Thursday, April 12, 2007

Clinic Visit

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I had my visit to the breast clinic this morning.  I found it much harder going after the fiasco of last week.  Shed quite a few tears before I left.  Anyway, I managed to do it and get through the thirty-five minute wait but came home with few answers.

For the last three days I have been getting a bright red area that starts in my armpit and spreading onto the left side of my breast, several inches across.  The district nurse yesterday thought it might be an infection so she was pleased I was attending the clinic this morning.  Now this redness comes and goes.  It will be there for a few hours and then fade away to almost nothing.  So to be sure Caspar knew what I was talking about, Mike took a couple of photos late yesterday afternoon.  I also wanted to find out about the lump under my armpit and whether it was fluid, perhaps infected fluid and needed draining and antibiotics.

To cut a long story short Caspar has no idea what is causing the redness.  He studied the photos.  He studied me, he could see it was still slightly pink.  He said it could be caused by my clothes rubbing again flesh that was still tender.  I pointed out that yesterday afternoon I went to bed for two hours, I was not wearing clothes, the window was open and my scarred body received lots of fresh air, yet when I woke it was bright red!!! Nothing could have rubbed. He said well, it is definitely not infection as there is no swelling and I am not running a temperature.  Trust me to have something mysterious.

Anyway he poked and prodded, said there was no problem whatever with the wound, it had healed remarkably well.  The lump under my armpit is not fluid, it is hard.  I think it is something he called the axilla, in other words it has been disturbed by the surgery and might be like that permanently.

I then mentioned the amount of pain I am getting.  He said it could be the nerves trying to recover from the surgery and that some women were more sensitive than others and with the passing of time it should lessen and lessen.  Well, he should try living with it.

So, all in all, no infection, no reason found for the redness, the pain will just have to be borne for the foreseeable future.  I told him how worrying I find this redness and pain but he assured me again and again there he can find absolutely no problems.  As he is a top man in his field I have to accept that.

Lastly, it has been decided, after a few days of discussion, that despite my family history that Tamoxifen is the drug they want me to be on.  I fully discussed my family history which is mainly on the male side and involved furring of the arteries as the biggest problem.  I was told what they worried about was break-away blood clots which is different.  This only happened to one member of my family, again a male.  They then said that although possible side effects have to be printed on leaflets, the chances of anything bad happening are exceedingly small and the good effects have to be weighed against the bad.  I could see the sense in that.  After all, the last thing I want is the cancer returning. I want to be rid of it forever.

So, I have had to accept their decision.  I think taking any drugs worries me, I do not even like being on all the ones I already have to take.  But I must get on with it.

The two side effects most common and that I am likely to get are nausea and hot flushes and sweats.  Oh God, I thought I had seen the last of them years ago!!!  I hope I do not develop the nausea either because next week I have to go for my radiotherapy assessment (Wednesday afternoon) and the following week I start the course of radiotherapy.  Bad enough having to get there every day without feeling constantly sick as well.

So, my friends, that is all my up to date news on me and bc.  I know you will continue to pray for me.  I ask you to pray that the side-effects of the tablets are as little as possible because nothing must get in the way of my radiotherapy.

Oh, one last thing.  One of the district nurses chatted about my blood sugars last week andagreed they could not stay as high as they have been/are in the long term.  She told me to stop taking readings over Easter to give myself a break and stress pushes them higher.  She kindly phoned the diabetic nurse at my surgery and had a long chat with her .  Kim, the diabetic nurse agreed that I should not take them over Easter and that she would phone me to have a chat and possibly arrange to see me and assess whether there should be an increase in my diabetic meds if necessary and that it would be on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Guess what, as if you haven't already.  I have not heard a single word from the diabetic nurse.  Guess I have been forgotten about.  So, I will have to try and make an appointment to see her next week.  More aggro.

I just wish things would run smoothly in my life just once in a while.

I have some new photos of Nathan and Daniel.  I will share those with you next time.


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Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))))))I am sorry you have to go through so much,I wish you didnt have to go through all this.But know that I am praying for you.You have so many people here in J-land who cares.I hope yo have a peaceful day.

Anonymous said...

I hope you hear from the diabetes nurse soon.  I'm sorry you are having such a hard time right now.  Will keep you in my prayers, Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

NOT easy going through all this....try to stay optimistic.


Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful that there is no infections.  I am disturbed to hear that there is still so much pain for you though.  I will pray specifically for your pain in that area..  We would all love to have life run more smoothly , that is for sure, but I'm afraid that is life -- all the ups and downs, bumps and hurdles.  We can only take them as they come and trust in our good Lord to see us through.  May there be peace in your heart knowing that God is always with you and will never leave you.  Much love and hugs for you today ! 'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

So sorry about the mystery redness as you said it can only happen to you ,well done going today ,and once there, getting abit more clarification on the meds ,actually I did guess ,I thought shes gonna say she didnt get a call ,its not good enough ,she is aware of your concerns ,keep strong and yes still praying Jan xx

Anonymous said...

sure would like to find out what that rash is and what causes it. so so sad and worrysome not kowing . you just think that drs would know more now days. but there seems to always be something new. Im sure you wish for life to just be normal and get back on track I dont blame you I hope in the summer you will be our and about enjoying the flowers and this will al be a past memory

Anonymous said...

(((((((((Jeanette)))))))))) I am sure sorry about the mysterious redness, pain, the hard lump, the blood sugar problems, etc.  I am praying for you.  I do have one suggestion you might consider re the problems from your breast cancer dx and surgery.  If you have not checked into finding a good breast cancer survivor message board or forum, I think it might be useful for you.  Many times women who post have a world of experience with the odd little things that one doc (however expert he is) may not have seen.  They can answer questions sometimes.  I am finding much help for my CPAP questions and issues on a good sleep CPAP forum I found.  I read from three forums before I found one that is loaded with knowledgeable people who are helping me with good information.
I've had the same experience with a lupus forum and fibro.  You can get some good educational info as well as experiential info when the forum is a good one.
loving you

Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers dear friend. We will continue this fight! We must be victorious!!! Going over to light a candle for you today also. {{ }}

Anonymous said...

Big Hugs and always Special Thoughts!!!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette sorry this is all happening to you ,but hopefully it will all come good in the long run ,well done for getting to the clinic today as I know how hard it is for you .Like your top graphic says I hope you can find the strength.We shall keep praying.
Looking forward to seeing photos of Nathan and Daniel........Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

{{{Jeannette}}} I'm so glad that it isn't infected. You're still in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Think of you each day Je annette - hoping thing are improving, shame that these problems keep popping up, you have enough already.  Crossing fingers and everything else that thjings will soon get better.

all the best

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,  So glad that you managed to get to the clinic today and to hear that there is no infection  what a relief that must be. You Dr. is so good he would tell you if there had been anything to worry about I am sure.  We must all be positive about the outcome of all the WILL NOT have any reactions..see I have ordered it....  Chin up keep smiling..we will do the praying  Much Love Sybil x

Anonymous said...

Oh I know it can be daunting on the hospital "hamster" wheel, always doing your bit and seemingly getting nowhere.  Things will get better for you, just keep the faith.  Thinking of you.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

I'd call the diabetic nurse with a gentle reminder that you've been waiting to hear from her.  Sometimes we get lost in the shuffle, and even though they intended to call, it's slipped their mind.  Perhaps she can just consult with you over the phone instead of you having to go in.  (Wouldn't that be nice!)  I hope you can get your sugars straightened out, that in itself may help you to feel a bit better.  You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I am so sorry you are having to go through this ~ I am glad there is no infection ~ you have got to trust Caspar as he is the expert ~ and I am sure he knows what he is talking about ~ I hope that pain and redness goes soon although I can imagine how worrying it must be for you ~ but I pray everything will be alright for you keeping you in my prayers as always ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, so glad to know everything is healing and you are on your way to a full recovery. Power of prayer!! Glory to God.
Love you,j
Liz in Va.

Anonymous said...

have a good weekend:)


Anonymous said...

Hope it's nothing too serious, Jeannette - time will tell.

Anonymous said...

Keeping you in my prayers!  Hope that all goes well for you the rest of this week!  Hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear you had a bad time.  I believe the area he refered to an axilla is just the fancy term for armpit.  Hope things heal up soon.  Linda

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that your surgeon couldn't come up with why you had this redness and its not very gratifying to hear that the pain may continue whilst you are healing.  One thing though my sister sailed through radiotherapy and I hope it will be the same for you dear friend.  I hope the diabetic nurse remembers about you soon, all this chasing people is so irritating when you are not feeling too well.  Healing Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,  Please put your trust in Casper after all he should know about these things,  as for your sugar levels, your body has been through a traumatic time just lately and they are bound to be high, and as you say all the stress that you are under at the moment will not be helping them,  I know how hard it is to get them back down again, try drinking plenty of plain water, if you can,  I find that this helps to bring mine down, I also have a relaxation tape that also helps me to unwind when things start getting to much for me, this also helps to a certain degree, sit or lie down and get yourself comfy, close your eyes,   imagine lying on a beach and the waves are just washing over your feet and as they flow back they are taking all your worries  and stress with them, also while doing this try to breath really deeply,  give it a try it might help you relax abit,  wishing you well
Love Lynne xx  

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette...

you are in my wishes!


Anonymous said...

continued good thoughts and prayers my friend

Anonymous said...

OH my you are the bravest person I know!  So much to deal with.  I am praying that your recovery is speedy.  Can't wait to see the pictures of the handsome little ones, bet they are getting huge...mine are coming tomorrow...all three of them! xoxorose~

Anonymous said...

Sounds like things went pretty well.  It's no fun having a mystery flushing that can't be explained.  I hope it's not causing you to worry.  I'm sure if it were serious, Casper would know what it was.  I'm continuing to send prayers and postive thoughts your way!
Hugs,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are okay... I hope you still have pain meds though... Can you ask about neurontin?  It is a medicine for nerve pain... it may help.  I know sometimes your meds are different over there though...  I am praying for you Jeanette!!!

Looking forward to seeing pics of the grands!

be well,

Anonymous said...

Doctors never seem to be able to answer questions on things that are worrying us Jeannette. I hope the redness and lump will go away soon, I know it worries you as it would many.  Also hoping you can sort out the appointment with your diabetic nurse, it's bad that you should have to chase her up. I'm praying for you that the Tamoxifen will be OK and the radiotherapy will go well for you and rid you of this cancer once and for all. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Well done with being so brave!!Beckie.xx

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart!  I know how frustrated you are with the lump.  I have one at the base of my leg, which has been there for years.  I have what I call my "good leg" and "bad leg" days.  Sometimes, the pain makes it so difficult I find myself limping.  I went to every doctor and/or specialist under the sun.  Each one kept referring me to a different specialist with no diagnosis.  One doctor thought it might be celluitis because my leg would get this redness up it at the same time.  But then he retracted his diagnosis (after scaring me half to death).  The last specialist surmised it is the result of an injury I had years ago.  The tissue moved when I received a blunt force to my leg and then calcified.  Unfortunately, it is in a very precarious place and to do surgery may just worsen the issue.  So, I have to live with it.  It was the not knowing for so long and it took them almost a year and a half to come up with this type of non-answer.  Anyway...I feel your pain gal, and I hope you mend soon!  God bless.

Anonymous said...

my prayers and thought are with you.

Anonymous said...

Well Jeanette I do wish that the doctors could give you a clearer picture of what is going on.  We can only take their word for it and trust them, after all they are the experts.  We have to remember that they see things every day.  I know that it is of no consolation when you are so worried all the time. I would be too.  We are all praying for you and will continue to do so.  We are thinking of you. bye for now Kathie.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette,  I thought things would have been made much clearer by now, but I suppose you can only accept what the doctor has told you. I must admit I`d feel uneasy about having the unexplained redness but of course Caspar knows what he`s talking about. I`ve been thinking about you every day despite not having spoken to you for a while and my prayers are with you as always. Take care my dear friend and I hope the radiotherapy and the tablets don`t cause you any side effects.


Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Very happy and rejoicing the doctor saw no problem!!  But I am holding you up for faster, smoother, more complete healing so you can feel better.  God bless.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

The redness could be caused by the nerves that were distrubed?????
Everything will work out, I just know it will. I am glad that you had a good long discussion withthe doctor about the meds.
What diabetic meds are you on? I am taking metaforin ER(extended release). it works better than the regular  metaforin does. (spelling might be wrong)

Anonymous said...

I'm delighted you where able to talk to Dr. Caspar I know you trust his judgement and opinions. As for the meds......I will continue to keep you in my prayers on the smoke. Your doing wonderful Jeannette keep your head up, you should be proud of yourself, your asking all the right questions and staying involved in your own treatment. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, you are always in my prayers.  Dealing with breast cancer is stressful enough without everything else thrown on it.  You need to keep your faith in Caspar.  I think the nerve pain will subside over time.  Praying that your med's side effects are slight and that you can start your radiotherap also.  Love xx Chris

Anonymous said...

I wish things would run smoothly for you too.  At least Casper gave you some kind of reassurances.  I shall continue to send my best thoughts out to you and your family xx


Anonymous said...

I think we find difficulties taking pills because every time we put in our mouth we have to accept we are ill. Perhaps you can visualise it as a little soldier just keeping any possible hiding insurgents under control and if you do have flushes or feel nauseous that's just the soldier looking in the deep dark hidden caves to double check. Probably sounds daft, but that's the sort of thing I do, try and find the positives. The MacMillan nurse told me that with pain medication you have to take them regulary to get the best effect, I did struggle with that idea for a long while, but it does work as you don't have to wait until it kicks in as usually the last one hasn't worn off completely so do get some help to manage your pain better. You are going through one of the most stressful times you've had so it's hardly surprising you are struggling to keep your blood sugars under control but I hope you manage to do it.
Denise xxxx

Anonymous said...

dear Jeanette
it troubles me  that they do not know what causes the redness
can you see another nurse practitioner or ask one?