A nice bunch of flowers to brighten up an overcast, gloomy and very windy Monday morning. I do not like Monday mornings, no particular reason, I just never have.
Alerts still seem to be very hit and miss, getting a few now and again. If I have missed visiting anyone's journal, please forgive me.
So, just going to do something small today. Before Christmas, questions were going around journals. You remember those postings - people were requesting other people to ask them any three questions and they would try and give honest answers.
Well, to make it easier for everyone I am going to limit it to one question.
So, if there is any one question you would like to ask me. fire away and I shall be as honest as I can. I will answer all questions tomorrow.
Have a good week everyone!
phew! I thought it was just my alerts that were a bit out of whack!
I cant think of a question right now (brain is scrambled still) but when I do I'll let you know ;)
love Amy xx
Here's a question Jeannette. Do you think you are a typical type for your birth sign? A humourous answer will be quite acceptable.
Love Sylvia
If you could choose any period of time to live in, would you choose to live here and now, or back in the past somewhere?
Love the flowers :o)
Sara x
My question: How are you doing on your project to get out of the house more? I've been keeping you in my prayers!
Hi Jeanette,thank you for your lovely comments.Heres my question:If you could change one thing about yourself what would that be?
If you could change one thing about the world what would it be? I'm glad it's not just my alerts then!!
If there was one thing material , that is, that you could have for yourself with money being no object, what would you choose ?
ps: beautiful graphic Jeannette
Sandra x
Alerts are quirky. Flowers are beautiful. QUESTION? What is your natural hair color?
Great idea Jeannette, I would like to know what your favorite color is. I don't think I have ever ask you that. God Bless You My Friend
If you won the lottery, what would you do with the winnings? (Oh, and do they have lotteries in England?)
what is your biggest dream in life? I have not been having alerts either and lots of my graphics have disappeared. Must be all the alterations AOL are making that is upsetting everything, hopefully things will be sorted soon...........Jules xxxxx
Hate it when alerts don't work. I get so far behind. Thanks for the lovely flowers. *Barb* http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/HEYLETSTALK
Hey, Sweetie...here is mine...If you were to be an animal for one day, what animal would you like to be and why? Have a good night, hon! xox
hello this is my first visit to your journal I got the link from sherrys a beautiful lady. Ialso enjoy your journal beautiful flowers. Here is my question If jesus came back today what would you ask him GOD BLESS kelley
Like the flowers Jeannette they're like the ones Mike took a picture of. Very bright and cheery, just right for bringing sunshine into Mondays. xxR
Flowers do brighten up a day, thanks!
What is your favourite flower and why? (Is that 2 questions??)
I will sit and read all the questions/answers tomorrow! Have fun! JAE
Now it's Tuesday and the alert thing is still sort of hit and miss Grrr ...
This is a lovely bunch of flowers, Hapy Tuesday Jeanette.
*** Coy ***
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