After I posted my entry yesterday, some of you commented that people have always been able to find out our AOL addresses as it does not take a lot of working out.
However, my point is that, never before, have people been given carte blanche to troll through as many journals as they wish collecting e-mail addresses that, in normal circumstances, they might never have found or known about and then using those collected addresses for any unpleasant purpose.
This is what I think is so very wrong. That is why I have voiced a stiff complaint to journalseditor and I know that others have done the same.
I understand what you are saying...
things are going from bad to worse on AOL but it's still the easiest to negotiate for me and that's why i stick with it...
thanks for bringing it to our attention! Beckie x
((((((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE))))))))))))))))Thank you for your info.Have a nice day.
If you make your Journal private they cant do that. if you go to others journals who are public you can use a private screen name a different one. But its always been available to see email addys. I have been told that this was an inside job possibly. someone who could get into the journals in the first place is what someone mentioned . now that would really be horrid if it was someone you knew and trusted and let in.
I agree with you Jeannette.I have just had an e. mail supposedly from AOL saying they are changing my services shortly and I do not know if it is from AOL or not so I have deleated it ? It makes me realy angry.Take Care God Bless Kath
I know what you meant and understand. Every day I read someone's comment about a scam of some sort going on. Being very careful is the way to go. If we see the aol symbol it still doesn't hurt to give a telephone call and check on what is happening. The rule is that aol never asks for a password. By the way I was able to make a comment today without giving one too. 'On Ya' - ma
In my view the addition of the email part is very redundant and it looks like it was put there to egg people on to email others. As other journalers have pointed out our log on names are our email names so I do not know why AOl thought it necessary to do what they have done? Some idiot sitting in a cubical thought of "hey, how do we get these people to interact more?" One more stupid, Sandi
I've written to the editor twice about the comment alerts....but no response.
Thank You for your kind comment Jeanette. I received an aol message too that I wasn't too sure about. Pam xx
I hate to hear when people use the Internet to cause problems for others for their own self-serving entertainment. I think they are ill and need help. I wish we could post these trolls to a public website and expose them. I feel they are cowards hiding behind computers! Ok, ask me what I really think, LOL.
and all they have to do is click and make the email appear somewhat legit....
Firstly I would like to say to Jibbie,you may be able to diet,but it would take alot of plastic surgery to close the mouth right? Secondly I agree with you Jeannette 100%,having recieved 12 emails of this nature in the last two days !! I thought I had won the lottery 3times,I needed help in cleaning my carpets twice,I had to have a Jamaican holiday 3 times in one day and yesterday,I apparently needed to take viagra to be a better lover......I too have complained but I have two words for you,Deaf and Ears !! I think we should fight back,perhaps block emailing the journals editor will do it,see if they like 150 emails a day about pointless rubbish !!
Zoe xx
I agree with you Jeannette. . .sorry I am so far behind commenting. . Ive been too busy buying viagra and having me boobs pumped up and me penis lengthened and getting a car on tick and collecting lotto money in South Africa. . . AOL is really bad for this lately.
You are 100% correct. And it was not EVER easy to find someones email address before now. You could click on someones screen name, but that didn't mean you could find their email address. You were just directed to their profile and there a person could make their email public or not. I didn't have mine public. Whoever said that it was easy to get someone's email is mistaken.
I also wrote in and asked AOL to take that off of there so people can't get our emails. If we bother them enough, they will listen to us. It's kind of creepy! I understand this is a public journal and all, but I don't like having my email made public.
Thank you so much for pointing this out Jeanette :)!
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