This evening I experienced the bad side of the Health Service. I noticed late afternoon that I was getting much more discomfort than usual, actual pain in fact. I thought maybe I had done the exercises too strenuously.
I went in to have my second shower of the day and noticed that my breast was very swollen, then a found a large lump under my armpit and over the scar. Just my luck, it was too late to contact my doctor's surgery, it was closed. So, although I had been signed off by the district nurses, in desperation I phoned them. They could sense I was distressed so a nurse came out to see me.
She said it was an accumulation of fluid and was caused by the lymph glands being removed, fluid had nowhere to drain. I was warned this could happen but it was most likely in the first few days after surgery. I had done everything correctly, not overdone things so it was strange it should happen at this late stage. Anyway she could see no sign of infection. To double check she telephoned the ward I had been on and spoke to the ward sister. Explained everything, told her it was very painful and also very hot. The sister agreed that it was almost certainly an accumulation of fluid but warned that because it is in a pool there with nowhere to go, it can get infected and therefore I needed to see a doctor to see if I needed antibiotics over the weekend until my appointment at the clinic on Monday. She also told me the swelling will need to be drained, it will not disappear on its own. She said my surgeon will arrange everything on Monday and it is not too long to wait and it was only the possibility that I might need antibiotics that worried her.
The district nurse was very good and phoned the out of hours service doctors. She was told they would phone me back within two hours. As I was very distressed by the whole thing she told me to relax in bed and try not to worry. Two hours later the doctor did phone me back. He wanted to know the whole story which I repeated to him including what the nurse had done, what the ward sister had said and that the nurse was not able to prescribe anything for me and I needed to be seen.
He informed me they did not visit patients at home for something as trivial as that. I told him I did not think that breast cancer was trivial and I was in severe discomfort. He told me that I had to come to the out of hours clinic at the General Hospital. By this time I was going frantic, you all know my problems with travelling and I had so wanted to stay calm for Monday. He told me I could take it or leave it. I could see my own doctor on Monday morning. I pointed out that Monday morning I am due at the Breast Clinic to see my consultant. Well, you either come down here or you have to put up with it. I had no choice. So I set off for an appointment at 9.40p.m.
Becky had to rush over to help keep me calm. We get to the hospital. They had not been told I was coming even though everything was supposed to have been faxed through. They could not find my records as the computers were down.
I go in to see this doctor. To be honest, he could have been Joe Bloggs off the street. First he asked whether it was correct I had a lump or swelling. I told him I had. He asked me why I had been crying. I told him because I was agoraphobic and any journey was difficult for me and also because I was in pain and even riding in the car hurt. He then asked me to strip to the waist. I did so but then had to point out to him we were on the ground floor and his blinds were open!!!!!! He reluctantly closed them. He examined me (remember my wounds are still fresh) without even washing his hands and God only knows who he had seen before me.
He asked me what the operation was for. I told him breast cancer. He poked and prodded and agreed it was a cyst or an accumulation of fluid. He examined the scars again. Again he asked me what I had had surgery for. He took my bp and my pulse. Wrote a few notes then just stared blankly at me. I asked what would be done. He said he could do nothing. I pointed out I was at the hospital and there must be some hospital doctor on hand who could give me a local anasthetic and drain it so I could have a pain free weekend. He said he was not authorised to do anything, he was just an emergency general practitioner from an agency and had nothing to do with the hospital. I told him in that case he should get a second opinion from someone in the hospital. Blank looks.
I asked him whether thenotes he had written would be sent to the breast clinic for Monday morning so that my surgeon could see them. No I was told, they go to your own doctor. I told him that was no good, my own doctor would not be able to do anything.
He said go home and take paracetamol. I told him paracetamol were not touching the pain. He said words to the effect that I was not actually screaming when he touched me. I told him I have a fairly high pain threshhold and what good would screaming do. He said it was not red or inflamed and he could find no sign of infection, so in his opinion antibiotics were not necessary especially as I had just finished a course. I asked what would happen if the swelling continued to grow over the weekend. He then said I would have to go back to Accident and Emergency and it would be arranged for someone to drain it for me. I told him we are right next to Accident and Emergency, is is only feet away, give me a note and I will go in there. Blank looks. He then asked a third time what I had the operation for.
I almost shouted by now that I had had a lumpectomy for a tumour and the removal of the lymph nodes under my arm. He asked if I meant a lump in my breast. I seriously wondered whether this man had ever qualified.
So, we came home. I am still in as much discomfort, pain killers do not touch it. Now I am facing a miserable weekend and when I go to the clinic on Monday I now not only face the results, the date of the commencement of my radiotherapy and anti-cancer drugs, I also face having to have this cyst drained plus any antibiotics that are needed. As if I needed more pressure than I already have!!!!!! I only hope it does not put my treatment back.
To say I am disgusted with the way I was treated tonight is putting it mildly.
I know my surgeon is not going to be best pleased with the way I was treated or the fact it has been left over the weekendbut it is up to him to take it further if necessary. I only know that I feel very low right now. There is nothing worse than pain, worry that it could get worse, worry that I might have to go rushing back over the weekend and they will have to drain it anyway. Then I have Monday to face.
They say it never rains but it pours. I wish it would stop raining in my life.
Keep your fingers crossed for me that the situation will not get any worse and that on Monday, my surgeon will drain it for me or arrange for it to be drained and it will not delay my treatment by much.
As for that doctor I saw, I am glad he is not my GP. He was about as much use as a chocolate teapot.
drs do not care anymore nor do they give the kind care they even expect for thier cars. TOdd works on thier cars often and they act like its life or death to them he said he wished they acted like that with patients. !!!!!!!!!wil keep praying fo you
Jeanette, I suspect some of these out of hours doctors are that because they cannot get a job as a proper GP {{{{hugs}}}} . He wwants complaining about when you are feeling a lot better, and if you do need to go, go to A & E.
I can't believe that happened to you! Please, let everyone you can know about this. Things like that has to stop! Oh how I wish you were here now. Sometimes the doctors here in the states (or in North Carolina where I live) can be hard headed but I have never heard of such treatment of a person! Make sure you talk and talk loud! Tammy
{{{{Jeannette}}}}.That is appalling!!! That Doctor sounded half asleep. . .I would be reporting him. . .but then its even more stress than you need doing that.My husband could just go down to the ward he was on if he needed anything. . .he too had his lymph glands removed and the fluid builds up and as you know is painful.These agency doctors are so usless.Your own surgeon will be able to sort something out but thats not till Monday. . oh I hope that the pain goes. . .if not just call an ambulance? Or call NHS Direct for advice.Sending you some pink healing rays and lots of good wishes.
My mom had the same problem after her breast surgery. They did use a needle to drain out the fluid. It happened a couple of times, but at least each time, the fluid was less. I sure hope you get some good relief.
I'm so sorry for your pain and aggrivation. It's bad enough having gone through what you have without any extra...hopefully you'll not be any worse and Monday will bring you much needed relief. As always you are in my prayers. 'On Ya' - ma
JEannette you need to put in a formal complaint about how you were treated tonight...Also until the lymph fluid finds a new route to drain to then you will get this happening...My mum had it happen to her several times after having lymph glands removed as a precaution when she had a cancer cut out...If it is hot to touch then it is infected and needs draining as soon as possible...IF you can manage to get to A&E tomorrow then please get there...I understand that's very hard for you to do...I've not had any alerts except this one and been wondering how you were {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} Caff xxxxxxx
That kind of treatment doesn't sound much like a Dr to me. Praying that you can get some relief from your pain before Monday. Hugs, Helen
Ican hardly believe what Im reading your treatment this evening is disgusting,and this man should be reported, meanwhile ,what about you ,how awful for you ,I know you have been phsycing yourself up for Monday ,you really didnt need this ,If it gets unbearable ring an ambulance !I will be thinking about you, with love Jan xx
Oh Jeanette, this is a disgusting way to be treated, if he was a qualified Dr then he would have been able to prescribe you antibiotics, if he worked regulaly at that hospital or not, that to me is just a pathetic excuse, I hope that you got his name, write a letter of complaint to the hospital telling them you were unsatisfied with your treatment tonight, if you dont feel strong enough then ask Mike or Becky to do it for you, or me if needs be, but he certainly needs bringing to task over this, your notes might not be at you consultant on monday but he should have given you a letter to take with you so your consultant knows that you have been to hospital, if you can manage it go back to the ward that you were treated on, THEY SHOULD beable to get you some help, in the meantime try bathing it with some warm (not to hot, but as hot as you can bare it) face cloths, soak the cloth in warm water and then just lay/hold it over the infection, this should hopefully ease the pain,
Good luck my friend, and please dont wait over the weekend, I know its hard for you to get out, but please get help to get it sorted ASAP,
Love Lynne xx
P.S. forgot to add good luck on Monday
Love Lynne xx
So saddened to read this entry Jeannette and what an awful doctor you saw tonight. You really must complain. I can't believe how insensitive and uninterested he appeared to be. If you are still in pain tomorrow please go to accident and emergency and see if they can help, I know its difficult and you are stressed out by what happened this evening but 2 days is a long time before you can see your consultant. Thinking of you. Hugs, Terry x
(((Hugs))) I'm so sorry you had to deal with the ignorant ass. There was no call for you to be treated that way. You where there as a patient and instead you where dealt with like a number that wasn't even human. I would definately talk to your dr. if you don't report it, perhaps he will put in a report on the conduct you had to deal with. I agree with everyone else, despite your fear your health is utmost important. Please go this weekend and have it looked at by someone else. I'm keeping you in my prayers on the smoke. Try to stay calm and positive for Mon.
(Hugs) Indigo
how awful! I am sending my prayers straight to you! I hope your weekend is not too tough. xox rose
I am sorry you had to go through this Jeanette.. there is no excuse for that...i hope you can have a comfortable weekend and it all works out...
so sorry your in such pain. if it gets any worse go back to the hospital immediately. i shall keep you in prayers. ((((((hugs)))))))))
((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))I will keep you in my prayers.I hope you have a peaceful night.
Good Lord that Doctor sounded like an idiot. Would cold compresses help alleviate the pain a bit? I recently had a very bad abcessed tooth, cold was the only thing that helped...15 min on 15 off. I am so sorry this is happening to you, it's like people do not want to understand anyone else's pain. Keeping you in my, Sandi
I am sorry that you were treated in such an unprofessional manner. I wonder how would that person feel if his mother, or sister, or loved one was treated in such a callous manner. Yesterday, I saw a Dr, who asked me why was I there...I told him to ensure that he is able to get paid, to take care of his family, because he had not done very much for me.I explained that I did not know if my expectations were unrealistic,and foolish. I expect better treatment. I am sorry to rant, but one has to wonder what is with SOME medical personnel. I hope you are feeling better.
Oh my! I'm so sorry! You are still in my prayers Jeannette.
Helllo Jeannette,Not for the same condition as you but I suffer panic attacks too and slight agoraphobia,I went through this last year at my local doctors and then again at the hospial.Baring in mind our outpacients is 15miles away.I eventualy ended up nursing my own wound after many visits here and there to no satisfaction.You have just hit the nail on the head, as far as some doctors are concerned.Mine was my Big toe and I couldn't walk nor could I get shoes on.I was given wrong medication wrong cream and the ourcome was I nursed a very bad infection on this toe for almost five months because of there mistakes.With not as much as a sorry.I was terrified I would lose my toe it was so bad.Friends and neighbours just could not believe how bad it was.At the time I got the same answers as you.Go home rest and take a painkiller.It was just like the flesh eating bug I had to look at it.I do hope and pray you have a comfortable weekend and I feel for you so much.At times the NHS is a nightmare in my opinion.Prayers being said hard.Take care God Bless.
I feel so sorry for you, Jeannette, and send you my love and prayers for a comfortable weekend. Do you have any tranquillisers or something similar which may help get you through until Monday? Although I am lucky not to suffer from agoraphobia I am being taken to a shopping centre on Monday - the first time I've gone anyway except the hospital for nine months. And because I'm on oxygen all the time I'm scared too, so I can sypathise a bit with the anxiety about it. Thinking of you often.
Jeanette. What kind of service has our NHS come to...what a catalogue of I am sure mistakes. I do hope by this morning you are feeling a wee bit easier. If not please go to the A&E dept. don't know why the nurse didn't send you there in the first place if she couldn't give you som relief...with a letter from her...or go back to the ward perhaps the sister would be able to help. God Bless much love Sybil xx in my area of South Lakeland, we seem to have everything in place for women with breast cancer.
My McMillan nurse would have got everything into motion if I asked her to and has done every time I have picked up the phone.
I could also ring the 24 hour help line when on my chemo if I had any worries and a cancer nurse would advise me what to do.
I was told if ever I had worried, especially whilst on the chemo, to just turn up at the hospital and things would be sorted out from there. This service should be there for you. Go over this idiot doctors head and turn up at casualty if you have to. I can assure you when they do express the fluid, I still have it done from time to time, it is painless. At the very least just a little scratch initially. They go through the dead scar tissue where they can.
If you have aMacMillan nurse ring her and tell her what you are going to do. You cannot be allowed to stay in this discomfort. Turn up on the ward you came out of if you have to. This is your life not some idiot so called doctors. Take back control and make things happen dear friend.
E-mail me if you want to talk. Jeaniexx
thats so rediculous arnt they aware that after having major surgery you are prone to infection, how hard is it to get someone to write a prescription for anti biotics when your right next to the hospital for gods sake.Im so sorry this happened to you.Talk about get kicked while your down.Hope the pain is not so bad,
I had trouble with the out of hours GP service when I had a hernia op two years ago. I woke up at 2am a week after the operation absolutely soaking wet with serous fluid pouring from the op site. I was told I'd have to get a taxi to the hospital to see the GP. He looked at it, told me it was infected, put the old towel I had wrapped round it to stop it leaking everywhere back over it again, gave me one antibiotic tablet and sent me home to go see my GP next day! It turned out I had MRSA in the wound and took ages to heal. If you get more pain or are at all worried go straight to A&E. I'm sorry you've had to go through all this Jeannette after the consultant was so good to you. Hope you don't need to go back before Monday but if you do then don't hesitate to get to A&E where they should have all your hospital notes. Jeannette xx
Sorry to hear you had such bad service from the out of hours docs. Our service here is good and they have drivers to take the gp's to house calls if necessary. Did you tell them you were agrophobic? It certainly needs a complaint to go to the relevant place; when I hear of events like this it does make me ashamed to admit I work for the health service!!!! Hope it all goes well for you on Monday, love Joan
Oh heavens..............what a mess. I really can't see why the GP didn't send you round to A&E. I hope things get better for you. I will pray that they do anyway. Eileenx
What an awful experience Jeannette. I would be asking someone what the exact role of that Doctor was supposed to be. A waste of NHS cash by the sounds of it. Hope all goes well for you on Monday and that you can be assured that this sorry situation will not be repeated in furture.
You are right to be anxious when you are in pain - it is there for a reason.
all the best
Awww Jeannette so sorry to hear that - poor you. Laine xxxxx
Awww man... I'm sorry you had to go thru that Jeannette and got no satisfication to boot. I'm sending good thoughts and strength. I do hope you feel better soon.
I do hope all of this is resolved, hate to think of all you went prayers are with you...try to have a good weekend.
I'm real sorry to know you are being put through more stress, but know first hand how awful some aspects of the NHS are now. Don't leave it until Monday, get Becky to take you to the A & E, today. The stress of travelling, will be far less than the stress of waiting until Monday and knowing you could have an infection or abcess needing treatment. I wish you well Jeannette and hope you get the present problems sorted quickly.
Love & hugs Sylvia xx
Dear Jeannette so sorry you have been treated like that by that so call Doctor .Hope the pain is less now .Thinking of you .......Love Jeanxx
(((((((Jeanette))))))) I am appalled at this horrid treatment. That doc sounds like he knew nothing about anything and was worse than useless. I am praying for you.
loving you
I am sorry the doctor made you feel like cancer was trivial...I hate the way they make you feel now days...and to think they treat you that way while you are battling cancer! GRRRRR! I am praying for you nightly and as I type...big hugs friend! TerryAnn
I'm so sorry you had to go through that and still ended up with nothing done. I hope you are able to relax this weekend.
Oh dear, Jeannette, that is awful treatment. It sounds like the ER's in the States. Regular doctors are never there on the weekends; just whoever they can find. I hope you can find some peace and relaxation despite the pain until Monday. Love xx Chris
My dear Jeanntte, I also wondered whether he ever qualfied as a doctor and obviously compassion isn`t his strong point when dealing with patients. Good for you not sitting there and putting up with him fobbing you off. I hope you don`t have to go back to the hospital before Monday but if you do you want to complain very strongly about this locum. I hope all goes well for you appointment on Monday, I`ll be thinking and praying for you.
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxx
Awwww Jeannette i am so very sorry to hear that, i truly sympathise being agoraphobic myself. I hope that you get some form of pain relief that can help over the weekend.
Take Care Jayne
You know you are wrapped in prayer!! You probably could write a complaint to someone about that doctor and the clinic. I thank God your surgeon is an understanding and skilled sort!! - Barbara
Out of hours doctors are less than useless, Jeannette. They don't know your case. I'm sorry to hear of your bad experience.
This made me so angry. How dare those people treat you that way!!! I am so sorry that you were not treated kindly. I am asking Jesus to soothe your pain and make it bearable for you. It is Monday now so I hope your doctor is helping you. I would definaltely report that emergence place and doctor. If they treated you this way others are being abused too. Just try to find inner peace. Surround yourself with things you love. Hugs and Prayers Barbara
that is just awful
jeannette i'm hoping everything got better over the weekend and you were back in the good hands of your own a clinic like that you do not seem to find doctors that actually care about their patients anymore. it is discusting.
hang in there
you have a lot of stress in your life right now just take it one day at a time and try to relax
prayers headed your way
<3, emily
I have been catching up on your long experience since your surgery Jeannette. I am sorry that you have had to put up with this man that treated you so off handedly . Then your experience with the woman that did not look at you and only spent 8 minutes with you and did not talk to Mike or let you ask the questions you had prepared. I understand where you are at now with the redness that the cause is unknown for. I hope the pain is not terrible and that the quality of your life is doing well. I will check in on you to see how things are going. Take care and you have my thoughts and prayers, mark
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