Saturday, July 14, 2007

At It Again!

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The weather finally eased up enough for him indoors to finish the painting of the outside of our property.  As you all know, between rain showers, he was able to do all the front and the side.  This last week he finally finished the back. It was a big job but well worth doing.  That should last for a few years.

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Now he has commenced decorating the bedroom.  Hang on I hear my long time readers say, did you not do the bedroom just a couple of years ago or less?  Yes, we did.  If you remember I chose the colours pale lilac and mint green and very nice it looked with matching lilac bedding and curtains.

However, through circumstances I have had to spend so much time in there this year.  I became sick and tired of it, thought I would scream if I had to keep looking at those lilac walls.  The green paintwork had discoloured.  It had been washed down a few times but made no difference.  I wish they would make a paint that would actually hold its colour and remain the same as the day you put it on.

Anyway, I happened to mention that I was so fed up with the colours and my lovely him indoors said that he would re-decorate for me.

I decided as it has been such a dismal year, to go for something really bright and sunny.  So the walls will be a colour called Pale Citrus.  Well, three of the walls already are. The paintwork will be Pale Chiffon which is a white with just a hint of yellow, not a brilliant white.  A new bedding set arrived this morning which is..................wait for it.............. chocolate and beige which has some yellow patterning on it.  I am waiting for a new yellow roller blind to arrive. 

This is a complete departure for me.  I have normally gone for quieter colours in the bedroom.  Originally it was pink, then blue, then lilac.  However, I wanted brightness.  I wanted something that lifted your spirits when you walked in there and something sunny to open my eyes to in the mornings.  As you know I have been through a very depressing time and still get very bad days because I still have a long time to wait to see if all my treatment has been effective.  The radiation burns I suffered were very bad which is a worry in itself as that can cause problems farther down the line.  My skin went almost black before it started peeling off.  I still have very dark patches in some places.

When the bedroom is done, I shall put a photo on.  However, you can imagine the mess we are in at the moment.  I keep all my books in there.  The bookcases have had to be emptied out and all the books are stacked in the hall.  It will give me a chance to go through them again.  I have kept some for many many years for sentimental reasons.  They are now so dog-eared and the pages so yellowed, they really should go. The dressing table had to be cleared so all my bottles and my mother's crystal tray and accessories are boxed up.

We simply do not have space to empty out the room completely which is the proper thing to do.  So the bed has to keep being pushed from one side to the other.  All a bit of a nightmare really but there is no alternative.

The worst thing is the smell of paint.  It is horrible sleeping in there are the moment.  If we had a camp bed I would sleep in the lounge but we do not and I am certainly not going to spend money on one just for a couple of days.

I have heard that putting a bowl of salt in the room helps with the smell.  Others say that you should cut an onion in half and place that in the room.  Both are supposed to absorb the smell of paint.  At one time you could buy a product called "Petal" which you tipped into the can of paint and it gave it a more flowery smell.  Apparently this is no longer available.  The assistant at the paint shop told him indoors to try adding a couple of drops of floral disinfectant.  We tried that - useless!  It would need a whole bottle I think and that would probably affect the paint.  The petal stuff used to be oily and I suppose clung to the paint but disinfectant is watery so will not do as good a job.

Do any of you have any tips that you know work?  If so, let us know please.

It has not been all work.  The boys have been over for a couple of days this week and what a joy to see them.  Yesterday Nathan did a picture for me and when I asked him what it was, he said........"a mess."  You can imagine how I laughed.

Here is a photo of my big man with our little man

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Nathan is looking so happy because he is carrying a bag of goodies!  Grandy had taken him to the pick-and-mix sweet counter at our local supermarket.  Daniel cannot walk that far yet so he remained here.  But the minute they got back, Nathan, bless him, gave the very first sweet to Daniel and then carefully gave one to each of us before he had his own.

Oh well, back to the grind.  I suppose I had better start sorting some of those books out and making cups of tea for the worker.  I had hoped to sit in the garden today as it was forecast to be nice but it is very overcast with a chilly breeze.   Also I have got to put some lamb in the slow cooker for our evening meal.  Actually it will last us for two days.

Have a nice weekend dear friends and readers.

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Anonymous said...

Well done Mike the outside looks lovely ,so does your garden and I can see Jack ,and look at all those fish ! (whats in the bags in the sun room lol ? )and now you nearly have a new bedroom ,it does sound nice I look forward to the pictures when it is complete ,Isnt Nathan getting tall ,lovely little boy ,how nice of him to look after everyone before he took his own sweetie ,and lol at the picture 'a mess ',take care ,great entry Jan xx

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((JEANNEttE)))))))))))))))))))))))))Sounds like you been busy doing alot of painting,the colors of the pain sound very,specillay your rom,cant wait to see the pics.Yellow sounds like a nice color to brighten your day.My Sis still wants to pain my room with me.I was thinking about a pink or a yellow,not sure yet.The outsideof your house looks very nice.That is a very nice looking photo,they are both handsome.That was sweet if Nathan t hand out candy to all of ou before HImself.Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

your bungalow looks very pretty Jeannette. . . .Mike has done a great job.LOOK at grown up Nathan!!!He is getting so tall! Like Jan I want to know whats in the Morrisons bags too. . .LOL.
A teaspoon of vanilla added to the paint will take the smell away. . . or some charcoal .Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful job on the house, its beautiful.  I liked the colors you mentioned, I  could almost imagine it but will look forward to seeing pictures of it.  You've come so far Jeannett, and I pray that you will continue to do a bit better each day!  I think you are one special lady!  God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Jeanette you tell your hubby I said he did a wonderful job painting the house. That picture belongs in a magazine called Better Homes and Gardens. It's beautiful what he did. I can't wait to see pics of the bedroom when it is completed. Awwww your grandson is so cute holding his Grandy's hand carrying his bag of treats. Such a good boy to share it with all of you. Take care my friend, and have a great weekend. (((((((hugs))))))))

Anonymous said...

what  handsome guys you have:) and the house looks great:) enjoy your weekend:)


Anonymous said...

Great job of the looks really nice and the bedroom sounds lovely to me..can't wait to see pics..try putting a bowl of instant coffee out..they always use coffee to clear your nostrils in perfume might work....

Anonymous said...

I love the colors you picked for the room...yellow and the others are beautiful.  Your house is always a showcase of beauty.  The bedcovers sound lovely.  I just can't get over how time has gone by so fast, and how little Nathan has grown up before our eyes. You have a beautiful weekend..and oh...before we paint here...we add some vanilla extract to our paint while it is still in the can...stir it...and then paint.  That stops the smell!  It works for us!!
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

At my work, the painters always mix in some fabric softner to the paint.  Makes it smell alot nicer.  The house looks beautiful!  Linda

Anonymous said...

I've heard of the onions, but then the onions also smell...
Well done to 'him indoors'

Anonymous said...

Your darling Him In Doors has certainly done a very fine job.  It all looks just lovely .  I know I started going for brighter colors several years ago.  Not only in the house but my clothing too.  I'll be looking forward to the pictures of your room when it's complete.  The picture of your big and little men is delightful.  One to treasure for sure.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Your house looks lovely!! And I am sure the bedroom will be so beautiful when you're done. The color scheme sounds pretty.
I hope you have a good day today.

Anonymous said...

The house & flowers are beautiful!!
You're hubby is a precious man, tell him I said so! Give him a hug! Maybe 2 or 3 hugs! LOL
Love the pic of your 2 men. ;)
Have a lovely weekend.

Anonymous said...

Mike did a great job of painting. I love your sun room and fish pond with all those flowers. Joyce had a great idea on the vanilla added to the paint. Vanilla always smells so good. Great picture of Mike and Nathan. Nathan was so sweet sharing before he got some for goodies for himself. Your color scheme sounds pretty. Looking forwards to seeing the pictures when you get the room all finished up. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Your yard is lovely.  I love it!!  What a great view looking out back.  I checked with my sister 'Martha Karen' who is the crafty one and she said a teaspoon of vanilla extract in the paint will do wonders.  
Good Luck and can't wait to see the end result

Anonymous said...

Your house looks lovely Jeannette, I`ve always admired your pond but Jim won`t have one. I`ll have to make do with looking at!  The colours you are having are lovely and sunny and with the reasons you mention I don`t blame you for making a change. It will be lovely waking up to such a happy room with the weather the way it is. Don`t our Little Men grow up so quickly? I know we all say it but where does the time go?

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I've been reading that you can add a tsp. of vanilla to paint to sweeten the smell without diluting the color.  HGTV channel recommends it.  Hope it helps!

The bedroom project sounds like it will be wonderful when done.  The pictures are just gorgeous of your house, yard and your guys.
I'm glad to get an alert from you dearheart.
loving you

Anonymous said...

wow things ARE looking up there around the house and I love the pic of grandy and nathan. how cute

Anonymous said...

I didn't read through your comments, so I don't know if someone else may have mentioned this,  however if you put some vinegar in a bowl that will deodoerize a room.  The smell of the vinegar is a bit hard to take, but it soon mellows and takes the other odors with it.  Leave it for a day, and that should help you quite nicely.  Your garden looks amazing!  It's so welcoming and soothing.  Hopefully you'll get to enjoy it some today.

Anonymous said...

Loved the picture of Nathan and Grandy and your new bedroom will be lovely when it is finished.  We are off on holiday next week, so don't think I am being ignorant by not commenting on your journal.  Hope the weather picks up for you so you can spend some time in your wonderful garden.  Our weather today is lovely, blue skies and no sign of rain.......yet, anyway!  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Oh. I love your colors. If the sun doesn't come out who cares, you will have a sunny bit inside. Your hubby did a wonderful job outside, it looks beautiful. I can't believe how big your grandson has gotten, he looks like such a happy child. Feel well and strong, heal, Sandi

Anonymous said...

that garden is looking amazing, what a great job he has done, I see someone else has mentioned vinegar but I know that one works, I use the white vinegar so the smell doen't linger. Nathan looks very happy in the photo

Anonymous said...

How beautiful the picture of your home and garden and I can't wait to see your new bedroom.... and how precious Nathan sharing his treats...
Have a blessed weekend!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

First of all I loved the peony graphic.  Very pretty !!  And I love the outside color of your house.  Am waiting to see the new bedroom colors.  My bedroom has wallpaper, and I'm considering painting over that.  But I'm like you, I have no place to put the "stuff" while I paint.  I have two big dressers on each side of my queen size bed.   With just barely enough room on each side of the bed to run the vacuum thru.  Wish I could send you sone of our sunshine & heat.  Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,  What a lovely man you have,,,not that you need me to tell you that !..Your new room will sur elook lovely when he has finished sure it won't be long now. sorry I don't have any tips regarding the smell...just the cut onion and not sure if that works !!   Anyway you can just keep thinking that you will have sweet dreams soon.  Love  Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the flowers, just beautiful. Awww what a wonderful guy you have to want to change the bedroom around for you. I hope you have a great day and a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

When Nathan is older he will treasure that photo.
Jenny <><

Anonymous said...

The house looks beautiful Jeannette and the garden too .The picture of Nathan and Grandad is wonderful and so lovely of him to share his sweets.I always do my bedroom in  a pale lemon colour for summer months .I love sunshine colours for the summer.It's the sun it's been short of this yr so far LOL! Sounds a perfect colour conbination to me,you have chosen.I hope you are feeling better.Take care God Bless KATH

Anonymous said...

Pure vanilla extract directly in the paint helps, plus bowls of vinegar in the room will help absorb smell too.  Windows open... ventilation is key.  I can't wait to see the pics of your new sunny bedroom!  I understand your need to change it!!!  Yay!  Grandy and Nathan look mighty happy!

be well,

Anonymous said...

I love your sunroom and pond!  Your pond makes my pond look like a puddle! LOL  Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

i always love looking at ur pics

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,
Your home and garden look so beautiful. Mike has done a great job. He's a treasure, but you already know that. Look forward to seeing the photos of your room when it's finished.
We've had beautiful weather here today. We went to a school fete this afternoon and we are sunburned.
Take care Jeanette

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of actually pouring anything into paint to make the smell more acceptable.  Short of sleeping with all the windows open (not a good idea in a bungalow!) I can't think of anything but to grin and bear it!
Angie, xx

Anonymous said...

Your husband is truly an angel.  It looks glorious in your garden.  When he runs out of rooms to decorate at your house, please send him to me in a stamped addressed envelope, thank you so much.  Now you are asking about getting rid of the smell of paint.  Hmmm, I have had my paint in the shed now for almost 2 years waiting to get my artist brushing it on our walls!  The decoration for the bedroom sounds lovely and it should certainly cheer you up too.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers!  And a great picture of Nathan an dhis granddad, too.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette Mike has done a wonderful job your Garden and home it looks beautiful ~ and I love the picture of Nathan with his Grandpa~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I was so pleased to be able to read your journal again but was sorry to here of the burns from your treatment.

I know it is too late now, for your decorating is done, but my family and I tried some of the paint that is supposed not to smell; it does smell but it seems to go quicker than the other paint that we have used.

As for this particular paint, for it is water based, I do not think the finish is a good as the gloss we normally use.

I have tried using the onion but, in the end, we felt that there was little or nothing that we could do other than wait until the smell went.

You would think, at this time of year, that the smell would go quickly but because we are, through no fault of our own, unable to keep all the windows open and the decor seems to be taking forever to sort itself out.

I hope that you are back to normal soon.

As from Monday, the work men will be in our house as all the central heating is to be replaced.  All our rooms, at the moment, are in termiol for I am trying to get all the carpets up.  We are hoping that we can get away without doing the decore again for we have not been in this house long.  The council work in wonderous ways and we just have to put up with it all.

I'll let you know how we are getting on later but my guess is that I will be busy for a few days.

More inportantly, I hope that you are back to your usual self soon.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette !!!!!!!!

The house and the fish pond look amazing. Do you enjoy sitting in that chair in the picture ??? I wish I was there to visit you. I know we would have so much to talk about. Nathan is sure getting bigger. He has got quite a smile on him. I do want to say hello to your husband and your family. I hope everyone is doing well. I have to say that it has been quite a treasure having you at J-Land. You have kept me going and smiling so thanks. Do take care my dear friend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette ,it was Coleen who mentioned putting vanilla in the paint ,good tip .Your home and Garden look so nice ,I love the photo of Mike and Nathan ,one to treasure ....Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

hi , i hate the smell of paint to, its the only thing that puts me off decorating, when you got a small flat or property, you cant get away from the smell, it gives me headaches.My bedroom was green and blue first, then lilac and silver and now its biege and gold, and its much nicer to wake up to and makes the room feel bigger too.Ive realy got to do my lounge, the birds keep eating the wallpper.take care, Beckiex

Anonymous said...

The garden looks beautiful good as the house.

You deserve something to brighten you up after all you have been through. Cant wait to see the pics
Take care