I am asking all my journal friends to send out good thoughts for me and for those who believe in a greater power - prayers.
I have never used my journal to talk about my health much. I have used it mostly to turn out from myself and put my mind on other things. However, I am going through real problems at the moment and wanted to share with you.
My blood sugar levels have gone out of control this last few days for no apparent reason. They are high in the morning although they do reduce during the day into acceptable figures in the evenings. However, in the last five days I have experienced "hypos" twice. I only ever had one of these in the early days of my diabetes. I experienced one last night and it scared me so badly I was frightened to go to sleep, yes, at my age, frightened to go to sleep.
Most of you know that I have problems in getting out, well the truth is, I do not go out. I had a period last year when things improved but then it all fell apart again. This year I have suffered from a stomach bug and then got the flu very badly which can often affect blood sugars for some weeks. Also I lost a dear friend very suddenly a week ago which shook me up. All these things have re-inforced my fears and the thought of even leaving the house makes me shake.
Anyway on Friday Mike tried to get me a home visit from our surgery. I wanted this because in 2003 when my blood sugars went out of control, they found it was due to the fact that my blood pressure had gone sky high. Mike and I were afraid this has happened again as the specialist I saw at the time said it could. He could offer no explanation except that in some people it can and does happen. The surgery flatly refused to come out to me. After last night's "hypo" when I was so very frightened, we tried again for a home visit. No.
So, I telephoned the Diabetic Centre at my local hospital, only to be told that no Diabetic nurses were available to give advice on Mondays! Can you believe that, the one hospital we have covering a vast area, diabetes on the increase and no nurses available!!!! However, I spoke to a very sympatheticlady who completely understood my situation. She could hear that I was very distressed (I still am) and she is passing on all I told her to the diabetic nurse tomorrow and getting her to ring me. However, she has already told me that although this diabetic nurse does work in the community, she is only allowed to visit insulin dependent diabetics and not people like me who are on tablets. So, whether I will get the help I need, I do not know. This is why I am asking you all for your good thoughts and your prayers. If they cannot help me then I just do not know what the hell I am going to do.
I feel I have absolutely no back-up, that nobody gives a damn. I cannot get to my surgery, they will not come to me, I cannot get to the hospital and it looks as though their Diabetic nurse will not be able to come to me. My one hope is that the hospital nurse can contact my surgery and maybe they will listen to her.
The stress on me at the moment is awful, my heart is racing all the time, my hands are sweating, I am on the verge of panic attacks all the time. Mike is beside himself as to know what to do. I have the awful feeling that something terrible is hanging over my head. I just cannot shake it.
I always try to keep bright and keep going but this is really knocking me for six. I know I should not think ahead but I am already worrying about what I do tomorrow if the Diabetic Centre cannot or will not help me either. Why, in this day and age is agoraphobia still not taken seriously? Why do the doctors assume that you are an attention seeker, that you could get there if you really wanted to. They do not know how hard it is for me even to walk to my front gate.
So, my dear readers and friends, I am very very scared at the moment and that is the honest truth. I cannot seem to put my mind on anything else. I am watching myself all the time and this is only making matters worse.
I am sorry but I just cannot visit your journals today, I am far too tense and uptight and hoping so very much that tomorrow will somehow bring about the help that I need.
I have tried to getmyself help and not ignore the situation. There is nothing more that I can do now. I have to wait and see what tomorrow brings and whether any help is forthcoming. It is going to be a long day and night.
Please think of me.
hugs and prayers
don't worry about hypos..................
they make you feel crap but don't worry.
How low did you go?
How high have you been going?
Oh my dear Jeannette, of course my thought and prayers are with you, I truly feel for you and I despair of the medical profession in cases such as yours. It is understandable that you are very scared when you have lived with agraphobia for so many years and you just CAN`T leave the house. The so called `caring` proffession should get back to doing just that and be more compassionate and treat us all as individuals with vastly differing needs. Take care my dear friend,
Love and Blessings Sandra xxx
My dear Jeannette, I am so sorry to hear this.
I can't imagine what it must be like for you.
Several here in J-land are going through tough times at the moment, and it hurts that all I can do is leave a comment and hope that it helps to know that we all care a great deal. Of course I will send out my very best thoughts for you, and hope that you will get the help that you need.
Thinking of you.
Sara x
Oh jeannette, I really feel for you. There must be some sort of protocol for people in your situation. I only wish I knew what it was. Prayers and lots of {{{hugs}}} coming your way. xxxx
Dear Jeannette, I'm here in NJ and I've just said a prayer for you and I will continue to ask the Lords support for you until your issue is resolved. I know it's easy for me to say, but try to push all those negative thoughts from your mind. I surely don't think agoraphobia is a means to get attention. Goodness, there are less painful ways if attention is all one seeks. Please try to relax and turn all your woes over to the Lord. This is too big for you to handle alone and now it's time to surrender. You are in my thoughts as well as my prayers.
I didn't realise you were agrophobic as well as diabetic - that must be truly awful for you. As far as the hypos are concerned, keep checking your blood sugar levels and just eat something immediately they seem a bit low - or whenever you feel a little weak and wobbly. Even just a nice cup of tea with sugar will do the trick. It's better to have too much sugar in you, while things are like this - just to avoid hypos while you're waiting for the clinic to sort you out.
If you can't let Mike take you to the hospital in the car, then the doctor or nurse must simply come to you. It's their duty! Have you tried ringing your local Family Practice Committee (can't remember what they're called, the authority you get your prescription exemption chit from)? If you tell them you need urgent attention, but you've had no help or service from your Practice, they may be able to intervene.
In the meantime, simply relax! It will get sorted out again very soon - you'll see. Keep some nice cookies or something beside you to eat, and you won't have any more hypos. You'll be fine. My thoughts are very much with you, Jeannette.
((((Jeanette)))) My dear friend :o) You are most definately in my thoughts and prayers. I know your going through a scary time right now, (which I'm sure is an understatement) Keep your faith and if that's hard to do...then my dear, I will keep the faith for you ;o) I have lit a candle just for you and I will pray for you and Mike. Much love & Blessings to you.
I'll be praying doubly hard for you, Jeannette. Just as an aside, it seems to me that agoraphobia is not a plea for attention, but rather a means of NOT being noticed. Just my opinion, what do I know?! XOX ~~Kath~~
I AM thinking of you, my friend! I feel so helpless right now..I know so well what it feels like to be afraid to go out, afraid to go to sleep...I hate to hear when someone is having these feelings because I KNOW what it is like! And now you are dealing with all this medical stress! I hope someone will help you! To come to your aid! I have no advice; I don't know how to get a nurse to come to you! PLEASE keep us posted. And when you are afraid, just try to think of all the people who love you and are on your side! JAE
Awww,Jeanette! I felt very upset when I read this entry.Are you sure you havent got a Magnesium deficiency?A shortage of this can cause ALL the symptoms you have as high blood sugars can cause a malabsorption of magnesium and you need this vital nutrient for your nervous system.I would definately get a magnesium supplement from the health food shop.Sounds like someone is letting you down somewhere,surely the system can cater for people with your needs.Also breathe in and out of a brown paper bag for the panic attacks and anxiety,it really does work.Please know I am thinking of you and hope you get some help.
Thinking of you Jeannette and pray for a quick solution to your probs.
Sylvia x
Please know that I am praying for you! I know the devastation of agoraphobia as my dear friend has suffered for years. Blessings to you. Penny
Will pray for you but am sending you an email right now. Love you so much.
Hang tough. It will be all right. I CAN promise that because I am praying for you. faith honors GOD and GOD honors our faith. *Barb* http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/HEYLETSTALK
I am sending prayers to you. i do know how serious agoraphobia is. I pray for that as well. I am glad that you are still able to make it to your gate. That means there is hope. I am worried about your sugar levels. I hope someone can come out to you and do some checking on you.
Jeannette consider all my good thoughts and prayers coming your way. I really do hope that you will be able to get the help you so truely deserve. I wish there was something better I could do but I really do hope you will get through this and just remember we are all here for you xx (((((((((hugs))))))))))
(((((((((((((many good thoughts sent ))))))))))) xxR
Hope you are able to sleep better tonight, even if it is just a few minutes. Read the previous comments, and there is some good advice and many prayers coming your way.
I am praying for you Jeannette, You are always in my prayers. God Bless You My friend
While you haven't spelled it out in so many words, I had a feeling this was going on with you Jeannette. You are not alone. In addition to getting your physical health under control, your mental well being is also VERY important. There are medications that can help control the panic, anxiety and fear you feel. If heath care workers won't come to you...is there a therapist who can make home visits and get you sedatives and anti-anxiety medications? I will pray for you. A phobia like this is soooo hard to overcome. I have panic and anxiety attacks too and often have no desire to leave the house. Luckily for me, I can still push myself into it. I have my son as a motivator. You might want to invest in a device like my husband has - it's a hand held unit that checks blood pressure and pulse rate. Anywho...enough advice. Best wishes and hope you start feeling better soon!!!
Oh jeanette! I am so sorry that you are feeling bad and not getting the help you need. I will keep you in my thoughts...
Oh i do feel for you, i am thinking of you, keep calm as much as possible, the health service have such alot to answer for, they are awfull treating you in this way, Take care xx juliexx
Sweetie I am sooo far behind in journals!!!!!
But you are always in my prayers
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