Friday, January 14, 2005

Fancy That!

Mike and I used to belong to a caravan rally club.  Every Friday evening we would hitch up the van and take off in various directions and return on the Sunday evening.  It was a lot of fun and we got to know a great bunch of people.  On Saturday nights there would be a social in a local hall where the drink flowed freely and we danced the night away.  Our neighbours used to think we were mad, off we went in all weathers, rain, fog, sleet, snow, nothing deterred us hardy caravanners.

Now and again we would have a fancy dress evening or sometimes have to arrive at the chosen site in fancy dress:-

Here we are having just arrived at our destination.  I told Mike that his beloved beige cardigan was hardly the thing for riding the range but he would not be parted from it.  In fact it was many years before it eventually got thrown away!  Believe it or not, later on dressed in our waistcoats and boots, we won the best dressed cowboys competition.

I have so many happy memories of those days.  Our particular friends were Daphne and John and oh the laughs we had with them.  You really had to be there to appreciate it.  We always barbecued anything we ate during the day.  On one occasion Mike and John decided to cook a whole chicken on a small spit over the b-b-q.  They had partaken of quite a few drinks.  The chicken caught fire , flames shooting up quite high and Mike and John made frantic efforts to save it.  Their antics made Daphne laugh so much that she had to beat a hasty retreat into her caravan to change her underwear!

At one fancy dress Mike decided to go as the devil.  I told him he really did not need a costume for that - he was not amused:-

He scared the daylights out of the children.  Here he is with his prize, a large jar of sweets.

On one New Year's Eve we really went to town and held a fancy dress ball.  I wracked my brains over what I could wear and then decided that I would go as an Elizabethan lady and Mike said I looked like Anne Boleyn. I am only grateful I was not married to Henry.

The quality of this photo is not good.  That is because it was taken with Polaroid which was all the rage at the time.

Mike could not make up his mind what to wear, what character to go as, but told me he wanted to keep it a secret, even from me.  I imagined him wearing Elizabethan costume, possibly a sword and looking very dashing.  What a grand entrance we would make!  After I was dressed and ready I was told to go and sit in John and Daphne's van whilst he got changed. We waited eagerly to see just who would be escorting "Anne" to the ball .  Here is the result:-

Hardly a matching couple!  I have to admit and so did others, that the costume really suited him.  Anne is supposed to have committed adultery with various men but I never did read that she had a relationship with a Native American.

Mike is currently going through all our old photographs and negatives and saving them so I hope to be able to share other rally photographs with you in the future.

Mike never really wore anything outrageous in our caravanning days, no - he saved that for a family party. Our lovely friend, little Peter, took one look at him and went into hysterical laughter.  He could not stop and had to be eventually helped from the room.  What had amused him so :-


Sorry for the poor quality of the picture but you get the idea.  Mike said I would not dare to put it on my journal (wrong Mike, tee hee). With grapefruits stuffed down one of my bras and Come and Get It and I'm Easy written on the front of his T-shirt, you can imagine the uproar he caused. He drew the line at high heelsthough, he tried but could not manage them.

At least my beloved has always been a good sport and we have such happy memories of our past together.  If only we could turn back the clock...........

Hope, dear readers, that you have enjoyed seeing these pictures.

Thanks to Angel and friends for the tag.


Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I loved these photos, they are great!  It looks like you two had a wonderful time belonging to that club. I really like all the costumes, especially the last one of Mike. LOL  You really look beautiful as Anne Boleyn. Wonderful entry. God Bless You My Friend

Anonymous said...

That sounds like such good fun Jeannette, and the costumes are fantastic, I really like the cowboy ones!!  My Mum dresses up in costume for regular Murder Mystery nights with friends, but never anything so grand as your Anne Boleyn :o)
Bet you loved wearing that, did you feel regal?!!
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Looks like yall had great fun! I love dressing up!

Anonymous said...

Those are hilarious!  I love your "Anne Boleyn" costume.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Thank you for sharing them...I think Mike looked fab as an indian! And you looked wonderful as the Elizabethan lady :)

love amy

Anonymous said...

I've really enjoyed them Jeannette, your a fun couple. It would be nice to turn back the clock and do it all again, but twice round couldn't be the the memories are worth the gathering.  I think you enjoyed putting the entry in as much as I have had reading it.  Keep smiling and take care. xxR

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette, who is that amazing looking woman in the last photo ?  lol  I really did chuckle whilst reading about the chicken on the spit.  Your caravanning days sounded a real treat  !   Have a great weekend    Sandra x

Anonymous said...

it sounds like u have had great fun over the years...what great costumes! thanks for sharing the memories and pics! have a great weekend..


Anonymous said...

Loved the photos. You and your hubby are quite a handsome couple. I especially love the top photo. You look so pretty, so happy. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing some of your memories and the pictures to go with them.

Anonymous said...

What a handsome couple you look,you look like Patsy Cline in the first one Jeanette!Loved looking at the photos and had to laugh at the one of hubby as Michaela!!Oh so funny!

Anonymous said...

Goodness Jeannette, I was laughing so hard my daughter was wondering what was wrong with me!!! LOL  I just LOVED this entry!  Mike is such a good sport, isn't he!?!  These pictures are so precious!  I enjoyed this so much!  Seems like you had such good times...He really is there for you now as well, honey.  You look so good together!  I love you, sweetie!  Love, Val xox

Anonymous said...

Hahaha!!!! Those were GREAT pics!

Anonymous said...

Great photos specially liked Michaela LOL thanks for sharing them

Anonymous said...

It sounds and looks like you had such good fun! Thanks for sharing your pleasure. It's good to have such memories, so a perfect idea to put them in your journal. I like the idea of travelling in a caravan, but I'm not sure I could drive one. I'll have to look for someone who's got one!

Anonymous said...

Very big grin from these photos! How fun! Great memories.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh, you two had so much fun!  I'll bet you get a lot of pleasure looking at your photos, remembering those times.  I'm convinced you two are made for each other, true soul mates.  You warm my heart.  

Anonymous said...

sounds like you both had a whale of a time. The pictures are brilliant.....Jules xx

Anonymous said...

What fun pictures!  You have such happy memories...


Anonymous said...

Ohhh ... how cute were you two?
Thanks for sharing your memories with us Jeannette.
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