Tuesday, March 8, 2005

Bitterly Disappointed

I feel I have to update you all because you have given me so much backing, love and support.

Well, the diabetic nurse at the Diabetic Centre of our hospital was no help at all.  She said that as I am not an "in" patient at the hospital she cannot either increase my medication or give me any advice.  She told me I had to see my doctor.  I explained my difficulties and that we had already been in touch with our surgery who absolutely refuse to do a home visit.  She said, that is their choice and she cannot interfere with the way they run their practice. She did agree that my blood sugars are way to high but of course, did not know whether this is due to elevated blood pressure or an infection after the flu which I have never really got over and still bringing up unpleasant stuff from my chest now and then and always from my nose. I explained I had told the surgery some weeks back that I thought I had an infection but they refused me anti-biotics. She did say there must be some underlying cause why my blood sugars have shot up.

I asked her what do other agorapohibic diabetics do?  Are they just left to rot?  I got absolutely nowhere with her so Mike tried, she just listened to what he had to say and then said "she will have to see her GP, I cannot help you" and rang off.

So, Mike immediately went down to the surgery and told them that the Diabetic centre nurse had said that because of my elevated blood sugars I had to see a doctor and as quickly as possible.  Once again a home visit was refused.  Whilst he was there, the surgery rang me at home.  The woman was exceptionally rude to me, spoke to me like I was a five year old child and wanted to know my blood sugars for the last three days.  I gave them to her. She told me to hang on whilst she spoke to their Diabetic nurse.  A couple of minutes later she returned.  All she said to me was "right I am dealing with your husband, he can tell you when he gets home" She put the phone down on me before I could even reply.

The upshot is that they are prepared to see me tomorrow morning if  I can get down to the surgery and only if I can get to the surgery.  If not then they are going to leave me to it.

But the worst thing of all was that then they would not even give Mike anappointment for tomorrow.  Even though the Hospital Diabetic nurse said it was imperative I saw my GP.  No, he has to go down and queue for an appointment at 7.30 a.m. in the morning.

So, my anxiety levels are even worse today.  I have no set appointment, we hope that Mike can get one in the morning, then I have to dose myself up with tranquilisers even to attempt to get there.  As I suffer , and always have, from white coat syndrome, my blood pressure reading will not be accurate anyway and my GP is not good with Diabetic medication.  Will he know which one to increase?  I feel like I am living in a madhouse.

So, the National Health Service is safe in government hands. Really?  On the rare occasions I have had to phone the Diabetic department in the past, they have been most helpful, not any more.  I used to have a surgery that cared a few years back. Not any more.

It is frightening to be ill these days especially if you live in the South East of England.  It is even more frightening when you suffer from Agoraphobia and getting out is practically impossible and you are treated as a "difficult" patient who does not co-operate.

If I do make it there tomorrow I shall be in a state, of that there is no doubt.  How do they then expect to get a true blood pressure reading.  If I walk in the door crying or they can see I have been crying then "nerves" will be the first thing on the doctor's mind.  The fact that I have two serious and potentially life-threatening medical conditions seems secondary to them.  Do they not understand that if my blood pressure and blood sugars were under control then I would not be in a state of nerves and anxiety.  It is them going out of control that is causing this problem. My Diabetes and blood pressure should be the priority with them.  They are not.

Why cannot they treat the disease and see past the anxiety tag.  I am not hopeful for tomorrow right now.  I shall do my best, I always do try my hardest.  I hope it works out, if not............well the if not does not bear thinking about.

I had such high hopes for today, they have been dashed. We can only hope that Mike gets an appointment tomorrow and that somehow I will find the strength to get there.  The GP that is on tomorrow is a bit of a panic merchant and likes to send everyone to the hospital if he feels he cannot find an answer.  It is going to take every ounce of my strength, guts and determination to even get to this appointment. I could not face the hospital, I truly could not.

So, I can only hope that the prayers you have all offered up for me are still answered and that I will get somewhere with the surgery tomorrow. I have to hope, without hope there is nothing.




Anonymous said...

I think it is disgusting Jeannette, the way they are treating you. I am sure there is something in the rules and regulations of the NHS that state nobody is refused a home visit. Is it worth Mike looking online to see. I wish so much I could be there to support you. I really hope they see sense and if they dont, is it worth thinking about changing your GP. My thoughts and prayers are with you..........Jules xxx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I think it's disgraceful the way you have been treated.  You deserve to be treated with care and respect by these people, you do not expect rudeness and to be treated as a problem patient!  These are medical people, they should understand agoraphobia, and the difficulties you face on a daily basis.  How can they justify leaving someone with a serious illness just to 'get on with it'?  Is there a department that deals with complaints, I would think there is, though I'm not sure where or who.  This has to be negligence doesn't it.  
In the mean time my dear, my thoughts continue to be with you.
Take care.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

There's always hope Jeannette.  Lots of thoughts are with you today and right through tomorrow.  xxR

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I feel so bad that they treated you this way. These people seem to be very rude, with hanging up the phone and not willing to figure out some sort of resolution. Individuals of the medical field take an oath, and that oath is to treat and take care of their patients, no matter what the circumstances. It seems that these days a lot of them do not uphold that oath. It is that way here in the States also. I am praying very hard for you. I understand very much your feelings and fears. I just wish that I could be there and go with you to the surgery. I am praying that you will find the strength to make it to the Doctors. I am very worried about you. Jeannette, keep hope alive and God will find a way. God Bless You My Friend

Anonymous said...

Speak to you in a while Jeanette. Hang on in there. Think I may have an answer as to getting help, will give you a ring as soon as plumber has left.
Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

I feel really disgusted at the way you are being treated Jeannette.  They know you are at their mercy but there is no compassion at all.   Doctors today often can`t remember a patient`s name anymore let alone know you well.  I really hope you see someone quickly tomorrow and get it all sorted out for you.  Take care my dear friend.


Love and Blessings    Sandra   xxx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, it is so common for people afflicted with anxiety (and agoraphbia) to be ignored.  It seems no one listens to the true ailments; they try to blame it all on the underlying anxiety.  What gets me is that so many people in the medical field think that we can just " do what is important" and go out no matter what!  We cannot control it, no matter what anyone thinks!  I have gone to doctors before on a "bad day" and burst into tears as soon as someone talked to me!  It is humiliating, uncontrollable, and makes me feel awful about myself that I struggle to just do what other people do...I hope you somehow can get to the doctor, as it is obvious they are not going to help you if you don't.  Take the tranquilizers.  But write down everything you want to diuscuss, in case you forget because of the medication you need to get there...
I am so worried about you!  And I am so angry that you are having to go through this!  You deserve so much better!

Anonymous said...

Its a shame that these medical people forget that they need compassion to be in the medical field , if you cant be compassionate get out of the medical field. My grandmother had  Agoraphobia , I remember watching my mother and father drag her out of the house to get her much needed medical care . Its horrible that you have to go through sooo much . Maybe if they could look at a family member, like their own mother in your shoes things would be different. Maybe they havn't had their diversity training yet this year.
sorry for rambling on but it p----ed me off...lol
Try to keep up your spirits and get well. ... LINDA

Anonymous said...

i am sending u my thoughts and prayers...that it will all work out and u will begin to feel better soon...a ((((((((((BIG HUG to u)))))))))...


Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I think we all agree your are not being treated properly by the health care people.  I wonder how they would feel if it were a loved one of theirs?  Agoraphobia can strike anyone.  It creeps up on one ever so slowly, and eats away at your confidence and security.  But Jeannette, dear lady, you must do whatever it takes to get yourself to the doctors tomorrow.  YOU MUST!  I know it won't be easy, but as you say, look at the alternative.  Give the tranquilizers a chance to work and keep an open mind and a hopeful heart.  PLEASE.  I have to go back to work tomorrow and I will be worring about you all day until I can get home and check my alerts.  My prayers are with you and with Mike also.  I know he worries about you so.  Love, Susan

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I am so sorry you're having to endure such treatment. You have many people praying for you, including me. Don't give up hope, no matter what. We see things one way; GOD sees them another. HE won't let you trust HIM only to disappoint you. HE WON"T! Can't call you today but will as soon as I can. Much love. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Mike will manage to get an appointment tomorrow - he won't let you down. Then it's just a matter of getting to the surgery - which I know will be very difficult for you. But, just keep telling yourself how important it is to do it. Obviously, nothing I can say will help you - except that I will be thinking of you tomorrow, and sending all my prayers.


Anonymous said...

I don't have a whole lot to add, Jeannette, except that my prayers are with you.  God is on YOUR side!  Be blessed!  Will be waiting to hear positive results.  Let us be your strength tomorrow.  We are here for you.  Blessings, Penny

Anonymous said...

I worry myself that agor will creep in on me because of my self imposed isolation.There are places I feel very uncomfortable going now. I do hope that everything works out. Just in case that he sends you to hospital, pack a bag with your favorite things in it to remind you of home.Carry a pillowcase with your scent on it, a favorite blanket, your own nightclothes. I will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

This is horrible! In this country, you would have a good case for a malpractice attorney. I know nothing about national heath care. Here, if you have the money to pay, you get good care...or you depend on slightly more sub-standard care through various employer sponsored insurance plans. But we have the right to change our doctors/offices at will. We go to whomever we like (who takes our plan). Can you change doctors? Find a younger and more sympathetic doc!

Anonymous said...

Grrrrrrr...........give me the number of your doctors surgery I want to tell them exactly what I think of them.............It just makes me so angry that they are treating you this way when you've been screaming at them the situation that you are in.  I shall continue to pray for you and keep you in my thoughts.   Just try your best and hopefully the light will be shining at the end of that tunnel :-)
Keep smiling

Anonymous said...

Been thinking of you alot the last couple of days.... Linda

Anonymous said...

Jeannette - I think this is a moment to get political - no matter which party you support. Strike whilst the iron's hot - there's furore over post-poned operations at the moment, if I were you, I'd be emailing your last two journal entries to the websites of the three main parties - I'm sure Michael Howard in particular will welcome them!
Something really needs to be done - your treatment has been absolutely appalling. I do so hope things have improved by the next time we hear from you.

Anonymous said...

r of your considerible problems with nhs .last year we elected to go private treatment for my husband for bilateralhernia .he developed urinary retention post .dr passed a catheter which did not go into bladder, this was not spotte d by either nurses or doctor ,  were toldhe had cancer and required emergency laparotomy to cut along story short he did not have cancer but his bladder was grossly distended with 1 litre urinehe went to theatre again 5 days later . and 3weeks later had an emergency prostatectomy.so you see even if you pay there is no guarentee you are safe in spite of asking repeatedly for an explanation we were only told the surgeon had made a clinical decision I  know this does not help you with your problems but its good to talk