Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Pip's Tale (Posthumous) - Part 2

I awoke in the middle of the night and I was scared. I did not recognize where I was. Where was my mother? Where were my brothers and sisters? I was alone. I started to cry. Suddenly a bright light went on and Mrs. Boss appeared. She hugged me, put something warm into my box for me to cuddle up to and went away. This happened two or three times, my crying and her coming but she did not get angry or upset. Eventually I settled down to sleep.

The next day dawned and outside onto the green stuff I went again. I loved it. I was feeling braver and went off exploring, sticking my nose into everything. Strange coloured objects that Mrs. Boss grew and tended. There was water out there with strange creatures swimming in it but they did not come out to and do anything. They could not run around and I wondered why. There were all sorts of nooks and crannies to be explored and then Boss and Mrs. Boss came out and played with me.

A few minutes later, Boss disappeared inside and came out with another dog. I had seen this dog briefly the previous day but not for long. I think the humans felt I had experienced enough in one go. They left us alone together and she, for it was a bitch, ran up to me and examined me all over. She wagged her tail in joyous greeting. She told me that her name was Bonnie and that she had lived here happily for many years. She had been very sad because, not long before, she had lost her life-long companion and had been very lonely ever since. She was a cross-bred Border Collie, mainly white but with lots of black on her face and patches and spots of back on her body. She told me her friend had been Brandy, a brown Lhasa Apso. She was getting on in years and definitely feeling her age, but within minutes I had her running around chasing me and we heard Boss and Mrs. Boss laughing. We were great friends from that first moment. She adopted me and taught me everything a dog should know. I made her feel young again and she soon regained lots of her energy and lust for life. She was like a second mother to me and we cuddled up together when we got tired of playing.

My friend Bonnie with her friend Brandy

Then it was out in the car again. I did not knowwhether I was coming or going. We went into this strange building. I did not like the smell very much and we had to sit waiting with other people and their animals, but the humans all smiled at me. Then into another room and a man with a white coat on. I was put on a kind of table and this man looked into my eyes and my ears and down my throat and listened to my chest, felt all my joints and then ruffled my fur and said I was an excellent dog. I did not like it much when he stuck something sharp into me and presented Mr. Boss with a little card to prove that he had done it, but then back we went outside and into the car and home where Bonnie was waiting.

Bonnie was not alone. She had a couple of strange creatures with her. Much smaller than either she or I. They made strange mewing sounds. When I bounded in they were very surprised and very wary. They surveyed me with suspicious eyes and kept their distance at first. But, one by one, they eventually came up to me and began to rub their heads against mine in acceptance and friendship. There were five of them in all, Peanut, Flicky, Muffin, Jasper and Tinker. They were all ages, all sizes and all different colours. They did not join in our games. They were much too haughty for that. They had their own games which were not much fun for us dogs who liked to tear round and around the garden,as it was called, until we were exhausted. So there were the seven of us, we all ate at the same time and all had our separate feeding bowls. I used to hear Mrs. Boss laugh and say it was like a zoo whatever a zoo was. I came to know these other creatures as cats and they became mine. I decided I was going to be their guardian and see they came to no harm. I recognized each one and herded them up at mealtimes. However, if any other cat came onto our piece of ground, our personal turf, I knew it for a stranger and soon chased it off although I would never harm them.

This was all so different. Every experience was new, exciting and interesting. I thought of my mother and my siblings. I longed to tell them of the adventures I was having but then I remembered how I had been told that we would have to be parted one day, that we had our own lives to lead and that I must be brave and strong and make her proud of me and because I was having so much fun, I did not dwell on those memories for long.

I soon learned that there were times of the day for exercise, times of the day for playing, times to eat and times to be quiet. The being quiet times were mostly in the evenings when Mrs. Boss (Mr. Boss was out at work) sat in front of a box and watched moving pictures. There was talking and music and regular things seemed to appear on it, I learned to recognise the tunes. One day another box came into the house. That also had pictures appear on it but it was different because Mrs. Boss sat much closer to it and her fingers would tap away at something. I heard the word "keyboard" mentioned but it did not mean much to me.

My enjoyment came from other things. I soon learned that the world was a big big place. There were fields to run and chase in, woods that had so many trees it made my mind reel. I was taken to run on something called “the beach” and the stuff under my feet was completely different, firm but wet - and there was water. I enjoyed walking in it but I did not like the sound of it much and I refused to go into it properly. There were other homes we visited as well and I was always made welcome. I learned the different weather. Sometimes I would go out and get soaking wet, others time something blew against me with such a force that it raised all my fur and sent my ears flapping. Sometimes it was misty and hard to see. The most amazing thing of all was one morning when I flew out into the garden to suddenly find I was standing in white stuff that came halfway up my legs! It was cold white stuff as well and more of it was falling out of the sky. It was a mystery to me. Mrs. Boss came out with me, gathered some of this white stuff into her hands and formed a ball shape which she threw at me to catch. I did, of course, and it melted in my mouth and became water. What a strange but magical  place this world was.

To be continued...........


Anonymous said...

You are telling this story of Pip beautifully Mrs Boss, its sad and happy all in one but I can't wait for more........ Jeanx

Anonymous said...

What a lovely few entries in tribute of Pip. It is very moving and wonderfully written. I loved the 'Mrs. Boss sat in front of a box and watched moving pictures'! lol! I do hope you and Mike are enjoying going over your memories with him over the years and can smile thinking of these. I'm sure if he could tell you he is in a happy peaceful place. Just think, he is probably chasing Brandy in dog heaven now...
I hope your blood sugars are coming down and that you are trying to relax as much as possible.
Take care now. Lots of love Fiona x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,  What a wonderful tale of Pip`s life with you.  I can tell he was so happy with you and the Boss.  This IS the story he would have told, well done!  I can`t wait for the next episode. I haven`t read many journals today but I couldn`t miss the is one. :o)

Sandra xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Pip sounds like he had a lovely home and was very much loved by Mr and Mrs boss.  Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Love the story...Love the Pictures...

Anonymous said...

I should have guessed ,when you said writing about Pip was helping ,but I'm losing it !!any way I've read it now and ...........well..... this is one you ought to see about having published, your insight into how the dog would see things and think, is so believable ,you have such a talent for story telling I'm surprised you haven't been published ......Oh my! and I might have missed this !!!!Thanks for alerting me even if A O L didnt !  I am looking forward to the rest, because although  I know the end its sad ,but as a whole, what a tribute to a dear companion,a truly lovely story . night night Mrs Boss ............Jan xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Last year I opened up the door to take Salty out and there was a foot of snow.   He was astounded and did not know what to think of it.   He eased out into it and had his first experience in the snow.    I was thinking today of you and Pip about what a good life he had in your home.    So, many dogs never get to know anything but solitude and being on a cable or chain and living in a dog house.   I want to build Salty a pen so that he can run some.   I worry about letting him run every now and then, but it is amazing to watch him run full steam making arcing turns and leaping over objects.   If he ever hit anything because he goes so fast he would knock himself out.   I enjoyed reading your charcterization in "Pip's Tale"   Best wishes,     mark

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette - Thank you so much for the alert on Pip's story.  I do so enjoy reading your stories and this one I would have hated to miss, being a dog lover myself.  My friend you are a gifted writer and your heart is so pure.  Pip was a very, very lucky pup and I know you and Mr. Boss know that don't you?  Those are such lovely pictures of your special pal.  I have a friend who sent a photo of her father by his homemade airplace, as we all would have rememberd him, and inside along with all the paticulars of his passing she had a poem that every pilot knows and I was so very, very touched by that.  Pip's photograph could be the cover of a book, along with other pictures you have shared of your place.  What a wonderful book this would make.  

Thanking of you with love,


Anonymous said...

How delightful !  This should be made into a book !  Wonderful reading.  Wonderful dog !  I'm so glad you are taking the time to put these memories down.  What a blessing.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Great dog story for us dog lovers!  Thanks for sending me an email to let me know you had posted.

Happy New Year!~

Anonymous said...

Oh I love this Jeannette! I'm telling my sister in law to read this, for she loves her animals so much, and is a vet tech; can't wait till I read more;~Diane~

Anonymous said...

Awww......look at Pip's face! How handsome he was! Great pictures Jeannette!

Anonymous said...

i'm really enjoting pips biography Jeannette. thank you for sharing it. love Joanne

Anonymous said...

Jeannette it is lovely and the pictures are great....you have woven your/Pips memories into a lovely story....Ally

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful Jeannette...I am looking forward to the next entry about Pip! His face above shows nothing but the word love!

Anonymous said...

Thank for the email have been checking your journal myself as I knew your alert was not working. Great writing keep going. Love joan.

Anonymous said...

So sweet :o)
Sara   x