Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Musings

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I wish the weather was really like this.  It would be preferable to the torrential rain and gale force winds we have at the moment.

Mike has asked me to thank you all for the Birthday wishes you sent him, he was very touched.

Now for a bit of a rant.  I was reading in the newspaper recently that undertakers are now using pallbearers less and less.  Neither family, friends or undertaking staff are going to be allowed to do it in the future.  Why?  Health and Safety regulations.  Someone might hurt their back.

More and more towns are dispensing with Christmas lights. Why?  Health and Safety. The lights could fall and injure somebody.

Children are no longer allowed to play the age old game of Conkers.  Same reasons as above.

Children are no longer being able to take part in Nativity plays.  Why?  Political correctness, it might offend other religions.  Office workers are told they cannot send religious cards to one another for the same reason.  The Christian religion is not taught in schools for fear of offending. Whether you are a believer or not, Christian principals are good standards to live by and children should be taught them early in life.  After all this is a Christian country. I have lived by those teachings all my life and have always known right from wrong and to honour my fellow men and women and to do good where I can.

Oh my friends, I could go on and on.  The list is endless.  Is this the land in which I was born and which I have always loved ? - no, not any more.

Christmas is no longer a celebration of the birth of Christ. Christmas nowadays has little or nothing to do with religion at all.  Three out of four children do not know where Jesus was born or who He was. 

What a sad state affairs.  What have we come to?  People mock at the "good old days" saying there was never such a thing but, believe me there was.  When I was a child there was none of this nonsense.  We loved the nativity plays, the carol singing, the Christmas Story which was central to the festive season.  You did not start preparing for Christmas (apart from the puddings and cake) until a week before.  That was a week of great excitement and joy. The Turkey was not purchased until Christmas Eve and all fruit and vegetables were bought fresh on that day as well.

Now Christmas starts at the end of September.  It is just an exercise in economics.  People getting into debt and spending the New Year paying it all off.

We are being turned into a Nanny state where we are told all the time what we can do and what we cannot do.  Children can no longer play in the streets for fear of abduction.  Children can no longer play the games they did for fear of injury.  We also live in a "someone might sue me" society.   The land I love has changed beyond all recognition and not for the better.

Where is our patriotism.  Why should we be ashamed to fly our own flag?  I have nothing against immigrants.  They have been coming to this country for hundreds of years and many have enrichced our culture - but never before have they come in such numbers.  Never before have they been responsible for slowly destroying our customs and traditions.  We are gradually being stripped of everything.

I hate to think what it will be like when Nathan and Daniel are men.  Maybe there will not be  a Christmas then, maybe it will have been abolished and some multi-faith festival  will take its place.  Like I said, a sad state of affairs but these are just my opinions.

O.K. rant over.

I made my appointment for the blood tests this morning.  The earliest they can do it is Friday morning at 8.20 a.m.  I could have it done sooner if I went to the hospital but believe me that would be impossible.  You often have to wait there for three hours in an endless queue.  Last time I went I was number 396!  For a standard blood test I could do it but not for a fasting one.  The diabetic nurse told me to get an appointment at near to 8 a.m. as possible, came straight home, take my diabetic medication and eat.  So the hospital is out of the question.

This now means my medication will not be sorted in time for Christmas, short of a miracle.  Tests done Friday.  They take a week to come back making that the following Friday.  Then I have to make an appointment with the nurse but she finishes up for the festive season on the Thursday of next week.  That takes us into Christmas week.  So it is very doubtful it will all be done in time and it will be hanging over my head throughout Christmas.  Still, I take it one day at a time. No good worrying - that will not change anything.

Anyway, I must away.  We are looking after Daniel this afternoon and he will be here in a few minutes.  Nathan had his singing concert  (carols not allowed)  at nursery school this morning and I am waiting to hear all about it.

Have a good week my friends.


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Anonymous said...

It hurts me personally to know that i will never see one of my children in a nativity play, this year the school play is jack and the beanstalk, nothing festive about it at all.We get all sorts of people coming to live in britian and the councils have to build places for them to pray and have thier ceremonies but we cannot even fly a british flag or celebrate jesus, it makes me sick,If they want to come to britian and use our money and nhs they should be prepared to put up with our own traditions. Beckie x

Anonymous said...

All you have said it true Jeanette. I could never understand why a few people should be able to dictate what our countries can do. Enjoy Daniel this afternoon. I hope your blood test come out fine and that your visit to go get them turns out fine also. Helen

Anonymous said...

its simply infuriating that all these rules and sue happy people have stopped our fun and traditions that make one so  happy. no wonder there are so many shotings and such going on

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE))))))))))))))))Yes,it is very sad to see things taken away like this,specillay,all the htings you have mentioned.The birth of Jesus Christ,the meaning of Christmas,the pledge of aligence in schools.Why does it have to be this way?I dont understand any of it myself.I was also brought up,with knowing and beliving in God,ding the right thing.If I ever have kids,I will teach them the same things as well.Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette here in Wales we are still celebrating the nativity play in our schools. My grandchildren are singing carols, they are new carols a bit upbeat, but fun and praising the Lord.  Our Amelia has learned a lovely new carole and she sings it with actions.  I have video it and will try and post it if I can. Don't dispare its not everywhere. Kathie.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't you call now and make an appointment with the nurse for Friday afternoon, the day the results are due in?  Just a thought.  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

Loved your rant!  Preach on Sister!
To save that thing on my journal you have to go into html code, paste it and then go back into text.

Anonymous said...

It is the same here .  Everyday I read or hear about something else that is not allowed.  I'm truly sorry we have come to that.  I hope you have fun with Daniel today.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, a serious incident happened a few miles away from here, when Christmas street lighting fell onto a woman pushing a pram!  She was in hospital for 4 days, luckily the child escaped injury.  But I'm sure these events are rare and should not prevent us all from enjoying the Christmas lights.
I have very happy memories of a Christain youth, singing caroles in church was the highlight of the year.  I am no longer a believer so have lost all that, but I am in favour of keeping our Christian traditions.  Yes we should welcome other religions ( providing they do not break our laws) let us all rejoice in what we believe in, but never forgetting that we are first and foremost a Christian Country.
Happy belated birthday to Mike, and good luck with your hospital appointments.

every good wish

Anonymous said...

The electrician working on our bathroom was telling me he (it's his own firm) had been contracted to put up the Christmas lights in a smalltown market square near here.  New H&S rules prevented such displays as they usually have but he said he wasn't surprised as anything at all was liable to be pulled down by youths and drunken yobs - thus causing the very dangers they speak of.  Sad, I think.
Angie, x

Anonymous said...

It's a world gone mad I would love to know who is making these rules perhaps if kids ahd things to do they would use theor time in a more constructive fashion instead of the mess we now have!!! Sorry to hear about the blood tests being so far off. Have a great time with Daniel this afternoon, shame about the carol concert(oops, no traditonal hymns allowed ridiculous).
Take care my friend


Anonymous said...

My octogenarian husband, a miserable old git, has a favourite saying, `We've seen the best'.  For once I think he's right.

Anonymous said...

True Christmas is in the past I'm afraid.  I will continue to say Merry Christmas however.  When a clerk at a store says to me, "Happy Holidays", I always answer back with, "Don't you mean Merry Christmas?"  Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

Too True!
Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

How right you are ,I feel quite sorry for todays children nothing is magic anymore ,they have what they want all year round ,we had the build up ie rehearsals for nativity ,and carol concerts then carol singing all the church services then the big day ,and what a difference in the presents ,if you got a dolls pram ,last years doll went into it ,and my brother and sister and I had to wait in turn to get a big present ,if one had a bike one year ,it was the turn of some one else next year Looking forward to hearing about Nathans 'sing a long '!!! .bet you have fun with Nathan Jan xx

Anonymous said...

In respect of your rant, I couldn't agree more!  I too worry for today's children and what they are likely to inherit.  Hope you soon get sorted with your meds.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Just read about a Yorkshire hospital where the nurses have to provide fresh water and turn Muslims' beds towards Mecca in order for them to pray.......wait for it, FIVE times a day!!!!!!!!!!!  This should not be part of a nurse's job, no way.  There have been muslims here for years so why is it only rearing its head now.  I tend to think that it isn't the muslims at all, but some council jobsworth.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more on your rant. It's like that here in America, too. Our son has been raised in a private Christian school just for that reason. I wanted him to have the Christian foundation, and public schools don't do that. It shows in our society, too!
And I agree with you, I can't stand that they start advertising for Xmas in September! It's so soon that by the time the actual holiday arrives, I'm sick of it all! Then, I lose the true meaning of what it's about <sigh>.
I hope you get your medicines sorted out soon. Just take it easy, and enjoy your Christmas.

Anonymous said...

You are so right on with your entry.  I cannot help believe the reasons you have listed above are exactly why this world of ours has turned so ugly in recent years.  I refuse to be politically correct...if someone doesn't like my Merry Christmas too bad for them.  I have Merry Christmas on everything in my office, the door, my voicemail...and I am ending all of my business emails with it as well.  I am just waiting for someone to complain about it...I will tell them exactly how it is.  There were good old days, nobody will ever tell me different.  I hope your medication gets sorted out in a prompt fashion.  This is an excellent entry today.

Anonymous said...

My youngest Grandaughter goes to the COE school,the other s older now and in highter education.and they still have the nativity as my Eldest son at 39,who went to the same school as all my four children did all those years ago Jeannette.We still sing the carols too.Long may it reign. I try not to worry for the future of our  young generation today,because I feel they will not be as soft as we have been,and soon the tables will turn.Time will tell.The pleasure was mine to send Mike Greetings for his Birthday.I hope all your appointments go well.Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

Jeannette it's exactly the same way here in the USA.  I made a vow, I was going to say "Merry Christmas" to every clerk and sales staff I see.  And this is nothing new, it's been coming on for years.  My kids both went to private Christian schools thru the 6th grade and that was one of the reasons.  And my grandkids are homeschooled and of course are active at their church.  But most kids today and in the future will never know, "Silent Night," O Little Town of Bethlehem," and "Hark the Herald Angeles Sing."   We had an incident at the Seattle-Tacoma Intl Airport last year, that some religious groups were going to sue if the airport didn't take down the long row of trees wil twinkling white lights.  Just trees with twinkling down they came.  I couldn't believe it.  Maybe they hurry up your lab results...I'd at least ask them when you go on Friday. Linda in Washington state    

Anonymous said...

I, for one, am a big fan of "those good ol' days".   Rant accepted!


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with everything you have said Jeanette. I do have to say though that I don't always think it is the immigrants who might be upset with our Christmas I think it is the government who make these polically correct rules. It's just nonsense.  This is one of the reasons we moved. My son Adam goes to a Church of England School, the Church is on the doorstep, we have a Christingle service tomorrow night at the church, and we will definately be singing Carol's. And we did have good old days, I remember them!!!  Living where we do, Adam can go out and we don't worry where he is, all the kids just roam off, they climb trees, and they play conkers!!!
Sorry I've gone on a bit!!!
Anyway just like to say I love your opening graphic.
Sorry to hear that your meds will not be sorted until after Christmas.  That sucks.
Oh and tell me about the wind and the gales, we too have them!!!
Take care Jeanette

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeanette you are so right, it happens all the time across the pond too. I know exactly when it started too. One woman Madelyn Murray who did not believe in God brought suit against our entire school one was really aware of her black doings until she managed to win her case. The Supreme Court backed her up, you really don't want my opinion on those idiots. But what goes around, comes around Madelyn died an ignoble death no doubt begging God to save her. From what she accomplished all others have sprung like strangling weeds upon our society...doing nothing but tearing down our true foundations and replacing them with Big Brother.  Oh, boy you have me well, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Political correctness gone mad, I agree, Jeannette. Good luck with your appointments later this week.


Anonymous said...

Jeanett, Thanks for the rant...saved me writing almost the same message !!
We had the local primary school children coem over to Guild today to sing their Nativity SONGS...not a carol was to be heard...and that is a Cof E school. It was lovely though.  But I can't help but feel sad.  I am sure you will be well over Christmas even though you won't get the latest results..We will all be praying that it is so....Love  Sybil xxx

Anonymous said...

I think these stupid rules etc are the clipboard brigades work!
Also I think you should come to the surgery where I work ,you would get a much better service. I hope it is all sorted out soon. Glad Mike had a good birthday and I send him belated greetings. Louise xxx

Anonymous said...

My initial response to your entry was anger. You I think of as avery lovely and special kind friend but i did wonder what world you live in and I thank God I don't live in same one>The nativity play and carols abound in my area and I only send religous cards and am dissapointed when i don;t recieve them but love the sentiments anyway. I am sorry things have changed so much in your area and I just had to speak up for village life and things the way they used to be still DO exist in Merry old England if not all over. Thank you for my rant Love jennie
And so wishing you well with your test and I hope the results come in and get you sorted. I went for a blood test today and that rang a bell too but mine is for allergy testing

Anonymous said...

I was shocked and saddened by your post.
I hate to think of Christ being forgotten and all those stupid rules about pallbearers and such.  Christmas traditions should be kept as such.  How could it hurt anyone?  Love, laughter and prasing our lord and saviour?
I respect other religions but feel the same should be granted to us as well.  Doing songs,and cards and giving is done in love and giving, how can it be wrong?  If everyone would be kinder and more compassionate the world would be a much better place.
Good luck with your blood work, hope it comes back good.

Anonymous said...

It really curls my blood how what is in most instances a minority is dictating to the majority these days.  Common sense seems forgotten.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr don't even start me off on this one Jeannette.

I am with you 110% here.

<<<<<<< keeps mouth shut before she gets on her soapbox.

Sorry to hear that you are not going to be able to get the blood results back before Christmas........ i hope that you manage to enjoy it though.

Take care....hugs Jayne

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with all the rants in your entry.  I said some of the same things last year.  This year, because I'm not working in retail, it doesn't bother me as much.  But I miss the good old days also.  At least there's some of us around to remember them.  Joni

Anonymous said...

It is ridiculous...
and sad...

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your appointments later this week Jeannette.  I will be thinking of you.
What drivel that our Christian beliefs must be watered down to fend off upsetting those with different religions.
We are too amenable to allowing these changes and should begin turning our back on these PC idiots who want to change our way of life.  Soon we wont exist!
People emigrated here because they obviously liked our way of life and our values which run through our society. Why can't they be satisfied with accepting  our way of life as we do theirs, instead of some blank faced government PC bod making us change for them?
Nativities and Jesus should be back on the curriculum every year.  Use it or loose it they say!
Jeanie xx

Anonymous said...

In my opinion and the opinion of many others who live in my city our council has too MANY christmas lights up...This year they have gone well overboard with lights up on lamposts at nearly every major junction and on all the roundabouts as well as in the main city centre...The council is BROKE and on verge of bankruptcy and cutting back on essential services like education and care for elderly & disabled...We have a 2nd very large christmas tree all decorated with lights but stuck where hardly anyone sees it...The city is always gifted a tree from our twin city in norway every year just like London is...That tree is always at the end of the main street and can be seen by everyone...There is always a large display of lights down the main city centre street and on the side streets adjoining it...When they have no money and are having to cut back then they don't need to go out and buy more to dot about here there and everywhere...Many people decorate their own houses and gardens anyway or have lights up in the windows of their flats (like i do)...What i find really interesting about the media ranting on about Nativity plays being banned is why are many shops selling outfits for nativity plays this year if there are so few and far between...Asda and Matalan have kings, shepherds, stars, sheep, angels, mary and joseph outfits all ready made to buy very cheaply...It's all some higher ups thinking they are demanding what people of other religions want...And thing is the majority who are from other religions aren't bothered two hoots if a school has a nativity play, sends christian religion cards out etc or not...Our local chinese, indian, halal supermarket, african hairdressers etc all have christmas decorations up     Caff xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Also wanted to add this wee bit...Kids not going out to play is parents listening to the media and thinking there is some bloke on every corner that is going to abduct their kids...They don't listen to it being RARE, and it is RARE...The few people like that have always been around...They were around when i was a kid and they were around when my mum was a kid...But parents are panicking now and keeping their kids indoors and really spoiling their childhoods...It's so sad because it is making males scared of doing jobs like primary teaching, working as kids nurses, working as carers for kids and a whole list more...Because they are scared of being accused of being a paedophile :o( Sorry to hear you won't get your blood results back before Christmas :o(  My mum has her fasting tests done in her surgery by the practice nurse...Am far from ready for Christmas and need to get a move on  Caff xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, this is so well said. It is a real shame how the true meaning of christmas is forgotten and has become just a time for gifts and parties. No stories, no carolers, not even the words Merry Christmas are found in stores now. It's a real shame too. One day at a time, is what I do too. Take care and have a nice day. (((((hugs))))))
Love ya,
Cindy xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, the same things are happening here.  Everyone must be "politically correct".  The generic "Happy Holidays" is taking over.  I am afraid to punish my children beyond grounding them and they run rampant and are rude and disrespectful.  They do what I would never dare to do when I was a child.  Its becoming downright scary!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Its so sad that things are changing so .We are lucky at our school we are having nativaty plays carol services and the like .Like you say Christmas starts in September and its spoils it so much ,take care Jeanx