Sunday, May 7, 2006

Sunday Review

Something rather different from  me today - a film review.

Last night I watched “The Libertine” starring Johnny Depp and John Malkovitch. Yes, I did recognise some interior shots of Tretower Court which is very close to my birthplace and which I have visited on more than one occasion.

I enjoyed it very much because I am a lover of history but it is not for those who are easily shocked or offended. It is certainly NOT  family viewing either because of the language used and some of the images shown.

The film is based on the life of John Wilmot, second Earl of Rochester and friend of King Charles 11. Wilmot was befriended by Charles because Wilmot’s father had assisted Charles whilst in exile. Friend or not Wilmot truly was a libertine. He delighted and revelled in sex be it heterosexual or homosexual, he wrote extremely bawdy poems and plays and drank to excess once boasting that he had not been sober for five years. His long suffering wife had to put up with his behaviour until she could take no more. He eventually did truly fall in love with a woman and helped her to become a famous actress on the London stage at a time when women were just entering the acting profession but she did not want him as he wanted her - not only to be his wife but also the mother of his child.

Charles banished him from court many times because of his behaviour but always forgave him. Commissioned to write a play by Charles because "Elizabeth 1 had her Shakespeare" and Charles wanted his, Wilmot came up with the most obscene play that he could write. Not only was it obscene but was aimed directly at Charles 11 himself. The King attended along with the French Ambassador and was obviously appalled. Although himself known as “The Merry Monarch” who had many mistresses, this was a step too far. Wilmot was disgraced and had to flee. The film then goes on to chronicle his descent even further into drink and venereal disease. Wilmot was obviously a man with great talent but with a “self-destruct” button that he could not or would not turn off. He died  in his early thirties having finally done something to redeem himself in his own eyes.

The settings and make-up are superb although the film is shot darkly. The language is somewhat flowery as it would have been then. It perfectly captures the time of the Restoration period when after years of Puritan rule, anything went, literally anything, as people gave free rein to their desires.

A truly stunning performance by Johnny Depp proving what a remarkably fine and rather under-rated actor he is. He can tackle any role and make it believable. John Malkovitch makes a subtle Charles 11 and with a very strong supporting cast it is worth watching for the acting alone.

The film opens with a prologue where John Wilmot says “You will not like me, I do not want you to like me”. In the end you cannot help liking him a little and also feeling  sorry for him - sorry  that he threw his life away, a life that held such promise if only he had channelled his abilities in the right direction.

If you like true stories, if you like a film that makes you think, if you enjoy history and are not shocked by explicit sexual references and images -  and I do mean explicit,  although it does not make for easy viewing - you should enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

My daughter is a big history buff and she also loved that movie.  Have a good Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting.........will keep an eye out for it. Thanks for that Jeannette

Anonymous said...

It sounds like John Wilmot was truly a "bad boy" of his time.  I have not heard of the film but will check and see if it's available here.  I heard a speaker on a local Christian radio station say the other day that " God created each of us for a purpose and not many people ever allow Him to show them what that purpose is."  Apparently, John Wilmot was one who did his own thing, hurting not only his Creator but those around him who loved him.  Have a good Sunday's that boy Jack today !  Full of energy no doubt.   Linda in gloomy, dreary Washington.   Linda        

Anonymous said...

Now that sounds like a film I could enjoy ,Hmm I might take a walk over to Blockbusters tomorrow,thanks for an excellent review ..methinks you have missed your vocation lol ............Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Now you have found another niche Jeannette ~ You can be our critic you really did that one well ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

I love johnny depp...Not just because he is rather easy on the eye <ggg> but i think he is a brilliant actor...Like john malkovitch too and he is under rated...Not seen this film yet i must find the time to one day...A lot of poets, artists, playwriters, composers etc from way back then were into drink, drugs, womanising etc...To be honest although we always seem to hear of scandal these days i think we're quite tame to days gone by LOL    Caff xxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the I must see it...hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very interesting movie. You did a good review. Glad you recognised  some places you knew. Helen

Anonymous said...

Wonderful review dear. TY. ;0)

Anonymous said...

Now I want to go see it!!

Anonymous said...

WOW I definitely have to see it now! What a wonderful introduction to it ~ I won't need to read the back of the box, this was an excellent review, thank you Jeannette! Can't wait to see the dashing Johnny :-) Hope you've had sunshine today ~ we have :-) Speak soon.
Lots of love Debbie ~xxx~

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

Thanks for the review,  I`ve wanted to see this since it was on the cinema but for some reason or other didn`t get to see it.  I am definitely going to watch the DVD though.  The divine Mr D is a fine actor and I`m sure he played the debauched Duke brilliantly. :o)

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

That does sound like an interesting movie!  I like both Depp and Malkovitch very much so I would enjoy it I'm sure.  I am eager to see Depp's new movie coming this summer, the second Pirates of the Caribbean.  He was so great in the first one and I do hope the second isn't a disappointment.  Have a wonderful Sunday evening.                      Kathy

Anonymous said...

It was an excellent review but I don't think I'd like it. I really do get offended by bad language and I absolutely loathe sex scenes. Pity because I quite like Johnny Depp, his new film looks good, saw the trailer today at the cinema. Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Hello - spoken like a Sunday Times film critic.  Think i might give it a go!

Anonymous said...

ah I have heard the movie was quite reique

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette ,you did a wonderful review ,one to look out for.......Jeanx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette,
Just wanted to say what a positive attitude you have..especially toward the weather! You are an inspiration!! Hope you have a great day...


Anonymous said...

Hi jeannette, sounds like the sort of film I would love - also I really love Johnny Depp!!! Thanks for that review it was great. Laine xxx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful review Jeannette!    There are few film's that are made today that I would care to see as they rely on "blowing things up" to satisfy the younger crowd.    I did order the DVD of "Crash" which was  excellent in acting and plot.  

Anonymous said...

I did get the alert for this entry.   mark

Anonymous said...

{I did get an alert, in case you wanted to know, hon.} Regarding what you said about 'some parts of the film is not easy to watch,' I had to smile, cause I was
just speaking of the same thing to my aunt and Mom, and we were saying how you have to sometimes turn your head and bite your lip a few minutes, when watching some films-but it's all good; thanks for that great review! ~Diane~

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review... I had not heard of this movie...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed lookin at our blog site. Must admit I only looked at the pictres though.
Dave.( Christinas partner)