Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Stressful Wednesday

Well, I have just come back from having my blood test.  It seemed an endless wait this morning and my stomach was churning.  The journey in the car was not too bad but when I got into the surgery, it was like a blast furnace, so unhealthy an environment and I could imagine all the germs having a grand old time multiplying in there.  When I was called in it was not the usual sister and she promptly announced that she had not taken blood for years!  You can imagine the effect this had on me.  She fiddled around trying to find a vein (nobody else has ever had any problems) and eventually managed to extract a couple of phials.  I pointed out they usually take three but she said it would have to do because that was all the bottles they had!  They rarely take blood at my surgery now. Everyone is sent off to a clinic elsewhere but I always panic when I get there because it is so crowded and you have to wait in a long queue.  My own doctor suggested that I had it done at the surgery instead.  Pity he did not know about their shortage of bottles.  I was pretty stressed out by it all and although I achieved it, when I got home, I promptly burst into tears.

I have to wait until next week for the results and if the sugars do show as being too high over a long period, will then have to see the doctor again about increased medication.  I have also been booked in for a full diabetic check in the first week of May so I have all that hanging over my head because I know they will go on about my weight.  There is not much I can do, I stick to my diabetic diet, try and do as much as I can around the house but being agoraphobic I cannot get out and do the walking exercise that everyone else can.  The trouble is they have never truly accepted this down at my surgery.  One of my doctors does not believe there is such a thing as agoraphobia and the other feels that I could do things if I really wanted to.  They should walk a mile in my shoes (no pun intended) that would soon change their minds.

Anyway, enough of that there is absolutely no use whining about something I can do little to change. I can only hope the blood tests results are not too bad and I can get through the half hour diabetic check.

At least going out gave me the opportunity to wear my lovely jacket that I bought over a year ago. This is only the second time I have worn it.


I made a momentous decision (for me) a few weeks back.  No more peroxide on the hair, no more platinum blond! Two reasons really , the first being that they had stopped making the brand I used and secondly I always hated the smell of peroxide and the fumes getting in my eyes and nose.  Now, this is a big decision for me because I have been colouring my hair since I was sixteen years old!  I have never been my natural colour since then.  Name a colour  - I have been that colour, all shades of blond, all shades of red and all shades of brown including almost black.

I was a punk long before the word was ever invented.  At one time I worked near a lot of theatrical places in London and I used to go into the theatrical make-up establishments where I could buy silver, pink, green or blue sprays to go on my hair.  I used to regularly spray streaks at the front.  Hard to believe, as I am now, that I was once something of a rebel and a trendsetter.

I only ever had one real disaster with my hair.  Did I ever tell you about that?  I have done so many entries on here that it is hard to remember whether I have or have not.  It was something I will never forget!   Perhaps some of my long time readers will know whether I ever wrote that story.  If not, perhaps you would like to hear?

Becky clips my hair and I do mean clip.  For around five years no scissors have never been used on my barnet fair. No, for me it is clippers like they use on men.  My hair is really really short, much shorter now than in the picture up in All About Me. Half an inch all over except for the front. So, at the moment, I am sort of two-tone as my hair is white at the front (but still a little bleach left) and salt and pepper at the back. The only thing is that I feel that having very short hair draws more attention to my size  - we always wonder how others view us but I am getting to old to care what other people think.

Does it make me feel older?  Not really.  There is nothing to be ashamed of in age and experience.  Less glamorous maybe but who knows, I can always use a hair colourant again if I feel like it, maybe a semi-permanent.  At the moment I am just happy with it as it is.  I cannot turn back the years so I thought it was time for the real me (hair) to emerge.

This morning, before, we left home, Mike took a couple of snaps of me. I am not a great lover of having my picture taken but at least you can see my short hair and judge for yourselves.

Do not forget to remind me about my hair disaster story.

Now, dear readers,  I am off for a well deserved cup of tea!

Hope you all have a good day



Anonymous said...

Nothing to feel bad about - I like your silver locks !  I've had mine for about 15 years now.  I quit doing color out of sheer laziness, but we have to remember we earned every single one of those silver threads. A friend of mine gave me a little card I carry in my wallet... "Grey hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life."  - Proverbs 16:31.  Have a good cup of tea !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, I'm sorry your morning was so stressful for you :-( I avoid the doctors surgery if I can for the reasons you said.....far too warm a place, a haven for germ multiplying if ever I saw one. I like the photo's of you......thanks for sharing, and enjoy your cuppa :-)
love n hugs Debbie ~xxxxxxxx~

Anonymous said...

I would have been a bit leary of the person taking my blood had she said to me, what she said to you.  Prayers for the tests to come back good.  I think your hair looks beautiful and so do you! :)

Anonymous said...

So sorry you had such a stressfulf start to your day! :(
Hope the tests come back good!
I love the new pics! Your hr is lovely like that!!! Fits you to a tee!
Know what ya mean about being a trend setter, believe it or not, there was a time I was too! LOL

Anonymous said...

I think you look great, Jeannette!  To me it looks as though you've lost weight, and I think your hair will be gorgeous it's natural color.  I'd love to hear the hair disaster story

Anonymous said...

Of course your hair suits you,you grew it your self ,didnt you ? actually it looks good ,its your lovely eyes people see first ,anyway ,I hope the resuls come back fine and I'm proud of you you made it, very well done ,enjoy your cuppa ,and have a ciggy as well you've earned it, good girl .....Oh yes tell us the story ,I'd love to hear it ..........Love Jan xxxx

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks great! I think you'll find it will look good when it's all your natural colour too.  Short hair really suits you as you have lovely eyes and good features. You must tell us the hair disaster story though, I'm imagining all sorts here! x

Anonymous said...

I think your hair looks great Jeannette, I myself have short hair, I let it go natural several years ago. Short uncolored hair is so easy to do when it is washed. Hope your blood test turn out fine. I have small veins and they roll. I have to tell them about that when I get mine done. I show them where my best vein is but do they listen. NO, they do not. I think they want to show me they can get it where ever they want. Then I end up getting stuck a couple of un necessary times. Hope the rest of you day goes well. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

I like it!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your day was  so stressful going to the doctors for blood tests,lets hope you get a good results.Your hair looks fine,you are a good looking lady so there.Hope you enjoyed your cup of tea, nice warm jacket..........Jeanx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, I think your hair looks reallly nice and you yourself are looking really well.  Did not know you were agorphobic but thought thats why you maybe did not go out. So sorry to hear this.  I think you can still go out in the garden am I right as I have heard you saying you have been out working and planting etc.that bound to be very good for you. Hope your blood tests are ok. Imagine running out of bottles thats disgusting have just been reading doctors earn £180 per HOUR surely they could make sure the surgery is being run correctly getting paid that much.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the "silver club" Jeanette. I let mine go about 18 months ago. Too
much hassle for an old lady like me!  You did well today. ! Pam

Anonymous said...

Nice to read your journal Jeanette and I agree with a lot of what you say.
Live your life as you want to do not as others recommend.  Hope the blood tests are OK.  I, too, hate having any.  Dislike things poked into my body by strangers and especially so called practise nurses. Fancy runniung out of bottles ha ha.
The pictures are lovely  you look and well.
Bye Edna

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

I`m glad you got through this morning ok but I can`t believe that nurse was so crass as to tell you that she hadn`t taken blood for years.  Talk about frighten the life out of you!  I`ve got really `good` veins and I don`t need to be poked around to find any but I would really complain if they did. I don`t like the way so-called doctors doubt the existence of Agraphobia, how dare they?  I like your new hair and I think really short suits you as does the new colour.  I`d love to hear your hair disaster as I`ve not read of it on any entry before.  You can always smile about these things in retrospect if not at the! :o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

wireless alert for this entry, your hair looks lovely. I hope the blood tests come back ok............Jules xx

Anonymous said...

I hope those blood tests are going to be OK ~ fancy running out of bottles ~ your doctors arn't very understanding are they ~ the pics are lovely and you look great love the colour of your real hair and you look really cool in your sunglasses ~ and I love your coat that looks so cosy ~ enjoy your cuppa ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Jeannette. . you are a GREAT looking lady. . .I think your hair looks nice. . it will really suit you silver.LOVE your jacket,the colours are gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

you look great. heck my hair is so many colors I cna pick one and say its my natural lol

Anonymous said...

I think you look fab in your picture Jeannette. glad today went well for are so very brave! i was thinking about you. thanks for sending the email with your link on it! love and hugs Joanne

Anonymous said...

Well, hurrah for you getting out and doing what you had to!!  Will be praying for good results all around.  As to the excercise, have you considered a treadmill?!  -  BArbara

Anonymous said...

The doctors doesn't sound too organised, only two bottles!! Even if they don't normally do blood tests there you'd have expected them to have more than two bottles! You look good in the photos, I was going to suggest the treadmill too or how about an exercise bike or dancing to some old rock and roll?! I hope the rest of your week is less stressful. Jeannette.  

Anonymous said...

I think it suits you shorter, not sure if you'd look quite like you with it longer :o) I've never dyed my hair until recently (3 years)  and have been all colours since then, maybe it's just a phase lol

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear fo your distress at the Surgery....I had slight Agoraphobia when  I was made Redundant...and dreaded going out, but it did go away. I visit the Practice Nurse at regular intervals for Blood Tests..then have to ring back a week later for result.Also have full Diabetic check every 4 months....Could someone come to your Home? The Nurse did offer to come to me recently, as I can't get out on my own just now...they don't sound very Sympathetic.

Anonymous said...

I like your hair!! You are a very pretty lady!  And I love the jacket. Nice colors and it looks soft and cozy.  Hope the blood tests come out good.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeannette,

Hello my dear dear friend. I'm sorry about all of your medical news I'm sure things will be fine. I love your jacket you look really nice in it. Its always nice to hear from you and its such a treasure getting to know you. I think you are a sweet lady and its so nice knowing someone such as yourself. I hope that medically things turn around for you I really do. I just hope things turn out okay. Everyone who has gotten to know you will tell you that you are appreciated and loved by us all.........Your friend Monae

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeanette ! I have been an off and on reader of your blog, having so much to do, but coming back to it is a comfort, you have plenty of grace and happiness in your heart, that makes it very special.
I just wanted to comment on the disbelief and lack of support concerning all kinds of conditions from agoraphobia to panic attacks, in my case a fear of joining social gatherings at times (sorry I forgot the name), I can burst out crying and find it hard to explain it to everybody, a place and time of my own to recuperate is always the way to deal with it for me. I actually need more help to understand what is going on with me.
Anyway, thanks for all your cheerful energy.
take care,

Anonymous said...

and sorry I forgot, I think you look smashing, it is your energy showing it's true vibrant colours !

Anonymous said...

You look great in your photos!    I think your gray is complimentary for you.   That is also a fantastic looking jacket.     Some day we may be able to handle the shock of your bad hair day.    Someday soon?    mark

Anonymous said...

Funny, I'm about to discontinue my hair coloring also; like you, I have been bleaching it for years, and they discontinued my color, so I figured now is the time to be natrual; I keep my hair short too-always did because of the nurses cap I had to wear-again-many years ago! Your hair looks great Jeannette, and LOVE
your jacket/sweater? Yes-do tell us your hair story. ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

Your beautiful to me and very stylin in that jacket. I've always liked how you wear purple lipstick, at least it looks purple but of course I am partial to purple. :) And your hair looks great, I love it short!!
I'm very proud of you for getting out to the doctors. So irratating to me that the doctors think things are just so simple and we should just do them....
Have a great weekend and don't worry about everything!!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Jeannette, I think your hair looks great.  You know I've always admired your hair style.  It's wonderful that your daughter can do it for you.  Now, as for letting it go natural, I think that's great too!  There's nothing wrong with having gray hair.  Believe me, if I still didn't go out to the work place, I would let my hair be gray.  Unfortunately, it's still a mans world out there.  They can go gray, but a woman is still considered over the hill.  That bothers me.  One of these days the rebellious me just may strike back.  You look great.  I hope the blood test come back ok.  I'm dealing with high blood pressure issues and that's getting me worried.  Take care.

Anonymous said...

I think you're precious!  DIG the glasses!  I really like the graphic at the beginning of this entry too.  So sorry you had difficulty with meds situation.  My mom had a friend that was an agoraphobic when I was little...she really struggled.  I feel for you, hon. ;)  c.

Anonymous said...

When I saw you mention photos of your hair, I had to scroll down and look. You look fantastic!!! I have to say...your old shade made you look so very pale!  You look loads healthier with a touch of color to frame your face now. Bravo!