Saturday, March 10, 2007


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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

What a beautiful day it has been today, a very cool breeze but beautiful sunshine the whole day. The above photos I took along the side of the main road when I ventured out with Mike today for a drive. The Magnolia trees looked so beautiful and other trees are coming into blossom.  We drove for a while and then sat for a while and watched the world go by.  Good job I took my camera.

The doctor was extremely nice to me yesterday.  When I tell you he gave me over an hour just to sit and talk and ask questions you will know that it was a successful meeting.  He did give me more tranquilizers and also some sleeping tablets if I need them.  Last night I managed without but that could have been sheer exhaustion.  He told me I can come and talk anytime, that he, the other doctors and all the staff are behind me 100 percent.  I told him about the previous afternoon when I tried to make an appointment, with tears streaming down my face as I was on my way home from the hospital, how I had been refused, how I was told I could phone in the morning and take my chances as to whether I got one or not.  I told him I ended up swearing at the receptionist.  He assured me this will not happen again.

He got his nurse to take the dressing off my breast and thankfully there was no seepage and it is less painful today albeit very bruised.

Mike has treated me to a huge new houseplant, a very large palm called Bamaerops Humilis.  I was stunned when I saw how big it is because we have such small rooms here but I love it.  Easy to care for, no direct sunlight, plenty of water, never let it dry out and feed frequently.  Sounds a bit like me!

I would like to thank Sandra for her very long phone call to me this morning.  We certainly put the world to rights Thank you my dear friend for giving so much of your time.

You will notice that I have new graphics on my sidebar.  Chris, thank you so much for making them for Sugar and myself. 

Please, dear friends, snag these graphics and if you would like to, add them to your own sidebars linking back to our journals.  We already have your support but this would mean so much more.  If you do not know how to link, add the graphic to your sidebar and before you hit SAVE highlight the graphic (it might take several goes - I had to do it from left to right).  The graphic will go dark.  Then click on the little globe between text and camera at the top and add the URL of the journal for instance  the full internet address of Jeannette's Jottings.  You will see by looking at my sidebar.

I have already added the URL of Sugar to the graphic.  Please click on it to visit her journal.  We have been diagnosed at almost the same time although she has a different cancer to mine.  Sugar is a very sweet and very helpful lady but I know that she is just as scared as me inside.  So please go and support her.  At the moment she and I are helping each other.

Other than that I have been doing a bit of tidying up and doing crosswords.

Now, I am not getting ANY alerts at the moment.  Not a single one. Not for people posting or for comments received.  Repeated complaints have got me nowhere.  So I would ask you to leave the URL of your journal so I can visit you.  I have quite a few on my favourites list but by no means all and I have no way of knowing you have posted UNLESS you leave your journal link and I can come and have a look.

Well, that is about all my news.  I want to go and have a cuppa now and then get the salad prepared for our evening meal.

Once again, thank you so much everyone for your support.  To be honest I am overwhelmed.  I read each and every comment to Mike and he had tears in his eyes as well.  It is wonderful to know that so many people are rooting for you.

Wishing you all a happy weekend. God bless.

 Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,
Very cheerful pics of the daffs. I've snagged the graphics for both Sugar and yourself and linked to them in my own sidebar. I am very pleased with the way your doctor has stood up for you, which is the way it should be.
I wish you strength on your journey, which will not be easy. You'll get there :-)

Anonymous said...

ah our flowers are not even peeking out yet its been so cold and hard frozen ground. I just saw a peek of a bud on a tree today. no where near flowers like you got.
Im glad your wound is not leaking nad your drs sound greta. I dont kow of any dr aroun dhere that gives that much time to thier patients. we are praying with you nad for you and sugar and joyces mom and so many that have cancer. I hate this. so much sicness. how sweet MIKE is to give you a plant like that. what a sweet thing to do he is a very thoughtful man

Anonymous said...

Dear, dear Jeanette.  It's good to be able to talk through your fears with a professional but it's also a real spirit-lifter to be able to have long chats with people you care about and who care about you.  Thanks for posting the pics.  We 'oop north' are a little behind flower-wise but the daffs are nearly poppin. Angie, x

Anonymous said...

Such a good idea to add these graphics to our side bars.  The daffodils are lovely.  

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, I'm really glad to hear you a little more positive today. Please try to be like that. I know it is difficult and you will have times in which you probably would like to give up. But don't. Look at a picture of your beautiful boys and keep on fighting. As you well see, you are not on your own and this should give you even more strenght to fight. Be like these beautiful daffodils and keep on blooming. I'm happy that the doctor and his staff are behind you. That's an extremely good sign.
All the best from the deep of my heart.
God bless you.

Anonymous said...

You lucked out on having such an understanding doctor. Because of your and Sugars bravery in sharing this with all of us. I went and scheduled a mammogram for myself. I'm over 40 and have never had it done.....but you taught me it's always better to be safe. I'm continuing to keep both of you in my prayers on the smoke. Your both very brave women in my book. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette ,you have been in my thoughts since you posted on Thursday ,thank the dear Lord for the Doctor giving you his time and expertise,your pictures of the daffodils are so cheery , I have just found the graphics Chris has made for you and Sugar,and will be putting them onto my side bar ,link or no link (if Icant do it )but am gonna try ,you know you have my love dear friend ,I would most certainly ring you if I had your number ,take care .lots of love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

You are definately in my prayers!  My Mom went through this too and is a cancer survivor just like you will be.  I pray that God holds you in the palm of his hand and that this cancer goes away.  God Bless you my friend! xox Barbara

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))))You have been in my prayers.I love thoes pics of the flowers,they are beatifulI am glad yu have a nice Doc to talk to.Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are getting so much love and support from all over.  And having the doctor be so compassionate is a wonderful thing!  Would love to see your new plant...have a good weekend!  Jae

Anonymous said...

Look at you!!!  Getting out and about just to enjoy yourself!!  I am so proud of you!!!  ((((Jeannette))))  And I thank and praise God for the type of doctor you have!  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, you doctor sounds top notch and caring.  That is a blessing itself.  I can't believe the receptionist treated you so horribly.  I am going to attempt to add the graphics to the sidebars of my journals.

Love the daffodils.  I'm longing to see ours sprout but it won't be for a few weeks in this neck of the woods.

Love, Chris

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures of the beautiful daffodils.  I believe they rank as one of my favorite flowers.  I'm happy to hear that you were able to spend so much time with your doctor.  It seems some receptionists are on a power trip and tend to make it difficult to get thru to the doctors.  In the past I've written mine a letter but, of course in  this case you didn't have the time for that.  Take care and Mike and the rest of the family are in my prayers constanly.  XXOO   Linda in Washington state  

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I am so pleased your Doctor was understanding and gave you the time to ask questions and talk things through with him ~ and I sincerly hope he has words with that receptionist ~ eeping you in my thoughts and prayers ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting the beautiful Spring flowers! I'm so happy to hear you have a good doctor who truly cares. Our prayers will be with you

Anonymous said...

I found out from Terry's journal "Bowl of Cherries" that you had been diagnosed with breast cancer.  I know how jarring and worrisome that can be from having a sister diagnosed with it.  And another one of ovarian cancer.  I wish you all the luck in the world.  I have not been to your lovely journal for a while, but I always enjoy it when I come.  Gerry  

Anonymous said...

The daffs look lovely, I have some in the front bed, but they haven't fully come up yet, will be awhile before they bloom.
Glad you have such a nice medical team. Sad you had such a bad run in at first. But now you're on your way to getting better.
We will lick this dreaded thing, you'll see. I will stay strong & be a support for you my friend.
Great tags, I am so thankful to dear Chris...always so kind & helpful.
Hugs & prayers,

Anonymous said...

hi jeannette
those flowers are beautiful thank you for shairing
i am glad you were able to speak to the doctor...keep your spirits up and we are praying for you and sugar

Anonymous said...

I've add both graphics to my Journal.
{{Hugs}} & prayers are being sent your way~

Anonymous said...

Those daffodils are beautiful!!  I'm thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Jeanette, Thanks for the lovely photo's. All they roads into Bath at the moment are full of the lovely dancing daffodils, they make even the dullest day bright.  I am so glad you managed to speak to the Dr. and thet he was so understanding. TG for him and all who like him, are so good.  Sorry I am very dim as how to do anything other than write my journal...havn't a clue about the side bars etc.   One day hopefully I will learn how.    Keep Smiling.  Love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Hey those daffodils are wonderful and its wonderful to see you post and know that you are being more positive and calm.  I am glad the doctor was so kind and gave you the time you needed.  Some of those jobsworths at the receptions at doctors need to go on people courses!  I will try to do the side bar thing but you know me, I can never get things techie to happen.  Sending you a big gentle hug.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

Wow!  My daffodils are barely out.  Yours are gorgeous!  I'm still relatively new to the UK health system but it sounds a bit overworked to me.  I'm so sorry that you were treated so rudely.  How ignorant!  You just take a deep breath and kick back, sweetie!  I'm glad you got that sorted out!  At least your doctor took alot of time with you the first time around!


Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette, this is a beautiful entry. I hope the daffs, along with other flowers that herald the birth of Spring, bring hope and positivety to help you crush this awful disease.  I`ve already put your graphic in my sidebar and have added your link too and I`ll add Sugar`s later on. Remeber what I said, I`m at the other end of the phone if you want to talk. Take care my dear friend, God is on your side. :o)

Love Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

the pictires are gorgeous.thank you for taking the time to photograph them.wishing you well jo x

Anonymous said...

Daffodils were laways my Mums favourite too, good luck Jeanette.
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon.....I miss hearing from you. I try to keep up with your entries but Im battleing this Lupus and I dont feel well either.
           Talk  soon,

Anonymous said...

The daffs look glorious...So glad you have such a supportive GP...The one good thing with the needle biopsy is you get the results quick and can get seen to that bit quicker if it turns out like with you...I've had the needle thing before and i was fortunate but i will agree it was so painful...I'll add your graphic to my sidebar later...I have been getting alerts for you but i didn't get the email that you were bounced for...Again you're in my prayers and keep your chin up  {{{{hugs}}}}} Caff xxxx

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that your Doctor and his staff are being so supportive and hopefully, the one bad apple in the barrel who you had to swear at, has been put in their place!  You sound much more positive today and I am sure, with the love and support of your family, friends and all the Jlanders who are rooting for you, you will come through this.  You will be in my prayers for as long as it takes and that is a promise.  Take care. Eileenx

Anonymous said...

keeping you in prayer:) glad the doc was so supportive:)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful spring pics. Praying for you and your quick recovery. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you went out riding with Mike today. I am sure you both enjoyed it very much. God bless both of you. I love your pictures. Springtime is such a pretty season. A time of new beginnings. Hugs and love, Helen

Anonymous said...

What gorgeous photos.  Just about sum up the uplift in your mood.  I forgot to say that nothing that came afterwards was as bad as the diagnosis, painwise.  I'm sure your typing will not be affected.  My consultant's preferred therapy for the wonky arm is cleaning windows!!  Bunny x

Anonymous said...

I'm so pleased you got out for a drive today, there's nothing like seeing the daffodils and other spring bulbs coming up brightening the roadsides! It's good to know your doctor was so supportive of you, I'm praying you'll get this kind of treatment right down the line. I'mso glad you've developed this fighting spirit, it really does help with the treatment you receive and you know you have the backing of us all, praying for you and sending positive vibes your way. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Cool!  I got yours in mine!  I'm glad you had a nice day depsite everything.  You can do this!  Linda

Anonymous said...

I love daffodils! You are sounding so much stronger... I'm so proud of you for your positive attitude. I know it will be a day to day thing... just take every good day you can... find joy in your journey, with the new houseplant and the daffodils, remember that life goes on and you will too!

Anonymous said...

I love the daffodils Jeannette. . .they are early down your way.I am so glad the Doctor was supportive. . .ours was too. . .nothing was too much trouble with our doctor though the receptionist was just like yours.I just tell her to put me through to the doctor now. . .she asked far too many questions and trying to get an appointment out of her was hard work. I know you will be feeling scared,unsure,bewildered ,worried ,nervous and it all lays so heavy on the mind. . its all you can think about but once in the hands of the hospital you will be so well looked after and this is so reassuring.Now. . havent you got the greatest husband in Mike. . .he will be there every step with you.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad your doc is supportive and helpful.  Praying for you, dear.  The daffodils are gorgeous!
loving you

Anonymous said...

We are here Jeanette and we are  not going anywhere...You will not be alone in this...
love ya,

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got out and that you shared the lovely pictures of Spring .  We still have our little piles of snow here and there but it is melting.  Soon we'll have blooms too, but not yet.  I did snag the graphics.  I hope I can get the link set right.  My love and prayers to you !   'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette, Sugar sent me over... just wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers for comfort and complete recovery.  I will come back and visit often to offer what support I can, but know that you are in my prayers as is Sugar, I promise!!


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you had a very enjoyable ride with all the beautiful flowers that you saw.  Our snow is melting and soon we will have them too.  I'm wishing you a lovely day and a night with sweet dreams.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette ,I am so pleased the Doctor was kind and understanding and gave you plenty of time .The pictures of the daffs are lovely ,so cheerful blowing in the breeze........Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

your palm looks lovely, when i used to phone my old surgery for an appointment the receptionist asked wjy i needed an appointment and i said that i needed more contraceptive pills, she told me that i should have another 2 months supply.I thought that your notes were confidetial!Bloody cheek!Beckie.xx

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, that brusing is awful, I know I took a photo of mine as I couldn't believe how much there was ( I have deleted it now) The daffodils are wonderful.