Saturday, December 31, 2005




Heralded in by the most wonderful firework display Mike and I have ever seen, coming from London. Wish we could have been there. The London Eye and Big Ben looked marvellous and the colours were beyond description. Be kind to us all, New Year, be kind to us all.



Mike and I wish all of you, everywhere, a very happy 2006. It is like finishing a book, closing the cover and then picking up a new one. I thank you for all your wonderful friendship throughout the last year. Whatever 2005 has been like for you, and I know it has not been a good year for many,  we hope that 2006 is much better in every way.  May health and happiness be yours and may you be blessed in all that you do and all that you pray for. God bless you all.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Pictures Of The Boys

My feelings got the better of me this morning and I did not want my journal to go into the New Year on a downbeat note. You know me, I try and keep my journal positive. No good dwelling on the bad things in your life, that does not help.  So I decided to make a second entry with something happier.

The doctors were helpful to a point.  They feel my blood sugars have risen due to stress and Christmas food  - although I made everything as sugar free as I could, I still indulged in foods I do not normally have -  although in the past my sugars have fallen back quickly again after Christmas.  This set off my anxiety as I panic when my blood sugar rises. So, they do not want to alter any of my medication at this time.  They want me to give it at least seven to day days and if I am still having problems then go and see them.

They were less helpful with the back pain which is awful and has been for some time.  They are unwilling to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs because they make my stomach bleed and they also feel I am on enough medication so they have just told me to stay in a warm bed and take over-the-counter paracetamol and try and relax and not tense against the pain.  As if I have not tried that already.  However, I do know that stress makes any condition worse, stress finds your weakest spots.  I am hoping I can calm down now and relax more and it will improve.  If not, I shall be seeing them about my back.

I do feel slightly more positive than I did this morning and a lot of that is due to your good wishes and knowing that there are such lovely people out there who do care about me.

We had a real downfall of snow this morning, thick and heavy although around noon it changed to rain and there is not much left now but I thought the graphic appropriate.

I promised you some pictures of the boys that were taken by a professional.  I shall have to get frames for them because they will be taking pride of place on our wall.

First, Nathan, he looks so much older than eighteen months which he was yesterday and is very tall for his age.


Now four month old Daniel


The boys together


This last one is a family photo of Nathan in his winter jumper


Well, dear friends, I am going to try and read and comment on some of your journals now.  I will do as many as I can but, please bear with me if I do not get to you all, the pain might just prevent me. Let us hope I will be feeling a lot better in a couple of days with my sugar dropping back towards normal.

Bigs hugs to you all for your lovely wishes which I know you truly mean.


Happy New Year

I am taking this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year.  A little early but unfortunately I am very unwell at the moment.  My blood sugars have rocketed out of control but I have other problems as well.  I have contacted the doctors who are run off their feet at the moment.  They have taken note of all I have told them, how I desperately need help and cannot be left like this over the New Year holiday.  All they have said is to contact them again after 2 p.m.

I just hope they can come up with the help I need because I feel pretty desperate at the moment.  I do not usually share these sorts of things with you but I wanted you to know that I might not be around for a few days and you will all know why.  It all depends what happens with the doctors.

Mike and I wish each and every one of you, readers known and unknown, journallers who have become dear friends, a happy healthy and prosperous New Year.  May your troubles be few and your joys many.  God bless you all.

Until the next time.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Charming Comment

I had a lovely comment on my earlier entry.  I thought you would like to see it.  What a caring kind person this must be - not!  Perhaps life will hand out to this person some of the health problems we have to deal with.

What are you moaning about?---''only Mike and yourself '' think yourself lucky that you have somebody to share your day with-- plenty didn't.

You sound a real old moaner, wait till you really have something to moan about.

Comment from diopallis - 27/12/05 14:53

Update On Keys

Thank you all for your helpful suggestions.  No, the keys are not in the car which has not been used since Christmas Eve and Mike had them long after that.  No, our little Nathan could not have picked them up and hidden them.  He was in our sight all the time and anyway, Mike had them late that night many hours after they had left.  They are nowhere in the house and garden.  It does seem they have been lost in the street.  Maybe someone will hand them in to the places that know we have lost them.

In the meantime, tomorrow we will see about changing the locks on the house. 

We are grateful for your tips though.

All Behind Us

Well, that is Christmas over for another year and I cannot say I am sorry.  It has not been a particularly good holiday for us.  Christmas Day as you know it was mostly just Mike and myself.  I made everything as sugar-free as possible but because I am not used to any rich foods these days, the Christmas dinner upset me.  Well, I suppose it was obvious but you have to have a little treat now and again. 

Yesterday, Boxing Day, Mike lost his keys.  He has no idea where.  The house keys, the car keys.  He had been out twice, once to get some milk and the second time to walk the dogs.  He retraced his steps around both places and enquired in the shop.  Nothing.  So, we spent the whole of the day searching the house from top to bottom as he could not remember whether he had taken them with him or not.  Furniture was moved as him indoors crawled around with a torch.  I searched every drawer, under cushions, we turned out the kitchen bin, we turned out the large bag of used wrapping paper.  Nothing.  For hours we searched.  We eventually phoned the police to see if anyone had handed them in.  They treated Mike like a time waster and said they were not interested in lost keys.  Well, they should be.  If someone has picked them up who recognises Mike and knows where we live, we could find ourselves burgled.  Mike could not relax at all and even late in the evening kept getting up to check places he had already checked.  My back had improved somewhat but by the time I had done all the bending and stretching it really set it off again.

There is still no trace of the keys.  So Mike cannot set the alarm on the car either as, for some reason, the spare set are not programmed.  As today is still a holiday, he will have to phone the car manufacturers tomorrow and see if they can help him programme them in and then ask if they can supply another spare set.

This may seem like a little thing in the scale of things but it totally ruined our day.

However, I kept my word and we did drink a toast to you all on Christmas Day with our dinner.

We had some snow this morning.  At onetime it came down quite heavily but not enough to fully cover the grass or the rooftops.  Now it has almost melted.

The family were due over today but Becky has gone down with a bad cold so Mike and I could be going into the new year with that, let us hope not.

This has been our second bad Christmas in a row. Hopefully,  2006 Christmas will be third time lucky!

We did managed to get a nice picture of us and the boys which I shall post on my next entry and I had some lovely presents, the best one from Mike who gave me a beautiful gold locket along with several other things.  He knew I always wanted one and I have a lovely photo of the boys which I can put inside.

Well, now I am away to go key hunting yet again and later I will try and catch up with all the e-mails.


Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Is Here!

It has just gone midnight. Mike and I have exchanged a Christmas kiss and our good wishes to each other.  Soon I will be heading off to bed.

I just wanted to wish all my readers, all my dear friends, a wonderful Christmas. Blessings on all of you.


Almost Christmas

A beautiful snow graphic.  Well, if the weather forecast is true, snow is on the way.  Too late for a white Christmas but it is predicted that snow will start to fall late on Boxing Day. Our little corner often misses it so it is not certain but  - we might.  If only it had come two days earlier we would have had our first white Christmas for years, that would have been nice.

More cards came in this morning, some will not arrive until after Christmas.  Thought you would like to see our display.  This is not all of them, the family cards are in the lounge. We have no room to hang cards so we stick them on doors. The latest ones are not up there yet.

It is a good way of displaying them together and being able to see them properly, as we are always going back and forth to the kitchen, we have to pass them many times a day. It gives a warm glow to know that all those people thought of us this Christmas.

Our lounge looks like a department store with all the presents. No, we did not buy them all.  Included in the pile are presents from friends and family, presents for the pets etc. etc.   It is hard to believe that this time tomorrow, the pile will have gone and all the wrapping paper will be in the bin.  The pets have been very good and not yet tried to get at theirs!

So, all is done and this year we are not rushing around in a panic as usual.  It was nice to get it all done so early. I have just made the Trifle.  The fridge is full of all we could need so now we can sit back and relax.

Sorry I did not get around to posting a Christmas ghost story but "A Christmas Carol" is the greatest ghost story possible for this time of year and I have watched it yet again although I know it by heart.

As I have been writing this, I have been thinking of you and wondering what you are doing.  Some of you may already be with family, some of you might be dashing around the shops and fighting your way through the crowds, some of you might be cooking, some of you will be at your computers.  Well, I hope you all find the time to put your feet up and maybe have a glass of something. Christmas can be a stressful time but it should be enjoyed.

Finally, I have been thinking of those who have no homes this Christmas, those sleeping under cardboard, those who have no families, those for whom Christmas is a sad and lonely time.  May God bless them all.

Once again, dear readers, Merry Christmas to you and all of your families.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas To You All


Can it really be Christmas already?  The whole of 2005 went by pretty quickly but December just flew.  It is hard to believe that in just a few short days, it will all be behind us and we will be heading into 2006, hopefully a better year for all of us.

I hope that you all have your preparations done and can relax a little before Christmas Day.  I had hoped my back problem would be completely gone by now but it is hanging on, not as bad but still there.

Mike and I would like to take this opportunity of wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.  We will all be spending it in different ways, in different places and with different people but all over the world, we will be sharing it. 

It will be a  very quiet day for us, in fact, much like any other,  as for the greater part of Christmas day Mike and I will be on our own and just the two of us will eat our Christmas dinner together but we will fill a glass and raise a toast to you wherever you are, a toast of friendship, a toast of goodwill, a toast of health and happiness.

May your Christmas this year be filled with joy and contentment, peace and hope, loving and giving and may you keep the true meaning of Christmas in your hearts.  God bless you all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Remember The True Meaning



The bells of waiting Advent ring,

The Tortoise stove is lit again

And lamp-oil light across the night

Has caught the streaks of winter rain

In many a stained-glass window sheen

From Crimson Lake to Hookers Green.


The holly in the windy hedge

And round the Manor House the yew

Will soon be stripped to deck the ledge,

The altar, font and arch and pew,

So that the villagers can say

'The church looks nice' on Christmas Day.


Provincial Public Houses blaze,

Corporation tramcars clang,

On lighted tenements I gaze,

Where paper decorations hang,

And bunting in the red Town Hall

Says 'Merry Christmas to you all'.


And London shops on Christmas Eve

Are strung with silver bells and flowers

As hurrying clerks the City leave

To pigeon-haunted classic towers,

And marbled clouds go scudding by

The many-steepled London sky.


And girls in slacks remember Dad,

And oafish louts remember Mum,

And sleepless children's hearts are glad.

And Christmas-morning bells say 'Come!'

Even to shining ones who dwell

Safe in the Dorchester Hotel.


And is it true,

This most tremendous tale of all,

Seen in a stained-glass window's hue,

A Baby in an ox's stall ?

The Maker of the stars and sea

Become a Child on earth for me ?


And is it true ? For if it is,

No loving fingers tying strings

Around those tissued fripperies,

The sweet and silly Christmas things,

Bath salts and inexpensive scent

And hideous tie so kindly meant,


No love that in a family dwells,

No carolling in frosty air,

Nor all the steeple-shaking bells

Can with this single Truth compare -

That God was man in Palestine

And lives today in Bread and Wine.

               ~ Sir John Betjeman

At this time of present giving, eating and drinking, let us not forget the true meaning of Christmas, let us not forget those less fortunate than ourselves, let us truly have goodwill to all men and to strive for peace in our world.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I have had a very bad back the last few days and I am nursing it along in the hope that it will be better for Christmas.  I am so thankful now that I got everything done early because at least I do not have pressure on me as far as Christmas is concerned.  I am sorry that I have been unable to comment on your journals but it is so painful to sit here for any length of time.

Well, the net curtains are finally at the windows.  No, not the net curtains I ordered.  You would not believe the trouble I had with that firm, the telephone calls I made, the e-mails I sent, each one answered by a different person and all of them refusing to guarantee delivery by any specific date.  I kept being told there were "production" problems.  In the end I decided to surf the net to see if I could find any online supplier of net curtains.  I did indeed find one - and with a much bigger selection.  I telephoned them and asked if I put an order in whether they could possibly deliver by Christmas.  They assured me they certainly could.  So, I told the first company to stick their product where the sun does not shine.  I placed my order with the online company and got excellent service.  They even asked me if I wanted all the curtaining cut for each specific window and whether I needed any help working out the quantity needed. That was late last Saturday. The curtains arrived this morning and were hung in no time. Delivered in double-quick time and........costing much much less than the original company.  It always pays to check the internet first I have found.

So, apart from that not much happening in our household. I have been spending most of the time in bed, getting up from time to time to do what I can in order not to seize up altogether and using ice packs and heat.  The pain in my leg is easing somewhat but the back is still painful. 

I hope to do a posting again on Friday but until then, I am sure you will understand why I am not commenting on your journals at the moment.  Why do these things happen when we least need them?

Still getting in lovely cards from my American journal friends, this time of the year you can really look forward to the post.

Until the next time, dear readers and friends, take care and try not to let shopping and preparing stress you out.



Friday, December 16, 2005

Christmas Elf Mark 2

Last Christmas we had our own Christmas elf here in J-Land as lots of you will recall  - baby Nathan. Remember how we all voted for him to be the best Christmas picture and how happy we all were when he won?

This year we have a new elf. Baby Daniel.  He is a far more serious elf, not smiling as Nathan was but then, he is considerably younger than Nathan was when he wore this suit.  It is so hard to believe that Nathan was the elf only a year ago.  How did that little baby turn into this strapping little boy in such a short space of time? Babyhood and childhood are so precious we must treasure every moment.



He really looks as though he is thinking hard in this last picture.

Well, he may not be smiling but he is still our adorable little elf for 2005.  So, from Nathan and Daniel, a very happy Christmas to you all.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Competition Results

Well, first and foremost, here are the answers to the Carol quiz:-

  1. Oh Come All Ye Faithful
  2. Hark the Herald Angels Sing
  3. Silent Night
  4. Joy to the World
  5. Deck the Halls
  6. Angels We Have Heard on High
  7. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
  8. The First Noel
  9. Oh Little Town of Bethlehem
  10. Little Drummer Boy
  11. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
  12. Peace on Earth
  13. Frosty the Snowman
  14. Santa Claus is Coming to Town
  15. White Christmas
  16. Oh Holy Night
  17. Winter Wonderland
  18. We Three Kings
  19. Jingle Bells
  20. Away in a Manger
  21. Go Tell It on a Mountain
  22. We Wish You a Merry Christmas

There was a tie for first place as both Kathy and Mary scored 20.  Another tie for second place with Joan and Sandra both coming in with 17.  Penny  was next with 15 and Helen scored 11.  It was nice of Helen to have a go because I know she is in a lot of pain at the moment. If you have not already visited their journals, drop by and say hello in time for Christmas.

They were not easy, when I first saw the quiz I did not get them all either!

I am so glad that you took the time and trouble at this busy period of  the year.  Now, because it is Christmas I am going to play Christmas fairy and award you ALL a prize for taking part so watch your mailboxes as something will be on its way to you soon.

Dear Santa



I have been awfully good and I have purchased an extra large stocking.  I know what I want you to fill it with, so please, how about some of these?

Watch this space

Competition results will be posted later today.  Thanks to those who took part.  If anyone wants to send a late entry I will be happy to receive it.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

More Fun

Well you certainly seemed to enjoy the Christmas humour yesterday. One person asked me to post more.  Well, I do have a couple more but they are slightly ruder than the ones previously posted and I do not want to offend anyone.  I will leave it up to you , my readers, whether you want me to post them another time or not.

In the meantime here is a little story for you:-

Why The Angel Decorates The Top Of The Tree

There had been no snow during the entire month of December. The elves in the bicycle department had been on strike since October, and now there was the possibility that the elves in the doll department might join them.

Daily life at the North Pole was not pleasant, and Santa Claus was in a pretty foul mood. Mrs. Claus was suffering from arthritis and was very mad over the fact that her cake had fallen in the oven. Santa had tried to round up some extra helpers, but with no snow, they weren't able to make it by sleigh to the workshop.

Rudolph had a bad cold, and his nose wouldn't light up. Comet and Prancer were fighting over Vixen, who had just come into heat. Blitzen's right foreleg was still in a cast, and the vet said that they would have to wait until 24th December to decide if Blitzen would be able to pull the sleigh.

The electricity went off, and all the power tools came to a stop. There was nothing going right in Santa's workshops. The helpers were about three weeks behind in their work, and it didn't look that all the toys would be ready by Christmas Eve. Santa's foul mood was exacerbated by a bad case of Piles, and he wasn't too happy about the possibility of having to ride so far on Christmas Eve.

Seeing the terrible state of affairs at the North Pole with Santa, the angels took up a collection to buy a gift for the unhappy workers and the Clauses - something that would brighten their Christmas.They chose a Christmas tree, and they sent it down with an angel to deliver it. 

The angel burst into the workshop room and asked,



Now, a quiz for you.  Have a go at guessing the Titles of these carols.  The language is very flowery but there are clues if you look for them.  I know how busy you all are, but if you would care to take part, the first person to e-mail me with all the correct answers or the person who gets the most correct answers, will be awarded a pretty Christmas scene by me to use as wallpaper on their computer.  So, there is a prize up for grabs today.  Have fun.  The winner will be announced tomorrow evening (Thursday).

  1. Move hitherward the entire assembly of those who are loyal in their belief
  2. Listen, the celestial messengers produce harmonious sounds.
  3. Nocturnal time span of unbroken quietness.
  4. An emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good given to the terrestrial sphere.
  5. Embellish the interior passageways.
  6. Exalted heavenly beings to whom harkened.
  7. Twelve o'clock on a clement night witnessed its arrival.
  8. The Christmas preceding all others.
  9. Small municipality in Judea southeast of Jerusalem.
  10. Diminutive masculine master of skin-covered percussionistic cylinders.
  11. Omnipotent supreme being who elicits respite to ecstatic distinguished males.
  12. Tranquillity upon the terrestrial sphere.
  13. Obese personification fabricated of compressed mounds of minute crystals.
  14. Expectation of arrival to populated area by mythical, masculine perennial gift giver.
  15. Natal celebration devoid of color, rather albino, as a hallucinatory phenomenon for me.
  16. In awe of the nocturnal time span characterized by religiosity.
  17. Geographic state of fantasy during the seasonof mother nature's dormancy.
  18. The first person nominative plural of triumvirate of far eastern heads of state.
  19. Tintinnabulation of vacillating pendulums in inverted, metallic, resonant cups.
  20. In a distant location the existence of an improvised unit of newborn children's slumber furniture.
  21. Proceed forth declaring upon a specific geological alpine formation.
  22. Jovial Yuletide desired for the second person singular or plural by us.

So, get those brains going, join in and have some fun.  Wonder who will win? Have a good day everyone.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Some Christmas Fun

Politically correct version of Deck The Halls.

Deck the halls with boughs of non-endangered plant species
Fa la la la la, la la la la
'Tis the season to be self-actualizing,
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Don we now our alternate-lifestyle apparel
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Toll the ancient non-denominational-winter-solstice-holiday carol
Fa la la la la, la la la la

See the blazing log of non-denominational-winter-solstice-holiday-non-endangered wood before us,
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Play the harp without unnecessary brutality and join the chorus
Fa la la la la, la la la la
Sing we emotionally stable in a collective group effort,
Fa la la la la la la la la
Heedless of the weather patterns despite the effects of global warming,
Fa la la la la, la la la la

Fast away the mature year passes
Fa la la la la la la la la
Hail the new year without any implicit ageism, ye persons
Fa la la la la la la la la
Dance in a non-hierarchical manner in merry measure,
Fa la la la la la la la la
While I tell of non-materialistic, non-denominational-winter-solstice-holiday treasure,
Fa la la la la, la la la la


Hope you enjoy this little bit of Christmas fun. Nothing like a smile to cheer the day.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Christmas Poem

I have a list of people I know
All written in a book
And every year at Christmastime
I go and take a look.
And that is when I realise
That those names are a part
Not of the book they're written in
But of my very heart.
For each name stands for someone
Who has crossed my path sometime
And in that meeting, they've become
A treasured friend of mine.
And once you've met some people
the years cannot erase
The memory of a pleasant word
Or of a friendly face.
So when I send a Christmas card
That is addressed to you
It's because you're on that list
Of folk I'm indebted to,
And you are one of many folk
Who in past times I've met
And happen to be one of those
I don't want to forget.
And whether I have known you
For many years or few
In some way you have a part in
Shaping things I do.
This, the spirit of Christmas
That forever and ever endures
May it leave the richest blessings
In the hearts of you and yours.

          ~ Anonymous

Thanks to all of you for the wonderful Christmas cards we are receiving.  Have a wonderful week.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sunny Sunday

Mike and I are both feeling our age today after two days of "celebrations".  He had a very nice birthday on Friday with lovely presents and, of course, Becky and the boys spent the day with us.

As Dean could not join us earlier in the week, it was arranged that we would have a joint Anniverysary/Birthday dinner yesterday.  We decided on a Mexican meal as it is one of our favourites and Dean did all the cooking and preparation.  It is quite a long time since we have all managed to eat together as Dean works long hours and is often on stand-by and gets called out over the weekends.  We all ate too much of course.  Where little Nathan puts it all, I have no idea but he burns off so much energy because he never stands still for two minutes, that no doubt he needs it.  He polished off a large helping of chicken, salad, hard boiled egg, two helpings of ice cream and a chocolate biscuit.  Not his normal diet but - we were celebrating. He danced the whole time Strictly Come Dancing was on, he loves that programme so much.  He is a natural.

Dancing with Mummy

Baby Daniel was quite content to watch and chuckled for a lot of the time.  We did not get any photos of him yesterday because it was all a bit hectic at times but no doubt I will be posting some in the future.  He will be four months old on Christmas Eve, how the time flies.

Surely, there must be some left in here!

We seem to have awakened the street because our neighbours are all putting up lights. Now there are four of us in a row.  Mike went out to take a picture but unfortunately, the occupants of home number four were out and their place was in darkness but here are the remaining three of us.

All looking very festive.  There are many more owners these days decorating outside,  some are a little over the top but it is so nice to see.  I feel it always cheers up passers-by when they see illuminated houses.

In the next street, Mike saw a visitor who had come early so I am going to leave you today with a photo of him.

So today will be a day of relaxation that is when I have dealt with the 198 items in my mail box and spam folder!  That will teach me to have yesterday away from the computer.

Here is a beautiful site, well worth a visit, so take a moment please.


P.S. Mike asked me to thank you all for the wonderful Birthday wishes, he was really touched.