Kittens will be kittens and Leo is no exception. A couple of days ago Mike say him playing with something in the sunlounge and grabbed his camera. I was unaware of what he was playing with as I was in another room. Mike was standing in the kitchen doorway. He told me he had taken some video of Leo playing with a fly. Wrong! He was actually playing with a wasp.
Yes, he was taught a hard lesson. He got stung. I had no idea until I saw one of his front paws swollen to three times its normal size and then we played back the video and I saw it was a wasp immediately. You can see him licking his paw like mad. It returned to normal size the following day. Poor Leo, I bet that hurt. However, it did nothing to slow him down. He still spent the rest of the day tearing around like a lunatic. I doubt it has taught him a lesson. I cannot imagine what he will be like when he is allowed to go into the garden. He will get into all sorts of mischief.
Please click on the video it does play.
I am hoping to get some plants planted into tubs soon as long as I can find the energy. I have just sent him indoors out plant buying. He should not go wrong as he only has to get Geraniums and even he knows what they look like! My poor garden will not look as good this year but as long as I have some colour out there and somewhere quiet to sit I shall be happy.
I was very disappointed when I went for a run out in the car this morning at my own suggestion and had a panic attack. This worries me now for Thursday as I have the hospital again after nearly a week. I suppose it is the tiredness, starting on Tamoxifen again etc. etc. So fingers crossed for me friends and readers that I will be able to do the journey calmly and not get into a state. The last few trips were o.k. for me and I want to go forwards and not backwards. At least the road will be open again. It has been closed for the last few days for major works.
Well, that is about all my news for now. I have been unable to add the photos of Leo that I wanted, had endless troubles so have had to leave it. Well, I did manage to get one on! He is a real "ham" and loves having his photo taken but he always looks so surprised when we view them back.
How adorable! Linda
Oh, leo is soooooooooo sweet and cute! Poor baby got stung!!
He has the biggest prettiest eyes too!!! Hope you are doing better mow.
love ya,
Aww bless that is definitely a wasp...Horrid things they are...I never used to be scared of them or dislike them but when you get stung by one on the outer corner of your eye then well you get slightly phobic of the things...So i can sympathise with poor wee Leo...Good luck for thursday {{{{{hugs}}}}} Caff xxxxxx
Your kitten is a joy -- so active and alert. I love the surpised look on his face. After having my two old lady cats around I've forgotten just how active a kitten can be. Poor little one being stung like that. One time my beagle got stung on the nose and it swelled up like that too. I hope your trip out to the hospital goes well. Just think it's not as bad as the radiation. At lease we hope not. Soon it will be over and we have the lovely days of summer to enjoy. I love summertime more every year. It just doesn't last half long enough. 'On Ya' - ma
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((JEANNette))))))))))))))))))Poor Leo,I am glad His toe is healing.He is a handsome cat and very happy.Just so you know,I am always praying for you.I hope you have a nice day.Its pretty nice here.
Awww poor little Leo! Let's hope that is as much mischief he gets into. Shame about your panic attack Jeannette :-(
Yes it is nice being in the garden - best part of being retired :-)
Love your siggy!
best wishes to you and yours
Hi Jeannette,
It's been a while since I've visited. I'm so sorry to hear you are ill. I didn't realize. I've been battling my asthma this winter and spring. I didn't realize how that will knock me off my feet until it did. I hope everything works out for you and soon, too.
Your Leo is adorable. He looks a little like my Pizza. I love cats. They are insane. My older ones just sit around. I have one though, John Jacob, he's 9. He can't wait to pull something that will make all the other cats sit up and pay attention. He has us laughing all the time.
I looks as if Leo had already got stung as it appears he is a little leery of swatting at it again and kept licking his paw. He is really growing fast. Love his pictures. Praying that you will have a good trip on Thursday. Hugs, Helen
I have watched this a couple of times now ,I think he must actually have been stung before Mike started filming ,poor Leo ,I bet it did hurt ,hope hes ok now ,well done trying to go out for a little while ,hopefully when that awfyul tiredness leaves you ? Jan xx
I'm sorry Leo got what he was chasing long enough to get stung, poor baby. But I can well believe he tried to catch the little flying bug. Our ten weeks old kittens are so nutty in the house that there is nothing too crazy for them to try lol. Yesterday I arrived home to find (another) roll of toiltet tissue strung over the bathroom floor, unwrapped to the last millimeter and broken into small sections. Xena --- the ringleader of my culprits --- has also been removing bits of wallpaper backing from the lower walls in the bathroom. She carries them around and considers them a toy or perhaps a trophy lol! Since I had not finished getting all the paper backing off in that area, I am not too upset about her doing it for me. I am wondering if this could lead to a paying job for her in the future lol. Ahem --- why break your back trying to remove low wallpaper backing? Allow Xena to do it for you over a period of weeks. Just provide meals, water, comfort, toys, affection and she will do the rest! Oh, don't forget to put the toilet tissue out of reach!
loving you
aww poor baby but what a cutie pie
Poor Leo! But they have to do children! ;)
Glad you are feeling well...stay strong...keep doing good. There'll be bad days, but seems most are good for you. WOO HOO!
awwwwww poor Leo. I', glad the swelling went down in his paw. Remember I am with you when you go see the doctor. (((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
Love ya,
awwwwww poor Leo. I', glad the swelling went down in his paw. Remember I am with you when you go see the doctor. (((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
Love ya,
Hi Jeannette ,poor Leo getting stung by that horrid wasp,it will have perhaps put him off trying to catch flies.Hope the tiredness wears off and the tablets settle for you and you manage Thursday alright ,thinking of you ......Love Jeanxx
He's quite a boy. What a laugh he must be to have around the house. Does he ever settle down and snuggle in your lap? He sure is a cutie ! Linda in Washington state
Glad you are feeling well today Jeannette...and poor Leo. He has to learn. ;o)
Leo...this is Gabi in Washington. You shouldn't play with bees or wasps. They will sting you and it will hurt. Well, I guess you already found that out. But please don't do it again, because next time it may sting your nose. Have a good evening and go snuggle with your mum. Love Gabi
My dearest Jeannette
how i wish i knew you
what a wonderful woman you are
if you are ever in my neck of the woods ... lunch is on me
well done
OUCH! What a lesson!
LOL...poor kitty! Have a blessed day! got ya in my prayers! Hugs,TerryAnn
Oh, poor Leo. I had to smile when I saw how he was looking at his paw, little love. Eileenx
Leo is a little love ~ glad the swelling has gone down ~ lets hope he learned his lesson and don't play with wasps again ~ will be thinking of you Thursday Jeannette and wishing you well ~ Ally x
Sweet Leo. I loved this video. Aww.. Poor thing got stung. I get scared when my kitties chase bees. None of them have ever gotten stung, though. Leo has beautiful markings! He sounds like a fun kitty! His eyes are beautiful! Thanks for submitting this link, Jeannette. You have been in my prayer, love. xox
hi jeanette,leo is adorable! I"ll keep my fingers crossed for wishes jo x
Aww poor Leo, he does look really suprised. Jeanette, have you ever seen anyone about your panic attacks?
Poor baby. I'm so glad his paw returned to normal quickly. He is such a beautiful cat! I like the idea of having bells around his neck so you can track his movements around the house. Isn't it amazing how much love these little guys bring into the home?
Hugs, Kathy
Oh he is so cute. Poor baby got stung. I recently got stung by a bee so I can relate to the pain. Jeannette I know you love nature and flowers. Would taking something beautiful with you in the car a great bouquet of flowers, to smell, see and relax you? Sending good thoughts your way, Sandi
Poor little Leo. He really is a sweet cat, I bet you spend ages watching him playing. I hope it goes ok later on this week at the hospital Jeannette. Will be thinking of you and hoping you'll find the innner calmness that is within you to deal with the appointment. Hugs, Terry x
Poor Leo!!
Poor Leo!!! That must have hurt, It probably won't slow him down and he probably won't learn from it!! He really is just gorgeous though and those eyes!!! I can't believe how quickly he's growing!!!! Hope everything goes alright for you this week Jeanette. I'll be thinking about you and you'll be in my prayers
poor leo glad he is ok:) you will do fine Jan i will keep you in my prayers.
Poor Leo! I know how it feels to get stung up by wasps! I got attacked by a bunch of black wasps once, not fun! Bless him!
Poor Leo! I know how it feels to get stung up by wasps! I got attacked by a bunch of black wasps once, not fun! Bless him!
Awww what an adorable kitty!
Leo is a beautiful fellow! You are fortunate to have him to love and focus on. Keeping you in my prayers. - Barbara
Oh that poor baby!!!! He looks adorable in the pics though!!! Very perky and happy... not surprised! LOL
be well,
My mums dog got dtung on the nose, he looked so funny trying to lick it!!Bless em.Beckie.xx
Awwwww, I loved the video...and love cute...hope you have a beautiful week.....many hugs and love,
I had a kitten who got stung by a bee, ended up with a huge paw! She took the oppurtunity of smacking the dogs on the nose with her big furry 'boxing glove'! Leo's such a cute boy, I think Nina would like to teach him a few tricks like abseiling curtains etc! Good luck with the hospita; trip tomorrow! Jeannette xx
Jennette isn't it amazing when your family kid Leo and others pets get stung or bitten, they can lick theirselves into wellness. Wish it would be that easy for all of us. You'll do fine on Thursday dear, just keep calm and while having the treatment find something that is peaceful for you and keep that thought through the treatment dear. Take care....Hugs being sent to you....Arlene (AJ)
Leo is so cute!
Loved watching the video of Leo, but felt so sorry for him when he got stung, I know what it feels like because I once got stung on the tongue while eating a sick of humbug rock at Blackpool. Bit into it and didn,t notice the wasp until I bit it in two and it stung my tongue which swelled up three times it,s normal size and felt like it was choking me. We had to go to the hospital for me to have an injection to reduce the swelling and the pain, needless to say I never touched humbug rock again!! So pleased about your good news Jen, bye for now honey, see you later. Love Anne x x x x
Oh poor Leo, hope his paw is better now...
Linda :)
Awwww he is a darling Jeannette. I cannot believe how big he has grown.
Poor little sausage....but saying that they never learn do they .
Sorry to hear about the panic attack and i hope that all went well at the hospital
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