Friday, May 5, 2006

Flaming Friday

Yes, it is flaming Friday. The weather yesterday and today has been hot for this time of year.  Shame it is not going to last for the weekend.

I had so many lovely comments wishing me well with my diabetic check.  The outcome is that the nurse is very happy with my blood sugars.  The increased medication did not seem to do much at first but has now kicked in and my sugars are down to acceptable levels.  She also said that if I am able to increase my exercise over the next few weeks there is the possibility that the medication can be decreased again.  I am going to work as hard as I can to achieve this.

To know that things are now back under control is very heartening news and I cannot thank you all enough for your good wishes and support.  To know that you have so many people wishing you well and genuinely caring is a big positive and encouragement.

On the down side, I have been suffering from a stomach bug that I caught from young Nathan,  it is getting better now but it has left me feeling very washed out and tired.  Also I have my lower back trouble again.  I think this was started by doing some gardening the other day, jumping straight in after months of doing no work out there and also because it has been a very stressful week.  I did fear at first that the increased medication might not do the trick. I am so relieved that it has.

I thank the Lord that all has worked out well and also for my loving family and all my friends here on journals.

So, it might be a couple of days before I am back commenting on you all.  I have been told to rest my back and not sit in any one place for too long.  I will comment on as many as I can as and when I can.

We looked after young Daniel this morning whilst Nathan went swimming. Bless him, he spent most of the time asleep in the garden after staring for a long time at our pond and watching a windmill spin around.

We did manage to get a photo or two but I will save them for my next entry.  I do not know what I will write about, I have a bit of writer's block at the moment.  Any suggestions?

I must get off here now and go and stretch out on the bed to ease my back.  The sooner it gets better the sooner I can start on more exercise although I am  certainly not going to overdo it.

Another weekend has come around. Where does the time go?  I wish each and every one of you a happy weekend whatever you are doing and whoever you will be spending it with.

Thank you all once again. You are wonderful people.


Anonymous said...

My son has seemd to catch some sort of stomach bug as well!  Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

YIPPEE!!  Congrats on your sugar numbers!  I'm so happy and relieved for you.  I could tell it has been bothering you so much.  Keep up the good work and you'll get the desired results.  Hope your back is better over the weekend.  Take good care of yourself and rest, rest, rest!!          Love,  Kathy
P.S.  I love the angel graphic this morning.... Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hope you are soon recovered from your stomach  bug to enjoy the warm temps and so good to hear great news on your BS.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that your sugar levels are fine!  Now you just have to get that back rested.  I know I need to get out walking more.  It's supposed to be the best exercise there is.  I sit too much!  Take good care !  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Brilliant news Jeannette am so glad things are on the up, shame about the tummy bug.........Nathan's very generous but can't help it, he only gives things to folks he loves:)  Hope he's ok too.

It is very warm, a good day for the sandpit.  Be well soon. Rache

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear the good news about your sugar levels.  I feel your back pain.  Having had a major surgery there in 1992, mine still flares up from time to time. I find if I do lay down, if I'm on my back I put a couple pillows under my knees.  That takes the strain off the low back.  Take care,  Linda in sunny Washington

Anonymous said...

Jeannette that is brilliant news that your sugars are down to an acceptable level ~
shame you caught that bug from Nathan ~ I hope you and Nathan are feeling better soon ~ now you have to rest to get that back better ~ look forward to seeing the pictures of Daniel ~  "What about some more ghost stories" I never tire of these ~ and you tell them so well ~ hope you have a peaceful weekend ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Good news that your sugars are down :o)  Do get some rest for your back and take care    Caff xxx

Anonymous said...

Great news about you being back on track, shame about the tummy bug! Hope you are feeling better soon

Anonymous said...

That's great news! :) Sorry to hear about the stomach bug and your back though.. if its not one thing its another. Relax and get better before that exercise! Fiona x x x

Anonymous said...

Im so proud of you dear you have been to the nurse ,and things are improveing ,and please God will continue to do so ,there is power in prayer as we have proved so many times ,and yes take things easy ,you'll get there one step at a time ...go for it love ....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette...

I am so pleased that your medicaton is working for you...and hope you will be well soon...Oh! and thank you for signing my guestbook...take care!


Anonymous said...

Well done Jeannette for going to see the nurse and also glad the medication is working ,take care my friend ,enjoy your weekend ........Jeanx

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that things went well with the nurse...hope your back is better soon
Gill xx

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that your blood sugars have settled back down. It's hard to do exercises with a bad back. Hope it soon gets to feeling better. Looking forward to seeing the new photos of Daniel. Hope you and Jim have a good weekend also. Helen

Anonymous said...

Well Jeanette great to hear your good news and sorry about the not good news! I have similar health problems as yourself so identify so much with you it is unbelievable. I had my 1st blood sugar test today and also testing thyroid and liver function as I have lost a lot of weight and am now only 7st 11lb which for my 5'6" height is not too good at my age 57. My bone density scan confirmed i have osteoporosis of spine which explains the back and neck pains. I have to laugh I really am falling to pieces. I haven't seen my granddaughter this week but have loved looking at your pics. I really must start my online journal so I can post some of Keiki she is a real doll. I keep a hand written one. Some advice from you when you are feeling better would be great. i hope you enjoy this lovely summer day and tc of back etc. I thank God for your good results .....Love as always Jennie

Anonymous said...

Really pleased for you Jeannette - you just look after that back of yours - I know what its like to have a troublesome back! It has been hot today hasnt it - I got lots of washing done!! Love getting loads done! Laine xxxx

Anonymous said...

How great the meds are helping!  Now, get that bakc better!  Have a good weekend, too...Jae

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jeannette, just for being you.  Best wishes   Jim.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

I`m so pleased that the news was good, I`m so pleased for you.  What a pity that the weather forecast isn`t good.  Kerry and I are going to a fete tomorrow in aid of a little girl with severe liver disease.  Hopefully it will at least stay dry.  Sorry to hear about the tummy bug, I hope it clears up quickly.  Watch out for the post over the next couple of days.......;o)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I hate to think you have back pain....i know how aggravating it is. I had a big sharp pain in my middle back at work last night and it was so difficult to work! I am glad your pills are working...i pray for you everyday.
HUGS, lisa jo

Anonymous said...

Hi, hope you do have a rest! hope you feel better soon and can enjoy the sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news on your blood sugars, but I'm sorry to hear about your back and the stomach bug.  Rest up and feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!  Can I steal your hummingbirds?  Linda

Anonymous said...

Hello Jeannette.......I am glad that things are now back under control. I have been thinking of you a lot. You are loved here at J-Land by many of us. I am doing well and I am getting along. My family is fine as well. I have been getting out over the weekends and doing things which is nice. I have plans this weekend to go to a festival at my church which I'm sure will be fun. I have also been working which keeps me busy but there is plenty of nice looking guys for me to enjoy being that I am still the guys are the perks of my job.

Anyway.......I just enjoy reading about your life.......I can't say that I have any suggestions as yet but I will think of some. Take care Jeannette.........Love Ya !!

Anonymous said...

Glad your blood sugars are down but sorry to hear your back is playing up. I had back pain on and off for twenty years but luckily it hasn't returned for some time now. Look forward to seeing Daniel's pics. Have a good weekend. Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

hello friend so glad it is going better with your levels i know how scary that is and i will still keep you in prayer for your back to heal so you can walk or something so glad you got to spend time with daniel today i bet he is getting os big hope you are back doon and feeling better GOd bless kelley

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear that your blood sugar levels are down.I hope your back is soon right-I know how painful that can be.

Anonymous said...

Good to hear abt your blood sugar levels.  I was recently diagnosed with Type 2 and I'm not doing well adjusting.  It's so hard to change everything.  LOL I don't think they are going to be very happy with me when I go back in June.  So good for you!  We have been hot in TX till the past couple of days and we are cooler and getting some much needed showers.  
Have a good rest of your weekend.

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful new that you blood sugars are doing well.     It is difficult to get into doing strenuous work and we need to get the right exercise to start on the activity.    There are times when only rest will help heal us.    Having a bug or a drained system like me makes rest the only option at the moment.    It causes me a depression mentally thinking that I should be doing more when my body is making me rest.    Let's hope that we can be at our best soon.   I will be making another entry and I wanted to provide some geological information about the area I live and have to read from some more sites.     I spent 7 hours in the journals on Thursday and can't keep up with the alerts.       I think you know what I mean.    Take care,    mark  

Anonymous said...

Blood sugars in control is wonderful news...and I do hope the stomach bug goes away your tags today...hugs and much love always,

Anonymous said...

I am so glad the new medication is working out for you!!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Hello there.  You obviously have a good grasp on blogs, so wondered if you would'nt mind giving me a few tips.  I find it rather long winded trying to get photo's up, and some times it dfoesn't work at all, any tips you can give will be great.

Anonymous said...

 Your journal is truly amazing, just started mine