Thursday, June 21, 2007

Quick Footnote

Thank you to all those who suggested talking books to help fill the time whilst I am lying down.

I should have put in my previous entry that I have had talking books for a very long time.  I get two or three from the library every month, I am given them as presents and also buy them myself now and again.  But even they get boring if you are just lying there listening to someone talking at you.  Not a lot different from the radio in the end and then I have to move to change the tape or the disc to continue with the story.  Ho hum.

Thanks anyway.




Anonymous said...

you know I had a friend who did cross stictch whilst on her back and  crochet. maybe there is something in that field that can help you

Anonymous said...

I am praying for that place to soon be healed up. Then you won't get so bored while you are laying down. Helen

Anonymous said...

Iam really at a loss to know what to suggest ,lets hope it heals quickly ,Isuppose Mike singing to you isnt an option ? ,with love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

In many dentist offices, they put a tv or a large (pretty) relaxing picture mounted on the ceiling so folks who are on their backs in the chairs can see it.  Would this be possible for you?  Or how about a mirror lol?  Sorry that slipped out and I didn't restrain myself.
loving you

Anonymous said...

I must have missed something I don't know why your lying on your back but if it's not for sex or sleeping who wants to be on there backs. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette....I wish I knew something else for you to do. My heart just goes out to  you.

Anonymous said...

Lets hope you won't be on your back much longer Jeannette.You have put up with so much, lets hope and pray this part of the nasty thing which came along to visit you,will soon all be over and you will be back with us well once again.Keep going Jeannette you have been so brave down this long path.Take Care God Bless.Kath

Anonymous said...

do you guys have a laptop computer????  maybe you could invest in one...after i had surgery that thing was a live saver!!!
books on tape are nice too but i do agree they are only fun for so long :)

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I hope everything heals and you don't have to lay on your back for much longer ~ I hope Leo joins you while you are there at least you can stroke him which I am told eases stress ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Be sure to listen to lots of funny stuff too!!  It worked well for a guy named Norman Cousins...and it really can't hurt!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette ,can't think of anything else to suggest,it can't be much fun lying on your back ,but hopefully it will heal  soon ,lets hope and pray that it does pretty soon too,take care ....|Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Why not pick your favorite music to listen to, let your mind wander through it and relax completely.  Sometimes you can feel that you are just floating on a cloud listening to beautiful sounds....Love, Sandi

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOH Jeannette what's happened to you? blimey the things that happen when Im away!!! I better go look at your previous entries. Laine xxxxx

Anonymous said...

hello Jeannette. cant help you with passing time i'm afraid....but why dont you get a fan thingy and try pointing it at your boob to try and speed up the process a bit. it might not work, but is worth a try maybe. love Joanne

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,
Is it possible for Mike to rig up a portable TV raised up on a small table or chest of drawers to the side of you so that you could turn your head a bit to watch it?  You could have the remote control to change the stations yourself.  I know you'd probably get a bit of a crick in the neck maybe but it might work just for half an hour or so.  Having a fan trained on you sounds like a good idea too to help dry the affected area.  Hope it's a bit better now anyway.  Love, Pat

Anonymous said...

i can't listen to talking books.........they put me to sleep, and then i have to start all over again.........and go to sleep again........etc etc etc.  lol.



Anonymous said...

Oh great idea!!!!  Enjoy and heal... sending prayers....

be well,

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))i am glad its helping you.Have a nice weekend.