Friday, July 6, 2007

For Them

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It is hard to believe it is two years since that terrible morning when innocent people on their way to work became the victims of terrorist bombs.

People who had chatted to their families over breakfast, maybe had arrangements for the evening, holidays to look forward to.  Ordinary people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Time inevitably moves on but for the relatives of those who perished, the memory of that awful day will never fade.  Their  lives will never be the same again. They are in my thoughts today.  Also those who were injured and live with the scars both physical and mental.

Sadly, the threat goes on.  Once more we are on security alert although it has been stepped down a degree.  We know it will happen again, somewhere, sometime.  We can only walk tall and refuse to be afraid.  We owe it to those who died, we owe it to ourselves and to our nation.

Let us never forget

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The memorial  in the Victoria Embankment Gardens, London.

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The memorial plaque in the gardens.

God rest their souls, now safe in the arms of our Lord.

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My sincere thanks to Donna who made the graphic at the beginning of this entry.  I told her what I wanted and she did a beautiful job.  Thank you my friend.


Anonymous said...

ah such a sad time. many are predicting bad things tomrrow since it is 7-7-07!!!!!!! I dont know but owuld that not mean good things all sevens. ??? but that is a sad loss you guys had. so terrible so sudden such finality

Anonymous said...

A lovely tribute and my heart goes to those that have lost friends and family to hatred.  It makes no sense that people willingly will hurt others and then label it whatever cause, which boils down to excuses.  Their acts are criminal, not religious.  I pray with you that the families and friends will find peace and comfort during this time.  God Bless.

Anonymous said...

God Bless them all.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is sad, that just a few radicals have to bring fear to so many people, who just want to live their lives in peace.  It boggles my mind , that those few don't want the same peace that we do.  Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((JEANNETTE)))))))))))))))))))))))I will never forget what happend that day,I knew were I was,I was working and everyoe was hugging everyone.It was just so sad.Thanks you this beatiful entry.Have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

so sad there has to be mean evil people in this world. great memorial:)


Anonymous said...

Jeannette this is a beautiful entry and wonderful tribute.  Thoughts and prayers going out.

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful tribute!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute!!!

Anonymous said...

You words were beautifully written for the memory of those lost lives.  I was thinking how lucky of a day 7/7 should be and then this reminder hit me...  We should never forget.  Your 7/7 like our 9/11  are days we need to keep in our hearts.  Freedom is never free.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said... tragic, so senseless this fighting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette. What a lovely entry you've done. Beautiful tribute.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette,  We could not have said it better. You have put into words all our thoughts. Thank You.  Love sybil x

Anonymous said...

A fitting tribute, bella xx

Anonymous said...

I was due to go to London that day (anniversary of dad's passing the next day so shoud have been going to the chapel of memory) but had to cancel due to a last minute hitch, I shudder to think what may have happened to me as I was planning to go early by train.  we are a strong nation and hopefully showing that we will not be afraid!!! much love, Joan

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

What a wonderful tribute!  Time does move very quickly.  I didn't realise when I woke up this morning that two years had passed since that day.  We, as a nation are strong and shall fight this war on terror!

Hope you're well.

Leigh :o)"

Anonymous said...

This was indeed a terrible tragedy.  Linda

Anonymous said...

I would like to add my sympathies too Jeannette.  It's hard to believe that time has marched on. Two years?  It's still like yesterday when I panicked on hearig this dreadful news, as I have family living in London and worried for them like others.  Thank God they were safe!  Not so for some families.  My deepespt heartfelt condolences to them.  "There but for the grace of God go you or I".  
God Bless them and may we always show strength in our solidarity of going about our daily lives despite these terrorists threats.   Jeanie

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder, Jeannette. We had such a close escape only a week ago.

Anonymous said...

It's so senseless.  The killings I mean.  No one has the right for any reason at all to kill another.  It's been written in the book for a thousand years!  What a beautiful tribute to them.  Love, Shelly

Anonymous said...

It was a day that we wont forget ,couldnt believe what we were hearing on the tv ,and its not over is it ? Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette this is a day none of us should ever forget ~ it does not seem possible it is now two years ago I remember it as if it was yesterday ~ sadly the threat does still go on ~ such senseless killings ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have been deep in thought today ................. but sadly it is still all around us, but hopefully we will get the upper hand and prevent such atrocities happening again.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

It's so sad that in this day and age, horrendous things like this happen to such innocent folks.....let's all remember those that lossed their lives and keep their families always in our prayers....>Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

Amen!  May they rest in peace!  Hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

Yes, may they all rest in peace and those responsible have no rest where their "fate" has taken them to their final rest. I am so very sorry that this is happening to such a wonderful country....your home.

I am heavily involved in the global crisis and politics (some) and can only hope that our life and that these two crisis will one day not be. I may be hoping for something that will NOT ever happen, but I refuse to give up.

Hugs to you,

Anonymous said...

A very beautiful tribute. (((((((hugs)))))))
Cindy xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Stopping by to say hello, Jeannette....have not been around to 'read' you in a while, so I decided to pop over and catch up! Yes-I remember that bombing-
terriable thing-how nice of you to post the picture of the memorial garden; Nathan
is 3 all ready?? Happy belated birthday to him! The 'sketch picture' looks good!
It's amazing how that's done; I always enjoy your graphics-always different and
interesting; I see your keeping Him busy around the house! LOL He is FOREVER working, isn't he? Hope your feeling well, your in my prayers always, if you have a spare minute, stop by my journal and say hello! ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

No one stood taller than the Brits under the bombings and hardships of WWII.  God bless you all with that courage, determination, and fortitude again.  May His comfort and mercy embrace those who mourn.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette !!!!!! I have been watching the news and I was really worried about you guys. I heard about the attempted car bombings over there and I was wondering how you guys were doing. How are you all handling the attempted bombings over there ??? I hope you and your family and everyone else over there are chugging along. I wish I was there to tell you in person but please know that I and many others in my neck of the woods are thinking about you and yours. I will keep you all in my thoughts. Take care and be safe my dear friend.

Anonymous said...

I see you are a Rockin Girl Blogger too.  It is sad we have to have such a thing as terrorists in the world.  Evil has grown and it's sad.

Anonymous said...

Yes it seems we have a fight on our hands, god I wish that all my dreams dont come true this timexxBeckiex

Anonymous said...

Each time it happens I am sickened to my very soul. It is one thing to be at war and know you are possibly in peril, but this killing of innocents is beyond belief. Wish I could wave a magic wand and make everyone behave peaceably. Love, Sandi

Anonymous said...

Lovely tribute Jeannette. Having a relative who survived the London bus bombing only makes me stronger in this fight against the enemy. We have survived before and we must continue to hold our heads up high and get on with life