Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Latest News

Yesterday I had my appointment with the Diabetic nurse.  My blood results were back.  They turned out to be better than any of us had expected.   The three monthly retrospective figure was nowhere near as high as we all thought it would be.  Also it showed that my cholesterol is low, my liver and kidney function is fine.  So they have no idea why the readings are running high at the moment.  Anxiety does play some part in that I was told.

It does mean an increase in both my diabetic medications because they need to reduce my sugars  but I can cope with that. 

My blood pressure was even lower than it had been last week so no increase in the medication there. 

I was able to have a long chat with the nurse who re-assured me on quite a few things.  She also recommended that I see the doctor in the New Year about changing from Tamoxifen.  I do not do well on it.  The nurse said it is known to cause anxiety and because I suffer with chronic anxiety anyway, it is making the situation worse.  So I go into a vicious circle.  I am anxious, I take my blood sugars, they are high so I become even more anxious which pushes them higher still and around and around I go.

I am phasing the increased meds in slowly so it is not too much of a shock to the system.  I ask you to send out good thoughts for me  that this increase in medication will do the trick and my Diabetes will soon be well controlled again.

Daniel also had his appointment with the facial surgeon at Great Ormond Street hospital.  Surgery has been decided upon and he will be going in for his operation early in January.  At least there will not be too long a wait.  I know you will continue to hold him in your prayers.  This has been going on for such a long time now and, at last, something is going to be done.

The sun is shining very brightly today, it does not seem like Christmas is almost upon us.  There seems very little Christmas cheer around around and about at the moment, everybody looked so miserable when I was out yesterday.

I thank everyone who has sent us Christmas cards.  How nice it is to get something pleasant in the post each morning.

I do not really have a lot to write about except for what I have already told you.  I might start wrapping some presents today, I always have to be in the mood for that, so we shall see.

Well, the washing is finished, time to get it out of the machine and then have another cup of tea.  Hope everything is well with you all.


Anonymous said...

That is very good news about your tests.  To say you have had a stressful year is an understatement, but maybe that is what has pushed up your sugar. I hope this increase in your meds does indeed sort out this problem for you.
Sorry to hear that they have decided to operate on little Daniel, but hopefully this will sort out his problem once and for all.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers Jeanette.
Have a good Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Even though your medications had to be increased I'd say it does sound like a good report which should relieve some of the tension you are feeling.  You and your family are in my prayers and Little Daniel will have some special ones sent up just for him. May our dear Lord bless you all this Chirstmas and through the coming year.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I am always keeping you and Daniel in my prayers... more on the way.  I hope the Christmas spirit catches up with you, and you do your wrapping!  Just looking at that top tag puts me in the mood!

be well,

Anonymous said...

I'm pleased your blood results were fine, Jeannette. Will continue to keep Daniel in thoughts at this time.


Anonymous said...

Good news is great this time of year, glad you are well!And give my love to Daniel, Beckie x

Anonymous said...

Good news from your blood tests........a ray of sunshine at last.  Will continue to pray for Daniel and hope everything goes well for him in the New Year.  Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you, Mike and your family, plus the animal family too.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

That sounds like good news Jeannette ~ glad you got to have a long chat with the nurse hope she was able to ease some of your worries ~ will keep Daniel in my thoughts and hope everything will go well for him ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

i`m realy pleased that your results were so good,   `less stress for you`
and good news about daniel not having to wait to long
take care my friend

Anonymous said...

Very pleased to hear you got your results back and the news was positive, and the change of medication in the New Year to help your anxiety, but as you say you've had a lot on your plate this year. Good news that Daniel will have his operation in January, must be a great relief to your daughter and son in law.
Take care


Anonymous said...

Good news, that's wonderful!
Keeping all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

just thought I'd stop bye and say hi and miss ya. JUNE

Anonymous said...

welll its good news your health issues are doing so well. that should be the happiest thing of all and you have your grandchildren too. if finally cold here but we are not getting any snow. sure would love some

Anonymous said...

Thats great news Jeannette. . much more better than you were thinking .And Daniel will be in the prayers too,hes so little to be having surgery .

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a lovely Christmas Jeannette and things continue to improve in the New Year - all the best to the little one.


Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE)))))))))))))))))I am glad things seem to be working well with you.Merry Christmas to you all.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad things with you are good!  I'm also glad Daniel will finally have surgery.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,  That is something positive to be thankful for Jeanette.  even if they have to increase your medication for the blood sugar level, that wouldn't be so bad after all you have been through this past year. (My great niece who is now almost 15 is having a lot of problems getting her levels "normal" she is on 3 injections a day but the last one at night seems to be doing the's complicated in that she is celeac as well so her diet is a bit restricted)   I am so glad that Daniel has got an appointment for January not so long a wait for you all.  Much Love  sybil x

Anonymous said...

I am glad that your test results were better than you thought they would be. Praying that all will go well with Daniel in his surgery. Helen

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, good news on the test results dear. Try to keep calm and not allow yourself to get over anxietied, that can cause so many problems for anyone when it comes to health situations. Will keep you and your Daniel is my special thoughts and prayers dear.  Bless you.   Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

So pleased to hear that your bloods came back better than expected...You're so right it is a vicious circle and perhaps once you are off the tamoxifen they won't vary so much...Fingers crossed for that anyways...And fingers crossed that the increase in meds works for now...Daniel will be in my prayers...It is bitterly cold here and very very frosty...It looks christmassy but i don't...I just can't be bothered with it all just now    Caff xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear of your good results!   Also glad the surgery will be sooner than later...thinking about him still of course.


Anonymous said...

I am glad you don't have to take the shots.
Anxiety does strange things to our bodies.  Hope they get something to help yours, so you feel better.
Have a nice evening.

Anonymous said...

im glad you got positive results on your tests.

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear you're staying busy.  Sending powerful positive thoughts straight to you and Daniel for every stone in the road to be cleared before you get there.  xoxo CATHY

Anonymous said...

Good news for you and am sending all good thoughts for Daniel, bless his little heart.  Hugs, Tells x

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to hear your tests were more pleasing that you had anticipated - how wonderful for you.  I am beginning to understand about anxiety attacks and how they can wreak havoc on the body & mind.  I have to agree with you on the fact that it doesn't feel much like Christmas ~ I echo the fact that most folks I see do indeed look unhappy.
Prayers are with you & Daniel.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news Jeannette!  That's a relief..isn't it?
i'm praying for you and Daniel.  And won#t let up until I hear different.
Jeanie xxx

Anonymous said...

Take care Jeanette and have a great Christmas Kathie.

Anonymous said...

 good  news          im  glad  your  results so good.       have  a  lovely  christmas       you  are  in  my  prayers       take  care         mort  xxx

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your news Jeannette...... Good Luck for Daniel

hugs Jayne

Anonymous said...

Hi, not sure if you remember me or not.  I've been fading in and out of j-land a bit.  Summers are rough for me as that is my high season for my business.  Now, I have time on my hands and I'm out visiting once again.

I'm also diabetic and was able to relate to what you were writing.  I'm glad your numbers were down and looking good.  Keep up the good efforts!  There is so much to live for, especially all those boys in your family. :-)


Anonymous said...

I hope this new medication or increase of medication does indeed to the trick for your diabetes. I have several family members that are diabetics so my sister and I watch it closely. Neither one of us have developed diabetes yet, but it doesn't mean we can't. My prayers and thoughts are with you
I'm happy that Daniel will be having his surgery. It looks like we both we will be having our surgeries at the same time. He will be in my thoughts and prayers also )

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeannette !!!!!

I wanted to come by and wish you a very Merry Christmas. I do hope that you received the Christmas card I sent you in the mail. I also hope that you are feeling better. I hope you get to enjoy all of the Christmas holiday. It is almost Christmas already. I was meaning to come by and leave you a comment. It is always nice to come and read your journal. Do take care of yourself. Please say hello to your family for me. Do know that I am thinking of you all in Georgia.

Happy Holidays !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette good to hear the results were good ,Hope things go well for you health wise in the new year and keeping little Daniel in my prayers too ,Wishing you all a great Christmas,Thinking of our dear Friend Christine  at this time ....with love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that your blood results were good this time. I've heard that Tamoxifen doesn't suit everyone, let's hope they find something which won't add to the anxiety. I'll say a prayer for Daniel that his surgery will work, it's very worrying when children go into hospital but I'm certain he'll be OK, kids are so resilient. Jeannette xx