Saturday, June 16, 2007

Being A Kitten Wears Me Out!

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It is such a hard life being a kitten.  All that playing, all that eating, all that exploring.  A man has got to get his rest and Leo is no exception.  He is sixteen weeks old now and just like a baby he will suddenly crash out.

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The skies opened, the rain came hard and heavy accompanied by thunder.  Many parts of England and Ireland have suffered bad flooding.  So there has been no sitting in the garden the last couple of days.  We have had light rain this morning and the temperature has dropped considerably.  Quite a strong and chilly breeze as well.

I am continuing to have problems.  The armpit is slowly getting better but the other day the skin split under my radiated breast and started weeping.   I cannot tell you how painful it is.  I saw my own doctor.  He thought it might be a fungal infection and prescribed cream.  Oh, the stinging when I applied that!  I was not happy with it so I rang the nurse at the oncology clinic and she was very helpful.  She said she thought it was more likely to be a combination of being run down, sweat rash and skin being tender from radiation.  There is no way I can get the air to it  (it is right underneath the breast) without standing on my head - and I could not even do that as a kid.  Air is the best healer for any kind of wound so, obviously it is going to take longer to recover than other places would.

She said bathe it in tepid water three times per day and just keep a dressing on it.  Honestly, since March there has not been a time when I have not had one dressing or the other in various places.  I am so sick of it.  I thought the day I finished my radiotherapy  was the end of my troubles for a while.  Wrong!

Anyway, if it gets any worse she said to ring her and she would make me an appointment at the oncology clinic.  I thought I was done with these places until October.  So, I am not very happy at the moment. In fact I am very down.  It may seem a trivial thing compared to what I have been through but it is so painful and sore and is worrying me because it is on the affected breast and there is always the chance of infection.

Anyway, it is the weekend and there is nobody available to have another look at it.  So, I shall just follow her advice and hope it does the trick.  Fingers crossed and praying hard. That is all I can do.

The skies just opened again while I was typing the above.  No chance of getting any washing out.  On the positive side, it will water the garden so we need not do that.

Little Leo is a delight as you can imagine and he does make me smile even when I feel as low as I do right now.  His latest trick is to sit on the arm of a chair and when the dogs go by, he leaps onto their backs.  They are very good natured and just put up with it.  

Becky and family returned from holiday last night so we shall be seeing them tomorrow.  They said they had the journey from hell home, road works, hold-ups, rain.  They were glad to back indoors after all those hours on the road.  They went to some of our favourite places and oh how Mike and I wish we could have been with them.

Well, there is not much else to write about.  I shall do a bit of housework and as I cannot get into the garden, I shall either continue with my reading or shall catch up on some t.v. programmes we have recorded.  Why is it that for weeks you get endless rubbish on the t.v. and then all the good programmes come together?  Still, at least nowadays we can capture them on tape or disc and watch them at our own leisure.  That is if we remember!

Have a good weekend my dear friends and readers.


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Anonymous said...

I hope the skin heals up soon, I can imagine the pain and discomfort it causes. Leo sounds just like my old Burmese cat, she loved to jump on top of the dogs, poor souls were nervous wrecks! They're fun to watch though, I love seeing kittens interactions with other pets, they're so bold and fearless! Glad Becky, Dean and the children got home safe ~ eventually! We've had no rain here for a few days, it's sunny right now! Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

That poor kitten sure does as if its been working hard all day,

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((JEaNNETTE))))))))))))))))))Just know,I am praying for you.I love the pics of your cute.i hope you have a peceful weekend.

Anonymous said...

That does sound really painful Jeannette, no wonder you`re feeling down at the moment. I suppose all you can do is look after it and see what happens, though that won`t make you feel any better. :o(  I`m not at all surprised that Leo falls asleep after a tiring day being a kitten...just like a child he will sleep anywhere. I hope you have a lovely day with the family, I`ll bet you can`t wait to see the boys after so long apart. Take care.

Love and Hugs

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Leo is such a cutie, I know he's a delight to watch! :)
Sorry you're having such a bad time...have heard of some that come thru breast ca with little or no after effects, then there are others that have after efects for a long time.:( Hoping yours clears soon, with only some bad memories to think on but LOTS of good memories to look forward to!
Just know you have a loving family, lots of friends, tons of J-Land buddies, & GOD...all on your side! So chin up, happy thoguhts, we love you.
Soft hugs,

Anonymous said...

The kitten looks comfy! Sorry to hera you are  having more problems I hope that you can find a little less discomfort over the weekend.
luv bella x

Anonymous said...

It has been delightfully warm and dry here.  The complete opposite of what you are having.  This weekend will be very hot and I will be indoors most of the time at Dad's.  Hopefully it won't be too very hot there, as I tend to wilt very fast.  You are in my prayers as you journey this road to recovery.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you are having such discomfort. :o( Leo is adorable.

Anonymous said...

Hiya, sorry to hear you are still having weeping problems and pain, hopefully they can sort it out soon for you. Leo looks such a cute little thing.....reminds me of my Ratbag!!!

Anonymous said...

awww Jeannette I am sorry this is happening... can you go topless around the house?  Maybe that will help.  I hear you about TV.. cable gives you 175 channels... of NOTHING!  LOL  glad you got some tapes.

Anonymous said...

Leo is so cute in all those positions. LOL on him leaping on the dogs back as they go by the chair where he lays. I pray that place will soon heal up. Maybe it just needs to get some fluid out of there. Hope your weekend gets better. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Oh, little Leo looks as snug as a bug in those pix!  Sorry to hear that you are having problems again............that must really get you down.  Praying that things take a turn for the better.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

yeah that kittn has it bad what a rough life.

Father bless her heal my dear freind amen

Anonymous said...

That kitty looks fairly content!!
Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette.  I too had the radiation burn underneath my breast.  Its an awkward place for it I know.  I used a smooth gauze and parked it underneath to absorb the perspiration. I changed it regularly. I didn't find the 1% steroidal cream very effective and tried one with an anti fungal cream in it too.  This just clarted up my bra.  I fell back onto the Aloe Vera, which I gently rubbed in and allowed to air dry.  This is antiseptic and soothing and it soon went.  Just keep it dry with some soft gentle gauze..check at the chemists.  It will be gone from start to finish within  about three weeks with any luck.  Sorry its getting you down, but this too will soon be behind you. I love the snoozy pictures of your 'funster' kitten.  Poor chap looks quite worn out with his days frolics.  All the best to you.  Jeanie

Anonymous said...

ohh jeannette I  am sorry that this has happened I  have had 3 caesarians and my last scar got infected the only useful bit of advice i can give is the hair drier on a cool setting little and often helps keep it a bit drier-hope things soon pick up hun,love Dee.
ps i love leos latest pics and your gardens look lovelyxx

Anonymous said...

I do hope the area under your arm heals quickly.  

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I do hope that clears up soon ~ fingers crossed the advice you have been given works for you ~ will keep you in my thoughts and prayers ~
Love those pictures of Leo and laughed at him jumping on the dogs backs ~ good thing they are patient with him ~
We have had two really bad storms here today ~ there has been a lot of flooding in this area ~ luckily we are OK ~   Ally x

Anonymous said...

Jeanette I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling so down and low. I hope you're feeling better soon. Thank God you have Leo to keep your spirits up, and your family of course. We've had thunder and torrential rain here as well. I know what you mean about the telly, there's never anything decent on. when I tape anything I never have time to watch it or else I forget and tape over it!! Oh well!! Poor Leo, he works too hard and he's so funny!! God Bless Jeanette

Anonymous said...

At least you have Leo to cheer up your day, sorry the weather is so grotty. Hope your skin problems clear up soon.

Anonymous said...

I think you guys are getting all the rain.  Send some over.  Sorry to hear that the wound is weeping. I'm well endowed like you, a 42D so I can just imagine how
difficult it is to deal with under the breast. What about making some sort of breast sling to raise it up a bit? Sort of an extreme support bra? Lol...sometimes I wish I had one! Seriously I hope that you heal well and, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Aww isn't Leo a darling. Do you have a chandelier you can dangle upside down from? Sorry, I probably shouldn;t have put that but if you smiled I should have :)

Anonymous said...

i am a firm believer that kittens and doggies keep us young and happy:) have a good sunday


Anonymous said...

i especially love the last one of the three pics.  leo is really adorable.  thanks for sharing him with us.



Anonymous said...

Leo is an absolute charmer. My daughters cat had 5 kittens a few weeks ago. She has 4 Blonde stripes like Leo and one Ash White, with gray ears and paws. Thanks for sharing Leo with us. Sorry you having problems with your wound hon! Keeping you in my prayers on the smoke! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Have you tried duct taping your breast to under your chin?  LOL!  Just kidding.  I sure hope you heal up soon and the rain stops soon.  Linda

Anonymous said...

awwe pretty kitty you have!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you are having problems healing.  I always heard the best thing was salt water for a wound.  Maybe check first though.  Leo is truly delightful and I know he brings you a lot of comfort and makes you smile.  I loved the fact that he jumps on the dogs' bags.  Hope the cooler weather helps a bit with the healing Jeanette.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

hello sweet friend so sorry you are still going through things but what you have gone through is so big that maybe it will take time to heal complety i hope it feels better soon the kitty is so darn cute we have 3 of them here and they are so cute and fun to have a round and our dog is pregant so she will have some puppies in July so we will be keeping busy and have lots of laughs i am sure your weather there sounds so much like ours here in Indiania hot humid then rain lol hope you have a great weekend still keeping you in prayers Godbless kelley

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you've got discomfort Jeanette, I can't think of anything that would help but at least Leo is giving you a smile.  He looks really comfy.  I smiled at him jumping on the dogs, he's a brave one.  Hope your pool is ok with all the rain we've had, it's gorgeous when lit up, really envious. Rache

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you are having that skin issue. I hope it's resolved soon.  
Your pics of Leo made me smile. He is so cute and can sleep in any position it seems. Glad he is able to lift your spirits. God bless his little soul.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I'm sorry you are having these problems.  I do hope it gets better and heals properly.  Praying for you.  I love the pics of your little kitten passed out.  How cute is that?  He is adorable.  love, Shelly

Anonymous said...

Lovely graphics Jeannette.

So sorry to hear about the ongoing probs with your breast - we don't know the half of it do we?  But what a blessing Leo has turned out to be.  Yes I remember that 'crashing out' that kittens do after racing around and getting into everything.  Wish I'd taken a photo of Alfie when she first came to us, she would suddeney fall asleep on the back of the settee with all four legs in the air, the first time she did this I thought she was dead!  Kittens are so darn cute :-D

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette loved the pictures you posted of little Leo he is so cute
Hope you heal soon
feel better

Anonymous said...

Yes, the weather does get you down and when youve been through the mill as you have the smallest little thing can set you back on the path to unhappyness.Just think when this is alldone and dusted you will be a much stronger person!!Luv you little Leo!!your so cute!!Beckiexxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette hope you heal soon and are less sore ,love the pictures of Leo hes so sweet .......Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

I hope you are having less pain now, and that the area that is bothering you is healing.   I love watching kittens play; glad you have such a little guys to give you a bit of sunshine.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you are feeling a little brighter now Jeannette and not in so much pain.

Leo is adorable