Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring Has Sprung

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These are my Mother's Day flowers from Becky, Dean, Nathan and Daniel.  They are so beautiful and still going strong.

Today is the same as yesterday, bright sunshine and perhaps Spring has sprung or perhaps not as they say it will turn cold again later in the week.

I am progressing.  Still in a lot of discomfort with the underarm, I guess that is the nerves and muscles, some parts are still numb.  Time will take care of that.  The nurse comes in tomorrow and I should be signed off then as the wounds no longer need any dressings.  I am getting scared as next Monday draws closer because that is when I get the full laboratory results and naturally I am hoping they will be the best possible in regards to the continuing treatment.

I was sad yesterday.  You know how much I love my garden.  This is the time when I would be out there, weeding, pruning, digging over ground.  Of course I am not allowed to do any of these things.  Mike, bless him, with all the other things he has to do these days said he would do it for me.  It was nice to see the weeds disappear and the grass get its first mow of the year but I so wanted to be doing it myself, I so love getting my hands in the soil.  It feels so spiritual when I am working in the garden.   I could not even sit out in the sun because it might not be a good idea at this particular time.  I did sit with the back door open watching Mike work and the most beautiful birdsong was filling the air.  I could not see the bird so I did not know which variety it was, but it was absolutely stunning.

I am getting quite bored being able to do so little, even the computer hurts after a short time because when you type you move your arm.  Still, I am not complaining. I am making progress and that is the main thing.

I told you I made two lovely friends whilst in hospital.  One of them phoned me up on Sunday and the other is in e-mail contact with me.  She also had breast surgery but before me.  Unfortunately she lost her breast and goes back to the clinic this Friday.  She is scared as well.  She knows in her case it is chemo and she has three very young children to look after.  How nice it is though to meet people in those circumstances and be able to stick together.  Turns out she only lives a couple of miles from me.

I shall be seeing Nathan and Daniel for the first time tomorrow and am so looking forward to that.  This afternoon I have a friend coming to visit.  Visitors are rare at our house.  I have known her for well over thirty years, our daughters grew up together and we used to be neighbours.  She was shocked when she heard the news of course.  She has a wonderful sense of humour and she always has me in gales of laughter so that is bound to do me good.

My "brother" and I have put that in inverted commas for good reason has not even bothered to wish me luck either before surgery or since.  When I tell you he lives fifty yards from me in the same road and Mike told him almost as soon as we knew............speaks for itself.  No note through the door, no good luck card, total silence. The door is now closed to him for good. I could write a book about what we have been through with him and his wife over many years but they are not worth the time and trouble.  I have had more love, support and understanding from my friends here in J-Land and my cousin and a couple of friends going back to schooldays.  It did hurt me though, at first, as he is my last living full-blood relative.  I was hurt, then angry but now I am putting him out of my life for good and all and concentrating on getting well and my own family and my true friends, my J-Land family.

Well, starting to hurt a bit now so I am going to go and have my lunch and get ready to see my friend this afternoon.

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for all your support which I know will be ongoing.  Reading your messages has brought me great comfort.

I do ask you all to pray for Sugar (A Little Bit Of Sugar) link on my sidebar, who is undergoing her cancer surgery today.  Unlike me, she does not have a very supportive family.  She is a friend to many in J-Land and I know you will wish her well.

I promise to get back to commenting on your journals as soon as I can but in the circumstances, I know you will understand.  God bless you all.


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Anonymous said...

Good to get an alert from you Jeanette!! I have been thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers.. i bet it is hard not being able to get out and enjoy your garden..but this time next year hopefully all this will be behind you and you can enjoy it all the more..keep your chin up my love..and sorry for this but can't think of another way to put it..piss on your brother!!
hugs from across the pond

Anonymous said...

What a shame about your brother, men are crap at showing their feelings but how hard is it to pick up a phone or cross the road even! Just take it easy, the last thing you need is to get angry about it.Wish you well and thanks for keeping us updated.Beckie.xxxx

Anonymous said...

{{{{{Jeannette}}}}}}.I will pray you get those good results.I can still remember how we felt in the same position . . its nervewracking and always there in your head.This damn cancer lark causes a lot of anguish and yet I know so many people living with it and recovered from it,our minds only think the worst .lol.So stay positive and enjoy the afternon with your friend. . laughter is the best medicine and a great stress reliever.Cant believe your brother. . what would it take for him to call round.Your right. . dont even think about him.

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to hear from you Jeannette. I know this wonderful spring weather is doing you good even if you can't get out in it it's still good to see it through the door isn't it! I'm glad you've given up on your brother, he doesn't sound very nice, how people can be so cold towards family I don't know. Have fun and a laugh with your friend today, laughter does help and is a good medicine! I know you'll have fun with Daniel and Nathan tomorrow! Jeannette xx  http://journals.aol.co.uk/jlocorriere05/Welcometomytravels/  

Anonymous said...

yes does seem like spring is here. I love yoru flowers. Hope your better soon and praying for sugar and all you guys that the best resutls come out for you all

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased to hear from you as I have been wondering how you were progressing.  Your Mother's Day flowers are beautiful and are lasting really well, as it is over a week now.  Don't waste any energy on those who don't deserve it.  It is very true when people say "It's is a blessing that we can choose our friends when you look at our family!"  Have fun with your grandsons tomorrow they should brighten your day and don't worry about gardening.  You will be out there soon enough enjoying the sounds and smells of summer.  Take care of yourself and don't, under and circumstances, try doing too much too soon.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))I am sorrry to hear about your brother not wishing you god luck,that is so sad.I will be praying for Sugar.I dont understand why familys turn on you.Our family,couisn,dont get togeter at all.My Sister n law,well thats another story to.lol.Have a ncie day.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jaeannette,
Your flowers are absolutely beautiful!  Isn't it wonderful that we can share and keep these photos of them forever?  I have loads of pictures of flowers sent by friends when they heard of my cancer news.  I was surrounded by their perfume reminding me of my friends love and good wishes. I just needed to photograph them so that I could visit their beauty long after they had gone..  You are doing so well at being able and interested in entering into your journal so soon after your operation..  I know how hard and difficult that must be for you.  
My husband had to take over our little garden but he isn't really interested so tends to scalp plants rather than thin them....Lol!  I had a topiary hen growing through a wire cage which I had let grow wild so that I could give it a cockerel's tail.  I came down one day to find that he got bored and decided to 'help me' by trimming it back to the wire....oh! well!   It will grow again....Lol!
I hope you get good news about your follow up treatment and don't have to follow up with chemo or radiotherapy. I had both chemo and radiotherapy. They are not as bad as you think.  Tiring ?   Yes.  There are pills they give you for the nausea so that you need never really have to put up with that. You will be well....we all pray for it to be so.  Stay your cheery self and take no notice of yoour brother. Thee's almost one in every family.   Hugs to you ( gently does it)  Jeanie

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette what beautiful flowers, and what a wonderful daughter your Becky is.  Hope you enjoy your afternoon with you friend, and have that good laugh you so richley deserve.  It will be grand o see Daniel and Nathen, grandchildren can be the best medicine of all. but you must not overdo it and its time now for you to take the best care of yourself.  Will be thinking of you and hope next week will bring the result that you want. enjoy the spring weather and leave the work up to Mike at least for now. take care Kathie.

Anonymous said...

So glad things are going well for you in most respects!!  We're gonna be in prayer about those results!  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the best for Monday Jeannette, fingers crossed, thoughts and everything.  It'll be a boost to see the boys today.  Thoughts for your friends too. ((( ))) Rache

Anonymous said...

((((((Jeanette)))))))) so happy to hear your up and about more. No,no,no sweetie, no sun for a while. You just keep yourself busy indoors. I'm so sorry your brother hasn't contacted you. That is so sad. I myself had family like that also when I found out I had cancer. It really hurt me knowing they didn't care enough to call, write or even drop by. I cried for weeks over that. I wasn't in Jland at the time. Your right you have us here. We are all here for you anytime you need us. I'm going to call Sugar in a few days and see how she is doing. It is nice you made a couple friends when you were in the hospital. You take care and rest. And enjoy those handsome grandkids of yours. Your hubby is just awesome taking care of the garden for you. Tell Mike I said he rocks!!!!!!!!
Love ya,
Cindy xoxo

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette!  Good to hear you're progressing well and I do sympathise with you not being able to do as much as you want.  I have never been in your exact position (for which, thank you God) but am always frustrated by the things I have to let others do.  Gardening, I'm afraid, does not come into this category!  I like to see our garden nice but it doesn't annoy me in the least not to be out there digging and stuff!  Now, you'll hate me for this I'm sure but please, dear Jeanette, don't close your door to your brother.  You don't have to keep on trying with him but leave the way open for him to make the effort.  love, Angie x

Anonymous said...

What beauties of flowers...lovely...
I know how much you love to garden...remember so well, your past videos...and photos...you will garden again soon.  Just get better fast....hugs and love...take care...don't over do things...and yes, Sugar is in our prayers for sure.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers:) glad you are doing so well:) yes laughter is the best medicine enjoy your visit with your friend


Anonymous said...

Get you some inside plants to work with until you are well enough. You will be out there again working away. Your body just needs a little holiday that's all. Now you can take time to look and see all of God's work. Sometimes we all need a different view! Tammy

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful flowers Jeannette. I am sorry that your brother has acted like that. The weather is beautiful here also but I am not physically able to plant any flowers or to maintain them if I could plant them. That is nice that your two new friends have kept in touch with you. I hope you enjoy your friends visit as well as Nathan's and Daniel's visit. I have been in prayer for Sugar as well as keeping you in my prayers. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your brother has been such a let down, especially as it would have meant so much to you to hear from him.  Meanwhile, I am pleased to hear of the friends you made and I am sure you will be friends for life after going through a similar experience at hospital.  The sun is shining today Jeanette and its just for you!  I hope all goes well on Monday when you go to the hospital.  Hugs to you and Mike, Terry x

Anonymous said...

Lovely flowers Jeanette, and so nice to hear from you again,I was only thinking this morning to myself
I wonder how Jeanette is doing",
and lo and behold here you are, you must have read my mind,  forget about the garden for a while, you just concentrate on getting yourself well again and leave things to Mike, just think when you can go outside how nice your garden will be with all the lovely flowers for you to see and smell,
As for your brother, I hope that you have washed your hands of him, you can pick your friends but not your family, as the saying goes,
Good luck on monday, I hope the results are good for you,
Love Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Do as I have done today Jeannette - go and sit in the garden and enjoy the sun!  Take it easy. :-) My very kind neighbour has been cutting back my overgrown trees for me and the garden seems much lighter now :-D Lovely day here, but I gather it isn't going to last :-(
Glad things are continuing to improve fo you, crossing fingers & toes that your results are good.

all the best

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, even though I am a new J-Land friend, I am so glad to have an update on how you are doing!  (((((((((Jeanette)))))))))) I am praying for you in all of these issues -- lab results, healing, continuing treatment, the hurtful ways of your brother and his wife --- and your new friends from the hospital also.
Loving you

Anonymous said...

I pray that your recovery is smooth, your attitude positive and may God bless you!  rose

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette!  It's so good to see you updating! I do hope you enjoy your visit with your friend today. It's always so fun for me to see old friends. So much to talk about and laugh about.  I'm glad you were able to sit by the door and enjoy the sunshine and the birds.  Just take it slow and before you know it you'll be feeling much better.
Hugs and love to you,

Anonymous said...

So glad for the update, Jeanette.  Good to hear things are on the upbeat for you.  Remembering you, Sugar, and Kim in my prayers.  My brother, too, had surgery for pancreatic cancer today.  Am waiting and hoping for good news.  (((hugs))) to you.  LaVern

Anonymous said...

hi jeanette its nice to hear from you ,on such a lovely day.your flowers are beautiful.take care please and your garden will be waiting for you when your up to it.love jo x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette

I am glad that you are making progress, no matter how small it seems.

Yes it seems that thankfull the weather has changed for the better. I popped intot he garden today to put the washing out and a sweet little robin was out there singing away, they are so trusting i could have stretched out and touched him.
I hope that you will soon be able to sit out there. Make the most of the resting at the moment....... it can only make you stronger and hopefully your recovery will be speedier.


Anonymous said...

Gosh you are clever ,a lovely long entry ,I keep thinking about you ,sorry you couldnt get down and dirty in the garden ,it'll come! bet your dying to see your little fellows tomorrow ,they will cheer you up,wont it be nice to have your friend to visit ?lots of love Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Awwwww yeah Im praying for Sugar too hun - so sorry about your brother - but you have so many other's that love you it is best not to waste time worrying about those who dont care but use your energy for those who do. Love Laine xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, glad to hear you are making progress. Sorry to hear about the reaction from your Brother....maybe he is not sure how to cope with that news, some people do react strangely to news such as yours, but as you say you have plenty of others to give you the love and affection that you so rightly deserve.

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a good afternoon with your friend Jeanette and I know you'll enjoy yourself tomorrow when your 2 handsome young boys visit!
Sorry to hear your brother has treated you so badly, still as you say you have a wonderful husband, daughter and her family as well as plenty of people in jland who care for you.
Keeping fingers crossed for you on Monday.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame you can't get outside to enjoy the sunshine but at least you had the back door open to enjoy what you can :-)  Good luck with the results ~ keep thinking those positive thoughts xx



Anonymous said...

Jeannette your Mothers Day flowers are beautiful ~ It has been like Spring here today so out in the garden for an hour or two ~ I know how much you love your garden and you will be out there working before you know it ~ it will do you good to see Nathan and Daniel they always make you feel better ~ hope you have a lovely time getting together with your friend this afternoon ~ will keep Sugar in my thoughts and prayers ~ and hope everything goes well for her ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Hope Monday's news is the best.  I shall be attending the Flat Chest Society meeting on 5th April for annual checkup, so you will be in my thoughts then !  Look after the arm; you'll get used to it.  Bunny x

Anonymous said...

(Hugs) I'm so sorry to hear about your brother being selfish and ignorant. Your loved here and missed when your not. As for the garden, keep your chin up hon, the growing season is only beginning you will be out there before long. Thanks for letting me know about Sugar I was unaware that she went for surgery today. I'm cursing AOL alerts alot these days. I'm keeping you in my prayers on the smoke , the news is better than you could hope for. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Lovely flowers for a lovely Mother.  I know your 'special' day was a wonderful one.  I think Spring has finally found it's way to Ohio too...I just arrived home from a short trip to visit with some of my children and grandchildren and was surprized to find it warm here.  No jacket or sweater required.  Take good care and in no time at all you'll be out in the garden again.   Your are in my thoughts prayers.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Jeanette, enjoy your friends visit dear.  And wondrful you have made some friends while in the hospital....friends stick with you through all and give support to each other - what would we ever do without our "Special Sisters". Hang in there dear, your friends at home and J-land will be here for you.  Sorry about your brother - let him come to you otherwise keep going forward, you need support and caring and keep your positive attitude, don't let anything get you down dear. Your Mother's Day flowers were gorgeous dear.  Soon you'll be able to get outside and work in your garden dear.....Mike is a dear, know he was glad to do this for you, treasure him.....Bles you....Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

Great Mother's Day flowers, Jeannette. I'm sorry to hear about your family troubles, but it takes a major event like what you're going through to know what people are worth. Best wishes on your continued recovery.

Anonymous said...

well feel better, it's nice to meet new people like in the hospital. Your flowers are great and still look great.

Anonymous said...

Your flowers are sumptious (is that a word?).  I just love the pink-it has to be my favorite color.   I am glad it is sunny and warming up a bit there--it does such wonders for the spirit!  The wind is so strong here today, a real March day--I had to hold onto my hat so it would not blow away while I was walking the Duchess.

Boredom already?   You are just so used to staying busy all the time, aren't you?  You will be working in your garden again before you know it.  I can tell it is just your nature to be up and about just as soon as you can, but you mustn't overdo.  Take care Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

glad you are still mending well.  the flowers are beautiful.

as to typing on the puter, does your computer have the "speaktype" feature?  you speak, it types, then all you have to do is run a spellcheck to make sure it heard you correctly.  most of the new computers have that feature, but not mine.  i have to order some special things to make mine work.  might check it out though.

wishing you the best,


Anonymous said...

I am glad your friends from the hospital contacted you.


Anonymous said...

Glad to feel you are feeling a little better, don't over do it

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanettte,
oh dear! I had not idea..I had computer issues and then I was off on break.. sigh
I will pray for your speedy recovery Jeanette!
ps beautiful flowers!

Anonymous said...

the flowers are beautiful!!!  Take care of you.. rest.. read.. and come on line when you can with an update.  You know we're here for you.  I am sending good thoughts, prayers, and strength your way.

Anonymous said...

So nice to see you up and about.... keeping fingers crossed for good news next Monday!
Have a restful week!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful Mother's Day flower's you received from Becky and Dean and the children.    I had read in Helen's journal while you were having the problems with AOL that you were going in for surgery and was thinking of you.    I am glad that you made it through fine and can now enjoy recovering at home.      Try not to be scared about next Monday though what would anyone else feel but the same.    You will have my prayers that everything will turn out just fine.    I have not been able to sit at the computer much.     I finally have an appointment after waiting 6 month's to see the back surgeon on May 21 if not before.     The severe stenosis is narrowing on my spinal cord and my only relief is to lay on my board/cushion and read.     I can feel a progression from last year.     I will let you know about my progress.      Take care,     mark

Anonymous said...

We are praying for you and SUgar!!!!  Thank you for posting the beautiful flowers!  Spring is in the air for sure!!  Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, Did not get the AOL alert but I have just popped in to see if there were any new entries as AOL is not reliable. Great that you are feeling better and hope you will get good news next Monday. I'm sure you will be able to sit in the garden soon, do not worry. Never think of people who don't deserve you, Jeannette, just think of all the people who love you and care for you! All the best.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette ,what beautiful flowers you were given for Mothering Sunday ,I had some too from my son and his girlfriend and mine as still looking fresh .
Hope you enjoyed the visit from your friend and she made you laugh ,they do say laughter is the best medicine .good luck for next week , you know I will be thinking of you ........Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Yes, spring has sprung!  You flowers are beautiful.  Hope you continue to get well.  

Anonymous said...

hi jeannette i am so glad to hear you are doing well
very pretty flowers
continue to heal fast
<3, emily

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry about your brother.  You have a HUGE family here...
Hope you had fun with the boys!  Jae

Anonymous said...

hello friend so glad to see you on and so glad to hear you are feeling better you and your family are still in my prayers as is the other 2 ladies you meet in the hospital i am so glad you have such a loving supportive family and strong faith tohelp you through so sorry about your brother you know it was the same for us with my hubbys brother living just houses away and no help or love or support just like you and we moved 2,000 miles just to be close to him it is not good for us to hold on to that though as you know and i will be praying for strength in this area as well for you hope to hear from you soon take care and God bless kelley

Anonymous said...

You sound so good!  I'm so happy you are recovering so well and you have such a cheerful outlook.  I can't blame you for feeling like you do about your "brother".  It's his loss, Jeannette.  He's missing out on a relationship with a loving, kind, fun person like YOU!  You're so fortunate to have a husband, daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren that love you so much and all the friends you have sending love, prayers and support is a big blessing.  My love and prayers are coming your way everyday.
Hugs,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

So glad you are able to type such a long entry on journal...you must be feeling a lot better. I have been praying for you and I am glad to see it appears to be working! Bless you. Love Conniexx

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,  Good to see you are able to let us know how you are doing.  I think of you often and hope for a positive appointment on Monday for you.

Such a shame that you aren't able to work in your garden yet, I know how much it means to you, but think of it this way, Mike is able to show his love for you by making the garden look better while you are unable to do it.  The summer is coming and I'm sure there will be times you'll be able to potter about out there, it's good physiotherapy too!

Sorry to hear about your brother, he is the one losing out, I wonder if he knows or realises just how many good friends you have in J-Land.  Love to you and Mike ~~~ Pat http://journals.aol.co.uk/pm71blackfen/ramblings-from-pat/

Anonymous said...

This is my first visit to your blog.  I hope that you heal quickly and keep getting stronger. Last year I had endometrial cancer and had  a real-go round with all the surgeries and all the drugs, but a year later I feel very good and healthy as long as I get enough rest.  Hang in there...
love, Kas
http://journals.aol.com/hestiahomeschool/HomeschoolingJournal/ to

Anonymous said...

My dear Jeannette, I`m sorry I haven`t been in touch lately. I`m just about to email you now.:o)

Love Sandra xxxx


Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette...

I'm so pleased your feeling much better and i wish you a seedy recovery...God Bless!




Anonymous said...

Nice to have you back Jeanette! I understand how you feel about your "brother", sad that even now he didn`t have any good wishes for you. You have the rest of us in J land and we are all hoping for a speedy recovery for you take care and don`t do too much.
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you have your Mike with you. What a blessing that man of yours is! I am lucky with my sweetie as well. It sounds like you are healing well and getting better. Oh, and a Happy Mother's Day! :)
I think of you often and glad I got your address. It is safely stored and I will NOT lose it this time..LOL
Your brother is missing out on your beautiufl company...his loss.
I also love to garden and be out in the sun: sweating, working hard, planting and working the dirt and watching things grow. I rarely wear gloves anymore. I like to feel the soil and dirt on my hands. Weird I know!
Keep doing well my friend and you are in my thoughts often!

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, so glad to hear that things are progressing.  I will be keeping you in my prayers and hope that Monday goes well for you.  The flowers are beautiful and bless Mike for caring for the garden.  You will be out there again.  My brother sounds very much like yours.  I've written him off a long time ago.  Love xx Chris

Anonymous said...

 The flowers are beautiful and I can almost smell the lilies.  I am glad your feeling better and hope the news is good.


Anonymous said...

Please be patient with yourself.  I know it cannot be easy for a person, such as yourself, to be so tied down and not allowed to do the things you love most.  I've said a prayer for Sugar today too!
