Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Windy Wednesday

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We had a spectacular storm here last night lasting for over two hours, that was two hours of rain, thunder and lightning. The lightning, however, continued for around another three hours.

I knew a storm was coming because I had a headache and felt jumpy all day.  I have always reacted to approaching storms in this way.  I was just glad it arrived well after I had another visit to the surgery. I hate being out in storms, really hate it.  That stems from a school friend, way back  when I was about eight, who was killed by lightning. 

I had to stop the cream I was given last week because it seemed to make matters worse,  the split skin under my breast became much more inflamed.  So I started treating it with Aloe Vera which helped a great deal but did not stop the weeping.  I decided another visit to the surgery was in order.  I saw a lady doctor and she said it has been mostly caused by the radiation making the skin weaker, plus perspiration and generally all I have been through which has made me very run down.  The skin could not take anymore and has developed a bacterial infection.  So now I am on a different cream.  Let us hope it works although I have been told it will take a while due to the location.

After the storms has come the sun again but the wind is so strong, my hanging baskets are twisting and turning alarmingly.  If it gets any worse  I shall take them down until it abates. A couple of the smaller trees are almost bending double.

Him indoors is out buying paint.  He finished our sunlounge inside and out and it looks so much better and brighter.  Now all the guttering needs to be done.  Yesterday he rubbed it all down and cleaned the gutters out, now he wants to start painting.   Most of the neighbours around here have changed their old metal guttering to PVC but we simply cannot afford it.  We had a couple of quotes and nearly fell over with the price.  So we have to make do and mend.  I suppose we really should have thought about it when Mike was still working but it is easy in hindsight.  Oh well, tonight is lottery night.  You never know!  Although I think it is hardly likely that we will even win ten pounds.

Leo is definitely a house cat.  The back door is open all the time now but he only wanders out occasionally, never more than halfway down the garden and after about ten minutes he comes back in again.  At least I will not have to worry about him wandering.  We are having him neutered when he is six months old.  He might not be a wanderer now but when the old hormones kick in he would certainly go looking for any likely ladies.  Without "the necessary" he will not feel the inclination and it will also prevent him for "spraying" in the house.  Poor little thing, if only he knew what was coming.   Him indoors says it brings tears to his eyes just thinking about it.

Other than that, there is not much news at this end.  I have to go and lie flat on the bed for at least half an hour at a time at intervals during the day and the evening to get the air circulating around my poor boob.  So boring.  Cannot read flat on my back, cannot see the t.v. and there is only so much radio that I can take.  There is not a lot you can do lying flat on your back.......................well there is something you can do in that position as we all know -  but we won't go there!!!!

Well, it will all be worth it if this new cream and the airflow does the trick.  Hopefully when I can get more active again, it will also help my blood sugars.

What a good job we got the planting done before this happened. 

Think of me lying staring at the ceiling.


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Anonymous said...

I wish you could share some of that rain with us.  We're looking at 115ºF today - a nice rain would turn the heat down a bit!  I was trying to think of things you could do while on your back, but ... I couldn't think of a thing.  Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

yeah the weather is rotten here too, aww sorry to hear your not at your best,
Get well soon.
Helen xo

Anonymous said...

Hope the new cream does the trick!!! :) {{ }}
Glad Leo is getting the snip when he's of important!
Have a lovely Hump Day, just try & take it easy...get air to under your breast & hopefully soon those blood sugars will be right again.

Anonymous said...

We had a lovely day yesterday ,Maurice is still on holiday so we went to the coast ,it was lovely and HOT ,came home and yes we had the storm now its sunny but yes windy too so its drying my washing ,I hope the new cream works for you ,I laughed at you saying Mikes eyes water ,thinking of whats to come ,for Leo ,you then go on to talk about lieing on your back !!! lol Jan xx

Anonymous said...

It is bright sunshine here this morning with no air stirring at all. It will be hot and humid after a while because we did get a much needed shower yesterday afternoon. I hope that place on your boob will soon heal up. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you caught an infection in your wound Jeannette.  That's the worst thing about having an 'overhang'. I'm sorry too that the Aloe Vera didn't keep the bacteria at bay either.  I just gave up on the ointments the doctors gave me and applied the Aloe Vera every morning and night.  Through the day I used some soft absorbent gauze for the perspiration.  I tried taping my breast up (useless!) and hoisting my bra' as high as it would go to stop as much of the overhang as possible throughout the day.  (that seemed to work with care.)  I then placed the absorbent gauze between my bra base and my skin. I even took off my bra and left the gauze trapped under the overhang.  (For days when you are not going out and about of!) The radiation burn will keep on coming out until it wears off.  I think I mentioned before it took three weeks or slightly more before I saw healing.  Meanwhile you could do with a Planetarium type ceiling where you could open it up and watch the clouds scudding by in these high winds you have been having or watch the stars at night.  Hang in there my friend.  It will go eventually.  Jeanie.   xxx

Anonymous said...

We too had a good storm yesterday, but we have a beautiful calm day this morning.  A little cooler than it has been , but that is a welcome relief.  I'll be praying that this infection heals quickly and that you can regain the lost strength and be able to do things with more vigor than before.  After all you don't want to miss out on the delights the summer season will have to offer.  Take good care, and say those prayers while lying abed.  God Bless ! 'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Our storm broke out during the night Jeannette and for the first time today we havn't had sea frets.Yippee!! We had the nasty winds all day last friday .I covered my hanging baskets loosly wnad tied them at the top with large plastic bags.I have been sick to death of SEA FRET  this last couple of weeks on and off.Never lifting all day long.I hope the infection soon clears up with the new cream.Pity you don't have an old type cine camera you could have pointed it to the cieiing,whilst Mick dropped in the slides .LOL!! We used to do that on my MIL lounge wall many yrs ago.If we didin't take the screen along.Ah well poor Leo as you say.Still if it's for the best it will soon be over.You Take Care God Bless Kath

Anonymous said...

you need to get books on tape:) then laying down won't be so boring:)


Anonymous said...

We had a nasty storm yesterday as well - I just made it in the house before the rain.... couple of years ago my youngest daughter had a very near miss from a lightning strike...... dangerous stuff :(

Anyhow, Leo will soon forget his "operation" and neutered male cats are so loving... bless him.

Now to that lying on your back..... puts me in mind of a joke that I cant possibly repeat.... lol... take care of yourself and yours
love, Vanessa xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette with all your ongoing problems you still sound very cheerful.  We too have that dreadful storm, and I had to get daisy and cuddle up to her as she was really scared. The thunder was the loudest I had ever heard, but today nice and sunny again.  So sorry you a still having such trouble with your skin i seems never ending.  I seems you are doing all the right things. Take care Kathie.

Anonymous said...

((((((((((Jeanette))))))))))) I am praying for you.  One of my neighbors down the street is diabetic and had a foot wound that would not heal for months.  The doc had him take an OTC supplement that he said would help with the healing.  Would you be interested in the name of that supplement?  He ate it sprinkled in yogurt and his wound did finally heal properly.  I would be glad to get the info for you and find some and mail it too, if you'd like.
loving you

Anonymous said...

i hope the new cream helps you jeannette.  it stormed her yesterday too...better today
poor leo he wont like that one bit but its best to do when they are younger like you said.  i made the mistake once of not doing it as soon and they do spray all over the house :(
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

I had to smile when Mike said it brings tears to his eyes thinking of having Leo neutered, my husband said the same when we had our dog Harry done. I guess all males think along the same lines !  Tell you what you could do Jeanette whilst lying on your bed - get an audio book from the library and listen to that. I have to have enforced periods of closed eyes and thats what I do - passes the time.  Glad to hear the tone of your journal is lighter and that you are improving - may it last until you are 100% well again.  Lots of love. Pam.

Anonymous said...

I so hope that the sore gets well...I know it has to be aggravating to you...
May tomorrow be a better day,
God bless,

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I do hope that cream helps clear up the problem ~ we had a cracking thunder storm here with lightening and thunder ~ and windy ~ but the Sun has been out nearly all day  ~ glad Leo dosn't wander far from the house  ~ I just can't think of anything spectacular you could be doing while laying on your back :o) Ally x

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((JEANEnette)))))))))))))))))))))There was a big Thunder storm last night and I slept through the whole thing.LOL.I much of been tired and stressed from work.have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

D'you know we were required to get our kitten fixed before she was allowed to be taken home with 8 WEEKS!  I'd never heard of such a thing!  She made it through alright, but still...... we adopted her from the Humane Society.

We're having the same rains over here, but I'm enjoying them a great deal....all the windows open.  :)


Anonymous said...

I sure hope you can get that infection under control.

Anonymous said...

Hope the infection is brought under control soon, Jeannette. Rain just started here in the north.

Anonymous said...

I do hope the new cream works and your wound heals quickly. We had a very nasty night last night. Storms almost all night. Some contained some very scarey lightning. Awwwww poor leo, but it's worth having it done, cause when a cat sprays in your home it does get stinky. well girlfriend, you are lying there on your back, where's the hubby, heehee. ((((((((((big hugs)))))))))))
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hope you are soon vertical again...........hehehehe there is only so long you can enjoy being horizontal!!!!!!!!!!!  Seriously though, hope you are soon fighting fit again and that your skin is healed.  Still praying that all will be well with you.  Take care.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Maybe some audio books would work.  You could put one in the tape player and just lay back and listen.  It's probably good that Leo prefers being indoors.  It may save him from a flea infestation, although they say that we humans can bring them in on our shoes and clothes.  At least you won't have to worry about him taking the plunge into the pond.  Once he has his "brain surgery" I bet he'll be like a new cat.  My ex called it "brain surgery" because it changes their mind about fooling around. Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

Hi jeanette,  had a thought what about that man of your doing a ceiling painting..that would keep him even busier than usual and you could just lie there giving instructions !!!  What did Leo think about the thunder. My wee Dee dosn't like it at all. Fortunately the storms missed us all together. Love sybil

Anonymous said...

I hate storms too. When I was little visiting my Grandmom in Virginia a hurricane hit and a tree killed her neighbor, fell on his car. Very scary. Hope the new cream works for, Sandi

Anonymous said...

I hope the infection clears up soon Jeannette.  It`s a shame because you`ve been so careful too. I`m sure the new cream will clear it up.  We had a storm last evening but it soon blew over and although it rained in the night, today has been beautiful. At the moment it`s a bit blowy and my washing is drying nicely on the line. We had the gutters changed at the front of the house because the old ones fell down!  It did cost more than we hoped for and we never did get the back of the house done. :o(

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I love storms long as no one gets hurt and they are just bright flashes.
I sure hope you find something maybe you need some baby butt balm that this guy use to make it was for diaper rash. look for some herbal stuff at a homeopathic store with aloe and olive oil in it and has castor oil too. its good.

Anonymous said...

Poor Jeannette.  Staring at the ceiling, and you daren't fall , asleep in case you roll over !  Hope it does the trick.
We had our old cast iron gutters replaced piecemeal.  The plastic ones make a dreadful noise when the sun comes out, like someone cracking their finger joints.  So take heart, or rather, tell the very industrious Mike to.
Bunny x

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,
Sorry to hear your having some discomfort, I do hope the new cream works for you.  I really hate thunderstorms and we haven't had one here recently, I hope there's not one tonight as Peter is working and I'm on my own!  The audio books sound a good idea, perhaps Mike could pick some up from your library, they do them at ours.  Hoping to hear better news from you soon, Love, Pat ~~~

Anonymous said...

My mum in law had a couple of sore patches with her radiation, it will heal, just keep doing what you're doing

Anonymous said...

I so wish you'd heal and feel a bit better... sending good thoughts

Anonymous said...

I would have hubby to hang your favorite actors face on ceiling so you could lay there and enjoy looking at him.
Hope you get better! Soon..

Anonymous said...

oh so sorry you are still going through things but i am still praying and hoping the creme works how hard it is to just lay there and stare for any length of time hope it all goes away soon and healing begins God bless my friend kelley

Anonymous said...

You need to get some books on audio to listen to while you're airing out your boob. lol

Anonymous said...

 I hate to hear you suffering like that.  It must be so terribly painful.  I hope and I pray that it heals very quickly.  

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette sorry you are still having discomfort with the skin not healing properly ,hope this new cream works .Pete had a open weekend at his Cement works where he works  but it has to be cancelled due to the heavy rain  ,he told me the field that they put the tents and marquees on is flooded and the ducks are swimming on it .!!!Glad you have your sense of humour re Leo "  being Done " and Mikes eyes watering .Have you any audio tapes to listen too  while on your back ,Take care ...Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,
Hope the healing gets well quickly and keep an eye on that infection.  Bacterial infections can be dangerous if not nipped in the bud.  I am sure that the more air that gets to the area will help dry it and heal it and I know that is tough.  More lying and staring at the ceiling.  Him indoors should put a TV on the ceiling?  LOL.
I am scared of storms too.  God and I have 'bouts over them.  He tells me to trust in him and I remind Him of all the tornadoes that have been here and how many have lost their lives in them and that I'm not ready to be called home yet and I hope He understands.  Yes we have 'bouts.  LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hi jeanette, i feel cheated, we only got the edge of the storm and i didnt see much lighteneing althouhg i heard the distant sound of rolling thunder,I used to be scared as a child but now I love the sky, I look at it and daydream, i often walk past people who are talkng to me in the street as im looking at clouds!hope your not to sore under your arm and feelin better soon,Beckiexx

Anonymous said...

hugs Jeanette!