Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A Downer

Well, I wish I could tell you I came home happy and relieved from my appointment but that is not the case.

Firstly, less than twenty-four hours after the fluid was drained, yesterday it started building up again.  As I had my appointment today I phoned the clinic yesterday afternoon to tell them and I was told it would be arranged for it to be drained again whilst I was there today.  So far so good.

I did the journey well.  We get to the breast clinic.  Immediately I am told they are running an hour behind.  Well, I coped with that, especially as I knew I was going to have the fluid drained which would use up some of that time.

Caspar and his team were not on duty today so I am called in to see a different doctor.  She had a look and agreed it was fluid building again.  However she then said she was not prepared to drain it.  I asked why and she said because of the risk of infection.  I pointed out that needles are sterile and there should be no more risk than there was on Tuesday.  She was adamant that she would do nothing and told me to get painkillers from my pharmacy.  I have been living on those bloody things.  They did make me another appointment to see Caspar next Thursday, the Thursday AFTER Easter which is over a week away and he would probably drain it for me.  It could be the size of a bloody football by that time.  As you know there is nobody that can deal with things like this over the Easter break.

So back into the waiting room.  I did bump into my friend Joanne who was in hospital at the same time and had also been in to see this Dr. Robinson. Dr.Robinson needed to be a very important and very special in my life as she has charge of me for the next several weeks.  She is my oncologist. A Cancer patient needs a very good rapport and trust in their oncologist.  My next proper appointment to see Caspar is not until October.  Everyone that was going in was spending 30 to 40 minutes with her.  Joanne and her Mum chatted for a time and then had to leave.  Then the nurse came up to me and said there would be another 45 minute delay.  My nerves were getting to breaking point, the place was emptying out.  People who had come in long after me were leaving and still we sat there.  Came down to just three people waiting so I assumed I would be called fairly soon now.

The nurse came back and said there would be another 45 minute delay.  Thatdid it.  I broke.  I just could not take it. Firstly they had refused to drain the lump and we had been waiting for well over two hours.  I told them I would come back another time, it was way beyond lunchtime, I was diabetic and needed to eat, I had had enough.  They offered me a sweet biscuit!!  I started to cry.  In the end they let me go into a little sitting room where they made me a cup of tea.

Never mind said Mike and Becky, you will be in soon and you can put all the questions to her that you need to ask.  You have got this far and waited this long so get it over with. Caspar had told me that he had discussed my case fully with her, told her I was agoraphobic and suffered from anxiety and panic attacks, she had agreed with him that she would tailor radiotherapy to fit my particular needs (probably not every single day). He told me she was fully informed and would be sympathetic and understanding.

The district nurse who came yesterday agreed my blood sugars were much higher than they should be so I wanted to discuss this with her also on the nurse's advice.

Eventually we are called in.  There she sat with a plate of jam tarts in front of her.  She put a leaflet in front of me and told me all the things that Caspar had already told me, about it being stage two, the lymph nodes not being affected.  She could see I was highly nervous and had been crying so I had expected her to put me at my ease.  The next thing she tells me is that because I had the cancerous lump on the outside of my breast as well, there is a possibility the cancer could return!  Then she tells me it will be four weeks of radiotherapy every day and absolutely no discussion about it and got me to sign the consent form. 

She then tells me that radiotherapy itself could cause the cancer to return in the affected breast.  She asked how painful my chest and breast were and I said at times very painful indeed.  She then said it was because they cut the nerves in my armpits and also in my breast and went on to say that some women never lose this pain and have it for the rest of their lives.  This is all said to someone who suffers from chronic anxiety and she could see I had already been crying.  She wrote out a prescription for the anti-cancer pills which she said I can start next Tuesday in case of any clashes with other pills or bad side effects, best to get Easter out of the way first.

She never looked at me, she spent more time talking to Becky asking how old the boys were and whether they were getting many Easter eggs!!!!  Mike was not even acknowledged or spoken to.  I got the strong feeling that she does not like people who suffer with "nerves".

I was not given the opportunity to discuss whether there was the possibility of any clashes with my other medication or that I was worried about the rise in my blood sugars.  She never looked at the wounds, one of which has not completely healed. She ignored me when I said I had a fluid swelling again. She never mentioned my problems about getting to radiotherapy on a daily basis.  She closed my file, stood up, wished us a happy Easter and that was that. She did say, as we were on the way out, that I would get an appointment for my assessment for radiotherapy in the post but could not say when. We were given about eight minutes of her time. 

I cried all the way home.  I am still crying from time to time.

I got no reassurance, no understanding, was not given time to ask questions that needed to be asked, was frightened by being told the cancer could return as one of the growths had been outside.  This has pushed me right back.

Now I face Easter with the ever growing swelling, the thought in my mind that the cancer could return, not knowing when my assessment will be.  I am not happy, I am not happy at all.

Why I have I decided to write about it?  I promised to share my journey with you and that includes the bad as well as the good.  It is therapy in letting some of it out in writing about it.  However, the peace of mind I had hoped to return with, the understanding I expected to get which would make me feel easier about my coming assessment and radiotherapy treatment did not materialize.  I feel as though I have been hammered into the floor.

So we left here at 10.10 a.m. and returned well after 1 p.m. and to me, the wholething was a complete waste of time.  All that was achieved was that I signed the consent form and was given further things to worry about.

Sorry this has not been a happy entry.  There is nothing I can do except get on with it but right at this moment, I wish I had never gone to that bloody appointment this morning.


Anonymous said...

Bless your heart......someone needs to teach that lady doc some bedside manners! I am sure that when you see Caspar next he will reasure you and help make things better for you...I can not believ that they would not drain that lump....I bet if they had to put up with it they would!
Try not to let this get you down....There is a higher Doctor up above, you know...HANG IN THERE OK?

Anonymous said...

This Dr Robinson was the Oncologist I take it?  How despicable was her behaviour.  Arrogant, conceited and unfeeling I would call it.  I had to see a neurologist last week who addressed most of his questions to my sister as if I was thick or incapable.  I was on the verge of asking my sis to step outside so he would have to speak with ME, ask ME what he wanted to know.  At east I shall know when I see him again either not to take anyone in with me or make it very clear to him that they are only there for transport reasons. Try to keep smiling.  Angie, x

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))You dont have to be sorry at all,you been through so much and I am sorry you had to go through all that.They should of drained the fluid.I am sorry you have to wait.You are always in my thoughts and prayers.I hope you have a peaceful day.

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((Gentle Hugs)))))))))))  I am so very sorry the appointment was so far from what we hoped it would be for you.  Is this fluid buildup lymphodema or some other type of fluid buildup?  If it's lymphodema, I think there are some massge techinques and sleeves to wear that will help prevent and drain it.
Seems like some are in the medical field who have little sensitivity or compassion and you saw one of them today.  I am praying for you.
loving you

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you had to go thru such a bad experience.  You've been thru enough with the surgery and worry over cancer.  My mom had to have fluid drained I think 3 times before it stopped.  I know it's painful for you.  It was painful for my mom.  Wish I was over there to give you a hug.

Anonymous said...

There are so many in the medical field who have become "cold."  They just don't understand the need for treating the whole patient.  They treat the physical symptoms, and that's it.  Nothing more, nothing less.   I'm sorry you had to go through that.  Try and have a good Easter with your family. Have an egg hunt with the boys. That'll take your mind off it for awhile.
hugs to you...Pam

Anonymous said...

I've been reading you for some time and today I just had to post my thoughts. That doctor is a real A--H---!!!  To have you wait that long and then not even help you is right at the bottom of the dirty rotten pool.

I'm just shocked over the treatment you recieved. Shameful on this doctors part. Maybe you should report here to the AMA. Wouldn't hurt to give it a try. Doctors need to remember we pay their salary's we deserve respect. I feel so bad for you, that you have to suffer with that cyst. I know how painful those things can get. I had one on my tailbone, no picnic...hurt like the dickens till it got lanced by my doctor, and that was no party either..... ha,ha

Can you put hot packs on the cyst to try and draw it to a head. Just a thought, if it gets to painful. I know when I got it again, years later, I didn't go to the doctor. It got huge and red and hot to the touch. So I put hot packs on it, as hot as I could stand and this brought it to a head within a day. WOW! what a relief when that evil thing popped.

I wish you a calm weekend and hopefully a happy Easter filled with many blessings.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hope you are feeling a little better having got all this out of your system and down on "virtual" paper.  I am so very sorry about your Oncologist's attitude.  You know, it costs nothing to be kind, supportive and sympathetic.  Why these people with such attitudes choose medicine is a mystery to me.  There are many ways of telling patients "how it is" and unfortunately hers was not a good one.  Please don't go down in a spiral of despair, she is only one in a sea of many who will help you along the way.  I wish I could do more to help, but I remain, as always steadfast in prayer for both you and your family.  Things will change and for the better.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Jeannette....I wish I could give you a cuddle!
I have been there only recently with Bryan my husband when he went to have a check up with his ENT specialist.  After an hour and ten minutes wait we found out they didn't even know he was there for an appointment or had his notes even!  So we had to wait until the nurse got them downloaded off the computer.  That's the NHS these days! Indifferent and distant!  I wish every breast cancer victim had a McMillan nurse to sit in with her like I had when I saw a consultant each time.  If I missed anything she would see to it afterwards and get the information from them.
Do you not have access to your own MciMllan nurse each time you go to see a surgeon or oncologist?  I thought everyone did.  Keep up your arm exercises, even though they hurt.  That helps to drain the lymph fluid back into the rest of your lymphatic system.  E-mail me if you want to ask me anything.  Stay calm...I know that's difficult for you but I was told stress doesn't help move the fluid out.
Get your husband to give your back and shoulders a gentle massage.  Thinking of you and praying for the week to pass quickly now.   Don't forget to fall back on yur district nurse if you have to.  God Bless you!   Jeanie

Anonymous said...

Sounds as if neither doctor were doing a very good job today. If the first one had training to drain the place then she should have drained it to get you out of pain. That is horrible to make you wait over another week to get something done. Is it possible to change oncologists? She sure took a lot of time with other patients then hurry you out like that. I know people here who didn't like one changed and went to another one, even went to another city to get another one. I will remain in prayer for you. Hugs, helen

Anonymous said...

It's such a simple procedure to drain the fluid, giving instant relief, I can only think this woman could not be bothered.  Care of the arm and surrounding tissue is so important at this juncture.  Can you get your GP to intervene on your behalf ?  Bunny x

Anonymous said...

my prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

I'm appalled. I get 100 times better service, care and consideration from the Vet we use for the pets.

Don't let the bastards grind you down, put your battling hat on and give 'em hell.

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad you were treated like that. that doctor is so rude and needs to get a better attitude towards the patients discomforts and feelings. I honestly believe you were released from the hospital too soon. You should of had drain tubes put in and kept in for at least 3 to 4 days. I had mine in 4 days after my surgery. And as for draining your fluid, if she had spent less time talking to others and more time discussing things with her patients she of had the time to drain it. Man, I just want to slap her. Rebecca drew your picture. We mailed it yesterday. She is so proud of it. She said I hope it makes Jeannette happy. I told her it will. Now she wants me to mail you an easter pic of her, So I will do that too. ((((((((warm hugs))))))))
I'm keeping you in my prayers.
Cindy xoxo

Anonymous said...

all this that she says does not sound right. Mom had breast cancer twice and I do not remember anything like this being said. Please talk to another dr someohw get another opionns{{{{{{HUGS}]]]]]]]]

Anonymous said...

I truly pray things will get better and easier for you...  Honey, have you ever tried hypnosis for your nerves.  I have them too  and I can not say enough about it.  You can try it out free at  You can use it anywhere to calm yourself.  The brain is an amazing thing...
Hugs with Love

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette,

   I was horrified to read your journal and about the wicked way in which you were treated. That unfeeling woman doctor should be struck off for her insensitve treatment of you or reported to say the least!!!! Would that she knew or even cared how you were feeling and how scared you were by all that waiting around and your mind playing overtime with your thoughts on what was to happen with you. It,s ok saying that she had no time nor cared for nervous people, there but for the grace of God goes she, or all of us for that matter!! She treated you with disrespect and predudice for being the way you are, it,s like a white man looking down on a black man or a yellow man for the colour of his skin. You cannot help the way you are honey, but she could have been more helpful to your plight. Why couldn,t she have drained the breast for you seeing that she is a fully quallified doctor ? Is there no way that you can complain or report her to Doctor Casper ? I know that I would do that if it was me that had gone through what you went through today!!!! Makes my blood boil and there was you saying how wonderful the NHS was honey, bet this has changed your mind somewhat and opened up your eyes to the real NHS!! I will be praying for you non stop until my knees drop off that things alter for the better dear friend, just wish there was something else we could do for you but all we can do is pray and be there as a sounding board to vent all your feelings on, so let it all out dear friend, that,s what we are there for, to listen and not to judge, to send you love and to pray for you daily and hope that is a small comfort to you.....

 love and blessings my dear friend   x x x x x x  Anne x x x x x

Anonymous said...

The quality of care around the Country seems to vary enormously, and it makes me so cross to hear stories like yours Jeannette.  My sister who lives in the North, has many problems and I hear the same sort of stories from her, she is just pushed from pillar to post.  Yet here in East Anglia, I have found the NHS to be quite good.
Would there be any chance of you having the draining done at your local A & E??  I'm sure they deal with far lesser problems than yours.
Good luck & chin up


Anonymous said...

I wish you were here in North Carolina. the cancer doctors here are the greatest. They aren't perfect but you get treated with respect. Keep your voice friend. You deserve to be treated right! Tammy

Anonymous said...

((((((Jeannette)))))))))) Praying for you and that things will get better with the doctors...I can't believe what you are going any of them have a heart any more??? Hugs and prayers!  TErryAnn

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the appointment from hell, Jeannette. Those who were supposed to care for you singularly FAILED to do that, and failed you in doing so. Appalling.
However, that does not help you at all, and I can't begin to wonder how you're going to cope over the Easter weekend to start with. Shouldn't you be in hospital, if there is still fluid to be drained? But with the rock-bottom level of NHS service in your area, the answer is probably no.
Wishing you strength at this very difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Jeannette I am truly shocked at the way you have been treated ~ to keep you waiting that long and then be indifferent is really Rock Bottom
what has happened to our Caring Doctors ~ the one you saw sounded like an arrogant self centered person ~ I pray you have the strength to get through Easter and to your next appointment pain free ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Sending love and prayers your way...try to keep optimistic, despite how hard that may be.

Anonymous said...

Jeanette {{{hugs}}}} Not really a lot else I can say, but do keep writing about it xx

Anonymous said...

It will help for you to keep writing it all down. I pray that with God's help you will get through this successfully .  I'm so glad you have your loving family there to help you through.  Hugs and Love,and many prayers. 'On Ya -ma

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear Jeanette, What an awful day you have had. I can only pray that you get some relief over the weekend and that the wait till next Thursday when you can see Casper again does not seem to long...perhaps if worse comes to worse you could contact him via his secretary on Tuesday ?   Keep going love we are all behind you, and sending all our love  Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Sending you lot's of love...and prayers galore.  This has been awful for you.
I know the feeling of not being able to write happy things...that day will come for both of us soon...hugs and much love,

Anonymous said...

sending prayers hon, how awful!  xox rose

Anonymous said...

My dear Jeannette, I`m totally gobsmacked that you were treated with such callousness by someone how you should be able to like and trust. I`m just totally at a loss what to say as what I`m thinking isn`t repeatable here.

Love and Hugs

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

{{{{{Jeannette}}}}}. . .I am gobsmacked too! You know what. . .I think some of these doctors get desensitised to cancer. . maybe its cos they see it all the time and the remarks they make are so flippant .I cant believe you didnt have it drained. . at our hospital they have a walk in Lymphodema clicnic ,wonder if your has too.I know people say you should report her but you shouldnt have to have the hassle of that.I wonder if she really did know about your fears and anxieties and agrophobia. . .she must have read it on your notes. . maybe shes very firm and thats her manner? I  do feel for you,its the most scary time of your life and you need kindness and reassurance and patience.I hope you have a better time with her next time. Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

{{{{{ Jeannette }}}}}}  I just caught up on all your entries and I am just so disappointed for you.  I want to put you on a plane here to some of the docs I know... but I know that isn't the answer. Prayers coming....

be well,

Anonymous said...

{{{Jeannette} I am so sorry you didn't get the answers you need or hoped for.  Sounds like some body may have been thinking of time away for the Holiday instead.  I do hope things turn around and quick

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry you had to go thru this, what a ... well I will keep that to myself.  But that was so wrong!  I hope you are able to get things straightened out.  

Anonymous said...

That's an awful way to treat a patient Jeannette. Some doctors don't deserve to be practising. I'm sorry the news wasn't good this time, I'm praying that the cancer will stay away and you can get to see Caspar again next week and discuss your fears with him. I had the same treatment after my follow up appointment for my hernia. The doctor didn't even look at it, if he had he would have seen it was infected. Jeannette xx  

Anonymous said...

Do you think that there is any chance of getting a different doctor? Bless you hun. I know how hard all of this has been for you. I was praying that in the dealing of this that your agoraphobia would diminish

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry that doc was so rude. keeping you in prayer


Anonymous said...

Oh what a bitch.  I wonder if you could maybe get referred to another oncologist as she is not sympathetic?  Now is the time to try to do it.  Let Becky make the phone calls for you about it.  I am so mad she did not give you more time and the way she was with you.  What is it with these people, I just don't understand.  I would hug you very hard if you were not so sore.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

first, let me say i am truly sorry you had to go through that.  secondly, my prayers and thoughts are ever with you.  and thirdly, we, the general public, do not expect you to come here just with your joys and pleasures.  we want to share this journey with you, bad and good.  of course, we pray there will be no bad, but life does happen.  unfortunately, bad things happen to good people.  i consider it God's heavenly sandpaper.  i should be smooth as silk by now, as should you.

i pray that you will have a lovely Easter, and that nothing will cause you to worry or be saddened during this time.........and i will pray that these medical people who mistreated you will see the way they treated you, and at least repent of this to God.  it is bad enough one has to go through this sort of medical situation, but to have those who you depend on for everything to mistreat you, makes everything hundredfold worse.

hold your head high, pray for painlessness and hope, and believe that God can work miracles.

blessings, dear friend,


Anonymous said...

Oh, Dear Jeannette, never have I heard of such a cold oncologist.  That is horrific treatment by someone who shouldn't even be in that field if she can't address patients properly.  Is there any way you can request a different doctor?  You surely need some kindness and you  need to have trust during your treatment.  I'm just sick at this.  I pray somehow this all works out for you.  Love xx Chris

Anonymous said...

Writing about it is very good therapy. Keep posting the good with the bad it will help someone else along the way. Just remmber she is a doctor flesh and blood just like us your real comfort, peace and understanding comes from God!
I hope there is a way you dont have to see this doctor again?
I know you have found lots of love and support in j-land & prayer group. Your still in my prayers and in Gods hands.

Anonymous said...

Its so sad that your not getting any support from the people who should be there giving it, but i suppose they deal with it all day everyday and de-sencealise from peoples feelings.Its a shame though, as they say things can only get better and i hope they do.Beckie.xx

Anonymous said...

Awww sorry to hear that Jeannette - Im sorry Im so behind in catching up with you. Laine xxx

Anonymous said...

It saddens me to hear how you were treated, I hope this does not happen again.
Praying for you!!

~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette
i hope that things get better soon! I am so sorry for your predicament! thinking of you

Anonymous said...

Wow Jeanette,
Well this is like the toal opposite of what i left in my previous entry.
Grrrrrrrr.......why are people like that. You would think that someone in that position would have excellent people skills, sorry she would not fit into that category in my opinion.

I am so sorry that she was unsympathetic. I wish people could understand just how hard it is for us to muster up the courage to attend these appointments and then just get brushed aside with the minimal conversation.
I hope that things are a little brighter for you.