Monday, April 10, 2006

Signs Of Spring!

On my way to the doctor's this morning there were, at long last, definite signs of Spring

and the trees on our village green looked splendid

I managed to get there without a panic attack (regulars readers will know it is very hard for me to go out) and I am pleased to say that my blood pressure is very good.  I had hoped to get everything out of the way this side of Easter but because my blood sugars are still holding higher than they should be, my doctor decided he wanted another blood test done that shows how they have been acting over the last three months before he would make any decision as to increased medication.  This could be done at the surgery he told me so that I could also be checked over the by the nurse at the same time - feet etc.  Unfortunately this cannot be done until the 19th April so fully are they booked.  So, alas, I will have it hanging over my head throughout Easter and I will not be able to have even a tiny nibble of an Easter Egg!

I was also a bit cross because when I went down with the flu type bug, it caused an infection.  I knew it caused an infection and tried to get antibiotics ten days ago.  I was told I did not need them, they were not necessary. Well, the doc looked down my throat this morning, felt my glands, looked into my ears and said............ you need antibiotics .......doh!  So, I am now on them.  Oh well, hopefully things can only get better.

A couple of days ago, Mike took the dogs down to our nearby river, The Crouch, not a very romantic name but quite a pretty place and very popular with boating enthusiasts.  Jack was very taken aback at this vast expense of water and stood for a long while just staring at it

He called Jesse for a second opinion

Mike never lets our dogs swim in this river as it is tidal and has very strong currents so could prove very dangerous but when the weather warms up they will go swimming in the lake he discovered last year.

The Crouch was well known for smuggling and there is still a place called Brandy Hole.  It is also associated with a witch legends:-

At one there was supposedly a family of witches by the name of Hart living in the vicinity.
As a witch, Mistress Hart suffered from an allergy to Church Bells. She was especially annoyed by the bells at Latchingdon Church. One night she removed the bells from the church tower and took them to Burnham where she attempted to take them to the opposite side of the river. Instead of a boat she used a barrel.  Not suprisingly neither she or the bells made the crossing. Legend has it that on stormy nights the bells can still be heard tolling from under the River Crouch.

The last Hart witch is documented as living in the early 1900's. Rumour had it that legions of imps were hidden in her cottage. One night a man was riding past her cottage when he met a vast army of small animals with fiery red eyes. He lashed his horse and escaped although to his dying day he claimed that the creatures were Mistress Hart's imps on their way to cause mischief.

Hope you all have a happy week dear readers.



Anonymous said...

Nice to share that story of the bells. OH I really love your flowers I need them. HEY we might actually get flowers this week they say 70
s for a week if they havent lied to us again!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you made it to the Doctor this morning without any problems. Hope the antibotics soon make you feel better. It's a shame that they couldn't have done the blood work while you were out. Glad you b/p is doing good.
The flowers and trees are beautiful.
Those pictures of Jack and Jesse are good.
The witches story was very interesting.
Hope the rest of you day goes well.
Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Lovely pics, thanks for sharing.  Yay! For no panic attacks.  I've been wondering how you've been concerning those.  Sounds like you're doing better

Anonymous said...

how very interesting!! I love how you word things....these are pretty pics too. I am glad you made it to and from the doctor and sorry you have an infection. Hugs to you,lisa

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you've got a nasty ole bug! Wish Drs would pay more attention to what we say! Get better soon!
Nice pics, hon. Love the ones of Jesse & Jack. Jack is so cute & Jesse is one of the most handsome dogs I've ever seen!
Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

I cant believe how much Jack has grown,clever old sausage going to the Doc's ,and the antibiotic ?you see we know our own bodys best ,I bet it was a receptionist told you you dont need it ,they are trained to put people off !maybe I'm being unjust ,but you know what I mean!! The blossom is lovely I think we are all enjoying it so much more because we;ve had to wait ,Loved your story of old mother Hart .........Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi. I have just spent a very pleasant half hour reading your back journals and catching up with your progress... as well as Jacks!! I am glad you are beginning to feel better now you have finally been prescribed the antibiotics you shoould have had ages ago!! Jack is so adorable and how he has grown!! Hope Dean has recovered and that Nathan didn't get a sore tummy after eating all that choc ice!!  Eve

Anonymous said...

I hope the anti-biotics help clear up your throat infection.    Interesting stories about witches and imps!     I tried clicking "link to this entry" several times and got one photos to show a little more of the tree in bloom.   All the photos are cut off mid way.   I don't know how Mike gets the dogs to behave and not swim.    Once Salty is off his rope he takes off and doesn't return until he is finished.    I could never let him run in an area away from home.    At least here at home I know where he goes to; over to the neighbors dog pens and stays there until he is ready to return.    I used to go get him when he was a one something year old.    Yesterday at the State Park he is constantly pulling on the rope and enjoys attention that any passer by will give him and wants to jump up on them.    I have a bad left elbow for some reason that will not get better that he pulls on.     I will have to start using my other arm.     mark

Anonymous said...

Jope everything clears up for you. Sorry I haven't been journaling too much lately. Been too busy sewing my hands off on my denim bags, they are selling good though...just takes so much time to make. Love the spring pictures, and seeing how how the puppy has grown....take care, get better...Sandi

Anonymous said...

Oooo, I love your ghost stories.  The photos are beautiful.  I especially love the one of the trees.  Love and prayers coming your way!


Anonymous said...

What a lovely entry jeannette - it's look like you live in a beautiful village. Lainexxxx

Anonymous said...

Your village is looking a real treat for early spring it does cheer you up does'nt it.  Jack has grown so much since his last picture he must be eating you and Mike out of house and home.  Hope all the test go well for you and your tablets do their job. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos, glad you managed to enjoy it a little.

Anonymous said...

It's all looking beautiful Jeannette, well done at getting to the surgery.  Jack and Jesse are two of a kind, very inquisitive.  Take care of yourself, maybe you could have just the teeniest tinyest little bit of egg from Nathan. Rache

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures.  No trees and very little blooms except for daffodils here.  I'm ready for Spring.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Lovely pics especially the trees...You're having a rare old time of it lately :o(  Lets hope you're fine soon..our surgey is just as bad for getting appointments   Caff xxx

Anonymous said...

love the pics Jeannette, spring is definitely showing itself round here at the moment! Sorry to hear you have to go through more blood tests, surely you could have a wee nibble of a sugar free egg - I know they are not as tasty but still chocolate!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes life can be very irritating can't it! One day at a time friend. Try not to worry about what you can't control or what is down the road. One day at a time.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures Jennette ~ Jesse and Jack look like they would like to take the plunge ~ loved that story of the witches ~ That flu bug you caught Jeannette I think I have managed to capture it for you ~ it's winging it's way to you in the post ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

well done for getting yourself to the doctors Jeannette...i know it must of been very difficult for you! lovely pictures...Jack is getting really big now. love Joanne

Anonymous said...

love the pics....especially love the the story.  I collect witches...I have a whole kitchen of  take care

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,  what a lovely entry.  I`m glad you made it to the Drs without a panic attack, good for you.  I`m also pleased to hear that you got antibiotics at last, you shouldn`t have had to wait this long!  Look at the lovely blossom on your local trees, they look far better than any here at the moment.  Jake is getting quite big now isn`t he?  He catch up with jesse in no time at all.  Thanks for the witch stories, very interesting. :o)

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Sorry...Jack, not! :o)

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

These are lovely photo's.....thanks for sharing. I'm so glad you made it to the doctor's without too much stress, and that you got the antibiotics you needed, albeit a bit late ! Hope the wait for your next appt doesn't spoil Easter for you ~ I hope you can be relaxed and happy and make everybody eat their eggs out of eyeshot LOL
I've been to the River Crouch and Burnham ~x~
hugs ~x Debbie x~

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette...loved all the pretty are the flowers and the doggie photos are adorable as always.  Very happy your bp is down and you got to the doctor without a panic attack.  I have them too, so I can relate.  I hope your Tuesday is a good one and the rest of the week as well...hugs and much love,

Anonymous said...

I hope the antibiotics kick in before Easter so you can feel better even if you can't eat the eggs. I love blossom, it's always good to see it after the dull winter days. Jack has grown! Not long before he'll be as big as Jess! Take care. Jeannette.  

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed seeing your photos,spring has arrived at last!! Glad you got to the Doctor and it wasn't too stressful,and to be given antibiotics,you knew you needed them didn't you and if you had been given them earlier it could have cleared up quicker.Lovely to see Jack and Jesse having fun......Jeanx

Anonymous said...

I have posted a photo of Salty for you Jeannette.   mark

Anonymous said...

That's lovely photos Jeannette :-)  Your dogs are very well behaved if they do not go into the water.  Hope everything will go well with you blood test after easter - shame you couldn't get it sorted beforehand.

Anonymous said...

Hi, as always, beautifully written, lovely pics, but now I am just so intrigued by the smugglers cave.Brandy Hole...and all the bewitching tales! lol

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture of your green , is that a Pub I see in the distance lol..
Roll on summer &  lunch in a good old fashioned pub garden with home cooked food..

Sandra from suffolk

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures Jeannette and, as ever, a good tale to be told. Thanks. Take care my friend.
Sylvia xxx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures and a witch story all in one.... And Jack is still so cute!! I am so proud of you for getting out to the doctor and getting everything checked out. Don't worry on the weekend, just enjoy your Easter! I will eat some extra chocolate for you...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Jeannette............As always your journal is amazingly beautiful just like you are. You were the very 1st to welcome me with open arms and heart to J-Land which was so kind of you. I always appreciated your many kindnesses to me here at J-Land. I can't tell you in enough words how much I have come to love getting to know you. I wish that I could tell you a million times how your journal kept me inspired to keep writing. You touched my life in a big way............Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

By the way tell your family hello for me.........You are forever loved.

Your friend,Monae