Monday, April 23, 2007

St. George's Day

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Happy St. George's Day to all here in England. For our American friends, St. George is our patron saint.  The Scots have St. Andrew, the Welsh have St. David and the Irish have St. Patrick and I know America does have St. Patrick's Day parades.  We have our two little flags up to mark it.  In my opinion it should be a national holiday.  We have so few holidays compared to other countries.  Actually the picture was taken yesterday afternoon.

What a change in the weather today after several days of glorious sunshine and warmth.  No sitting in the garden today, the breeze is so strong it is actually blowing some leaves from the trees!  Very chilly as well.

Nothing much to report.  We had a very quiet weekend just pottering about and sitting outside.  I am waiting for some plants to arrive that Mike will be putting in for me.  I have gone for drought resistant perennials as they forecast the hottest summer for thirty years and even if we escape a hosepipe ban, we do not want the daily watering.  Hopefully they will be here by the weekend and we can get them established.

We did not see the family over the weekend because Dean is busy decorating.  They are moving the boys into another bedroom so that the two of them can move into the boys' bedroom whilst they decorate their own bedroom.  This gave Daniel another opportunity to get up to his tricks.  Becky was getting Nathan dressed, Dean was busy painting so Daniel took himself into the garden.  Dean had left a bucket of wallpaper paste and brush outside.  When Becky came down she found that Daniel was busy covering the patio doors both inside and out and including himself with the paste.  He was quite happy and she had to laugh because he was using the brush just like Daddy.

The boys have both had haircuts so I am waiting for new photos.

I am making progress. My exercises hardly hurt me at all now, just a vague uncomfortable feeling now and again. Still have some back pain but then I have suffered back pain for many years.  Happily it is not as uncomfortable now and I am glad to say my stomach seems to be finally settling down.

So I really do not have much else to tell you.  Hope you all had a good weekend.

I found this video on YouTube and just had to share it with you.  I used to have a parrot plus lots of other birds years ago, used to breed various species so this little film really appealed to me.  Hope that you enjoy seeing the antics of this Ring Neck Parakeet.

Take care my friends and have a great week.

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Anonymous said...

Take care too Jeanette glad the pain is easing off, love the vid, i love birds too, as you know we got a pair of Kakarikis and one pooped on Marks brother at the weekend it was soo funny!Beckie.xx

Anonymous said...

whta is st georges day?
you must be getting the weather we had for over two weeks winds, cold and nasty. WE finally have some nice weahter thatshould have started long before april. its been a long cold windy borning depressing year thus far. Had one little snipit of warmth then paid dealy with aprils snows!!!!
I thought why is she showing a dead parrot when that video started lol that was cool

Anonymous said...

Glad you are sounding chipper in your journal and good on you with the St George's Day celebration!   ~Would have loved to see a pic of the patio doors after Daniel had finished with them, hehehehe I suppose it could have been worse.
Loved the vid of the parakeet.  Take care. Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Yes a Happy St Georges dayto you and Mike so pleased you tum feels better now ,I loved the vid of the parakeet ,would have prefered one of Daniel though hee hee hee,What a boy ! Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Happy St. Georges day to you and Mike Jeannette ~ I am glad you are feeling more comfortable and the excercises hardly hurt you now ~ Daniel certainly got up to his tricks ~ what a shame you didn't have a picture of his handy work :o) ~ at least he knows how to use a paint brush properly ~ I loved the video of the parakeet glad you put it on here ~ how clever that little bird is ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((HUGTOYOU)))))))))))))))Haappy St. George Da to you all.I am glad your doing so much better.Sounds like ou all been doing alot of work.That is cute your little one wants to paint like His have had sevral birds in the past,we have had aot of them.Our first 2 birds when we was younger,my Sister and I called them Luke and Laura from Genral Hosiptal.Lol.I did tell you my Brother and family have been back here for a while now from London.Have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Happy St. George Day to you. Sometimes it's so nice to have a nice quite weekend. Hope you enjoyed it.

Anonymous said...

Aww - loved the video, thanks for sharing, you will have to tell me how to do that!
So glad to hear of your improvement Jeannette - way to go! :-D

Anonymous said...

27 years ago when I got my parrot I had anticipated a bird that would be like the one in video, however he/she???  has not learned one trick and is now cage bound and doesn't  even let us pet her anymore.  She bites !  We feed her and clean her.  That is about it. Mine does not have the ring around the neck and shorter tail feathers, but is green and about the size of the one in video.  She's called a Quaker Parrot.  The say she'll live to be 40...  I'm so happy to hear you are doing so much better and love to here about your grandson's.  We had a lovely weekend, but today will bring showers and cooler temps.  At least it has long last quit snowing here.  'On Ya' -ma

Anonymous said...

happy St Georges day to you too..I had totally forgot..shame on me!!
have a good week...

Anonymous said...

Happy St. George's Day!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the saints and countries!  Hope you enjoy your holiday!  I suppose that you in England are just too duty bound to take a day off with a National holiday.  

I am thankful I didn't have to clean up dear Daniel's mess!  I can just imagine the look of impish pride on his face.  

It is wonderful to me to hear that the weekend was uneventful!!  And that you are getting along so well!!  You needed a few days to feel good and just relax.  


Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful week, Jeanette.  I hope you share some garden pictures once the new flowers are planted.

Anonymous said...

Happy St George Day to you my friend.

Anonymous said...

Happy St Georges day to you, why should we be the only country not to celebrate our patrons day, after all Scotland Wales and Ireland all celbrate their patrons day in a lot bigger style than we do,
Glad that you are feeling better, and that you tummy is starting to settle down
Love Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a quiet weekend and are mending... And Daniel what a stinker, lol...
Have a good day!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

loved the bird vidoe...happy St. G day to ya.


Anonymous said...

Love the bird video...Happy ST George day to ya!! Hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

Happy St. George's Day to you... hosepipe.... interesting word... its just hose here...  I learn something new everyday with you ;)  Our weather has been the same HOT then COLD then WINDY then COLD then HOT...
Hugs Kendra

Anonymous said...

Very cute bird video!  Sorry to hear you have a dry hot forecast there for summer.
loving you

Anonymous said...

Oh, I loved the bird video cute.
And Happy St. George's Day...may your week ahead be the best ever...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette.

Happy Saint George's Day to you! Loved the parrot video. I am peterified of birds! I remember one day last summer, visiting a bird sanctuary to try and conquer this phobia. Didn't work, though!

I was okay when the birds were tied up but when lunchtime arrived, I was being chased by a gang of geese, lol! It was peterifying!

Have a great week!
Leigh :-)"

Anonymous said...

Happy St. George's Day! Still praying for your quick recovery. Hugs to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Happy St Georges day Jen, so glad that you had a good weekend and that the excercises are getting a bit easier. Your grandsons sound a right handful, typical young boys and just loved the parrot video. Keep looking up dear friend, love and blessings from me to you. Big HUGS x x x x x

Anonymous said...

Thanks for todays entry...what a pair theses boys are..I did laugh at the thought of all the paste on the door/...thanks for giving us a laugh, There is so much sadness around in J land at the moment it is good to come on here to get your positive news.  Thanks   Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette ,that gave me a real laugh thinking about Daniel pasting the patio doors just like Daddy does!!!! bless him.Glad you are feeling abit better and had a good weekend ,hope your plants arrive .........Love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Happy St Georges day to you! Glad to see your`re on the mend.
luv bella xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette, Happy St. George`s day to you too, Jim and I feel the same as you and Mike as far as a national holiday is concerned. We have precious little to be proud of anymore so I think we should all celebrate our patron saints day with a holiday.I`m so pleased to hear that the exercises are going well for you and that the pain has almost gone, at least that`s one less thing to worry about. I had to laugh at Daniel with the wallpaper paste as I`m sure Roman would have done the same given half a!  The video of the ring-neck reminded me of a customer at work who told me that as a boy in India he and his friends would capture them and train them to talk. He told me they make excellent mimics and do tricks. Now I`ve seen just what they can do.  Take care.

Love Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a Happy Saint Georges Day. Glad that you are doing well with your exercises. Bet Daniel looked a mess with that stuff all over him LOL. The vidoe of the bird was so cute. Thanks for sharing it with us. Helen

Anonymous said...

Happy St George Day:) who ever George is :) sorry i don't know. have a good week


Anonymous said...

Happy St. George's Day to you! I never heard of that before.  I hope you had a good day. I loved the video of the bird. I wonder how he got the bird to do all of those tricks?  Pretty smart bird, eh?
Had to laugh at Daniel's antics! He thought he did a good job painting I'm sure LOL!
Glad you're exercising is going well. Take care and have a good week.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,

Happy St. George's Day we have never had that holiday here in Georgia. I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday in England. I recently celebrated my 31st birthday which was nice. I got some wonderful gifts and a great tasting birthday cake. Our weather here has been on the rather warm side it almost feels like Summer here. I didn't get a chance to potter about today I spent the entire day at work and I was plenty busy let me tell you. I spent my entire weekend with my family. Do tell your family I said hello for me. I do hope that you are feeling better today. Anywho do take care my dear friend. As always, M.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear that you are doing better and the pain is subsiding.
Here in Las Vegas we have had very hight winds for going on three days now. Yesterday was the worst! It was bad enough to close our airport down for 2 hours. WOW

Take good care.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are celebrating good old St. George! Hope you are feeling better this week. love Coniex

Anonymous said...

It was beautiful for a few days here in NY as well. Then the Sky opened up and the wind blew fierce as the rain began to fall and will continue to do so for several days now. I'm dying to get out and work in my own garden. I'm happy to hear the excersizes are easier now and your beginning to feel somewhat better. Keeping you in my prayers on the smoke!! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're feeling more normal now Jeannette; it comes over very strongly, you sound so much happier !  Loved the parakeet.  Bunny x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, sorry I missed you earlier.  Love the little flags out.  Seems like even the schools ignore St George's day, shame.  Glad to see things are steadily improving.  Hugs, Terry x

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette,
Good to hear you are steadily improving. Hope you had a nice St George's Day yesterday - Scotland has St Andrews Day on 30 November.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I think of St. George I remember Shakespeare's Henry V and "Cry God and Harry, England and St. George!"

Anonymous said...

I think your right about St George's day.  LOL @ Daniel I bet that was funny to see him wallpapering the patio doors.  That's a great video of the parrot thanks for sharing it with us :-)


Anonymous said...

hi jeannette glad to hear that you are starting to feel better
i loved that you shared st georges day with us i had no idea there was such a thing... ;)

Anonymous said...

Aww bless Daniel, it's so funny when they do things like that, you feel you should tell them off but you can't because they just want to be like daddy

Anonymous said...

Lots of Love Jeanette!
I never heard aboutt his holiday! Is this the Saint George who slew the dragons/ I hope the remodelling works out well..good luck with your exercises

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated St George's Day Jeannette. My daughter arrived here on Monday wearing her England shirt  :o)

I hope that your plants have arrived, i have so much work to do in the garden, but bad backs do not help ....ho hum.....little by little is my

Take Care