Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Your Questions answered

Well, my friends, you asked your questions and certainly gave me things to ponder over. Thank you to all who participated. I shall deal with the questions in the order in which they were posted. Here are my answers:-

Sylvia asks “do you think you are typical of your birth sign? Well, Sylvia, I am a Virgo and on the whole I am fairly typical of what they say are Virgo characteristics. I am analytical, enquiring, love research, like to do things for others, enjoy studying. I like to think I am good with words. Bashful in the early years? Yes, but that was more due to circumstances in my upbringing. Virgos tend to keep youthful looks -well I am happy to say that I do not think I look my age. On the other hand I do not feel like an “earth Mother”. I have never been one to go solely for pure foods and a simple diet, in fact I love my food and always have!! It is only health reasons that have made me follow a simpler diet these days. Hypochondriac - yes, but only in recent years. I never worried about my health when young. Loyal and dependable -well I hope so because I try to be.

On the other hand, it is said that Virgos are frigid - err no (please refer to him indoors!) I can be critical of others but not over critical. I set myself high standards but am rarely able to live up to them. One last thing, they say that Virgos enjoy walking barefoot on wet grass - definitely not!

Sara asks “ If you could choose any period of time to live in, would you choose to live here and now or back in the past somewhere” Had to wrack my brains on this one Sara. Of course, because of my family I like living in today and because we have treatment for medical conditions today that were not available in the past. However, if I REALLY had to choose, I have always been drawn to the Victorian era. Not only because of the costumes people wore which were very elegant but because it was such an exciting time of new discovery, the coming of the Railways, a time of great expansion, a time when people were not ashamed to be British. However, there was also grinding poverty, mass unemployment and poor housing. So, I would choose to live in the Victorian era provided I had money to ensure a reasonable lifestyle. I am also drawn to ancient Egypt. So it would have to be either of those two eras.

Kath asks “ How are you doing on your project to get out of the house more?” Well Kath, it is back to the drawing board on that one sadly. I was doing quite well until I had a sciatic attack and this was followed by a very bad emotional upset at Christmas which I am obviously not prepared to go into, followed by contracting a stomach bug shortly after Christmas. This has set me back a long way. However, I have done it before and I will do it again. I am determined to do it again. Thanks Kath for keeping me in your prayers.

Colleen asks “ If you could change one thing about yourself what would that be?” Well, apart from my health Colleen it would have to be the size of my bum and my thighs. Even when I was young and slim I was always pear-shaped and I do not think that hours spent horse-riding helped much! Yes, I would love a little bum and slender legs *sighs*.

Jmoqueen asks “ If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?” That would have to be an end to all war and conflict, that we could all get on together, respect each other and all pull together to put the problems of our planet right.

Sandra asks “ If there was one  thing material, that is, that you could have for yourself with money being no object, what would you choose?” Sandra, you did not say what amount of money we are talking about, millions or thousands! As I am never likely to be a millionairess, we will deal in thousands. If there was enough money to move home, I would. Somewhere with more actual living space and less garden now that I am finding it such hard work. If there was not enough for a property move then I would like a beautiful double-glazed conservatory. We have a conservatory now, 35 years old, wooden, single-glazed and totally unusable from October to April as it is too cold and that is space we could desperately do with. I would also like to replace the double-glazing at the front of the house and have a nice double-glazed front door. If we are only talking in hundreds, then I would love a laptop so that on bad days when I take to my bed, I could still have a computer to use. Not that I am addicted of course!

Celeste asks “What is your natural hair colour?” Had to think about this for a couple of minutes Celeste! I was very fair as a child but as I grew toward adulthood I was a dark ash blonde. However, I started experimenting with hair colourants at seventeen and over the years I have been platinum, auburn, light brown, dark brown. I had pink hair once (not by design but by accident so you could say I was the first ever punk - I might write about that on my journal!). I have had blue streaks, green streaks, silver streaks. Always been one for a new look. These days I keep my hair very short and once again, platinum which covers grey so very well!

Sherry asks “ I would like to know your favourite colour”. Well, Sherry, I have two colours that I cannot choose between as I love them both equally. Blue and pink. I love all shades of both colours and wear them a lot. I tend towards sky blue and mid pinks and I like cerise as well. A third colour would be turquoise. In that, I am not typical of a Virgo who are supposed to like earthy colours. I have always loved bright colours.

Hope555 asks “If you won the lottery, what would you do with the winnings and do we have lotteries in England?” Yes, we do have lotteries but I have only ever won small amounts. If I won the lottery I would move house, pay off my daughter’s mortgage, set up a fund for Nathan and his coming brother or sister. I would help out my family and friends but I would donate a large amount to charitable causes. I have several charities that I support and would make sure that they benefited. I would also like to purchase a piece of ground and plant many trees and arrange for this land  to be set aside in perpetuity for people to enjoy.

Jules asks “ What is your biggest dream in life?” Well, Jules I have two. If dreams could come true I would want all my health problems to disappear and become the person I used to be. The second is that I live long enough to see my grandchildren reach adulthood.

Val asks “ If you were to be an animal for one day, what animal would you like to be and why? I am really not sure Val. I would certainly not like to be a wild animal because I might get eaten! I think it would either have to be a dog or a cat and as I have both and love both it is very hard for me to decide which one. On the whole I think it would have to be a dog. Then I could romp across the fields chasing a ball, get patted and hugged a good deal and be given treats. However, I would not like a trip to the Vet!

Freedxchrist00 asks “ If Jesus came back today what would you ask Him?” I found this the most difficult question of all! There are so many things I would like to ask Him. Why has my life taken the course it has? Why have so many bad things happened to me? However, I think I would have to ask Him - was it worth laying down His life for us? As mankind seems to have learned little since Jesus walked the earth, as the world is still full of war, violence, hatred, prejudice and unhappiness, would He do it again? I am sure His answer would be yes because I am sure that He understands that the majority of people in this world are good and honest and caring and it is only the minority that can make this world seem a bad place to be.

I really enjoyed doing this so thank you friends for your questions. If anyone missed yesterday's posting and still wants to ask a question, fire away and I will answer tomorrow.  Hope you enjoy reading my answers. I am sure that later in the day I will think of other things I could have put, I usually do, but on the whole I have been as honest as I can.



Anonymous said...

Great answers! Sorry I couldnt think of a question for you :(

love Amy xxx

Anonymous said...

Super questions and answers, great idea . Julie xx

Anonymous said...

Great answers Jeannette :o)
I like pink too!
Ancient Egypt, yes that would be interesting wouldn't it, as long as you weren't a slave I guess!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Good answers! Now we know a little more about you.

Anonymous said...

Great answers thanks for doing that - at least we know a little more about you :-)

Anonymous said...

Great answers! (Great questions!) ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading your answers. You will have to do this more often.

Anonymous said...

i really enjoyed your questions and answers...it helps to get to know our j-land friends a bit better! hope u have a nice tuesday..


Anonymous said...

Fascinating Jeanette!I looked in my Zodiac book and you desribed yourself very well,says Virgos are worriers and hypochondriacs ~just like you said! Also says Virgos are delicately lovely too and that sounds very much like you too!

Anonymous said...

Its great to learn more about you Jeannette, I really enjoyed all your answers, and I love your graphics. God Bless You My Friend

Anonymous said...

Good answers to the questions you were asked.  Like the teapot signature graphic - really pretty.  makes me think now would be a good time for a cuppa! LOL

Anonymous said...

So very interesting, Jeannette!!  Loved learning even more about you!!  I found the question about Jesus compelling..that would be very hard to answer, yes!  I love your graphic up above..the good morning, blue, butterfly graphic.  Good evening to you, lovely lady! xox

Anonymous said...

How well you anwered all these questions Jeannette.  It is, and always has been a great pleasure reading you journal.  Keep up the good work !  ;0)   Sandra x

Anonymous said...

It was a pleasure to read the questions and answers Jeannette.  Sending lots of good thoughts that you get back to the same stage of your trips out when the weather picks up and go further. xxR

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading your answers!  thank you!


Anonymous said...

What wonderful answers to wonderful questions. I now know more about you. I loved your graphics too. I wanted to touch briefly on why God lets things happen. From my own recent exeperiance I belivie he lets us go through things to draw us close to him,and to draw others close to him through our trails. Thank you for a wonderful journal GOD BLESS KELLEY  

Anonymous said...

Here's my question ;-)
What was the first song you and mike danced to as husband and wife?  :::smiles:::
Hugs my friend,