Thursday, May 24, 2007

More Pills!

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Radiotherapy was quicker today because I am now only having  booster shots until the course is finished.  So we should have been home really early.

Alas, it was not to be.  Three days ago I started getting terrible itching under my armpit with a fiery red rash. Looks just like nappy rash that a baby gets.  I did mention it to the radiographer on Tuesday.  This is NOT the side I am having radiotherapy on.  She said it looked like a heat rash, keep it cool.  She said it could have been caused by the awful sweats I was getting on Tamoxifen.  I bathe or shower at least once a day and often twice.   Anyway, on Tuesday I had to see Dr. Robinson again.  She was pleased the way everything was going but she had been notified by the staff  that my anxiety levels had been much higher  and the counsellor also told her the state I was in when I phoned her last week.

Dr. Robinson advised me to stop taking the Tamoxifen whilst I am having radiotherapy to make it easier.  She assured me that stopping for a short time would not make any difference. I can re-start once I am finished.  I told her my blood sugars had also been much higher and she said this was due to the stress.

So I reckoned this rash was caused by the sweating, the high blood sugars, stress etc. etc.  Strange though that it did not affect the side that is being treated only the armpit on the other side.  I was not unduly worried, it was more the awful itching.  I can hardly keep my hands off it and want to tear it to pieces.  Obviously I cannot walk around with my arm in the air so the armpit is not exposed to much fresh air as it is usually by my side.

Anyway, it was so bad this morning I mentioned it to the radiographer again.  She had a look and immediately said I needed to go upstairs and see the nurse.  Up we trotted, the nurse took a look and was not happy so she buzzed for a doctor.  I expected to get a tube of cream.  Oh no, not that easy.  The doctor took a look and said she could see signs of infection starting.  She could give me no idea why this has happened other than that it could be due to my diabetes, being run down from radiotherapy etc. etc.   Anyway, I now have to take two antibiotics, three times per day - as if I am not on enough medication!  She also suggested I might like to take an antihistamine to cope with the itching.

I am not a happy bunny today.  Antibiotics upset my stomach badly and this is not what I needed whilst having to get to the hospital on a daily basis.

Mike duly took the prescription to our local pharmacist.  He immediately advised against the antihistamine.  He has all my drugs on his computer and said it would be too much of a cocktail for me and would not advise such a mix with all the other medication.  He is a very knowledgeable man and we trust him implicitly.  He said  just take the antibiotics, try and keep it as cool as possible and try not to scratch it.  How I am going to keep from doing this I do not know.  It just seems one thing after another.  I do know that when radiotherapy is finished, I have to get my sugars sorted out.  Maybe they will just drop naturally when the strain is off.

At this time because of the tiredness, I am not getting any exercise which does not help because it is important to stay active when you are diabetic.  Diet and pills alone will not do it when you are inactive. I have been told to forget my blood sugars whilst I am undergoing treatment.  Easier said than done, believe me.   If they do not drop, then I will have to see my diabetic nurse.  I am due for a full diabetic check anyway.  Will these medical appointments ever stop?  Will I ever be able to get a rest?  Give me a break!

I can only hope that the antibiotics work.  I would have preferred an antibiotic cream to have applied externally but there you go.   It is a never ending saga at the moment. I know it sounds silly, but for those of you that pray, please pray this armpit clears up.  I was greatly worried when she said it looks like it is becoming infected.

Lots of you liked my Avatar yesterday.  I have made another one because I did find a short hair style, more the way I wear my hair and I like the background better, so I am sharing this with you today.

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No, other pictures for  you today.  I did say I would take you on this journey with me and that is what I am doing.  I just cannot believe I now have this extra problem, I am certainly getting things heaped upon me in abundance.  As we are coming up to another Bank Holiday weekend, I had hoped things would be calm and relaxed. Instead I feel very depressed now.  Who would have thought a thing like an armpit could throw a spanner in the works?

Well, I suppose I had better get off here and take my first dose. Keep your fingers crossed that at least they work because if they do not then I do not know what will happen.

Like I said, this is the last thing I needed right now.  Well, hopefully things can only get better.


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Anonymous said...

try some vitamine e oil on that is very helpful many times. I also know you can use someother homeopathic things so look them up on the web . they dont intefear with your other stuff as much. buut topical oil vit e is very helpful. Im sorr you got got thisrahs you sure dont need that on top of it all.
love the avitar.

Anonymous said...

Yet another hurdle has been thrown your way.  I am sorry about the rash and the new meds you have to take because of it.  I hope it clears up quickly for you.  Rashes can be so irritating!  You do not need any more thrown your way at this time.  

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about this latest dilemma, how frustrating for you!  Prayers the rash will go away!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, I am sorry about all of this. Unfortunately when you start taking medications and other treatment you are bound to have any sort of side effects. Be careful about antibiotics because they cause you in their turn s well other side effects. They destroy bad and good bacteria at the same time. In other countries in Europe when doctors prescribe antibiotics they also precribe the so-called "stomach and intestine protectors", that are probiotics that help to protect the "good" flora bacterica. I have emailed you a link about this. Hope it helps.
All the best

Anonymous said...

Would you be able to use a topical cream such as Benedryl?  Hope it clears up soon!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, sorry to hear of the infection, that's a real shame. The avatar looks more like you this time :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of this problem, Jeannette - will email.

Anonymous said...

You and your armpit, in fact the whole of you is in my prayers.  May our dear Lord relieve your rash and your anxiety may your take comfort in His love and may He bring you healing and strength for the journey.  Try and get some rest, 'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Jeannette it is never silly to ask for prayer. I will be in prayer for your infection and for the antibiotics to do their job and not make you sick. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Love your Avatar!! keep on keeping on are doing so good...i am keeping you in my prayers..

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette well you are having a rough time poor you its one thing after another.  Have you tried "Aloe Vera" products. They are so good for burns and iching and a natural product.  I always keep the gel in the house in case of accidents, you can use it on your animals too when they get cuts and bruses. You can buy the plant itself from any garden centre. I had one on my window sill for years, you cut open the leaf and all the wonderful healing jelly is inside. I really think it would help you.  Thinking of you Kathie.

Anonymous said...

I know what your feeling with that rash under your arm. I got it when I was going through radiation. I had it under my boob and under my arm. They gave me an antibiotic also and an antifungal pill for the itching. But my mother in law who was a registered nurse for 48 years, said to wash the area 3 to 4 times a day with Dove soap for sensitive skin. Pat the area dry then with a cotton ball pat on plain cornstarch. The corn starch soaks in the moisture from the rash. She said to keep arm raised with a pillow and lay so my boob got air underneath. Well in just 2 days I felt so much better doing that. I said a prayer for you to get rid of the rash quickly. ((((((((hugs))))))))))

Anonymous said...

All this will only be a bad memory before long! Have you in my prayers.
Love the Avatar, thought about doing one, but I need a fat one...LOL.

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))))))))I am sorry you have to take so many pills,to bad they didnt just give you a cream for the rash,maybe they had a good reason they didnt.Just know,I am always thinking and praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that you now have another problem to add to the list.  Hope the infection clears up soon!

Anonymous said...

Oh I bet that really does itch. Have you thought of trying a powder on that.... they have some for itching places I noticed.  hope it lets up soon

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you are on more medication but can only advise to be guided by your pharmacist.  You already know that, but they are far more knowledgeable than GPs, or many of the medical staff.  Our GP has prescribed meds in the past that the pharmacist would not prescribe!  Just think though, when all this radiation treatment is over, what bliss it will be to get back to normal!  I bet you feel that your life is not your own at the moment.  Will continue the prayers and hope your armpit gets better.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there is some kind of a cream of powder for that itch. I wish you the best Jeannette. ;o)

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Jeannette!!

Anonymous said...

Jeanette could you put calamine lotion on it for the itching??? Or ask the chemist about an antihistamine cream??? Can't remember if it is bicarb in bath or baking soda but one of them can take away itching...Hope your stomach doesn't get too upset from the antibiotics and that you do manage to enjoy the bank holiday weekend you get down south   {{{{{hugs}}}}}  Caff xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

We swear by Sudocream; I think it's really for babies, but us old-timers have cured skin problems, and we even put it on the dog ! I have been a martyr to skin trouble caused by meds, and have tried EVERYTHING.  Bunny x

Anonymous said...

Have my fingers crossed and am sending caring thoughts and hugs your way.

Anonymous said...

hi jeanette.i hope the medicines work for you.i"m keeping my fingers crossed for jo x

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette,  so many friends out here all praying for you and hoping that you will feel better soon. Also so many ideas of how to maybe get the itch to stop a bit.  I won't add another !!  Just take it easy.."what else can I do" I hear you say !!
All will be well soon. Much Love sybilsybil45

Anonymous said...

Lots of good suggestions here Jeannette, hope you find one that works for you - it sounds really awful.
Hang in there :-D


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you have had another setback :(  Is there some sort of cream that you can put on it to stop the itching??  That's what I tend to use on my scars when they itch ~ but I know what you mean when you just wanna scratch but know that if you do it's gonna make things 10 times worse.


Anonymous said...

((((((((((hugs))))))))))))  I am sure sorry you have an infection.  Praying for you.
loving you

Anonymous said...

The Avatar picture is so cute.   Boy, it seems like it's just one thing after another.  Hope it all gets sorted out soon, so you can enjoy your summer.   Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

Poor Jeannette you certainly dont do things by halfs ,I do hope the medication cols it down and stops any infection,I keeping you in my prayers but you now that ,with my love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about this hon. Keeping you in my prayers on the smoke! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

hang in there:) praying for the rash infection to go away quick:)


Anonymous said...

Jeannette hang in there my friend.  Sending good thoughts your way

Anonymous said...

I hope the meds work for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jeannette,
 I spent a good amount of time catching up with your journal tonight.  You sure have been through a lot since I checked in last time.  I will be saying special healing prayers for you and I do hope the new medications help you feel better very soon.  Hang in there, dear lady, you are amazing!
Hugs,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

you poor thing, I sure hope you are feeling better. You have been through so much. I just love the Avatar. That's wonderful.  I hope you have a good day. Hugs to you.

Anonymous said...

Try an cream or ointment like Benedryl. Ithas antihistaminein it that you do not have to take by mouth and soshouldnot interfer with your other meds.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I am so sorry to hear about the rash I hope they can sort that out for you ~ you have had to deal with so much ~ Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Dear Jen, I am so sorry to hear about your rash, you are really going through the mill there honey, have you tried E45 itch relief cream it is very good at easing itching from sweat rashes and other complaints and might just work for you. Who knows, you can only give it a try, can,t you honey? Sending love, hugs and lots of prayers your way dear friend. I just love all your pictures, but especially this last one of the mermaid as I am into those in a big way and collect them in all sorts of forms, ornaments, pictures, etc, I have over 200 in my collection and would love to know where you got this one from!! Anyway, taking away from your ailments Jen, hope you can get some rest from the pain and itching, take care honey, love and hugs  Anne x x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette ,poor ole you if its not one thing its another ,you certainly don't do thing by half not that you would have choose any of it .Hope the antibiotics work for you and you find its eases the itching,try and enjoy the weekend my friend ......Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

My mum got all sorts of rashes and skin complaints due tot the tablets shes on and found that strips of cucumber cool from the fridge really help as they have an astringent in them, hope tis helps and is safe for you to do, my mum cant use anything with grapefuit in for example, anyway the body is a funny old thing, take care, Beckie.xx

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the tablets.
Thank you for sharing with us.  You are in my prayers and we are sending you waves of hugs!
Have a nice bank holiday weekend.
Love Helen xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the itching under your other arm.  Did your chemist suggest a cream that you could use to help?  Its a bit cooler now I hope that helps because I always find when its hot anything itchy or sore gets worse.   Have a peaceful weekend.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

hello friend you poor dear how bad for you I feel i am keeping you in my prayers daily though and will continiue to do so maybe ask your therpitest if you can mix cornstartch and water togather toi make a paste and put that on it to keep it cool and from itching i would like you to ask him or your dr first though since you are going through so much but this may help love the avater so cute hope you get some rest and enjoy the weekend the best you can God bless kelley

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Jeannette,  As if you didn`t have enough to contend with without the awful rash you`ve developed. I wonder if an ice pack would help with the itching, or perhaps the cream I told you about when you had the heat rash last year. Hopefully it will clear up during this long weekend.  Take care my dear friend.


Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are having such a hard time.


Anonymous said...

Love your avatars, very creative....
so sorry about all the little things, when my brother hurt his back so many years ago and finally found a doctor that could fit his needs he had so many little things bothering him by then from medicine reactions and just not being able to do normal things like cut his toenails that after she treated all the little things he was better than ever and able to deal with the back injury....
So wanting to hear every little thing to be able to send all the special thoughts your way....
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I was ever so sorry to hear that you are having all those problems and I hope that they all clear up soon.  

By for now,


Anonymous said...

You have to be so very sick of all this.  I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through emotionally and physically right now.  I'm going to send you some more Reiki to help you cope.  Bless.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you are having such a rough uncomfortable time.  You will be in my prayers.  (Have sent one up already!)  On a more humorous note (trying to make you laugh) it might not be too bad to go around with arm up in the air!  No one will notice.  LOL.
I hope the meds all work out and the energy comes back and the rash goes away.  (And now...I know what a nappy is!  See I'm learning. A few weeks ago I had no clue what a nappy rash would be as you are describing.)

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, my alerts are a total mess and only coming back.  I'm hoping by now that the antibiotics have done their trick.  Ugh...what more can you deal with?  It seems like every week adds something new.  I'm certainly praying that all goes back to semi-normal, at least, when the radiotherapy ends.  Hope you are feeling better and more at peace.  Love xx Chris

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you have been having such a hard time Jeannete....... hope that the arm has cleared up now Hugs Jayne