Thursday, March 15, 2007

Going In

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Meet "Honey" my lucky mascot that Becky bought for me at the breast unit Today. She is a breast cancer awareness bear and so cute.

It has certainly been a day.  My consultant, the wonderful Mr. Caspar Tsokadayi, meet me almost as soon as I got there and asked me how I was , between seeing other patients.  He promised he would not keep me waiting long and he was as good as his word.

The cancer has been confirmed by the core biopsy and I am going in for surgery..................................tomorrow, yes tomorrow Friday 16th March!   What he had not told me last week was that was because of my agoraphobia and general anxiety he had no intention of keeping me waiting and he had, in fact, pencilled me in for surgery when I saw him last week.  He did say it was up to me and that I could wait for another week.  However, I do not want this cancer inside me, I want rid of it so I found myself, although terrified, saying yes, tomorrow then.

After that I had all the pre-admission checks.  Firstly loads of blood taken which they took in a separate little sitting room while they gave us cups of tea.  Then it was on to have my bp checked, my diabetes checked, my urine checked, have my height and weight taken, an ECG then to see another doctor who listened to my chest, back, stomach etc. and gave me a thorough medical.  All this should have been done in the main hospital but because of my fear of hospitals and general anxiety, my consultant arranged everything to be done right there at the breast clinic.  We hear a lot of bad things about the health service but they could not have made it easier for me and the staff so far have been absolutely wonderful.

You can imagine how scared I am of tomorrow, the fear of the anasthetic, of being unable to control what happens to me but at least it will be over and done with quickly.

When the lump is removed it then goes to the laboratory for various tests and it will not be for two weeks until I get the full results.  That will decide what treatment follows on from there, radiotherapy and anti-cancer drugs or one or the other, even chemo.  I will deal with that when the time comes.  As for now, I have to find the courage and strength to face tomorrow.

I ask you all to pray for me.  I am first on the list and will be going for surgery at 9.30 a.m.  My consultant is arranging for Mike to stay with me almost until then.

I do not know when I will be able to type or even feel like typing and, of course, Becky and Mike are going to have their hands full for the next couple of days.  They will be spring-cleaning the bedroom from top to toe to prevent the risk of any infection.  However, Becky has promised that she will post on here as soon as she can to let you know how things went and how I am doing.

So, my friends, that is all I can tell you.  My stomach is in knots but I am so glad that this is being dealt with quickly.  Although this is only the beginning of treatment and there is a long road to travel, I am going to travel it with the best of my ability and keep as positive as I can.  I am in God's hands and He has never failed me so far.

I shall leave you now with some pictures of the Primroses we planted the other day.

Sorry I will not be able to deal with any alerts today, I have to get everything I need to take in with me ready and then spend time with my family.

God bless you all and thank you once again for the marvellous support you have given me and I know you will continue to give me.  J-Land people are the best there are.

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And a picture of our lovely Jack guarding the rabbits, Cassandra and Mrs. Miniver.

Until we meet again, take care of yourselves and be good to each other.

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Anonymous said...

I don't have to tell you that you have my thoughts & prayers. I'll be praying most of tomorrow for you. Hoping that the results when they come back are the best results that can be.
God is with you, try not to be afraid.
Got you in my Prayer Box!!! {{{{{{ }}}}}}

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I am so pleased you don't have to wait and your wonderful consultant arranged everything on the spot ~ I will be thinking of you tomorrow you will be in my prayers ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

It is so good to hear from you and, even though you are dreading tomorrow, it is much better than waiting another week.  You sound a hundred percent confident in your doctor and neither God, nor he will fail you, I am sure of that.  I and all your other J-land friends will be praying for you.  You are all in my thoughts and I look forward to hearing from Becky telling us all how you are doing.  Try and stay calm and take care, much love Eileenx  PS "Honey" is a little smasher!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette I pray that the good Lord will guide the hands of Mr Tsokadayi and his team tomorrow ,rest assured of my prayers and my thoughts will join those of Mike, Becky and the family as well as all your JLand friends tomorrow morning ,this comes with all best wishes and love ,Jan xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Dearest jeannette. words cannot say how i am feeling for you and your family. I will be thinking of you tomorrow and i hope it all goes well. be strong dear friend. love Joanne

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, you are very lucky to be going in first thing in the morning for surgery, that is the best time.  I have a feeling everything is going to be fine for you.  The flower pictures are beautiful, we call them primroses here and I have planted a few also.  Have a great day with your family today.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers.  Joni

Anonymous said...

Very best wishes for tomorrow.

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers.  May the dear Lord bless you with a successful surgery and a very speedy recovery and may he guide the doctors caring for you.  You and your family are all in my thoughts and prayers.  It's so true--we are in the hands of our Father in heaven and He does take good care of us.  Our faith in God can carry us through many trials.  Treasure that faith and it will see you through.  I love your new lttle bear.  (((hugs)))  and love ,  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette,
I know you're scared....yet your attitude will help you more than you can imagine.  Of course, you'll get all our wonderful prayers heading  your way.  
Please keep us posted.   We all care!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, I'm glad you get the surgery done so quickly. Everything will be ok, you'll see. We will all be thinking of you and praying for you. Big hugs.
Love from Antonella

Anonymous said...

((((((((((Jeannette))))))))) I am sending hugs and prayers for you dear.  I am glad the surgery is scheduled so quickly.  It will be better to get it over.  Please thank Becky for posting an update when she is able.
loving you

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))Oh my,I wouldnt begin to kno how much you are going through.You are in my thoughts and prayers.Have a good time spending with your family.Dont worry about us,we will still be here.

Anonymous said...

I will be thinking of you at 9.30 tomorrow morning and will remember you in my thoughts before I go to sleep tonight. I am certain all will go well for you and you will be awake and sorted before you know it. Much, much love & hugs to you my Joan

Anonymous said...

first, thank you for the absolutely breathtaking photos.  they made me smile.  secondly, my thoughts, prayers and good wishes are coming your way as you go through this.  God is on your side, remember that.

blessings to you as you go through all of this.


Anonymous said...

my thoughts will be with you and your family.stay strong jo x

Anonymous said...

The flowers are beautiful.  I wish ours were up right now!  It is supposed to snow again tomorrow!  
John and I will be praying for your surgery tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

{{{{{{hugs}}}}}} to you. Pray that tomorrow goes well and will have you in my thoughts and prayers through all this...The photos of the primulas are gorgeous...Alerts for entries have been hit and miss my end the last couple of days...Good luck and god bless   Caff xxxx

Anonymous said...

Just got back from the Vets Jeannette and glad I switched on the Computer, wanted to wish you all the very best - chin up - you can deal with this.  Try to 'enjoy' your stay in hospital, let yourself be spoilt!

Look forward to hearing from you when you are able Jeannette, all the very best.


Anonymous said...

God has plans for you my friend. You will be fine. Tammy

Anonymous said...

Your gonna be just fine. I will be thinking about you tomorrow and saying prayers for you. God Bless you. ((((((((warm hugs))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Oh..we call those primroses over here.  And I have lots of them in my garden and in hanging baskets and planters.  Jeannette...I know in my heart you are going to be fine.  When I'm in the hospital I have to recall some peaceful beautiful place I've been in the past and focus on that to keep the panic thing from kicking in.  Feel the warm breeze on your face and the smell of the sea, of the flowers that are around you.  Do you hear the birds chirping and oh..there's some seagulls begging for food over there on the pier.....just let your mind drift off to a beautiful, warm, serene will be fine.  "Heavenly Father, right now, wrap your loving arms around Jeannette.  You promise a peace that passes all understanding.  Give Jeannette that peace right now.  Be with the doctors and nurses that care for her, remind them to reassure her and make everything as pleasant as possible. Be with Mike and Becky as they wait for her, please give them a peaceful wait.  And then be with them as the ready the house for Jeannette's homecoming.  Dear Father, there are many people that love Jeannette, remind us to remember her and the family in the coming days.  Thank you Lord for your healing powers and for caring for our Jeannette."     God bless you dear friend...Linda in Washington

Anonymous said...

hello dear friend of course you will be in my prayers you are a blessing to me and many others i know i hope that you would also spend time with our Lord today praying and asking for peace about the surgery and that you will get some prayers in before the surgery he is there for you and loves you even when he seems far a way in times like this he wants us to call on him take care my friend i will miss you posting in my jouranl but will be overjoyed when you come back feeling better and stronger God bless kelley

Anonymous said...

So glad you do not have the agony of waiting...and sounds like they all have your health and concerns foremost at the clinic..and for this we give thanks to our is He who will be with you all the way....until healing and wholeness has once again become your best friends...God Bless....and hugs from Ora in KY   PS..the flower pics were colorful!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette,

I will be praying for you.  Don't worry...modern medicine helps you through it all. You have a wonderful doctor who is giving you first class attention.  
This is the first step towards leaving all of this behind you.  You will be alright.  I will pray for you until you are though it all.  I am already at the other end of that tunnel and I am waiting for you to come through and back to writing your journal again. May God Bless you and keep you safe.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with operation Jeanette, will be thinking about youxx
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette,
It is going to go well I can feel it! How wonderful to have such loving people around you at this time. You are truly blessed.
I am praying for an easy and speedy recovery.
Remember Courage is being afraid but doing it anyway!
Hugs with Lots of Love,

Anonymous said...

My dear Jeanette, I will be praying for you, but I know it will go well. I also pray  that all this will somehow have a positive effect on your agrophobia and once you have beaten the cancer, the next battle will seem easy.

Anonymous said...

You know I have you in my prayers!!  I know things go well tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers my dear.. please God let it be the best outcome...

Anonymous said...

{{{{{Jeannette}}}}}}. . you will be fine,you are in good hands.So many people moan about the NHS but I know you will be looked after. . .my husband had only a days notice of surgery too. . . how great is that! You wont remember a thing about the surgery. . .Mike and Becky and Dean will be the anxious ones!!I will be praying for you Jeannette . . .by the way I love your teddy. . .so thoughtful of Becky.Good luck

Anonymous said...

All the very best Jeannette,I pray everything goes well and I am sure you will be in good hands.Love the Teddy and the primulas are beautiful.Best wishes to Mike and all your family too.We are all behind you in this,saying prayers hard and plenty..Take Care God Bless Astoriasand.

Anonymous said...

Be brave Jeanette and leave yourself in the Lord's arms - he will watch over you
and keep you safe from harm, of this I am sure.  My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow morning and every day until we hear from you.  Good luck and be confident.   Love Pam.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Jeanette,  My prayers and many others are with you during this time. No need for you to worry just lie back and leave all in Gods hands he knows all our fears, and will be right here behind you. Hang on in there  Much Love Sybilxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanett, I will be thinking of you to-morrow. I have lit a candle for you and Sugar.  The hospital seems a wonderful place just what you need at this trying time.  The doctor was so kind to think of you and your phobia, its such a wonderful start to your recovery, you are certainly in the best hands and God WILL be with you. I will not forget Mike and Becky who are sharing this odeal with you.  They have to sit and watch their loved one and that can be almost as bad as going through it themselves. I wish you all the luck in the world. I am greatful to you for introducing me to your world, and I look forward to hearing from Becky how you are copeing.  I know that you are a strong person and you are much loved by all of us. Good night God Bless, my heart goes out to you, and your dear family.  I love the bear and your beautiful flowers. Love Kathie.

Anonymous said...

Dear dear Jeannette you are in my prayers and my thoughts and I wish I could hug you. You are being very brave - bless you. You are bound to be nervous - thats natural - it will all be over soon hun - take it easy and rest! Look after yourself - love Laine xxxxx

Anonymous said...

oh im pryaing for you and that all i swell and maybe even no treatment needed somehow. I pray you have more peace than ever and  that your hubby also has peace and support.

your flowers are so beautiful

Anonymous said...

You know I`ll be thinking and praying hard for you tomorrow Jeannette so with all the other prayers and good wishes I know you`re going to be fine.  What a wonderful caring man your consultant is, it sounds as if you are in very safe hands.  I`ll give you until next week and then I`ll call you, take care my dear friend.

Love and Hugs

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot to say, the primroses are beautiful and Honey is so cute. :o)

Love Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, thoughtful, tactful, superlative consultant you have !  Let it all flow over you, enjoy the rest, and don't forget those exercises when you feel a bit stronger !  Bunny xx

Anonymous said...

They're beautiful primroses Jeannette ((( thoughts are with you tomorrow ))) Rache

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos I will think of you tomorrow I am sure all will be OK it sounds as if you are in very good hands
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Jeannette, you'll be in my thoughts tomorrow. Hope to hear from you as soon as you're able to. Don't worry about following alerts, you're priority 1 now.


Anonymous said...

What wonderful photos. Your dog Jack is beautiful (as are the bunnies). Again, I'm just a stranger, but I will be praying for you tomorrow.  Everything will be OK. It sounds like they are treating you with kid gloves. I hope that everything goes well and that your anxiety is alleviated by all the prayers coming your way. Try not to fear the anesthesia.  I have had scads of surgeries and it has NEVER been a problem.  IF you get overly anxious...let them know, they will get something to help calm you I bet.  Best of luck.  We're praying hard for you.

Anonymous said...

our prayers are with you and can hardly wait until Becky comes and tells us it went well ... Love and hugs, Sandra

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all our love from our home to will come through this...get strong and be back with all of us just take your time and get better...hugs and love from your Virginia friends...

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the luck in the world Jeanette.  I am glad you have not been kept waiting and you are right the NHS is wonderful sometimes.  I will be thinking of you over the next few weeks and hope that all turns out well for you.  Big bear Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the very best for tomorrow Jeannette, you are in very good hands,I can't praise the NHS enough, they were there for me when I needed them as I'm sure they now are for you.  Mags x

Anonymous said...

You know we will be there with you in heart and spirit.  ;o)  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Awww your pets are adorable and what a sweet teddy bear mascot you have :-)  The very best of luck to you Jeannette xx  *big hugs*


Anonymous said...

{{{Jeannette}}} My thoughts and prayers are with you.  Take care of you.. we will be here praying and sending positive vibes.

Anonymous said...

Who needs luck, Jeanette, when you've got God on your side and all of us, your friends.  Thanks for the primmy pics, don't they make a lovely display.  Luvs yer.
Angie, xx

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you're going through this. Just remember you're not alone. God will be with you and we will keep you in our prayers. I hope all comes out well. We'll be here waiting for you. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely pictures. God bless!

Love, Mandy ~

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jeannette, will be saying prayers for you. Good luck and keep the faith. Bill

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and yours,Annie

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with you tomorrow.  I feel in my heart everything will be OK.  God is watching over you.  I'm so glad they are doing the surgery now, so you don't have to wait and be more anxious.  You are just like me, I have such a fear of doctor's and hospitals.  I break out in hives when I have to go.    Lots of love going your way.

Anonymous said...

good luck tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, I'm praying for you!  Linda

Anonymous said...

you will do just fine and when you wake up tomorrow the cancer will be gone from your body:) keeping you in prayer


Anonymous said...

Just stopping by to let you know I will be thinking and praying for you.  I am sure you'll be glad to have this surgery over.  One thing at a time, sweetie.  Love,

Anonymous said...

Prayers going up Jeannette...and God bless and keep you...
love ya,

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you Jeanette. I have been through this very thing and I know how scared you are, but God is with you.

Anonymous said...

I will be sending thoughts and praiyers for your successful surgery and swift recovery.  Gerry

Anonymous said...

May God grant you and your family the strength and courage to get through the days ahead.  My thoughts and prayers are with you Jeannette.  

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette !!!!!!!!! Becky got you a wonderful gift. I hope with your surgery everything turns out alright. I hope that you receive good news in the end. You are totally loved here at J-Land. I will keep you in my thoughts and I will hope that your surgery goes good. Don't be scared my dear friend you have the support of your family and your friends here at J-Land including myself. WE ALL LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't worry about rushing back to us take care of yourself and get better. Don't worry we will be here when you return to us. Do take care my dear friend. YOU HAVE OUR PRAYERS !!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Best wishes on your surgery tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Bless you, Jeannette...I will be saying many prayers tonight and tomorrow as you undergo your surgery.  Your doctor is certainly taking wonderful care of you and considering all of your fears.  Take care and fight the fight.  You have the support, love and prayers of so many.

The teddy is so cute.  That is your good luck charm from your lovely Becky.  Get your rest and strength mustered.  We will all be here for you.  Love, Chris

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, wishing you all the luck in the world...Linda xx

Anonymous said...

all the very best wishes and prayers for your speedy recovery Jeannette,youre so brave and certainly an example to us all,Im writing this as you should be in theatre now,resting and being in a place of complete peace.When you arrive home and can look at these alerts,you will see the love we all have for you,bless you and we are all thinking of you and your family love zoe xx

Anonymous said...

I am sorry that I was unable to get to you before you were due to go in hospital and, by the time you read my note, I hope you are feeling much better.  

It goes without saying, if there is anything that I can do, if only to listen, then I will do my best for you.

Your old friend John.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette so pleased the caring Doctor planned it this way for you ,so you don't have to wait .I hope its all over now and the operation went well ,I am thinking of you and praying for a good speedy recovery ,Love your Teddy Becky bought you ,how sweet of her .Sending you special love ....Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, by the time I am leaving this comment I'm sure your surgery is over and you are quite relieved.  I am sending you good wishes and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs to you....Pam

Anonymous said...

My prayers have been with you this morning Jeannette. May God keep you in his care and give you his healing and comfort. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Jeannette....My prayers are with you today.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about you today Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, you will certainly be in my special thoughts and prayers dear.  Know you're in good hands with the caring people that have helped you get everything taken care of so that you can have the lump removed.  You'll find that courage dear and we'll all be thinking of'll have plenty of support and good thoughts and prayers with you tomorrow from all of us who read and care about you.  Bless you....Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

I started praying for you at about 11pm (our time here in Washington state) Thursday evening.   {{{{{{{{{{{{{Jeannette}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Linda in Washington

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you and you will be in my prayers


Anonymous said...


My thoughts and prayers are with you. I too suffer from agoraphobia and can only imagine what fear you must be going through and i pray that God will give you the strength to conquer this fear.


Anonymous said...

You're in my thoughts,Sweetie. -Dawn-

Anonymous said...

I know this is late coming in......just know you have been in my prayers on the smoke every since I first heard about the cancer. I know in my heart of hearts you have the strength you need to see you through this. I'm here for you, when you finally feel like returning. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

I'm still praying for you.  I know God is watching over you.

Anonymous said...

God bless you. my mom had a mastectomy about 20 years ago and is still going strong at 84.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you. waiting to hear how the surgery went today.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are getting the best of care!!
Sending only the best of thoughts!!
Beautiful flowers and how cute Jack with the bunnies...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

God Bless You sweetie! praying & hoping here in Jersey! ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

wow 90 comments on this entry.  I have a measley 3.  LOL.  We love you!!!  Get this behind you and get better.  :>)  

Anonymous said...

i'm a bit late on this i hope that your surgery went well and that you are speedily recovering...they sound to be ontop of things which should be reassuring to you that you are in the best of care
and what better support you have from your friends here in jland
take care