Thursday, March 24, 2005

We Try To Avoid Stress but.......

Yes, my friends, we do try to avoid stress, particularly myself because I am repeatedly told by the doctors that stress is bad for me and my problems.  So, when I left the surgery on Tuesday afternoon feeling more relaxed about myself I was determined to be positive and look forward to a pleasant Easter.

Alas, fate had other plans.  On Tuesday night, our beautiful Border Collie, Pip, suddenly had trouble getting up after lying down sleeping.  We thought he had pulled a muscle or something.  For the rest of the evening he walked in circles, very restless and could not seem to lie down again.  We got worried.

We rang the vet first thing yesterday morning for an appointment but he could not be seen until 4.15p.m. yesterday.  We used our regular vet but they had a new person there, maybe efficient but very cold and formal.  She started totting up the bill before Mike could get a word in edgewise. She wanted Pip to have an x-ray and a blood test. Informed him that they have no x-ray machine there (they do) and that we would have to pay for him to be transported to their other surgery about seven miles away.  They wanted, just for the tests alone £313!!!!  No, we do not have insurance.  We took it out for animals in the past but never had to claim and the things that were needed regularly like annual boosters are not covered on pet insurance anyway.

Mike came home and discussed it with me.  I told him to get a second opinion so Mike took Pip to the other vet in our area, a one-man organisation.  He recommended the same thing, X-ray and blood test (yes, he did have an x-ray machine).  He proposed to charge less than half what the first vet quoted so we decided to go with him.

Pip was duly booked in for today.  On the way home Mike decided to get our occasional treat of fish and chips from the local shop.  He left Pip in the car and went into the establishment leaving his car keys in the ignition!!!!!!!!!  Pip leant against the lock button and Mike was left shut out of the car with no way of getting back in.  Yes, it sounds hilarious and if nothing else serious had been going on, it would have been, like a comedy film.  Mike appears home minus car and dog to get his spare set of keys and walked the fifteen minutes back to get the car.  I get a phone call, his spare set of keys do not work because they have not been programmed.  Could I phone Dean and get him to meet Mike at the fish shop.  By this time I was going spare and my blood pressure must have been sky high.  It was 8 p.m. and neither of us had eaten.  Eventually, around 8.35p.m. Mike arrives home with dog and car but minus a window which they had to remove in order to re-activate the car.  I was so pent up by then that Mike got a right ear bashing for leaving the keys in the car in the first place which, he calmly announced he has done on several occasions.  What is he like!!

Well, Pip was taken to the vet at 8.30a.m. today.  He had to be sedated for the x-ray and a blood test was duly taken.  The day seemed to drag by waiting until 2 p.m. when we could phone for news.  When we phoned the vet was not in and we were told that Mike could go there at 3p.m.

I waited, a bag of nerves, not knowing what to imagine.  Then the vet called me personally.  He said I have some good news and some bad news.  The good news he said was that the arthritis he suspected in Pip's hips was not as bad as he had feared.  Now, Pip is only nine so relatively still a young dog even for arthritis. All other dogs we have owned have lived for fifteen or sixteen years and only got sick in the last few months of their lives. Then I got the bad news, the x-ray showed that a large part of Pip's spine is fused together (Spondylitis).  Mr. D. explained it was nothing we had done, this is a hereditary condition and could not have been avoided.  I questioned why it had come on so suddenly and was told that it had been coming on for years but only now was it starting to affect the nerves in his spine.

I was told that it could be treated with Steroids IF the blood tests results come back showing no liver impairment but because it is Easter, the outcome of the tests will not be known until Tuesday or Wednesday.  If liver impairment is found then Steroids cannot be used and there is nothing that can be done to help Pip and this time next week, we might not have him.

I asked for aprognosis if Steroids are possible and was heartbroken to hear that, at most, Pip will have a year to eighteen months at the outside before his back legs fail and he is paralysed. The vet said that when that happens and there is no doubt that it eventually will, there is no option but to have him put to sleep. So, dear readers, either way, a sentence has been passed on him.

I cannot begin to tell you how Mike and I feel about this.  Pip is a dog in a million, a gentle giant without a fault.  He loves everyone, is wonderful with Nathan, loyal, intelligent.  Well, the list is endless.  We have to give him two painkillers per day until the blood tests are in.

This is going to be hanging over our heads now all over the Easter holiday.  Part of us will be hoping and praying, part of us will be dreading. We both feel like we have been punched.

I have mentioned before that this has been a dreadful year for us so far in several ways and with this latest blow it looks as if things are never going to improve.  I just pray that he can have treatment and we have at least one wonderful year left with him and we can make it the best for him and for us.

Those of you who are pet owners will understand what we are going through and how we feel right now.  Please spare a thought for Pip and wish him well.

We can but soldier on as we seem to reel from one crisis to another and keep praying.

Mike and I wish all of you a happy and blessed Easter.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Pip...if his back legs do become paralysed though you can still keep him right?  My mum said that when she was little there was a dog in her street that had no back legs and pulled himself along on a little cart...

Poor Pip....

Funny about Mike leaving his keys in the car though! lol

love Amy

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear Jeannette, you know exactly how I am over dogs. I am so sorry to hear this awful news and of course know how dreadful you must be feeling.  I hope and pray that Pip`s liver is ok and he can have the treatment he needs. Anyway who knows , miracles can happen and animals can be so tough as Hannah proved to us.  He doesn`t know there is anything wrong and hopefully his body will stay fitter longer.  Take care and have a lovely Easter and try not to worry too much.  Love  Sandra xxx

Anonymous said...

Poor Pip!  Good thoughts going your way.  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Pip, do try and relax a bit though {{{{}}}}

Anonymous said...

My dearest Jeannette, I am so, so sorry, love.  As a pet owner, I can only imagine what you are going through.  My cats are my babies, my children.  I remember you talking to me on the telephone about your dogs and I about my cats, and well, I know what Pip means to you.  Pip is in my prayers.  You know he is.  Hugs to you and your husband.  I love you!!  I have been away and then Chelsea had court twice this week, so it has been bad for us, so I am sorry I have not been around.  Really bad stress, but things are settling down.  I want you to know that I am here for you if you want to IM or even telephone.  I know that is expensive, though.  I miss your voice :-), although it comes in my head now and again.  Have a good Easter, my friend!!  Love, Val xox

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette, it seems to be one thing after another for you and Mike at the moment.  (((((hugs))))) and thoughts to you both, and of course to Pip.  I can see that while Mike locking himself out of the car may seem amusing, with everything else going on it must have just added to your stress levels.  I don't have any pets at the moment, but have in the past, so can appreciate how much you love Pip, our pets become a part of the family don't they.  Am hoping that when you hear from the vet it will be good news.
Sara   x

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness, poor doggie and poor you.  I have found that I am much more likely to do the "lock my keys in my car" thing when I am under stress.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette, our prayers are with you and with Pip!  You really have had a time of it lately.  Blessings, Penny

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeanette! It doesnt just rain it pours for you lately!Easier said than done but try not to worry over what you dont know the outcome of yet.I lost my stepfather and dog within a couple of days of each other and it was horrendous.Now I have fond memories of both of them.I wish you all the luck in the world with Pip~he looks a lovely pet.

Anonymous said...

What a handsome boy he is...poor Pip.  I am so sorry that this has happened.  JAE

Anonymous said...

Poor baby! the pain he must be in. The pain you must be in. Prayers to you all.

Anonymous said...

Understand completely Jeannette (((((()))))).  Many thoughts sent. xxR

Anonymous said...

Don't give up on Pip yet. If he does become paralyzed, there are options (just as with humans).

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette I wish there was something I could do or say to bring some happiness in your life.  I feel for you I really do - please accept my hugs (((((hug)))))) and I shall think happy thoughts for you and pip bless him!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your collie has these probs. We had a labrador many years ago with the same problem. Thinking of you.
Sylvia x

Anonymous said...

Hi hon. Wish I could afford to call you. So sorry about Pip. I do understand how you feel. We've always had dogs and when we had to put our dog to sleep a few years ago we cried for weeks. A dog is just precious. Keeping good thoughts about all this. I'm keeping you in prayer too, every day. And, as I said, many others pray for you daily as well. Big hugs. Know I wish they were real ones.

Anonymous said...

I know you'll make it a wonderful year for Pip - and I'm certain he couldn't have had a better life than the one you and Mike have given him so far. He's such a lovely dog too. My thoughts are with you.


Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette, my heart breaks for you.  I love my dog.  He is my very best friend so I know how this must be hurting you.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.  Pennie

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is such bad news.  But, if the time comes and Pip is payalysed, if he's not in pain or sick in any other way, there are carts that support the back end.  I've seen them in a pet catalog we get.  When I was a teenager I had a Doxie that was paralysed.  At that time they didn't make those carts, but the Vet told me to find someone to make it for me.  Well, I couldn't find anyone.  He told me my Rudy wasn't in any pain, but he would never walk again.  I refused to accept that.  I carried him around, outside to do his business and back in the house.  Every day when I got home from school, this little dog was my main focus.  I massaged his legs and back, I exercised his little legs.  He became paralysed at the beginning of Sept., by Christmas, he was walking again.  That was the best Christmas gift I ever got.  It was a Christmas Miracle.  The Vet told me it was love that healed my Rudy.  I'll never forget that time in my life.  So Jeannette, please don't give up.  I will keep your precious Pip in my prayers.  Susan

Anonymous said...

Hang on in there, Jeannette. Things will get better. It may seem bleak now but I know you will be telling us about wonderful things and lots of blessings in the near future. Praying for your family and Pip. God bless you all!

Anonymous said...

poor pip, prayers being sent to you and him.........Jules xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Pip's problems brought a tear to my eye, as we only ever had one dog - a rottweiler - and he was so much a part of our family, we eventually had to have him put down due to problems in old age, and I still shed a tear for him.  So I do understand what you are going through Jeannette.  As for ther Vets - well!  My Vet wanted to charge me a frightening amount to operate on my cat because they didn't know what was wrong with her, then they opted for tablets to see if that would work - it did! Makes you wonder sometimes, doesn't it?
My thoughts are with you both and Pip, don't give up hope.

Anonymous said...

oh my I hate it when animals are hurting. I hope that things go right for him and your family...saying a prayer...Sandi

Anonymous said...

Pip is a beautiful dog.  What a time you've had, dear one.  Keeping you all closely in my prayers in hopes that this diagnosis might be wrong.  

Anonymous said...

Oh. i so feel for you, being a pet owner, it is such a stressfull time for you, i have been there, we too had a dog called Pip, she was a springer spaniel, she was only 9 when she had womb problems and had to have an emergency hysterectomy, otherwise she would have died, it was an awfull experience waiting to see if she pulled through, luckily she did, and lived till she was a grand 14 yrs old, but i kept telling myself during that period that, whatever the outcome we had given her a loving home and a happy life. i will think of you. xx Julie xx