It is so dark here today that it is more like the middle of the night and rain has been falling steadily for hours. Not Christmas weather at all. Too early to put on the Christmas lights inside as we like to keep the electric bill as low as we can.
Was sad to read about the twins that were found abandoned in a cardboard box. For our American friends, a twin boy and girl around a month premature were left in a hospital car park in a box. They were very cold. They are said to be making progress although the little girl is more poorly than her brother. The hospital staff have named them Joseph and Holly. I do hope their mother comes forward. She must have had her reasons for abandoning them like that. These little mites have not had a good start but are now receiving loving care. Let us hope that all their future Christmases will be filled with love and joy.
Mike and I have had a high old time this morning playing Sherlock Holmes. You see we are getting lots of Christmas cards in now which is great because they certainly lift the spirits in the morning. However, this has caused something of a mystery. I know three people called Jean and three people called Sylvia! So we had to search for clues. The postmarks were illegible. Out came the magnifying glass and we squinted and peered trying to make out a postcode or something that would give us any indication as to what part of the country the cards came from. We have not had much luck but, no doubt, we will get there eventually by process of elimination. It all adds to the fun, a new Christmas guessing game!
I have not really got much else to write about today. All very quiet on the home front. I have been looking out all my Christmas music and singing along with carols and all the popular songs. That is something you do not want to hear, believe me.
I have got some tidying up to do but with all the preparations for the festive season done, apart from the food shopping, I shall probably curl up with a book this afternoon.
Hope my signature gives you all a smile today. Have a good day and enjoy whatever you will be doing.
I have only recieved on card so far from my sister. I had gotten out of the habit of writing cards because I cannot keep my address book straight, much less find it! I send e-cards. I should send some cards this year. Get back in the tradition. I love your signature! Linda
LOve getting Christmas cards with some friends it is the only way to stay in touch. We have just had two so far but in with my birthday cards it looks cheery. Our tree is not up yet but will put it up soon. How do you get the html to work and where do you paste it to for the banner have tried but it comes our in some sort of code. Love Joan.
It's dark here to but thankfully the rain has stopped after the downpour last night. We always seem to get this weather at this time of year, it makes the Christmas shopping more of a chore. I do hope those babies will be OK, such an awful way to start life. Jeannette.
I hope the babies will be ok. So many couples would have loved to have those babies. Why would the mother not put them inside at least out of the cold.
what a horrible thing to do.
That signiture of yours made me chuckle Id just done my entry ,so good timing ,yes I read about those babies how sad ,makes you wonder what dire straights led her to do that ,they fear the mother may have an infection ,so need to find her ,Joseph and Holly thats lovely; I hope theyll be alright . Jan xx
Your signature did make me chuckle, lol :o)
I saw about those poor twin's that were abandoned on the news, bless their hearts. Their Mother must be having an awful time. These stories are just sad all round aren't they. I hope she comes forward too.
Sara x
Oh no! Thank God someone found them; over here in the U.S. people are told if they [for any reason] feel scared, or angry, depressed, please leave the babies in any hospital emergency room, with no questions asked, I think it's helped-some. Love you graphics Jeannette, like always! ~Diane~
Love your holiday graphics. How sad for those little ones. How desperate their mom must be. Hopefully they'll make a good recovery. As mentioned in an earlier comment...the US has made it possible for mom's to bring their baby's into a hospital or other safe place if they feel they can't care for questions asked. I really believe this law has cut down on deaths from abandonment in the US. Females can reproduce from the age of 12 or so, but that doen't mean they are ready to be a mom.
Good morning Jeannette,
I felt so bad reading about the twins...not a good thing. Sorry to say, in the states it happens too way too often. I know your lights will be pretty once they go on inside. Our house is all electric, so I know what you mean on saving! You have a wonderful day...hugs,
Loved your signature.
We had to do the same with a present one year. We had 3 Auntie Jean's and someone had given us this present but hadn't said who it was for. It was a soft toy Snoopy dog and it became the family mascot and lived in our car!! It is still there today!!!!
Auntie Jean whoever she was never got a proper thank you but we hoped she would understand!!!!
We are also singing to songs but from The Jive Bunny Mastermixers CD. We have had it for 5 years now and every December it comes out as a ritual.
Have a smashing day
Love and hugs
Helen xoxoxoxo
So sad about the babies! I cried when I read it.
It was very sad to hear of those twins being abandoned, their mother must be in a state to leave them in the cold.Hope you find out who the mystery cards are from.Love your Christmas graphics..... Jeanx
So sad about the twins! And sad for the Mom too. She doesn't understand what a treasure she has thrown away.
Perhaps instead of cookies and milk this year, we should leave Santa out a pooper scooper and a roll of paper towels.
Hehehe love the siggy today...I read about those twins on mon on teletext it's so sad...They said then that the placenta was still attached and had some infection and really desperately needed to find the mother so she could be treated...Today on GMTV they said she could go to ANY hospital anywhere in the country and would all be kept confidential...Do hope you manage to solve your clues as to who your cards are from :o) Caff xxx
Isn`t it sad about the twins, thankfully they will be ok but I think they were found just in time as the little girl needed immediate medical attention. What does drive a mother to such desperation? I have a card mystery as well! I wrote in my entry of an unsigned card that I received and I can`t read the postmark either. I wonder which of us will solve our mysteries first?! ;o)
Sandra xxxxx
Love the sig!!! Sounds like you are having same problem as me (see yesterdays entry) except mine is unsigned!!!!!
hello friend so sorry you are not getting any snow or even christmas weather I know about keeping the bills down i am trying to do the ssame here but with the gas it has gone so high with all the cold weather I had not heard about the twins so sad at hospitals in calif they had a drop place at all the hospitals and fire stations no questions asked but it helped with all the babys being dumped just anywhere and not making it I will be defentily saying a prayer for those two oh christmas cards I love to get them but we have not had but 2 yet wish we will get some more our family says a prayer for the familys that sent the cards to us at dinner time when we get it in the mail that day hope you get all you want done accomplshied today enjoy your book God bless kelley
Oh that is so sad about the twins. I hope that they recover fully and I
m saying a prayer for the Mom too. Sandi
It breaks my heart to hear about babies abandoned, any child for that matter! When I see it, I feel a deep sadness. I pray that they will be healthy now and that someone will care for them. Blessings, Penny
Now that reindeer really messed up! Wonder which one it was. LOL
It's sad when a mother is in such a desperate situation that she feels led to abandon her babies. I pray the she and them will be ok. I wonder if it's the same person sending you and others unsigned Christmas cards to make you play the guessing game? Have a good time relaxing reading your book. Helen
Brekas my heart to hear when little ones are abondened. I would take them in a heart beat since I have such difficulty getting pregnant. People don't realize how many women in this world would do anything to have a child! I just wish they would do the right thing and give them up for adoption. Seems many people are having "mystery" cards show up at their homes!
It is sad to think those little babies may never know who their Mother is....Saw a young man on TV who was abandoned at birth and was desperately seeking his true identity...Hope you solve the card myatery, I have injured my right hand but I hope you can read my signaure OK. very hard to write when finger in your signature J
Coming to the rescue Sherlock, my card is the one with the 2nd class postage stamp, found delivery is as quick, and sometimes quicker, than 1st class rates. Sara got hers the next day! Keep laughing.
Sylvia xx
I'm SMILING ! Your signature is so cute ! 'On Ya' - ma
Hello Jeannette.......It is rather wet and frosty here in Georgia which suggests Christmas is rolling in. It is sad to hear about the twins that were abandoned I hope that find a home filled with lots and lots of love. I also hope that their mother comes forward. I hope that they receive some love during this holiday and many holidays to come.
On a different note I mailed out my Christmas card to you today so I don't know when you will get it hopefully it will arrive soon I just hope you like it. I have a few other Christmas cards to send out I will be mailing them soon. I haven't done any Christmas shopping though. Your signature is great.........
Take care, Jeannette
Lovin' the signature!
It is a shame about those babies. The mother is obviously in need of medical attention, I hope she comes forward for her sake and the babies.
Good luck detecting who your cards came from!
Very lovely picture's.In Britain in France the rain is falling and it's cold today.I have friend's in England at Salisbury.Do you know? I like your blog it's very funny and pleasure! lou.. See you again.
LOL! LOVE the your signature! The story of the twins breaks my heart, glad they were found and being well cared for. Keep us posted, please. Hope you enjoyed your book. ~Deborah
I find your outdoor decorations very tasteful. Growing up we had some lights and the tree in the picture window lit up, but nothing fancy. Some people go to extremes. I wonder what they are celebrating, as it seems they are in a competition to see who can afford the biggest electric bill. Am happy that you are receiving so many cards that you have to search for clues as to the senders. lol I have been doing some reading today which is a nice change from crawling under my cabin and new addition working on insulation. Several hours ago the weather change caused me some severe problems with my back and had me down. It seems to have eased off some now and I will take the dog for a short walk and rest as much as possible. mark
Please post any updates on the twins of how they are doing...
And too funny about your Christmas cards.
Linda :)
The signature is really funny!
How fun to get lots of Christmas cards....:)
Yes, I am behind! Here it feels like Christmas if we shop when it is cold and raining. Yes, we are strange but it can't be helped.
I know this is a few days old, but the sad thing is, a new born was found in a box in someone's back yard here in Chicago. I find this so selfish and annoying. We enacted a safe baby law, so that if a parent feels the need to give the baby away, all she has to do is shortly after birth, leave it at a hospital, emergency care center, police or fire department. There won't be any charges against the parent or questions, if she does it properly. Still, there are people who feel the need to do something like desert the baby in the cold. And this one, they called him Joseph as well, still had his cord attached. Thankfully he's doing well, too. Shame on the parents though.
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