to which he replied yes.  I asked about us.  "Course you are coming Nanny and so is Grand-dad."  I am still waiting for blast-off!  They both entertained us with their singing and dancing.  I also got told at regular intervals throughout the day by Nathan "I like presents."

I had some lovely gifts.  A book, a DVD,  a collection of four CD's of old Music Hall songs which I love, a beautiful soft pale blue jumper, a crystal Hyacinth and a crystal Daffodil (I love crystal) and I might well post a picture of them next time,  a cushion with a cat like Leo on it, a talking book, a large diary and some toiletries from our friend and 92 year old neighbour, Vera.  Our journal friend Sandra, sent me a beautiful wind chime which we already have hanging up in our sunlounge.  Thank you so much Sandra and Mike has asked me to thank you and Jim for his present.

We all did very well for gifts and the food was lovely.  All in all a very nice day.

I also had an extra little present handed to me by the boys.  A photograph, different to any we have had before.  The boys in period costume.  They are not smiling but it is a beautiful photo and when I saw it a real lump came to my throat.

They look the parts.  Daniel seems to have a sort of confidence, a look of "I belong here, do not mess with me."  It reminds me so of the Artful Dodger in Oliver Twist although Daniel is the youngest of the two as you know. Nathan, on the other hand looks like Oliver Twist himself -  apprehensive, uncertain, wanting to get back to Mr. Brownlow. The poses and looks compliment each other so well.  On the other hand they could be merely a couple of Victorian street urchins caught by a photographer of the time.  I will leave it up to you, dear friends and readers, what do you think?

Anyway, we are going to enlarge the photo and it will be hanging on our wall in the near future.

Well, that is about all the news. We are just going to have a relaxing day doing nothing in particular but very much looking forward to watching The Old Curiosity Shop on t.v. tonight.  It has an excellent write-up and I am an ardent fan of Dickens.

I hope none of you have hang-overs and that you did not over indulge on food.  So, that is Christmas over for another year.  It goes so very fast.

With love to you all,

PS.  This Christmas has seen the passing of two journallers, Lahoma and Kim.  They both put up such brave fights and were an inspiration to so many.    Please leave your condolences and support for their families at

Lahoma's Laments

I shaved my legs for this?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Our Christmas Message To You All

To all my friends in J-Land, my family and I wish you a wonderful Christmas bathed in the love of your family and friends.

For those of you sick, I wish you the restoration of good health, for those of you down and depressed, I wish you upliftment of spirit, for those of you lonely I wish you to know that you are surrounded by the love of J-Land and above all by the love of God.  Let us all remember those for whom Christmas is a sad and lonely time, those with nobody to care and share.

MY gift to you all is my friendship now and always. It does not cost money, it does not come in fancy wrapping but it comes straight from my heart and my soul.

I want to share a special video with you.  Some of you have already seen it  from a posting I did on the Sisters In Christ journal.  Some of you might have seen it on YouTube.  It is a video I have played again and again.  I love the song and the words never fail to touch me deeply.

We live in a very material world, a troubled world, a world ever changing. Many forget the true meaning of Christmas - Christ's Mass - when we celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

That is central to Christmas, it is why we have Christmas and it is something we should remember, not just at this time of year but always.

So, please take a minute away from your preparations, away from any stress and strain and sit back and let the wonderful words and the wonderful message and images wash over you.

Once again, Merry Christmas my dear friends and readers.

Friday, December 21, 2007

From All Our Boys - Merry Christmas!

Firstly, from the two most special boys in our lives.  Nathan and Daniel would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. They are eagerly looking forward to a visit from Santa Claus.

We must not forget our other boys so here are Jesse and Jack to send you good Christmas wishes. They are awaiting the arrival of Santa Dog.

Lastly from Leo who grows ever more like the Cheshire Cat from Alice In Wonderland every day.  It's the first Christmas for him, he wonders if there is a Santa Moggie!

So from our five "boys"  - wishing you a Merry Christmas with lots of happiness and joy. The last three also send their woofs and meows to all J-Land pets and say to remember that a pet is for life not just for the holiday season. Please think of all the homeless animals and help if you can.

Thank you for all the good wishes for Daniel.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Latest News

Yesterday I had my appointment with the Diabetic nurse.  My blood results were back.  They turned out to be better than any of us had expected.   The three monthly retrospective figure was nowhere near as high as we all thought it would be.  Also it showed that my cholesterol is low, my liver and kidney function is fine.  So they have no idea why the readings are running high at the moment.  Anxiety does play some part in that I was told.

It does mean an increase in both my diabetic medications because they need to reduce my sugars  but I can cope with that. 

My blood pressure was even lower than it had been last week so no increase in the medication there. 

I was able to have a long chat with the nurse who re-assured me on quite a few things.  She also recommended that I see the doctor in the New Year about changing from Tamoxifen.  I do not do well on it.  The nurse said it is known to cause anxiety and because I suffer with chronic anxiety anyway, it is making the situation worse.  So I go into a vicious circle.  I am anxious, I take my blood sugars, they are high so I become even more anxious which pushes them higher still and around and around I go.

I am phasing the increased meds in slowly so it is not too much of a shock to the system.  I ask you to send out good thoughts for me  that this increase in medication will do the trick and my Diabetes will soon be well controlled again.

Daniel also had his appointment with the facial surgeon at Great Ormond Street hospital.  Surgery has been decided upon and he will be going in for his operation early in January.  At least there will not be too long a wait.  I know you will continue to hold him in your prayers.  This has been going on for such a long time now and, at last, something is going to be done.

The sun is shining very brightly today, it does not seem like Christmas is almost upon us.  There seems very little Christmas cheer around around and about at the moment, everybody looked so miserable when I was out yesterday.

I thank everyone who has sent us Christmas cards.  How nice it is to get something pleasant in the post each morning.

I do not really have a lot to write about except for what I have already told you.  I might start wrapping some presents today, I always have to be in the mood for that, so we shall see.

Well, the washing is finished, time to get it out of the machine and then have another cup of tea.  Hope everything is well with you all.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

E-mail Addresses On Journals

After I posted my entry yesterday, some of you commented that people have always been able to find out our AOL addresses as it does not take a lot of working out.

However, my point is that, never before, have people been given carte blanche to troll through as many journals as they wish collecting e-mail addresses that, in normal circumstances, they might never have found or known about and then using those collected addresses for any unpleasant purpose.

This is what I think is so very wrong.  That is why I have voiced a stiff complaint to journalseditor and I know that others have done the same.

Monday, December 17, 2007


I left a comment on Donna's Journal (Nightmaremom) - link on my side bar.

As you will have seen when you post a comment on somebody's journal, your e-mail address appears with it.  Donna has already put out a warning about people being contacted by others who have nothing to do with journals but now have access to our e-mail addresses.

I received this

I am Jibbie and I live in PENSACOLA.  I was reading the Journal entry and saw your comment.  I've belonged to AOL for 11 years, but recently I found out about SPARKPEOPLE, which is a web site to help lose weight which is FREE.  Weight Watchers and eDiets are two other sites that both charge something like $15/mo and I couldn't afford that, but this is FREE and has a large number of members now.  The man who started it sold his on-line business to eBAY for $25 million and used $5 million of it to help people on SPARKPEOPLE to reach goals.  I thought with the New Year coming up you might want to get into shape, so wanted to say that I'll invite you to SPARKPEOPLE if you'd like to check it out.  I've lost 19# since I joined and will get to my goal with all the help I now have.
Now this may seem relatively harmless and of course, I am deleting, but this feature now leaves all of us open to abuse in all sorts of ways.
This feature should never have been introduced.  I shall be writing to the journals editor making a complaint.
If you think, as I do, that this feature should be removed and our privacy protected, then please write also to journals editor and voice your opinion strongly.  A lot of hurt and upset can come about through this.  I was against it from the start.
If we wanted people to have our e-mails we would give them but we would be selective and pick and choose carefully.  Now they are open to any Tom, Dick or Harry.
I hope you will all speak up against it. Please write to journalseditor.
P.S. If you read the previous comments you will see that one person received an e-mail because of this trying to scam her out of money.  It has to be stopped.   Our privacy should be protected.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Slide-Show

I am glad that you enjoyed the pictures of our indoor decorations in daylight which I posted yesterday.  The red flower garlands and the vase of flowers you saw then are courtesy of my friend Cindy in the U.S. who sent them to me a couple of months ago.

I have made up a slide-show of our lights at night, some of our neighbouring lights and some Christmas pictures.  I hope that you enjoy it.

If you wish to hear the music, please ensure that you have your speakers on. The Carol at the beginning is a favourite of mine - The Seven Joys Of Mary.


I hope you enjoyed that and it brought you some Christmas Cheer.

Wishing you all a good weekend.

URGENT WARNING.  A little while ago I received an e-mail that seemed as if it was from AOL.  I had recently downgraded my service so I thought it was genuine.  Luckily I had the presence of mind to contact live help.  The email stated that they had been unable to process my recent payment and that unless I verified my details within 48 hours, my account would be suspended.  This is a hoax, my account was checked and found to be in good order with no problems.  I urge you, if you receive this email to forward it to  Do not follow the instructions on the e-mail. Please warn all your friends and family on AOL.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Some Decoration Photos

Hello my friends,

Sharing some pictures with you today of our Christmas decorations.  They were taken in daylight (if you can call today's sky daylight!) and my camera is not as good as Mike's but it will give you a flavour of what our home looks like.

Mike will take some night shots later today or tomorrow. We miss not having our big tree up this year but now that we have a table and chairs in our sunlounge there simply is not room for a six foot tree.  We have a three foot one actually on the table and it looks very pretty at night.

We have foil decorations hanging from the ceilings in both rooms but you cannot see those on the photographs. Well, you can see a couple in the reflection from the mirror, but not all of them.

Mike has bought another small set of twinkling lights to put up outside the front door.  The Clematis needs cutting down for the winter so he will put the lights on the trellis that supports that. 

So apart from wrapping the presents we are finished with the preparations as far as we know.  The family are coming to us on Christmas Day so there will be the cooking to do but it will be wonderful to have them here and to see Nathan and Daniel full of fun opening their presents.

I went for my blood tests this morning.  O.K. getting there, felt a bit wonky afterwards until I had eaten something on returning home.  It was bitterly cold.  The woman who took my blood was very nice and it looks as if this time I will not have an arm turning black and blue which is what normally happens.

I have an appointment to see the Diabetic nurse next Tuesday afternoon and we are both hoping that the hospital will have the results by then. She says she will phone them if they have not been sent back to the surgery.

I truly want to be able to enjoy Christmas, not have to worry too much about my sugars.  Not that I am going to go mad.  I cut down on all Christmas food as soon as I became diabetic but the nurse has told me to enjoy myself regardless and not to worry for one day.  Easier said than done.

So my friends, I am asking you to send out good wishes, good vibrations and prayers that the results will not be too bad and that it will only mean an increase in my current medication and not the start of injections which is what I fear the most.  I am going to be very apprehensive next Tuesday as you can imagine.

If it is just an increase in meds then I can at last relax and hopefully go into the New Year in a much more positive frame of mind and put what has been a horrendous year behind me and hoping the cancer is behind me also.

Off to have lunch now.  Hope you are all doing well with your Christmas preparations.


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Lights

I see from your comments yesterday that most of you agreed with my rant.  There were those that said custom and tradition is still strong in their areas, I am glad of that. However, do not be complacent, it is an ever spreading menace.  Things are changing.

Nathan's concert went well yesterday and Daniel is having his on Thursday.  You should hear that boy bellow a song, he certainly has a loud voice.

Now for some Christmas lights.  The first picture is of our outside lights.  We are limited on what we can do on a small bungalow but they are adequate and look much better in real life than they do on a photo.  The other photos are of our visit from Santa (collecting for charity) and some of our neighbours' lights.  They can do more because they live in houses.  Lots of mixed types of properties around here.

We have not yet got around to taking photos of our inside decorations, hope to do that in the next couple of days. Some of the old favourite things come out but we do try to vary a little from year to year.

All our Christmas cards have been sent. There are only the ones to neighbours to hand deliver. We shall get the presents wrapped soon so that we can sit back and relax a little. Always used to leave everything to the last minute but now we are older we prefer to get it all done.

The only present left to buy is a new collar for - well I cannot call him little Leo because he is getting very big.  We already have stockings for Jesse and Jack and Leo.  Leo recently presented us with his fourteenth mouse.  Strange thing is he does not kill them.  He carries them in, lets them go in the hall and then runs after them, round and round.  Mike has managed to catch and release all but one.  Alas, that one died, probably of fright because there was not a mark on it.  Let us hope the other thirteen are not all the same mouse that keeps getting caught again and again.  Leo should have been a ship's cat!

Hope you enjoyed the photos.  Now for a nice cup of tea.


Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Musings

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I wish the weather was really like this.  It would be preferable to the torrential rain and gale force winds we have at the moment.

Mike has asked me to thank you all for the Birthday wishes you sent him, he was very touched.

Now for a bit of a rant.  I was reading in the newspaper recently that undertakers are now using pallbearers less and less.  Neither family, friends or undertaking staff are going to be allowed to do it in the future.  Why?  Health and Safety regulations.  Someone might hurt their back.

More and more towns are dispensing with Christmas lights. Why?  Health and Safety. The lights could fall and injure somebody.

Children are no longer allowed to play the age old game of Conkers.  Same reasons as above.

Children are no longer being able to take part in Nativity plays.  Why?  Political correctness, it might offend other religions.  Office workers are told they cannot send religious cards to one another for the same reason.  The Christian religion is not taught in schools for fear of offending. Whether you are a believer or not, Christian principals are good standards to live by and children should be taught them early in life.  After all this is a Christian country. I have lived by those teachings all my life and have always known right from wrong and to honour my fellow men and women and to do good where I can.

Oh my friends, I could go on and on.  The list is endless.  Is this the land in which I was born and which I have always loved ? - no, not any more.

Christmas is no longer a celebration of the birth of Christ. Christmas nowadays has little or nothing to do with religion at all.  Three out of four children do not know where Jesus was born or who He was. 

What a sad state affairs.  What have we come to?  People mock at the "good old days" saying there was never such a thing but, believe me there was.  When I was a child there was none of this nonsense.  We loved the nativity plays, the carol singing, the Christmas Story which was central to the festive season.  You did not start preparing for Christmas (apart from the puddings and cake) until a week before.  That was a week of great excitement and joy. The Turkey was not purchased until Christmas Eve and all fruit and vegetables were bought fresh on that day as well.

Now Christmas starts at the end of September.  It is just an exercise in economics.  People getting into debt and spending the New Year paying it all off.

We are being turned into a Nanny state where we are told all the time what we can do and what we cannot do.  Children can no longer play in the streets for fear of abduction.  Children can no longer play the games they did for fear of injury.  We also live in a "someone might sue me" society.   The land I love has changed beyond all recognition and not for the better.

Where is our patriotism.  Why should we be ashamed to fly our own flag?  I have nothing against immigrants.  They have been coming to this country for hundreds of years and many have enrichced our culture - but never before have they come in such numbers.  Never before have they been responsible for slowly destroying our customs and traditions.  We are gradually being stripped of everything.

I hate to think what it will be like when Nathan and Daniel are men.  Maybe there will not be  a Christmas then, maybe it will have been abolished and some multi-faith festival  will take its place.  Like I said, a sad state of affairs but these are just my opinions.

O.K. rant over.

I made my appointment for the blood tests this morning.  The earliest they can do it is Friday morning at 8.20 a.m.  I could have it done sooner if I went to the hospital but believe me that would be impossible.  You often have to wait there for three hours in an endless queue.  Last time I went I was number 396!  For a standard blood test I could do it but not for a fasting one.  The diabetic nurse told me to get an appointment at near to 8 a.m. as possible, came straight home, take my diabetic medication and eat.  So the hospital is out of the question.

This now means my medication will not be sorted in time for Christmas, short of a miracle.  Tests done Friday.  They take a week to come back making that the following Friday.  Then I have to make an appointment with the nurse but she finishes up for the festive season on the Thursday of next week.  That takes us into Christmas week.  So it is very doubtful it will all be done in time and it will be hanging over my head throughout Christmas.  Still, I take it one day at a time. No good worrying - that will not change anything.

Anyway, I must away.  We are looking after Daniel this afternoon and he will be here in a few minutes.  Nathan had his singing concert  (carols not allowed)  at nursery school this morning and I am waiting to hear all about it.

Have a good week my friends.


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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sunday Birthday

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Late in the day but I wanted to once more wish my wonderful Mike a very Happy Birthday. 

He is 70 years young today. The family were over and we had a lovely time and Mike received some really nice gifts.

We spent Friday and yesterday getting all our Christmas decorations up at last (late for us this year) so the house looked so pretty for today and, of course, Nathan and Daniel just loved it.

I spent an hour with the diabetic nurse on Friday evening and we were able to chat about everything. She is not increasing my medication until I have some blood tests. Have to book an appointment tomorrow to have them done.  I hate these because it has to be fasting.  It is strange that I never want to eat after 10p.m. at night unless I am having this particular test.  It is sod's law that when you are told you cannot do something, that is when you crave to do it.  I also cannot take any of my medication, so I know it will not be easy.  I have felt faint on the last two occasions I have had this test - but it has to be done.

The results should be back very close to Christmas.  Based on those results she will know exactly how much to increase my medication.

Dean and Becky are away next weekend to Butlins where Father Christmas will be visiting.  Nathan is very excited about it.

So, the house is decorated inside and outside.  Hope to get some pictures soon. Hopefully, when these blood tests are out of the way I can relax a little more.

I would like to wish the other Jeannette a very Happy Birthday as she shares it with Mike.

So, Happy Birthday dearest Mike and many many happy returns. I hope the year until your next Birthday brings you nothing but joy and happiness.

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thank You So Much

Mike and I would like to thank all those who left Anniversary wishes for us yesterday.  It was so nice for both of us to sit and read through them.

We had a nice, if quiet day.  Becky and the boys were over and Dean was able to spend a few minutes as well.  Nathan told me he loved me lots and that was a wonderful present to have.

I know you will all wish me luck tomorrow when I go to see the Diabetic nurse in an attempt to get my blood sugars sorted.  The worst thing about it is that my appointment is not until late evening, just when we are normally having our dinner and I have all day to become even more apprehensive.  I actually had to see the doctor last Tuesday morning regarding another matter and, on checking my blood pressure, he found that elevated as well even though I am on medication.  Everything seems to have gone to pot with me at the moment.

It will probably mean a total rethink of all my medication and I am only praying that I do not have to go on insulin.  To say this has been a bad year is an understatement!

Anyway, I can only take it as it comes.  I have gone completely off the subject.  I came on here to thank you from both of us.  We feel that you are all extended family.

So, thank you for helping make our day even more special.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

For My Beloved Mike

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Dear Mike,

On this day we celebrate 37 years of married life.  It has flown by so fast.

In these years we have built up so many memories, shared much laughter and many tears.  We met in circumstances different to most people, I remember now with a full heart how many times you asked me to marry you.  I always said no.  You said you would never give up, you would keep asking, you knew we were meant to be together.  You were right. Even though both our families were against our getting wed they also came to know you were right and my parents looked upon you as if you had been their own son and I will never forget the kindness and help you gave to them.   I am so glad that I eventually said yes.

For many years of our marriage we were apart a great deal due to your work, those were not easy years for either of us but we stuck with it. We struggled to build a home.  I know you remember, as I do,  that when we wed, we had nothing, our furniture was second-hand, we had no carpets on the floor.  We waited three years to be able to purchase a three piece suite.  Times were hard but we were blessed with a beautiful daughter in the first year of our marriage.

Now we are blessed with two wonderful Grandsons. We have had many ups and downs and life has not always been easy.  But you have always been there for me, always been my rock, always done whatever you could for me.

Now, in what should be our golden years, I have developed many health problems.  You do so much for me, things that I used to be able to do but now cannot do any longer.  You remain my rock.  You never complain.  You simply say that if the situation was reversed, you know I would do the same for you.

We continue to weather the storms together.  I want you to know that I could not have found a better husband.  Kind, gentle, considerate, patient, always willing to help others, liked by all who know you.

So, my darling, on our special day, I just want to tell you that you mean the world to me.  I love you as much today as the day I walked down the aisle on your arm as your wife.

There is no greater gift in this world than love and you have given me that in abundance.  God bless you for being you.


All my love now and forever,
