Monday, January 31, 2005

Bad Boys!


I promised you some more tales of my Brothers.  Before I do so here is a picutre that I was lucky enough to find on the web of Crickhowell taken around 1890. So, the property where I was born had quite a bit of history to it:

On the left, the property with the two big windows is the place of my birth.  You can see Table Mountain in the background and the Bear Hotel at the top of the street.  Here is how it looks today:

Basically it has not changed. The shop front under the two windows has been replaced but apart from that it is only the cars that make the difference.

Well, now some more stories of my brothers.

During the war, troops from many nations were stationed in and around Crickhowell as the Brecon Beacons or Black Mountains were considered an ideal training ground, rough terrain, weather changing in the blink of an eye and out of the public gaze so they could keep their secrets. Many of these troops would march through Crickhowell itself usually during the evenings and mostly after dark. As you can see from the above pictures, the home my family were living in was directly onto the street. Well, my brothers (and I think it was Geoff’s idea as always) decided to attach a weight to a piece of fishing line and hang it out of the window as the troops marched by and try to knock off a soldier’s hat! They would then duck quickly back inside, pulling the fishing wire up so that when the particular soldier look upwards, nothing was to be seen. They did this “trick” many times. Now and again my Mother would get an officer knocking on her door to complain but of course, she knew nothing about it and the whole thing seemed a mystery. Well, one evening they were up to their old antics yet again but this time my Mother heard loud giggling going on. She went into the room to find them crouched down before the open window, the fishing line hanging out. They had just achieved their objective when she entered. She flew to the window pulled them back and stuck her head out to see what they had been doing. Yes, the soldiers thought it was my Mother that had been knocking the hats off! She had some hasty explaining to do.

On another occasion my Mother had a visitor to tea. A very genteel old lady that she had come to know. During the visit, this old lady had to make a trip to the toilet. Geoff came home from being with a friend and immediately thought he would find Buddy. Assuming it was Buddy that was in the toilet, he flung wide the door and shouted a loud “Boo”. The elderly lady, who had just risen to arrange her clothes, immediately fell back into the toilet, shrieking like a Banshee, and got firmly stuck!!!! I think my Mother had to call for assistance to get her out.

After the boys were in bed at night my Mother used to love to sit and read and she was a great one for murder and ghost stories. On night she had read a particularly scary story. She was a little nervous when she turned out the downstairs lights because the place was very large, the wooden floors creaked and my brothers assured me it could be quite eerie. Geoff had decided to play another one of his jokes. He had taken a bolster from the bed, dressed it in male clothes, taken a ladder and climbed up to the landing skylight where he had suspended this dummy by a rope from the skylight. Can you imagine my poor Mother. Already uneasy she had turned the corner to see this “body” swinging in the moonlight!!!! She told me that Geoff could not sit down for a week.

Here they are, they look like a couple of tearaways don’t they - the dead end kids.

Geoffrey on the left and Buddy (Keith) on the right.

The boys went to school in Llangattock

 which is a village on the other side of the Crickhowell bridge. As they got older they attended school in Brecon.

They were sorry to return to England after the war and they made a solemn pledge to re-visit Crickhowell together one day to relive old memories.  Alas,it was not to be.  We missBuddy and always will.

Do not forget to see today's prior entry for the update on the "baby" gallery.


5 More!!!+ me

This morning I added another five babies to the "baby journallers gallery" and I also put myself on (did not want to be left out of this one!).  So, that makes 34 babies in total - marvellous.  I had considered posting them under today's entry but then they would have been split from all the other babies.

So please go to my entry "Babies, Babies, Babies (26th January) to see the new arrivals. 

Sad news in that we have lost another good journal. Sherry (Girl to God) decided to delete hers for reasons best known to herself.  We can only hope that she decides to start another one.  She will be missed.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Uncanny Facts

Here are some eerie "coincidences" between Abraham Lincoln and John F.Kennedy:-

Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost children while living in the White House.

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both Presidents were shot in the head.
Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's Secretary was named Lincoln.

Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.

Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Lincoln was shot at the theatre named 'Ford.' Kennedy was shot in a car called 'Lincoln' made by 'Ford.'

Lincoln was shot in a theatre and his assassin ran and hid in a warehouse. Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and his assassin ran and hid in a theatre.

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.  A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.



Friday, January 28, 2005

What Is Your Favourite?


Whilst I was doing the "baby pics" it got me thinking about all the photographs, slides and negatives that we have.  Come on, hold your hands up, how many of you have countless photographs tucked away in your house?!

It also made me think about what my favourite photographs were, ones that really struck a chord with me. I considered our wedding, Becky's wedding, old family photographs.  In the end I decided on two photographs that would stand out from the others, ones that make me smile when I look at them and bring back wonderful memories.  Here is my choice:-

This is my favourite baby picture of Becky.  She was around fourteen or fifteen months old.  Do you know I even remember the details of that dress.  It was checked in white and  bright orange and the embroidered band was in black, white, orange and green. I think it is the eyes and the sweet little smile that makes this so special.  I actually entered this photo in a sort of "baby competition" run by a magazine.  Alas, she was not even picked as a runner-up.  I seem to remember that the winner was a chubby six month old.  However, she was and remains a winner to me.

The second photo is also of Becky .  It is her engagement photo.  This means so much to me because it shows two people, so in love, starting out on their life together.  I have to admit that I was somewhat concerned when Becky wanted to get engaged at the age of eighteen after having known Dean since she was fifteen. I felt she had not seen enough of the world, had not experienced enough of life. She only had a couple of casual boyfriends before Dean and after she met him, she had eyes for nobody else. However, she was in love and there was no way Mike and I would stand in the way of her happiness.  Here is the picture:-

Well, I need not have worried.  She travelled widely with Dean after  they married, both in this country and abroad.  They have a strong and wonderful marriage, a beautiful son and another baby on the way. I guess when you meet the right person, it does not matter what age you are. This picture sums up true happiness for me.

So, dear readers, what is your favourite picture?  If you had to choose just one or two, what would you choose and why?  Please do not send pictures to me!  There are two ways you can answer.  The first is to tell me in your comments.  The other way is to post your favourite or favourites on your own journal and then come back and leave me a link so that I and other readers, can come and have a look at your own personal favourites. I certainly look forward to seeing your choices.

There, that should get you thinking!  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Tag of our dogs kindly made for me by Robin.

More little ones

Three more babies have come in to join the "baby journallers club" and can be checked out at my entry "Babies, Babies, Babies".

It has been a great deal of fun but please note, I shall not be adding any more, at least not for a few days, I need a break!!!!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2005

His Haunted Eyes

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day.

The Second World War and the horror that went with it is such a distant memory to some people. To others that horror is with them to this day, it haunts their dreams , often their waking hours and will continue to do so until the day that they die. This year and this day marks the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

I was a baby during the war, content to depend on my Mother for sustenance and to lie happily gurgling in my pram. I had no knowledge that in Europe, other babies and children were being ripped from their Mother’s arms, herded like little frightened animals into trucks, onto trains, never to see their families again.Thousands of children, just like me, met their ends in the gas chambers of many concentration camps and in medical “experiments”. People were destroyed not just because of their religion. Some were chosen because of their nationality, others because they were mentally ill or physically handicapped. Some because of their political beliefs. They did not have to commit a crime, they met their ends simply because of who they were. Across all of Europe and even in the Channel Islands people were treated like just so many pieces of trash to be disposed of. Beatings, torture, slow starvation and then the gas chambers and the crematoria.

I thank the Lord that I never had to experience anything like that. However, we were very privileged to know a man who was touched by just these experiences. I mentioned him in a previous entry and how he laughed so hard at Mike being dressed as a woman. Peter was a little man, in fact we always referred to him as “little Peter” in the nicest possible way.

Peter is on the far left

He barely came up to my shoulder, but he had the heart of a lion. He had to learn to be strong. He could laugh most heartily and yet I always watched his eyes. His eyes never smiled, his eyes were haunted and he had this aura of sadness about him. This is his story in brief. Peter was Austrian. Until the Nazis came to power he had a good life style, went to a decent school and lived in a comfortable home. His mother was a very well known concert pianist in her own country. That all changed when Hitler came to power and they lived under Nazi domination. Peter was no longer allowed to attend school. He and his family had to wear the yellow symbol of their religion - Jewish.

Then the round-ups began. People began to be transported away never to be seen again. Rumours spread of what was happening. Peter’s mother had influential friends and somehow she managed to either buy or beg help to get Peter smuggled away. He was passed from one safe house to another, always fearing discovery, always having to hide. Ripped away from his family he was totally alone. I do not know all the details because I never liked to raise the subject with him. I do know that he eventually made his way to England where he was safe at last. He had nothing, no money, only the clothes on his back, his family all left behind, a mere child, longing for his family and with a deep ache in his heart.

What happened in the intervening years, I do not know. He grew to adulthood here in England and eventually married his dear wife, Joan. But before that, as soon as the war ended and he could get permission to travel he returned to his mother country to try and trace his family. He was hopeful that with his Mother being a concern pianist, she had survived. Musicians were often the lucky ones if you can call it “lucky” as they provided entertainment for the camp officers and also drowned out what was going on all around.

Peter made endless searches for his family, going from one official to another. Eventually he tracked down a cousin who had somehow survived.

The dreaded news came - Peter’s Mother and all his remaining family had died in the gas chambers at Auchswitz. One can only imagine his feelings. Through this cousin he was eventually able to retrieve a photograph of his mother and that was the only thing he had left of his family and his childhood. He kept that photograph proudly on his wall. She had been a beautiful woman, his Mother - and she was seated at her beloved piano.

Peter and Joan had a very happy marriage. I never heard Peter raise his voice and he never lost his temper. He was a gentle man, gentle and sweet. Was he bitter? I cannot answer that question as Peter, like so many survivors, kept it locked inside himself and did not like to speak of it.  I only know that I would have been. We were very proud to call him friend for over thirty years. Alas, he is no longer with us but I always think of him when I read or see anything about the Holocaust and I will never forget his haunted eyes.

Just one little story in an ocean of millions of stories, just one little man among millions of men. So many murdered, so many families destroyed. So many still living who have to bear this unbearable pain. May all those who died know external peace now. May all those who carry the burden of loss and the guilt that they survived achieve tranquillity of soul.

Many terrible things have happened in the world since then but let us never forget what can happen when national, political or religious ideals run riot. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

I shall be saying a prayer today for all the victims of the holocaust and for those who still survive. I shall also light a candle and pray for a world where hatred and discrimination will become a thing of the past and we can all live as one global family.


A late arrival.

Another baby arrived this morning and has been duly added to yesterday's entry.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

New Arrivals

Two more "babies" have arrived and have been added. They are both very good friends of mine. Go and take a peek at my entry "Babies,Babies, Babies".  It is wonderful that so many have participated.

More Babies!

Two more babies were "delivered" this morning and they have been added to the previous entry, so please pop there and have a look at them.  Thank you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Babies, Babies, Babies


You must have been a beautiful baby
You must have been a wonderful child
When you were only starting to go to kindergarten
I bet you drove the little boys wild.
And when it came to winning blue ribbons
You must have shown the other kids how.
I can see the judges' eyes as they handed you the prize
You must have made the cutest bow.
You must've been a beautiful baby
'Cause baby look at you now.

Well, I had more people take part than I ever imagined and it has been a lot of fun seeing you all.  Although separted by time and miles you are now altogether on here! I know the Val, Krissy and Sharon wanted to take part so come on girls, send your pics and I will still add them.

I was going to do a sort of guessing game, send people on a hunt but I think that would be a little too involved now so I hope that you will settle for your faces just being displayed on my page.  They are in no particular order and I have tried to arrange them as best I can.  Enjoy!!

TOP ROW :- Becky (Where Life Takes You) Chuck (Dribble) and Chelle (Will It Be O.K.?)  SECOND ROW : Cheryl ( Beautiful & Forty Something) Vernae (Pieces of Me) and Karen (Musings From Mavarin) BOTTOM ROW: Danielle (Everybody Knows) Del (Del's Journal)and Jenny (Boredom Eats Away At Me).

I really had to juggle to get some of them into frames but on the whole I do not think they are too bad.

ON THE LEFT:-  Sandra (Sandra's Scribbles) TOP RIGHT  - Sara (Sara's Days)then Kath (Secret Garden), Claudia (GeminiTaurus Rising) and Sylvia (Jottings From The Sticks)

And lastly but not least:-



In the Centre  :- Angel (A Lil' Country Charm), Top left:- Laura (Adventures In Juggling) and beneath her, Linda (Footprints In The Sand). Top right:- Rachel (A Marine Sisters Saga) and finally Tricia (Sparkling Blue Eyes).

All I hope now is that I have all your names correct and also the names of your journals.  I also hope I have not done the unforgiveable and left somebody out!!! If I have made mistakes, please feel free to correct me and I will edit the entry. Thank you.

If anyone wants links to other "babies"  journals contact me or check my journal posting where the whole thing started and read the comments!!  It has been fun and I have got to know some new people which is an added bonus.

So, there you are, all beautiful babies, eighteen of you girls and one bouncing baby boy  -  as you all used to look!! 

Wait ! -  A latecomer but very welcome:-

Sherry (Girl To God).  This is the only baby photo Sherry has and sadly it is damaged but I am happy to use it and give Sherry her place in the gallery of baby Journallers. Thank you Sherry. 

Wednesday 26th January

Two more baby pictures arrived this morning to join the gang so meet:-


On the left we have Colleen (A Northern Childhood - private) and on the right, Sonya (MySouthernHome). Happy to add you!!!

And now meet

 This is Val of "Val's Thoughts"

and here is

Krissy of "Sometimes I Think"

Thank you so much for joining in

Thursday 27th January

Meet Nettie (JerseyGirl Quiz Journal)

Friday 28th January


                       Linda from Life With Linny,

         Mary of Alphwoman's Blog

and finally:-

 This is Micheyle  of Red Flannel Pajamas.

Monday 31st January

Today it is my pleasure to add five new babies to the gallery:-

On the left reading from top to bottom we have - Jay (Our Brood), Donna (MyCountryLife) and Penny (From Here to There.  On the right hand side is Jules (It's My Life).

This is promiseluv. I do not know this lady's Christian name, but her journal is called No promise, No Demands.

Now I had better add myself. I do not want to be left out of this one -

Jeannette (this journal)

If my calculations are correct, that makes 33 babies!!! What a great response.  Thanks to you all for making it possible.

Happy News!

This beautiful graphic is courtesy of Debbie (Derasta). If you wish to view her creations then visit:-


My dear friend Angel has just started a graphics site as well and would love you to pay a visit:-

Country Charms & Sparkling Creations!

If you want to share in some happy news and congratulate my friend Sandra then why not pay a visit to:-

Sandra`s Scribbles

Lastly, we have one gallant gentleman who has so sportingly joined in with the baby pictures.  A veteran of WW2 with many health problems and as he himself says "living in an old folks' home",  he is an inspiration and you are missing out if you do not visit:-

Dribble by Chuck Ferris

I know Chuck would be  thrilled to have some more visitors and I know you would be pleased to spare a couple of minutes of your time to make him happy.

Well, that is my good turn done for today, off to have a cup of tea now.

In The Dumps!


I am not particularly happy today despite the bright sunshine.  The "cold" I picked up from him indoors has now gone to my chest just like it did with Mike.  I felt so ill this morning, non -stop chesty cough which is producing very nasty stuff, head like a balloon, pains in both ears, throat still sore and the whole thing is playing havoc with my BG's.  So I decided to ring the doctors as I think I may well need antibiotics.

I get the "bitch".  There is always one receptionist who treats you like you are something stuck to her shoe.  I explained my situation.  She then informed me that both partners in the practice have gone on holiday - yes both at the same time!!! and they will not be returning until next week. The only doctor on is a brand new locum who only started last week and who obviously knows nothing about any of the patients and their history.

I reminded her of my circumstances and how difficult it was for me to get there but in this case, I felt too unwell anyway  to even attempt it (I have a temperature and my legs are like jelly) and asked if the locum could check my records and prescribe the antibiotic that I can take because I was extremely worried about the effect on my BG's.  She told me that was not possible.  I would have to make an appointment. But then she says, we have no appointments left this week due to the shortage of doctors!!! I was informed that I could go down there at 7.30a.m. tomorrow and queue in the freezing cold in the hope there might be a cancellation. Failing that, I would have to go down every morning at the same time and do the same thing and hope to strike lucky.  I told her, forget it, if I get any worse I will just have to call the doctor out for a home visit.  So much for the Health Service.

On the other hand, I have had lots of baby photos coming in.  I know one person is sending this evening so I am holding off doing anything with them for the time being. Many more people took part than I anticipated so my original idea of how to use them has fallen by the wayside but I will come up with something in the next couple of days.

On a positive note, my six week battle with a t.v. shopping channel to come and  collect a faulty item has at last paid off.  It took endless telephone calls (I think the call centre is in India) Collection was promised but never happened and this on several occasions.  Hurrah, a large van at last turned up to retrieve it.  Now I am hoping I do not have any hassle trying to get a refund.

Oh well, lunchtime.  I am worried about eating now and how high it will put my BG's but still have to eat. I guess worrying about it will not help.

Thanks to those who visited the journal I recommended. It is very good and deserves more readers, so for those who missed it I am posting the link again

Sal's Journal

We never did get any more snow.  Mike was all set to go out with the camera so he is disappointed.

Hope you are all having a good day.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Check This Out

Here is a good journal that needs  some readers.  So give some support and pop over to

Sal's Journal

Now you see it, now you don't!

Could that really be white flakes drifting down from the sky this morning?  I had to do a double-take.  Yes, no mistake - snowflakes.  It lasted all of four minutes and then the sun came out and it is now so bright I am having to squint at the computer!!  Cannot even say it was nice while it lasted.  Wonder if we will get anymore?

I had intended to do some more about Crickhowell today but, as usual, I am getting sidetracked.  I had a "prezzie" yesterday.  A short time ago I joined a group which is where I have been getting some of my signature graphics and graphics in general.  Well, I try and take part in group activities, so I posted a picture of myself on that site and also one of our "Christmas Elf" - Nathan in his Santa suit.  Oh by the way, for those of you that were wondering - there was no prize for him being picked as the most popular seasonal image, it was just a bit of fun on the part of AOL.   Well, the manager of the group picked up on his picture and wrote and told me what a lovely picture it was.  I naturally wrote back and thanked her.  Early yesterday evening, I logged on there and saw a message addressed to me saying there was a " prezzie" for me.  I went to look and found that she had made this for me:-

Isn't it lovely!!!!  Yes, I know it is not Christmas anymore and by next Christmas he will have changed and grown so much.  However, I think it was such a kind and generous thing to do and just surprise me with it.  So I had to share it with all of you.  I think that people who make graphics are so artistic and talented.

I had some very nice comments on the baby photo of me that I posted yesterday and Sylvia has come up with a great idea.  She suggested that I ask you all to post baby pictures of yourself on your journals.  Now, before you groan, I know from the comments that not all of you have baby pictures of yourselves.  I do understand.  So, if you want to join in (and it might be fun) -


 I  am asking all those who want to take part, to post a picture of themselves  let us say - under the age of five or, failing that, whatever picture you have of yourself as a child.  I think that would be fair.

I do hope some of you will join in the spirit of things.  I am grateful to Sylvia for the idea and it is just a bit of fun and something different for us to do.  So, if and when you post your "little me" picture, come and leave a comment for me saying you have done so and do not forget to leave your journal address so that I and everybody else can come and pay you a visit! 

 I logged on this morning and read my email, I got another beautiful signature from the wonderful Angel so, I am signing off with that one.  Looking forward to all your pictures!!

And the first to participate is  ~ the lovely Sara!! Well done Sara.  All who take part will get a mention on my journal when all the pics are in!!!!


PLEASE NOTE  I am now asking people to email their baby photos to me as well as posting on their journals because I have something in mind.  All will be revealed!


Sunday, January 23, 2005

Little Me

I was really stuck today for something to write about. I am sure we all get like that at times.  However, as we have been scanning and saving old photos, negatives and slides, I thought I would post the only known baby picture of me:-

Just look at the size of that sun canopy!! They do not make them like that anymore, not to mention the old fashioned pram.  Could that really be me?  Yes and for some reason it is the only baby picture ever taken of me . I next appear in photos at the age of around three and a half.  Lots and lots of my brothers but only this one of me.  Still, it is better than nothing.  Mind you, the war was on and my Mother probably had better things to do with her time than take photographs.

This is where I was born:-

It is an old postcard and has not scanned well. I have marked with a blue arrow the actual building where I was born. Yes, behind one of those two big windows was where I first saw the light of day.  The property is still there, it used to be an Ironmongers shop but I believe it is a gift shop now.  A truly beautiful area in the Brecon Beacons in South Wales. You would probably have to be a millionaire to live there now because it is right in the heart of the tourist area.  Mike and I love Wales and always talked about retiring there but we could never leave the family.

We have been back a few times. On our first visit, Becky was quite young.  We were walking down Bridge Street and came to a cottage where a table with bric-a-brac was outside and we stopped to have a look.  I picked up something I liked and entered the front door expecting to see someone who would take my money.  It was just a living room and it was totally empty. "Hello" I yelled.  No answer.  "Hello, is anybody here" I called again.  A voice in a lilting Welsh accent said "I am in the bath, won't be a moment."  I was stunned.  You could never do a thing like that in the South East of England!  Leave your front door open and disappear into the bath.  Anyway, this lovely elderly lady (when I say elderly she could not have been much older than I am now) appeared.  She chatted to us and asked us where we were from. I told her I was re-visiting the place of my birth.  She asked where and I told her - no. 19.  She was taken aback.  She asked what year and when I told her, her face lit up.  "I remember you as a baby and I remember your Mother - you have two brothers don't you?" I admitted I did.  She then told me that my eldest brother Geoff had been at school with her daughter.  So we ended up having tea with her.  A lovely memory.  My brothers had a lot of schooling in Wales and when they returned to the London area they could both speak fluent Welsh.

This is what the area looks like:-

No, your eyes have not gone peculiar.  The lines down the postcard really are crooked.  We took mostly video film of our trips there so I can only put postcards on here.  I can imagine how bleak it is in the winter but I still love the place.  It is amazing how on our trips back I immediately fall into a Welsh accent myself.  I did not notice at first until Mike and Becky picked up on it.  It just happened.  I guess when you spend your really early years surrounded by the lilting Welsh voices, it must leave a lasting impression on you.

Here we are on one of our return trips:-

Well, the sun is shining and picking up the dust on the t.v. screen and other places.  I was busy doing other things yesterday and never got around to cleaning this room.  So, I had best away.....

Friday, January 21, 2005

Support Needed please

My good friend, Sherry, has just had to post a very sad entry.

Knowing what wonderful, caring people that you are, I am asking you to spare a minute to visit her journal and lend her some support.  Thank you everyone.

Girl To God