What a week! Exactly a week ago I was busy around the house and looking forward to Mother's Day. However, as the day progressed I began to feel worse and worse. Developed an extremely painful sore throat, kept going hot and cold, head felt like a balloon.
Mother's Day dawned and I felt too ill to get out of bed. I could hardly speak. We knew we were unlikely to see Nathan and Daniel as they both had colds but when Becky phoned to wish me a happy day we decided it was just as well. We did receive a knock on the door and Mike answered it and took in some beautiful flowers for me sent by Becky, Dean and the boys and later Becky paid a short visit although she was not well herself. She has a cold that has been going on for over two weeks. I received a couple of nice gifts. Mike also gave me some flowers.
Flowers from Becky and Dean
A week on and they still look just as fresh.
From Mike ~ I shall be able to plant these in the garden.
After that I spent most of the rest of the day asleep and a good deal of the week as well. My head hurt too much to read and I could only take a little t.v. at any one time. Took the usual paracetamol, natural lemon juice, rubbed good old Vic around my nose and throat and kept warm. Nothing seemed to help.
At just around midnight on Mother's Day we had a phone call from Becky. Could Mike take Dean to the hospital? Dean had a different sort of bug with a terrible cough. He had seen his own doctor who said there was no treatment and it would just go on its own eventually. Well, Dean got so bad that everytime he coughed he was sick and then he began to feel he could not breathe. So off they went to the hospital. Mike got home around 2.30 a.m. Dean has since been on strong antibiotics but it still very under the weather and has been unable to go to work, spending most of the time resting. Poor Becky, she has had her hands full. Not being well herself she has also had to look after Dean, Daniel had a bad cold and was also cutting teeth and poor Nathan is running a temperature and does not want to eat.
They have not been well since they came back from their short holiday so it seems likely they caught their "bugs" whilst away. Where mine came from I have no idea. I had not seen the family for two weeks so could not have been infected by them.
Mid-week, Mike goes down with what I have. So, we have been a very sorry lot. I feel better than I did but certainly not right. Any illness sends blood sugars awry so I have had that to contend with as well and lying around in bed does not help but I was just too unwell to do anything else. Hopefully the worst is over for all of us now and we will get better and better. I know this virus, bug or whatever you want to call it has hit a lot of people and it can last a long time.
I cannot believe it is April already and still so very few signs of Spring. Everything is so late this year. This morning we had a tremendous hailstorm and the wind remains bitterly cold.
When I decided to take a break from journals, there was so much I wanted to get done but you know what it is like when you make plans, they usually do not pan out. Hopefully I can get stuck into things very soon and one of the first things I want to do when I feel better is to get out into the garden and do some much needed weeding.
Last night was the first night I really felt like watching t.v. and I caught up on the soaps. I thought the Johnny Allen/Mitchell brothers show down in Eastenders was pretty ridiculous and, as if a life-long and hardened criminal and murderer like Johnny Allen would just hand himself in to the police to keep his daughter Ruby happy!
After that I watched one of my Mother's Day presents - A Tale of Two Cities starring Dirk Bogarde. As a lover of Dickens and this being one of my favourites I really enjoyed seeing it again after many years.
I will try and catch up on all your journals. Happy April everyone.
I'm glad you are finally feeling better and sorry that you and your family have been so sick. Guess that cold/virus must bee in a lot of places. My children and DIL have had that also and lost several days of work. I called my son last weekend and he was still coughing after about a monthe of it. I just got the wireless thingy on your alert this morning and on Old John's memories also. Looks like they would get that fixed. Your flowers are beautiful. Hope you continue to improve along with your family. Hugs, Helen
Awww poor you being so poorly Jeannette. Hope you continue to feel brighter - we do have the sun today so that could cheer us all up!!! Laine xxx
Glas you feel a bit better, gosh those flowers have lasted well. Know what you mean about best laid plans :)
Sorry you've all been so poorly, often when the seasons change people get sick. I hope you and the weather improve! I can't believe it's April already, seems not long ago it was Christmas! Hope the weekend sees you better than last weekend. Jeannette.
Jannette so sorry You and yours have been so poorly ~ Those flowers must have cheered you up ~ they are beautiful and didn't they keep well ~ Poor Dean must have been bad to go to hospital ~ Becky has certainly got her work cut out with having to look after everyone and feeling poorly herself ~ Hope you are all on the mend ~ Ally
Oh yes A tale of two cities ...'It was the best of times it was the worst of times ',pretty much sums up your life at the minute ,The family are going thru a bad patch arent they?,hope they are all over the worst now ,and then you and Mike ,poor old things ,and back to square one with the blood sugar ,again I hope things are getting better ,the flowers are lovely and have lasted so well ,Get well soon all of you love Jan xx
Sorry to hear you have been unwell and hope you both will be better soon. Stange Stuart and I spent last Mothers day in bed with the flu we got the bug from the computer repair man when he brought our computer back after an MOT last year. Keep warm you will soon get out in the garden. Love Joan.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks Eastenders should be named Deadenders. It's turning into a farce.
Your flowers are beautiful Jeannette, thanks for sharing. Hope you both feel better soon. Take care.
Sylvia xx
sorry you havent been too well, hope you carry on getting better. the flowers look gorgeous, I am not a flower lover but they are nice..............Jules xx
Hope you and the family are soon feeling well again.The flowers you recieved for Mothers day were lovely and lasting so well .Take care .......Jeanx
The flowers are lovely!!!! ;0)
Sorry you haven't been feeling well. Hope all is ship shape in your world soon.
Sorry everyone is has caught the flu bug. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous flowers. Belated Mother's Day wishes, Jeannette. ~Deborah
Happy Mother's Day!!
Hope everyone is feeling better very soon!
Linda :)
Everyone has been sick around here too-please feel better! And Happy Belated
Mothers Day! We don't celebrate until much later in May. ~Diane~
Hi Jeannette.......Happy Mothers Day. I'm sorry to hear that you all are not feeling well. The flowers look beautiful. It is finally Spring here in Atlanta, Georgia and everything is blooming as well as the pollen which is awful by the way. I hope you all get better soon. It is nice to hear from you though. I wish you all the best. Take care.
Happy Mothers Day...hope the family gets better quickly. It's bad enough when the kids get sick but when Daddy goes down it's awful. I think the alerts are down over here too.....Sandi
Happy Mother's Day Jeannette. Here in the states it is May. Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Hope you feel better soon. Your flowers are so beautiful. :)
It has been quite a virus for you and yours! Hope everyone gets back to normal soon, now. The flowers are beautiful! Happy (late) Mother's Day! I am still not getting all my alerts, either. Thanks for sending me a personally generated one! Jae
I really hate to hear everyone has had such a bout of sickness. Suppose you'll have to re-celebrate Mother's Day with us over here in May. I seem to be getting most alerts.....just not yours that I know of. Maybe it's a Journals in UK thing?! - Barbara
I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. I'm having a little bit of cold symptoms. Hoping it goes away before my trip. Linda
Hi Jeannette, What beautiful flowers and how lovely that they`ve kept so well. I have some lilies like that in the garden, I just hope I see them flower again after the winter we`ve had. All my flowers are late and only one daff has come up and that`s not yet flowered. The camellia hasn`t bloomed yet and the magnolia only just. Enjoy your soaps and I hope you feel much better soon. :o)
Sandra xxxx
It's the truth ! We can make those plans, but what the day will bring, often surprises us. Hope you are all feeling much better. We've had a few warm days now - hopefully a sign of good things to come ! 'On Ya' - ma
hi there just got back from florida,the weather was great but i missed england,inerly got eaten by an alligater,and am very sun burned,i hope all your family get better love lynnemermaid
hi there just got back from florida,the weather was great but i missed england,inerly got eaten by an alligater,and am very sun burned,i hope all your family get better love lynnemermaid
Sorry to hear that you have the flu. Everyone here is or has gotten it as well. Get better. ;o)
You like dogs?
I've just started doing this blogging thing, but I thought you might like my poem.
It's in:
Tales from the 26th Dimension.
Also ... how do you get your animated images ?????????????
Wishing you a late happy Mother's Day even though you and the family have been ill. mark
wow thats interesting that you guys have mothers day now and we here in america have it in may I sure hope you all get over the cold bug we have had it and its sorry to get over it !!!!!!!!!!beautiful flowers though
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