Thursday, March 8, 2007

We All Thank You and A Present From AOL

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We would all like to thank you so very much for all your wonderful words of support.  I have read them but they will sink in more as the days go by.  As you can imagine my mind is pretty numb at the moment, that is when it is not running riot imagining the worst possible scenarious.  I have an appointment with my own doctor tomorrow to see if he can give me something to keep me calmer and also something to help me sleep temporarily.  In the circumstances I am hoping he will be understanding.

I had a nice present from AOL just after I did the posting telling you the news.  My alerts are not working either for journal postings or comments so I was worried that you would not get the alert on it.  So I did an email and sent it to you all.  I was immediately thrown off AOL.  I could not re-connect to the internet.  In the end Dean came over and tried everything he could think off before he finally conceded he would have to phone AOL.  They told him my account had been suspended for "spamming".  They said I had sent an email to over 1000 people. Very hard to do when I only have around 45 on my email list and I only sent to around 30 of them.  Nothing like kicking a dog when it is down.  You know how I feel about AOL at the moment.

Anyway, I will try and pop back now and again although when I have the surgery I might not be able to type for a while.  I will ask Becky if she will update you on my behalf.

We have all been touched by your good wishes and loving thoughts.  I am privileged to know so many wonderful people.  Thank you my dear friends.


Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

That makes me sooo mad that AOL did that to you!  I don't know what is up with them....sorry you had to deal with that along with all the other things in your life right now.  I'm praying for you, that everything turns out fine.  Your graphic in this entry is absolutely stunning!

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

Praying for you.
God Bless,
Liz in Va.

Anonymous said...

I think we'd all like to give AOL a good bump on the head with a tin of spam.Take each day as it comes and remember each new day is a step closer to getting better.Again, Take care, will miss your entries,xxxxBeckie.xxxx

Anonymous said...

Don't we all love the b****rs? I'll relay your entry to journalseditor, and see what he (as AOL bod) has to say about that.

Anonymous said...

As I said in the lost posting, I am stunned to hear your news ,cant begin to imagine how you feel ,but know we love you and will pray that ,you will fight this thing and are soon back posting ,love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Maybe the AOL thing was God's way of telling you to worry about the small stuff and leave the rest to Him. He's got your back. Tammy

Anonymous said...

Remember Jeannette, there are so many out here you love you.  We are here for you.  And as for me, I'm here for you when ever you see me online.  If you want to IM me and just send me an email.  I talked with my former co-worker Susan after reading your earlier entry, this is the one who is in the same situation...going thru treatment.  She wanted me to let you know she'll be praying for you, too.  The verse from the Bible that comes to mind in these types of situations is "cast your cares on Him, for He careth for you."   Linda in Washington

Anonymous said...

I love the graphic, its stunning.  I know its frustrating but don't give up on AOL and all your friends on here.  I have had that happen to my account before, I was really taken aback when they told me I had sent spam, I think its gremlins in the works.  I hope the doctor can give you something to calm you until you get to your next hospital visit.  Deep breaths now and know that you have the power of the people with you.  Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

Awwww Jeanette,

I can't believe this!  ALL my love and best wishes hun...*HUGS*

I know I don't comment much, but just know that I/WE are all here for ya, anytime and I wish you a speedy recovery.

Oh and the same thing has happened to me with aol before too, about 2 yrs ago! They're just idiots.


Lv Ste

Anonymous said...

Jeannette there are so many of us here thinking and praying for you ~ keep positive thoughts ~ hope your Doctor will be understanding and help you all he can ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette :)
I followed the links from Ally(Life with Ally), and was saddened to hear about your prognosis. I went through similar surgery when I turned 40. My biopsy turned out negative, but I am still being poked and prodded every year to my dismay, and tested far more often now for 12 years. In celebration with International Women's Day, I decided to comment on 8 blogs from women around the world. I wish you nothing but inner strength to help you get through this difficult time.
Sincerely, Rose ~*

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette...I'm a breast cancer survivor. So I know all about your fear.  You will get through this....I did.  Stay focused and positive.  Jeanie

Anonymous said...

go figure with aol right?
keep us as updated as possible please and know that we have prayers sent your way

Anonymous said...

It would be wonderful if someone did update for you.  I know I would like to know how you are doing, while you focus on getting well...Jae

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, you have so many firends rooting for you, you will still be here in 20 years time complaining about getting booting off AOL. I just know it xxx

Anonymous said...

A.O.HELL are just a standing joke at the moment, a very bad joke at that, they do something new and we all have to suffer, its about time they found away of doing things with out it affecting us.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow, good luck at the Drs,  and I hope Becky will keep us informed about you, I know with 2 small boys her time will be limited but if she just lets us know how you are now and again I'm sure that all of J~Land will appreciate it.
take care love N hugs Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

we jsut had prayer for you at dinner a bit ago. :>}

Anonymous said...

Goodluck on the surgery. I'll be praying for your quick recovery. Sorry about your AOL problems. I have them too a while back. Hugs.  

Anonymous said...

please concentrate on getting well:)


Anonymous said...

God be with you my dear friend.  Yes, do keep us posted somehow.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

*Big Hugs*

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that AOL had to add to your woes.  You will continue to be in my thoughts and in my prayers.  May the dear Lord bless you and guide the doctors caring for you. Love and prayers always. 'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

AOL playing up?  Sounds about right!  Where do they get their information from.  Surely it's only spamming if recipients say so?  Chin up, we all love you.
Angie, x

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear friend Jeannette !!!!!!!! I am sorry to hear the news about your health I do hope that you will hear some good news hopefully you will be able to recover from what it is. I will certainly keep you in my thoughts. I do hope your surgery goes well and that it turns out alright for you. Do have Becky keep us informed we will be wanting to know how you are doing. We all love and appreciate you here at J-Land. You have many friends here including myself. Please know that you will be kept in our thoughts and prayers until you completely recover. Do take care my dear friend.

Yours, Monae.

Anonymous said...

Love the graphic!  Jean I am so sorry to read this news.  What a scarey thing to face, and I will keep you in my prayers.  I so enjoy your writings, but do understand.  

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, please do have Becky keep us informed. I would miss not hearing about you, I will continue to keep you in my prayers on the smoke. Keep faith this is but one more milestone in life you need to overcome. It gets easier as we go.
(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sending you love and prayers from my home to yours.

Anonymous said...

i am going to add you to my prayer list at church this weekend...i am so so so so so sorry about this news and want you to know i am here for you if there is anything i can do. You are a strong woman and i know you will be in good hands with the doctors. Much love to you, my friend. lisa

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you, Jeannette. The Lord IS watching out for you--that's why he had that Dr. perform the mammogram as a precaution--to find the cancer so that the Lord could do His work. I'll be praying that the Lord gives the Drs. the wisdom to know what to do and that He will take good care of you. I'll also pray that he'll take away any fear that you have of hospitals and anesthesiologists and replace it with peace--the peace that passes all understanding! We are all behind you, Jeannette--and if the Lord is for you, who can be against you? Amen. God bless you!

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))I am praying for,we all here in J-land are praying for you,we love you.God is with you all the way.Havre a peaceful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette, I am speechless that you would get knocked off for "spamming."  You've sent e-mails out before when alerts were down.  Shame on them....they should put more effort into fixing the big problems they have.

I do believe your doctor will give you anything necessary to calm you and help you sleep.  I think what you are feeling is very common.  Please know that you, Mike and family are being kept in prayer by the folks in JLand.

Thank you for having your dear Becky keeping us updated.  Much love, Chris

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and please know that we are all here for you.

Anonymous said...

What can I say? I have been so busy with my own life I havent been here to offer my support to you,for that I am deeply sorry.Everything that is happening now will settle down,it does sound stupid I know,but you must look to being well in the future,to stop you making yourself ill now,god your feelings must run so deeply and you must be so scared,but you have the best and the hospital will be very professional with you,you are very lucky to have such immense support here,and you will continue to have,we are all with you,even if you cannot get to see us all for a long time,try to rest up,think positive thoughts and try to smile at least once a day,find your inner peace and we will help you with the rest,all my love and best wishes zoe xx

Anonymous said...

We are all thinking and praying for you Jeannette,sending you much love ..Jeanxxx

Anonymous said...

Just take good care of yourself and don't let yourself get down.  You will beat this.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Stay positive dear friend!  You can beat this.  Love n Hugs n Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette~I heard about your illness over at Sugars'.  I am sending some love your way and many blessings for your returned wellness. xox Sassy

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette       I am praying that your surgery will produce positive results and that your doctor will help with some medication to relax you.      I have read back several entries and enjoyed the photo of your friends 14 month old grandson.    I was prohibited from AOL when someone broke into my mailbox and sent out over 100 emails that many people were complaining about.    I explained to them that it was not me that was sending them and that I had known nothing about them until I looked in my 'Sent' email.    I believe I had to be given a new screen name at that time.     I hope AOL finds that you are not the spammer and returns yours privileges.     I have not been on the computer much as I have not been able to sit at the stool for my computer.     It has been the weather and during February and into March I had been on my back reading for most of the day.    I have also been working on a pen and ink of a German Sheppard for a J-land friends book of poems (he was a 9/11 K9 Port Authority Officer responder).   My pen and ink will also be entered in the upcoming S. Illinois Open Art Competition in MT. Vernon IL. which must first be accepted.     It is a minor work and I would be honored if I could be allowed to show it.     hugs, mark

Anonymous said...

my alerts have been working.. but I am soooo far behind on them.  I had my account suspended once before too.. AOL can be real stupid sometimes but I still prefer it over others.

Keeping you in my prayers love.

Much Love,

Anonymous said...

Online or not jeanette we will be thinking of you, take care and I hope things go smoothly for you.
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette Your are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. I Just read about what you're facing and wanted to let you know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers that your wishes to get to see your two toddler grandsons grow up comes true.  You are a beloved person in J-Land and thus you must know that many MANY thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.


Anonymous said...

Jeanette, you are in my thoughts and prayers.  As a new reader to your site, just want to say keep positive, allow yourself to laugh and smile each day and know all your readers are going to be here for you.  I've known several ladies including my Sis Mary Ann who have had breast cancer and my mother-in-law and they are all doing just well after treatment. Mom-in-law had cancer in 1975, several friends in the early 80's and my sis in early 90's....all are enjoying life and that is my wish and prayer for you dear......keeping positive can get you through anything....Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

((Jeannette)))  I'm so sorry to hear of the news.  Be strong--you can get through this.  My thoughts and prayers are with you!  Julie :)  

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette I was so very sorry to read your news but be strong and you can get through it.   I was told I had cancer four years ago and I found the NHS marvellous, always there when really needed, and I'm fine now as I'm sure you will be.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.   Mags x

Anonymous said...

just read your news and you are now in my thoughts and prayers
lucy x

Anonymous said...

Hello, just came from Sugar's and heard this news. Please know that I will be thinking of you and sending positive vibrations.

Anonymous said...

Well Missy!  I didn't know you had turned into a Professional International Spammer! LOLL  They (AOL) don't know their ass from Page Eight, half the time.)
I am sorry I haven't stopped by in such a long time, I've been wallowing in self-pity.

I am saddened by your news.  I can't imagine how completely shocked and scared you must be right now.  I wish that you felt as comfortable in hospitals as I do.  I worked in ICU. All the sounds, lights and (some) of the smells are just like home to if I can walk you through some of that, please just ask.  It's always better when you feel like you have a little bit of control, even if it's just knowing where you're going and what to expect.

You're in my thoughts and prayers,


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanett lovely to hear from you and you already sound more positive.  So glad you will be keeping us posted. If is only occationally.  I look forward to hearing from you very soon god bless. Kathie.

Anonymous said...

Take care and many prayers you!!!  

Anonymous said...

I hope that every woman gets her breasts checked asap.  I'm praying for you Jeannette!  Love, Shelly