Tuesday, May 8, 2007


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I said I would share my journey so I have decided to update you today with all the recent goings on.  When I went for radiotherapy last Friday, athough I managed it, it was the hardest trip I had made to the hospital.  My anxiety levels have rocketed.  I cried going there, I cried in the radiotherapy room.  The nurse asked why and I told her how my anxiety had seemed to increase greatly, how much harder the journey was when I had been getting used to it, the continual night sweats, feeling hot all the time.  She immediately said it was hormonal due to the Tamoxifen and I needed to see my oncologist to let her know what was going on.  You will remember that I was not best pleased with my oncologist on the first occasion I ever met her, how little time she gave me etc. etc.

So, last Friday the nurse booked me in to see the oncologist today.  You can imagine that my weekend was not exactly relaxing.  Not only did I have the memory of Friday and all the tears and panic from then hanging over my head, now I faced a double appointment today and one with the oncologist!

I am glad to say that I did do the journey this afternoon even though I felt rough and that I did not cry.  I sat calmly in the waiting room chatting to two very nice ladies who were both having the same treatment as me, although one had had chemotherapy and the other was not taking any medication at all.  I was soon called in and luckily I did not cry as soon as I got in the room.  I did have a moment of panic halfway through the treatment but I told the radiographer and she told me to take some deep breaths before they continued, only one more dose on the other side of the breast and I was finished.  So that went o.k.

Then I had to go to a different part of the hospital to wait to see Dr. R. my oncologist.  It was packed.  When I looked at the condition of some of the patients, I felt ashamed at how anxious I am and get.  Anyway, by a stroke of luck my friend Joanne was there (we met in the hospital) so I was able to have a natterwith her to pass the time.  Then I was called.  Whew, what a relief.  Dr. R. was very nice this time, I must have got her on a bad day last time. 

She immediately agreed it was my hormones causing the rise in my anxiety levels.  She said it does take time and it varies greatly from patient to patient before the body settles down and accepts it.  Both Mike and Becky told her how much worse I had been since starting them.  So she discussed it fully.  She has asked me to keep on them (the Tamoxifen) for at least another week or two because she still feels that overall it is the best drug for me.  She said that if I insisted then she would be prepared to switch medication..........but...... the other tablet they use causes joint pain and she knows that I have arthritis in my neck, shoulder, badly in my lower back and to a lesser extent in my knees.  Worse than that, it causes osteoporosis and she has had patients develop osteoporosis during their treatment. It would also mean going for regular bone density scans.  She feels that I have enough problems with my diabetes, high blood pressure, agoraphobia, general anxiety and cancer treatment without having to shoulder osteoporosis and all that goes with it.

Although she can be brusque, I have been told by many many people, patients, nurses, radiographers that she is the top of her field, she has so many letters after her name you would not believe.  That she is highly regarded in the medical profession and knows exactly what she is doing.  Who am I to argue with somebody like that?  If she feels I should give it longer, then I shall give it longer and hope that my body does adjust and as quickly as possible. I have a cousin with osteoporosis and I have lost count of the number of times she has broken bones in all parts of her body.  Tamoxifen, on the other hand strengthens bone. Dr. R. also suggested taking the Tamoxifen in the morning rather than at night.  That might help with the night sweats and allow me to sleep better because lack of sleep is wearing me out.

Dr. R. also answered other questions I had about radiotheraphy, about breast shrinkage.  If there is a lot of shrinkage then I do not need to resort to tissues, the hospital will supply me with a cup to wearinside my bra.  She also agreed to my using Aloe Vera Gel if I found it more beneficial. 

She also said that with my agoraphobia, the whole team were worried that I would not turn up at all for my appointments, so I am doing very well in the circumstances with the added side-effects of the tablets and I should congratulate myself on that.  Well, I think it is still early days, I will wait to congratulate myself in another couple of weeks.

So, that is today's double appointment behind me.  I have another one tomorrow. Morning this time, the first one being radiotherapy and the second going back on the simulator.  Apparently at the moment they are treating the whole breast but I need to have eight booster sessions where the cancer actually was, including the one that was on the outside of my breast.  So they need to re-check all the calculations to make certain they get the right spot and no errors are made.

Like I said, it is not easy getting there now with my hormones all over the place and my anxiety levels up.  Such a shame because I had started to do the journey quite well.

I know you will continue to pray that I will adapt to the Tamoxifen and the side effects will lessen because I do not even want to think of that alternative drug now.

On a lighter note, does anyone know why the wind drives cats and kittens bonkers?  We have had high winds for the last couple of days and Leo has been dashing from room to room like a thing possessed, back and forth, back and forth and being really naughty as well, hanging on the curtains, running up our legs with his claws out - ouch! and chewing everything in site.  When the wind drops he is his usual placid self.

I cannot believe it is a quarter to six.  I hate afternoon appointments because it seems in no time you are back on your way to the hospital hardly having had time to draw breath.  Still every appointment is one less. Soldier on, Jeannette, soldier on.

Now I am off to eat, watch the news and relax.  Oh, I have turned alerts off.  This is a heavy week for me and by Friday I have been told the tiredness from radiotherapy will probably start to kick in.  I know you will understand and that you know that as soon as I am able, I will be back reading and commenting on your journals.

God bless you all.  I know you will keep the prayers and good wishes coming.  Knowing you are all behind me is such a great help.


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Anonymous said...

Good on Jeanette,   You are doing so well. we are all so proud of you.  I continue to keep you in my prayers..in fact although you don't know them I am sure half of Box (my village) is praying for you.    Mary's brother Sandy finishes his radiotheraphy and chemo on Friday and will have to wait about 5 weeks to see if the tumor has shrunk enough to operate so we are praying for him as well.
Lots of love Sybil xxx

Anonymous said...

Well done Jeanette it if helps my Mum was on tamoxipen and it took her a while but when she settled she was much improved on it and swore it was her life saver and when they stopped it she was upset and unfortunately soon after got ill so keep with it dear friend ......love as always Jennie

Anonymous said...

i'm glad the dr was a bit better with you today Jeannette. You are such a brave lady and i admire you for overcoming your agrophobia to be able to get to the hospital. love and prayers for you. love Joanne

Anonymous said...

Yes I am still praying for you ,I thought of you this morning especially as I knew you had had a break,and going back was going to be hard again ,I will add my congratulations to those of Dr R and the team , for managing to get there again ,Im so pleased she gave you more time today and explained things that were concerning you ,as you say, soldier on Jeannette ,fight the good fight!! with love Jan xxxx

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are doing so well.  You really are !  Looking at all the progress made so far is very positive.  Getting out so much in itself is really wonderful.  Hope the change to morning meds helps you rest at night.  You need your strength right now.  As to the windy days, I can remember that even my children were like that.  If it was windy they were all over the place like your kitty too!  Don't know why but they were.  Take good care !  Be assured the good Lord is watching over you each step of the way !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette - how I sympathise with all you are going through, doesn't seem fair somehow, to have to cope with so much.  Crossing fingers and toes that things will soon get better.

Lovely graphic - so calm and serene.

keep that chin up!

all the best

Anonymous said...

I'm happy things are smoothing out for you.  And that you caught Dr R. on a good day!  I think it really helps in your recovery, if you feel comfortable with your doctor and when your main doctor is a bit grouchy...well...that's not a good thing.  I think Leo is acting like a young male cat.  And I know those little claws are razor sharp.  I believe I've heard young kittens referred to as "little curtain climbers." Once he's old enough for his "snip" he will probably calm down.  He no doubt feels the atmospheric pressure changes, when the weather changes.  I've heard animals react to an earthquake before it even happens.  They feel it before we do.
Take care dear Jeannette...Linda still praying for you in Washington state    

Anonymous said...

Well done Jeannette.  
Yes the hormones from Tamoxifen can play about with your emotions. My sister was on it and went on to the Arimidex which is the one that can cause osteoporosis.  When she was on the Tamoxifen she was told that she could half the pill and take one half in the morning and one half at night.  That lessened the flushes through the night.  Just a thought for you to see if you can ask if its alright to do that too, if the flushes still happen after you take it in the morning.  It is notorious for wringing wet hot flushes I'm afraid.  I was on the Arimidex but couldn't stand the pain it gave me and had to come off it and go on Femara.  This one is brilliant by comparison.  I have really settled down now with the hot flushes, unless something stresses me. Which is rare now.  I will pray very hard for  you to be able to cope and get through all your treatments without stress.  God bless you.   Jeanie

Anonymous said...

Jeannette i know it's not quite the same but my Kerry was recently on an epilepsy medication...It sent her hormone levels all over the shop...One minute she was as high as a kite and the next in the depths of despair...She also got advised to persevere...Now admittedly she has been taken off them now but her hormones did settle down...She got other side effects too hence being taken off the dratted things...Am so pleased for you that you are making it to all your appointments :o) You should give yourself a clap on the back because with your agoraphobia and arthritis that is a mjor achievement...It does sound like you got the oncologist on a bad day the last time...Maybe like you she was narked off with so many having to wait so long to get seen...Am sure at times it must be just as bad for the hospital staff as it is for us patients...{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}   Caff xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Instead of changing from Tomoxifen to Arimidex (that's the one that causes joint and bone pain) why not take a low dose anxiety pill before your visits??  You don't want to go on the Arimedex if you have arthritis.  Read my entry I wrote last night about my mom.  That will explain it to you better.  She's on the arimidex.  I have you in my prayers always.

Anonymous said...

Way to go gurlee! You're doing great, just hang in there.
Gottcha in my prayers as always. I'm here for you if you nrrd me.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I'm so glad Dr. R. was kind and patient this time.  Who knows what caused her to be brusque the last time but doctors are humans also.  I will pray that the Tamoxifen settles in and your anxiety lessens.  You are doing so well with your treatments.  Bless you.  I don't know about kitties but my Grizzly gets crazy with high winds.  He's so nervous that it makes me nervous.  I think animals have a sense about things like that.  Love to you, Chris

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all the time Jeannette....much love to you as always, Joan xxxx

Anonymous said...

I am proud of you.  That would be hard for anyone must lest anyone with an anxiety disorder.
You did good, and I would ask for something to help you sleep.
It is very important to try and get enough sleep and let your body heal.
I would have to take a couple valium myself to get there and back..that is a scary experience for anyone.
God bless you and you are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I'm sending you a big hug for going to the appointments at all.  I have a degree of agoraphobia myself, and if I have to go anywhere alone, I am white knucked the whole time.

High winds do that to my pets too.  My Golden Retriever runs around the yard like the hounds of hell are tailing him or something.  LOL  Ah well...wears him out so he gets a good nap..


Anonymous said...

I am sending prayers your way that this treatment gets easier to bear.  You have been extremely brave in tackling your phobias in order to attend the appointments and I am convinced that things will work out for you and that you will be free from this horrible disease.  I hope the side effects of the tamoxifen start to lessen as it does seem a much better option that the alternative.  Keep strong and be brave and give plenty of cuddles to little Leo (oh, and Mike of course!).  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Praying for your anxity as well as for you to be cured and back to normal!!  Hugs to you! TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

Very well done for managing to get to your appointments this week, I hope that you carry on finding the strength to keep up with your hospital visits, from what you say, you have a very good team of Drs and Nurses looking after you, so pleased for you that Dr R was more patient with you this time,  
take care Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

I am praying that the side effects in the tamoxifen will soon ease up. I hope by taking it in the morning it will help those night sweats. I think you are holding up very good by keeping all your appointments. I am glad the oncologist was in a better frame of mind today and treated you much better. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Jeannette you're brilliant, well done to you. It must have taken exausting strength to cope with all the ups and downs of emotions.  You've been in thoughts and will continue to be.

Cats have 32 muscles in their ears.  I don't know, but I would imagine they hear every tune of the wind and are confused.  Hope you all get some calm in the evening. Rache

Anonymous said...

Well done for getting there and dealing with it... One day at a time hon
love, Vanessa  xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear one I'm so proud of you going to your appointments and dealing with everything that you have to. I'm glad to hear you had a better appt. this time with your onocologist. Your right of course each appt. is one less. Soon this will hopefully all be behind you. Keeping you in my prayers on the smoke! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update on your treatment Jeannette, it`s so kind of you to keep up with your journal with all you`re going through at the moment. I`m so pleased your Oncologist was much nicer to you today. I think it`s very important you have a good relationship with each and every medical professional who is working with you.  I think you should congratulate yourself each and every day you have your treatment as it`s another step in the right direction. It must be very unpleasant for you having to go through night sweats. When I used to have them my sleep patterns were all over the place and I was constantly tired. You are of course in my prayers as always.

Love and Hugs

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,

  well first of all I want to say well done for getting through all this again today, secondly I want to say it does sound like you caught the oncologist on a bad day last time you went and it seems like she is only human after all. Thirdly hope you do keep on with the tablets and that your system gets used to it and your hot sweats stop and you calm down a bit as you were doing so well with your phobias. Fourthly, they don,t know you as well as we do if they think that fear or phobias will keep you from having your treatments and trying to get better and lastly you are one brave lady who has the love of the Lord behind her as well as the love and prayers of all your friends on here and in avapit. God bless you and keep you safe my dear friend, my prayers will never stop, but they may get stronger as your treatment goes on.     Love and hugs Anne  
................................................. Oh and as for Leo, he is just reverting back to his wild side, he thinks the howling of the wind is the howling of a wild dog or a wolf. I know he is just a wee thing, but his instincts go back a long way and he is more aware of his past and his origins than we are coz all our senses are dulled by supposedly being the more intelligent inhabitents of mother earth, but where we have forgot at least 2 or 3 of our senses animals still have theirs and can see and hear a lot more than we can or what we give them credit for!! At the end of the day honey, just who are the dumb animals on this planet when they know more than we know!!  x x x x x x x  Take care

Anonymous said...

you have done so good at tgetting your appointments done nad keeping all of them .
thanks for sharing what your life is like now and how this all affects you. We will pray some more for you.

I thik kitties go thru stages like kids do so maybe this is the pre teen years lol

I got your alert but sorry I could not come. my grandmother fell between her car and proch I could not get her up . my mom is having surgery tomrrow and my aunt withthe failing heart transplant is also. and my nieghbor who has checked on my granny a few times for me now and then was in a car wreck and hit by a 14 year old gilr and now she is in a wheel chair so I offered als ot  help her.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, just take it one day at a time dear, know what you are going through along with your other health problems isn't easy.....but I know you have thestrength to tough it out for your better health...just hang in there dear. My prayers are with you always.....Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

Just deal with one thing at a time and remember to relax as much as possible xx  Bless Leo with the high winds.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette,  I am so pleased you managed to get there again and I realise how difficult it is for you.  I am also encouraged by your appointment with the oncologist today and agree with you that she had probably had a bad day the last time you saw her.  She seemed more open with you today and also has explained things more clearly to you.  I think you are making the right decision to stay on the tamoxifen if the other alternative will cause such problems.  That was helpful about her advising you to take it a different time of day, it may make all the difference.  Keep strong dear friend, you are being so brave, I am full of admiration for you.  Love to hear about your Leo ... what a little devil, he must be so funny to watch though.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

I am keeping you in my prayers, and wish you only the best.  I can't even begin to imagine what dealing with all of this must be like.  You're a very brave lady, don't be so hard on yourself.  Please keep us posted.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you went ahead and saw Dr. R again.  It sounds like she really knows her stuff and I'm happy it was a better experience in her office this time.  You are a true warrior, Jeannette.  One more treatment to go dring this phase.  I'll be keeping you in my thoughts anb prayers.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette I am so proud of you you are a soldier, so brave.  Each week is sure to get better as you get more used to it.  I am always thinking of you. Leo is the best just what you need to lift your spirits. it was soo right to have him at this time. god bless Kathie.

Anonymous said...

Jeannett - You are a trooper!  I'm glad you made it to the appointments and it was more positive.  I think sometimes it is the not knowing that can cause so much grief.  Sounds like Dr. R gave more info this time and that in itself can calm a person!  Will be praying for your continued recovery!  

Anonymous said...

((((((((((Jeannette))))))))) aol has been so messed up lately. For an entire day I couldn't use aol to post pics. My alerts were coming, but only a couple. My vet once told me, wind whistles in a cats ear and it drives them nuts. They get all hyper trying to run from the wind.

Anonymous said...

great job Jeanette!
love and hugs, natalie

Anonymous said...

I know you are a trooper. My friend Kim is too. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make the two of you well in an instant. I understand how difficult it is for you to go out into the world. I think you are being extremely brave and admire you for overcoming this. Battle on my friend and I'll keep praying...love, Sandi

Anonymous said...

You're fantastic, Jeannette. You are fighting a great battle and you are in the lead. All the best.

Anonymous said...

you might not be ready to pat yourself on the back but I am.  You are marvelous and look at the strength you have mustered up.  Be proud Jeannette.. we are!
Hugs, prayers, and more strength headed your way.
love ya my friend

Anonymous said...

(((((((((hugs))))))))) and prayers too, that you will adjust to the Tamoxifen well and continue to be as brave about your treatment journeys as you have been.  I am amazed and thrilled for you that you are doing so well with such difficult circumstances.  We are all patting you on the back dearheart.
loving you

Anonymous said...

God continue to bless and be with you on this journey, my dear friend.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

A big bouquet of smiles for you, Jeannette.  You are stronger than you think!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))))))))I wish I can give you a bug huge hug,you deserve it.I am praying for you.HAve a nice night.

Anonymous said...

you are really a soldier girl......hang in there..........and as for the cats and wind, i am not sure but there is something about storms or electricity in the air that is supposed to fire cats up.  of course, my lazy fat cat doesn't even know the wind is blowing unless i wake her up and show her out the window, and then it is like why did you bother me, lol.



Anonymous said...

well done jeanette.my thoughts are with you love jo x

Anonymous said...

you are doing really well Jeannette. I am so proud of your courage. Take care and carry on getting well................Jules xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Yes, stay on the Tomoxifen.  It sounds like its the best despite the side effects.  Hang in there, you can do it!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Jeannette...So many hugs to you and many prayers for you...hang in there, you're such a trooper! :o) You are one strong lady! :o)

Anonymous said...

Hugs and God's Blessings on your during this time of healing...you are one touch lady ... that is for sure!!!!  and I think the shreiking of the wind is what bothers the kitties....hurts their ears....and ruffles their fur LOL...but oh isn't he the cutest little kitten you ever saw????  LOL...hugs again...Ora of KY

Anonymous said...

((((((((((Jeannette)))))))))) your doing just fine. I'm so glad you got to talk to your doctor more and she was understanding and explained things to you in detail. I keep you in my prayers daily.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette you are in my prayers today and every day. Take one day at a time. Your inner strength must be awesome,and so is your sense of humour. I had a German Shepherd dog called Jessie not long ago, and she used to go crazy when it was windy, but i think it was because the wind blew her coat the wrong way, and she used to scream and howl, i'm still not sure whether it was with delight or pain. Rest up as much as you can Jeanette and God Bless you. Goodnight

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear dear Jeannette,

I came by and read your journal entry and I do hope that you are feeling better today. I am sorry about all that you have been through lately. Hopefully things will be getting better for you and for your health as well. Do know that all of us here at J-Land are thinking about you and wishing you all the best. I am so glad to hear from you though. You are such a dear dear friend to me and lots of other people. You have always been so very very kind to me. I do hope your appointments go well for you. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

The weather here has been pretty amazing it almost feels like Summer arrived early. I am enjoying this great weather and I hope the weather there in your neck of the woods turns around for you as well. Do take care my dear friend and say hello to your family for me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. I'm sorry that this is proving to be such a difficult time for you, but want to congratulate you for soldiering on, indeed. From someone who has worked within the medical field (see screenie): doctors are not infallible, they should explain everything they do and answer any questions you have. If they don't want to answer (which they are equally entitled to do), they should also tell you why not. I wish you continuing strength.

Anonymous said...

I'm here cheering you on every step of the way!!
They say children get more hyper when it is windy so probably the cats too... I know my cat doesn't like to be outside in the wind as it messes up his hearing as they use familiar sounds to chart their boundaries.....
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Jeannette you are doing so well keeping your appointments ~ Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers ~ as always ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, precious lady, all the time.
Love you,
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/FROMBARBSSPIRITUALJOURNALS

Anonymous said...

Jeanette you are doing so well and are bound to be tearfull, but well done, you are so brave, really you are,Beckie.xx

Anonymous said...

{{{{Jeannette}}}}. . you are doing so well. . kepp making small steps and you will overcome anything.I know the feeling of anxiety going to the hospital and especially for you it must be hard.Im so proud of you how you are coping.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette....I am so very proud of you as i know what you must be going through being agoraphobic myself. Well done.
I hope the Aloe Vera is helping and the Tamoxifen is being tolerated more.
As for Leo....i am not sure about the wind...but i know when it is going to rain my cats used to go crazy, literally flying from room to room....funnily enough the persian that i have inherited does not seem bothered...odd.