Sunday, April 29, 2007

Closing Down For A While

Dear friends,

Just to let you know that I am closing down this journal for the forseeable future.  As you know I am starting my treatment on Wednesday.  It is going to be very hard and very tiring for me getting there every day and also the radiotherapy makes you feel very tired.

Also something has upset me so badly today that I am seriously wondering whether to continue this journal at all.  I cannot go into details.  However, I will say that I will not be posting pictures of Nathan and Daniel if and when I do return. Of course, that will cut down a good deal what I can write about.  It is nothing to do with journallers, it is a private matter that has shaken me to the core.

I hope to return some time in the future, probably when my treatment is over.  I shall have to see.  To be honest, my heart has now been taken out of it, the joy and pride in our Grandsons has been taken out of it. I have been hurt more than words can ever tell you.  At the moment I just cannot see how I am going to face Wednesday now.  Until I make the decision as to whether I wish to return, I know you will all wish me well and will continue your prayers for me.  God bless you all and thank you for your friendship.  I shall miss you all very much.

If I do return it will probably be an entirely new journal, a private one to be read by only those that I choose.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this Jeanette, I know how much pleasure you get from your Journal.

Hope the treatment goes as well as possible.

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

((((((((((Jeannette)))))))))) I will keep in touch with you via snail mail. (((((((hugs))))))))))))

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the luck in the world and will continue to keep praying for you!  Hugs,TerryAnn

Anonymous said...

You will be missed dear one. I do hope you will return, even if you can't post pic. of Nathan and Daniel I still love hearing about you and your life. I will continue to keep you in my prayers on the smoke! (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Jeannette....My heart goes out to you! It's sad when someone or a situation has made it to where you feel you won't be able to carry on with your journal. :o( I will greatly miss you. You will always be in my prayers Jeannette.
Big hugs to youxxx

Anonymous said...

wishing you well with your treatment I shall be thinking of you
sorry to hear of the problem with the lovely pictures of the boys and I hope you will be back as I was looking forward to seeing Leo.Good Luck

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry to see you go. And very sorry I won't get to watch your grandsons grow.  Will miss you.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry this has happened Jeannette. I will continue to be in prayer for you. Good luck on your treatments. I have enjoyed your friendship. If you ever decide to start a private journal please include me on your mailing list. Love and hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Whatever has happened Jeannette I am sure you are making the right decision but remember that you will be sorely missed :(  Good luck with your treatment xx


Anonymous said...

Jeannette, my inspirer, I will miss you so much; you have been in my thoughts so much just lately. I hope you do come back, and I hope that whatever has happened to upset you will resolve soon. Much love as always, Joan

Anonymous said...

you were the inspiration behind me starting my journal....i will miss reading yours so much Jeannette. i hope you feel better soon. love and luck for you for the future. Joanne

Anonymous said...

My friend Jeannette...I know you must do whatever feels right for you...but you know how much you are loved here & how much all will miss you.
Please email me often & let me know what is happening, we started this journey together...we wanted to finish it together...remember?
So sorry you feel the need to do this, wish you could cont if only to post every couple of weeks. But if you feel the need to take a hiatus, then do so. But please keep in touch, & don't forget to read & comment in mine whenever you can.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

God Bless. Im sorry to see you go and lose heart.

I hope the treatment is first class too.

Pat Banksx

Anonymous said...

Dearest Jeanette,
I am so very sorry that someone has upset you so much be word or deed. You were the one who encouraged me to try writing a journal and I am sure you were/are a great insperation to many many folks.    Please take care. I will continue to pray that your treatment goes well and that in a few months you will be able to put all this nastiness behind you. Meantime get lots of cuddles from Leo. Till we meet again  Much much Love  Sybil xxxx

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the very best..enjoy your new kitty...take care of yourself and please email me and let me know how you are if and when you can... i am mortified that someone has upset you!!!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you come back soon and my prayers are with you and your family. You have one of the best journals in J-LAND My favorite entry is of your grandson laughing. That was the cutest video I have seen. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

I am deeply saddened that you have been forced into this move, Jeannette. Good luck and all strength with your treatment.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to read your last entry and hope that sometime in the future you feel able to reverse your decision.  I have really enjoyed reading your journal and watching those two beautiful little boys growing up, not to mention Jesse and Jack and I am sad that I will not be seeing them any more.........nor little Leo either.  I know you have a journey ahead of you and my prayers and good wishes go with you that everything goes well and results in a clean bill of health.  I do not have a journal that you can pop by, but if you ever feel like emailing me and letting me know how you are, I would love to hear from you.  You and your wonderful family will be in my prayers Jeannette and I wish you all the very, very best of everything.  Take care.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear this is bad news so sorry you have been obliged to feel this way and go to these lengths,we will miss your wonderful entrys ,Iwill be in touch ,anmd of course wish you all the best for yout treatments JAN XX

Anonymous said...

Hello dear Jeannette,

I was reading Jon' s blog when I read that you would be suspending your journal and I was saddened. I am sorry that something upset you. You are the first one that welcomed me to J-Land and you have been a very kind friend to me and to others. I have to say that you will truly be missed by all of us. I hope that if you do start a private journal that you allow me to be a visitor. I also hope that you get to feeling better soon. It is sad to know that you might not return I have treasured your kindness. Do take care my dear friend.

Yours, Monae

Anonymous said...

im so sorry jeanette.good luck with your treatment and all the best for the future.i do hope you"ll be back soon are a brave lady.x jo x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

I shall miss your journal entries. Sorry to hear someone has upset you, and you feel you have to go to such measures. But I hope you do return to J-land because I enjoy your posts.

I shall be thinking of you while you go through your treatment. I hope it all goes well. Take care.

Best wishes,
Leigh :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanne, I'm at a loss for words to express how badly I feel about your giving up your journal.  I can understand that the pressures. whatever they may be, family, illness - can disrupt our daily lives beyond belief. I know that you must remain strong in your soul to combat this awful disease...I pray that you do.
I just want you to know that you were one of the first persons that I met here in Jland and I've considered it an honor to call you "my friend across the pond".  Since the upset in Jland a year ago, I have not written in my journal as much. I did not stay as faithful as you have.  I've told you many times that I love your writing, and I know that you love to write. Please check out - I write there under the name Sandisan.  It is a place where you can just write and get reviewed by your peers. It might be an outlet for you in the future.  If you ever need to "vent", I'm certainly here for you.  I'm keeping you and yours in my,  Sandi

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((jeannette))))))))))))))) I am so sorry for your heartache, whatever it is.  I am praying for you.
loving you

Anonymous said...

I've really only just started reading you regularly in recent weeks.  This is terrible news and I am sorry that things are coming together like this for you.  Please keep me in mind to add to yor list of readers if you come back with a private journal.  In the meantime, know that I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.  I wish you the best of luck with your treatment and pray there is as little discomfort as possible.

Anonymous said...

The first entry on this was deleted before I could get to your journal... I am sorry about whatever has happened and I do hope you will keep us posted.  Sending prayers and good thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say.  Usually, I am a lurker, but have read your journal for a long time.  I will miss you very much, and will be thinking about you.  If you feel (because of course you don't know me) that you could let me have any snippet of how you are doing, by email or otherwise, I would be honoured.  Thank you so much for your journal this far, I hope to hear more of you in the future.  Love Gem xx

Anonymous said...

I hope you'll consider me if and when you decide to stat another journal.  I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.  

Anonymous said...

i am sorry that you feel the need to do this so sad :( please keep your chin up and i will keep you in my prayers


Anonymous said...

I will be missing your journal. I will also be thinking about you and praying too. Hoping all goes well and whatever it was I hope it can be fixed somehow. Love and hugs, Sandra

Anonymous said...

i will miss u..good luck.

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday Jeannette.  Sad to hear you may give up the journal, I hope this isn't so.

I'm very proud of you the way you've handled the appointments given your circumstances it's taken a lot of courage.  You're wonderful ((((hugs))))) Rache

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I am sorry to hear the trouble you are having. I have been a faithful reader of you journal for years and would hate to see you go. I have enjoyed seeing Nathan and Daniel grow up in your journal. I wish I could see my own grandson but not possible. If you do start a private journal please add me to your list of readers. You are still in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette- I am so sorry to hear the news that you may be leaving us - I feel I know you so well, I love to read your journals- you take care and I will be thinking of you while you have your treatment - God Bless  Joy x

Anonymous said...


I love your journal i think your very very brave and hope with all my heart your treatment will go well.
your dession to show your fanstic gransons is yours and your famoily dission alone and no-one should have or has the right to speak differently of that dission they are a credit to u and your whole family.
please consider me for your private journal and plkease please come back

take care specail lady

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))You will be in my prayers.I am sorry you were hurt.I hope you will return.Have a nice week.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette, I respect your decision of suspending your journal. I know it is a difficult time for you at the moment, but you have been coping so well and we are all very proud of you. I've had a quick glimpse to your previous entry before it was deleted and I can only say please please do not take notice of what very horrible and ignorant people have been writing to you. Think of all of us who are so much privileged to share the joys of your family. It has been a pleasure to enter your world and I really hope you will let us do it again sooner or later. I will miss you terribly. But the most important thing is that you go through your treatment with faith and serenity. Everything will be fine, you'll see. I hope I can have your news in a way or another. I will always pray for you. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Illness can do horrid things within a family and some people don't react to it well...They are thoughtless and selfish but i have seen it happen many times before...Good luck with the radiotherapy...My thoughts and prayers are still with you and fingers crossed the treatments work and you recover well  {{{{{{hugs}}}}}  Caff xxxxx

Anonymous said...

I will miss you Jeanette. I have always look forward to reading your journal and I have loved the stories you have written about your past, family and the town where you live. My prayers are with you  my friend.  If you ever need a ear , I am here.
        Your Friend,

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear you won't be journaling.  I will miss you so.  I hope you will keep in touch via email.  I'm sorry you are having troubles and will keep you in my prayers.  God's blessings to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

You will be missed in journaling Jeannette....and when you open your new journal...private tho it may be....good luck in what ever you decide....and God Bless you during your treatments and may you have His healing and wholeness to your life and body....Hugs from KY....Ora

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you as I can feel the pain in what you are saying.  You have so much to share with us all that I do hope you can continue.  What ever it is that you are going through, remember you have many good friends here in Jland and we support and love you.  You may be far away in miles but so close to our hearts.
Prayers and love, 'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Jeannette, what is this world coming to?  I know you have to do what is best for you right now.  Know that even if you aren't around in the journal, you are still in my prayers.  Love your Nathan and Daniel.  Hate that this is happening even though I don't understand totally.  Keep the faith.  So many of us love you and will continue to carry you in our thoughts and prayers.  Love xx Chris

Anonymous said...

OH I will so miss and I hsoped to see kitty asa it grows pics. I had to go private and totally close out my old juornal due to a threat someone made. I do hope you will come back and I will pray for you and for the person who has hurt you to come back to apologize. the person who spread rumors and hurt a few here and made threats has not done that for us yet etiher but I keep praying {{{{{{{{JEANETTE}}}}}}}}

Anonymous said...

Oh will be missed so much when you close the journal out!  I will keep you and your family in my prayers.  I am so sorry that negative activity has driven you to this decision.  I understand with the upcoming treatment that it would be difficult to get online for your journal, so that's understandable.  I just hope that if you do come back- in a private setting- you will be able to invite me along.  Thank you...take care......saying prayers.
Big hugs,

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry to hear this.  I can't imagine WHAT anyone would of taken offense to.  I know you love those boys so much.  Linda

Anonymous said...

please please do not stay away long
worried about you

Anonymous said...

Always in my thoughts and wanting only the best for you....
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that you will not be journaling for a while.  I don't always leve comment, but do enjoy your journal.  Send good wishes and prayers.     Dawn
A Couple of Nomads

Anonymous said...

I am so sad that you will not be doing your journal. I really enjoy it. I hope your treatment goes well, I know it is tiring. Maybe you can drop a line to let us know how your treatment is going, if not you can email me anytime if you want to talk ok. Thank you so much for your donation on my Relay for Life page. That was so nice of you. I will be walking for you that day too! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care and stay strong,

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that something has so terribly upset you regarding the grandchildren on top of all the medical stress.  I have come to really enjoy your entries, and feel like we shared some of the same thoughts as we are about the same age and grew up in the same era.  I wish you and yours only the best and that your health returns quickly so that you can work in your garden again, go back to researching your family tree, play with your dogs and grandchildren and enjoy an even stronger relationship with your Mike.  Take care and God bless, Jeannette.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you feel you must do this...I understand with the treatments and all but it makes me so mad that someone has hurt you like they did over a journal entry...I hope if you begin a new private one that you will add me among your list of readers. I will miss you and I will pray for you Jeanette.
love ya,

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear this too....for one, it's making you upset...and two, we'll miss ya!  I wish you everything you need to get through this...

Anonymous said...

Sorry for any hurt you have suffered.  Hoping you will come back in one form or another.  You do have other writing talents!  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

I hate to see you close down, even for just a while, but I understand.   I hope your treatments go well, and that the personal things going on can be resolved satisfactorily.

Anonymous said...

You have the most adorable little grandsons!  Don't let anyone spoil that for you.  They are precious, delightful and just the cutest little boys.  I have always loved seeing their pictures and watching them grow up.  Thank you for sharing them with me.  No matter what you decide for the future, Jeannette, I am so happy that I got to know them.  They have added joy and happiness to my life.  As a grandmother of 3 grandsons, I share your joy in them.

I will be praying for you everyday as you go through your treatments.  Please keep us posted from time to time and let us know how you are doing.  I will worry so much if I don't hear from you at least once in a while.  

I have such faith that you are going to do well and that God is going to get you through these treatments and restore your body to perfect health.

Lots of love and big hugs!

Anonymous said...

P.S.  I know what you were referring to about the boys' pictures and no where in your entry did you misrepresent where those pictures were taken.  Someone has a screw lose and it's NOT you.
Love,  Kathy

Anonymous said...

Jeannette....I am so sorry that you have been given more stress to deal with.  On reading the entry again, which I really enjoyed and laughed at first time round, you made no claim to being there helping your grandson's.  All I read was a running commentary on the action in the pictures.  
How sad that your grandchildren's other granparents saw something else in your writing of this episode int the boys lives.  Especially when you are at your most vulnerable.
It would be a shame for you to go private because of one person but I understand your reasoning.  You will only want friends to read your journal.  It certainly takes all kinds to make a world.
Just concentrate on yourself for now and good luck with your treatment. I have been there too.   You will cope...I promise you.   Jeanie

Anonymous said...

Hi jeanette, i spoke to you on instant messenger a long time ago and have been basically a lurker since then only posting on special occasions like the birth of daniel the christenings and birthdays of you and the boys, Imagine my surprise when I came to read and found you going through all of this.....I hope the treatment goes well, and importantly ALWAYS REMEMBER those boys are YOUR grandsons as well !!
as long as Becky and Dean are fine with it ignore any weirdo that would kick someone when they are down, hugs for you fine lady
natalie xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,   I have been a lurker here for oh so long, enjoying all your postings about the countryside around you, your animals, your family.   All so innocent,  then your battle with the terrible C.   You have all become a part of my life.  

I just wanted to send you all my love and good wishes at this difficult time.  I hope you come back to us.   Selfishly I so enjoy your journal.  Take your time and get better, Love to you and yours ((((((((((((Jeanette and family))))))))))))))  love from Vanessa xx

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your story for the past month and i have so enjoyed it. i cried when i read about tinker, and cried when i saw the pictures of the kitten, hes so cute. this morning i was shocked to read that you are closing down, but i can see why. you know what they say, what goes round comes round. i shall miss you but i wish you all the very best and keep fighting.

Anonymous said...

Please just put your journal on hold until you feel better. You may be able to just pop in a line every now and then if you feel well enough. I hope the treatment doesn't totally wipe you out. I am rooting and praying for you and am here if you need me at all for anything. We all love you Jeannette, well I do. You are a brave, caring and wonderful friend. Carry on fighting and take care my friend........Jules xx

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeannette!!! I dont know whats happened but its so sad you are closing down.I have been reading ever since Nathan was a small baby and the entries about your boys have been delightful. . .you have so much pride in your family and quite rightly so. . .they are lovely to read about.How anyone could hurt you I will never know.I cant imagine not seeing Nathan and Daniel anymore. . surely its up to Dean and Becky to make that decision.
Im still praying all your treatment goes well and know your lovely Mike and Dean and Becky will look after you.Soon you will be looking back on all this.Good luck and please keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeanette.  I have been crying over your journal to-day. I can almost feel your sadness.  Whatever the problem is I will pray that it can be sorted out. I wish you all the luck in the world and I do hope that given time you will return to us. Kathie.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jeanette, I am so sorry that you have decided to close down, I hope that what ever is causing you a problem it will be short lived and over with soon.

As you know when I started to read journals Your was the first one that I read, I enjoyed it so much I went back to your very first entry and read everyone that you had made, and thanks to your encouragement I started one myself.

I hope that you soon find the strength to carry on with your journal at a later date, and if you do decide to go private please dont forget to add my name to it,

Take care my friend, I will be thinking of you,
Love Hugs N Kisses Lynne xx

Anonymous said...

I'm so very very sorry. Good luck with your treatment and I'll be thinking of you and praying for you. Hugs and love.

Anonymous said...

I am the 69th person to comment Jeannette, so you have quite a readership!  If you do go private, and I can understand that there can be many reasons for doing so, please let me in!  You were the first to encourage me to start a journal and gave me lots of encouragement and have been a regular commentor to my blog.

You must be feeling very low at the moment, but please update us from time to time.  
The very best of luck with your treatment.
take care
love to you all

Anonymous said...

I am so sad, as I was when I first read this last night...and again this morning...wishing you would not shut down...not at all.  I will continue prayers for you, as I always have...wishing you the best for Wednesday...and knowing you will come through all with flying colors.  Your the best, always have been, always will you, my friend...many hugs from Virginia!

Anonymous said...

Oh i hope everything is not too bad there Jeanette, please drop me a line once i n a while so i  know you are ok, hope your treatment is successful take care loadsa love Beckie.xxxxxxxxbig hugxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette,sorry this has happened,I shall you know, be thinking  and Praying for you ,.........With love Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

Just one step at a time....
Love you...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

will continue to pray for you and yours.  we will be here when you are ready, we are the ones who care and love you!  rose~

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, Jeanette!!! I'm glad you have your new little furball to take your mind off some of this real-life stuff. You do what you need to do and know that I wish you well no matter where life takes you!!

:) Carol

Anonymous said...

 I am so sorry this happened and hope you don't close and don't miss your appointment.  Please take care.  Your a lovely person.


Anonymous said...

God Bless you Jeanette sigh
I have no idea what did happen but my heart goes out to you and we all wish you the very best