I was lying in bed last night pondering on the day and events and life in general as I normally do before sleep. I was thinking about journals and how this time last year I did not even know they existed. When I first started, my journal was very basic and I really did not think anyone would want to read anything I had to say. I almost gave up after three entries but received enough support to make me decide I wanted to continue.
Now I look forward to opening my journal every morning and reading comments from the previous day. This got me to thinking about how many people read our journals that we never know about, those unseen readers who do not make their presence felt. People that choose, for whatever reasons, not to comment. We all have them I am sure. Twice in recent weeks I suddenly received comments from "names" that I had never heard of. I always acknowledge new commenters and ask if they have their own journals. I am happy to say that I have now made two very good new friends through this happening. At the moment, their journals are private and I feel privileged that I have been invited to read their work.
Journals seem to draw people together, they do say that like attracts like. So Colleen and Shelley, I thank God for your friendship, I like your journals very much.
I was also lying looking at the moon. The curtains were drawn but the light was so bright that I felt compelled to rise, open the curtains and have a look. I was suddenly reminded of when I was a child. In those days with the big old fashioned sash windows, people only put a net curtain at the bottom half so through the top you got a clear and uninterrupted view of the sky. As a child I would lie in bed and watch the passage of the moon across the dark sky and I was always fascinated by it. I found it beautiful then, I find it beautiful now. I thought of that poem by Noyes where one of the lines reads "the moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas" - I have always loved that particular line and the way it describes the transit of the moon so perfectly. The poem is The Highwayman and one of my favourite narrative pieces. Many of you will know it, for those of you who do not, I will post it I you request me to do so.
My favourite poem about the moon is by Walter de la Mare. Such a well known piece but I am going to post it here right now because I love it so and because the moon is so much on my mind after last night.
Slowly, silently, now the moon
Walks the night in her silver shoon;
This way, and that, she peers, and sees
Silver fruit upon silver trees;
One by one the casements catch
Her beams beneath the silvery thatch;
Couched in his kennel, like a log,
With paws of silver sleeps the dog;
From their shadowy cote the white breasts peep
Of doves in a silver-feathered sleep;
A harvest mouse goes scampering by,
With silver claws, and silver eye;
And moveless fish in the water gleam,
By silver reeds in a silver stream.
Here is another quote from a poem about the moon, this one written by W.H. Davies.
"Thy beauty haunts me, heart and soul,
Oh thou fair Moon, so close and bright;
Thy beauty makes me like the child,
That cries aloud to own thy light;
The little child that lifts each arm
To press thee to her bosom warm."
Well, I suppose I had better stop musing and daydreaming and get on with some housework. But first, a nice cup of tea!
I know what you mean about journals Jeannette, well, we all do :o)
Oh, and I used to have one of those big sash windows in my old bedsit years ago, I loved that window, it was my favourite part of that tiny room.
Lovely entry, thank you my dear!
Sara x
Love that WDLM poem. Particularly the old fashioned plural shoon for shoes. I also love the Yeats:
And walk through long green dappled grass
And pluck till time and times are done
The silver apples of the moon
The golden apples of the sun.
Your journals is fab, Jeanette and I am so glad we persuaded you to continue!
Journals are very special.
Almost the first thing I think about on waking.
Love the poem, love the journal and have grown to love you my friend. Yes I think I will have a pot of tea also.
Yes I also felt the same way when I started my journal, I have also met some nice people through having a journal, so it has been rewarding. I loved the poems. God Bless You My Friend
This entry is beautiful. Thanks Jeannette.
Love Sylvia
There is nothing like reading an interesting journal , you introduced me to them and I thank you so much for doing so Jeannette. I love your poems , musings, graphics and your stories , so beautifully told and presented. I`d very much like to see you post The Highwayman, as I don`t know it but I`m sure I`ll like it. Thank you again. Love Sandra xxx
I love your journal; always have! Glad you stuck with it! These journals have gotten me through so much in the past year, it is incredible! And I understand about the friendships...such a woinderful by-product of these journals of ours! Have a great day! JAE
I would like to have the "Highwayman". If you don't want to post it you can send it in an email. That would be so, so nice, honey!! I have been thinking of those silent readers and lurkers as well. I just love your poems today! They are so vivid!! Hope you are having a good afternoon, honey. I haven't been able to be on the computer much and even have to sign off right now...have an appointment, yikes, don't want to go!! Love you!! I will write soon!!!!!!! xox
I am so touched by your comments Jeanette.I am so new to this "journaling" and love it.I hop all over the place!I loved your entry and the poetry too~its so beautiful.Through you I have had contact from some really lovely people so thank you very much.If anyone else is interested in having a read of my journal please feel free to email me.
I have really enjoyed my year of writing my journal, too. I am glad you kept up with yours. : ) It adds a nice little dimension to life...
I am always curious too, about those who read and do not comment...
I must admit that I'm not completely sure why I started to write my journal, but now I can't imagine not doing it, though there are days when you can't help thinking, what on earth shall I write today?? You have a great journal. :o)
What a lovely entry - I'm sure your echoing the feelings of us all :-)
That brought lovely thoughts to mind...I am a moon watcher too.
Thank you jeannett for the beautiful poam, and the beautiful angel I love angels. I love to visit your journal. Thank you for hanging in there. I just started also as you know and I find it nice to be able to write about my feelings,and my family life. I am going to try and print the pages so I can put them in a book for my girls. GOD BLESS KELLEY
Thank you jeannett for the beautiful poam, and the beautiful angel I love angels. I love to visit your journal. Thank you for hanging in there. I just started also as you know and I find it nice to be able to write about my feelings,and my family life. I am going to try and print the pages so I can put them in a book for my girls. GOD BLESS KELLEY
The poem is beautiful and your entry, wonderful. But they always are. I've never read one that didn't uplift me or give me food for thought. Thanks. *Barb*
Loved this entry! The poetry is wonderful ;-) I've always had a love of the moon and stars as well. My oldest son loves watching the night skies too. Thanks for sharing ;-)
Hugs & Blessings,
Lovely, poems, you write such lovely things. xx Julie xx
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