I would just like to send my thanks to you for the wonderful messages you have left for me today. It means such a lot to know that people out there really do care. I am somewhat calmer now although, of course, I shall be uptight in the morning waiting for the Diabetic nurse to phone from the hospital and desperately hoping she can come up with something. I must give her a chance.
This graphic, kindly sent by a good friend, is for all of you. It says love you friend and that should be friends. I love each and everyone of you and I know that you are thinking of me and wishing me well. Fingers crossed that I will soon be back to the old happy Jeannette with everything under control.
So, thank you once again. Mike and I have both been touched by your messages.
On a lighter note, I see that my counter is creeping up towards the 10,000th hit. There was me thinking I could never possibly get to 100 originally! I wonder which one of you it is going to be?!
Anyway, I am off to bed now. Hoping to get some sleep, I am going to listen to a relaxation tape. I will let you know how I get on and I do hope it will be good news.
Really like this graphic. Hope your relaxation tape works for you. Good Night, my friend.
I just called back to see if you are ok.Good idea to listen to a relaxation tape.Hope the nurse can help you tomorrow.Night~Night!
Love ya back!
I am so glad you are trying to realx and it is working a little bit! Keep us posted! JaE
Glad to hear things have improved for you, your journal is so enjoyable, you cope incredibly well. xx Julie xx
Although it's very early morning here in the US, it's mid morning in the UK. I hope you have already gotten a call from the diabetic nurse, or that you soon will. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Much love, Susan
hope things are ok and the diabetic nurse sorts your problems out.........Jules xxxx
((((((Hugs Jeanette)))))))
*** Coy ***
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