Saturday, May 13, 2006

Saturday Snippets

Firstly I would like to wish all our American friends a very happy Mother's Day weekend.  We Brits had our Mother's Day back in March.  I have never been able to understand why there is a difference.  We share the same Father's Day but Mother's Day is totally different.

Yesterday we had the boys all day from 9.30 a.m. until 6.30 p.m.  That gave Becky the opportunity to prepare the house for the Christening tomorrow and also to pick up the cake (more of that later).  It was very hot indeed so it was quite tiring but we spent most of the day in the garden.  There were nappies to change, lunch to be attended to, drinks all around.  We did not take any photos. Because it was so hot the boys had the minimum of clothing on and I feel that those such pictures have no place on the internet for obvious reasons.  Such a shame, but you cannot be too careful.

By the time Becky left and we had cleared away all the toys in the garden and house, got our evening meal and watched our "soaps" I was far too tired to come on the computer.  In fact I fell asleep for the rest of the evening. When I turned on this morning nearly 300 pieces of mail!!!! I will manage as many alerts as I can.

Nathan fed the fish again but this time he filled a container and did it just the way Mike does.  At Christmas we bought him a magic mat so we played a lot with that, Nathan and I.  You fill the pens that are supplied with water and then draw on the white mat.  When the drawings dry out they completely disappear and you start again.  I drew around his hands and feet much to his delight and then he attempted to draw around mine.  I wrote numbers for him and his name and we also used the stencils supplied.  I sang to him and we both did the actions to the songs.  Daniel smiled along the whole time until it got to much for him and he feel asleep in the shade.

Neither of the boys wanted toeat much, probably because it was so hot.  Nathan did manage a huge helping of chocolate/strawberry/vanilla ice-cream though. I was sorely tempted but I resisted.  Mike took some video.  When he played it back Nathan was absolutely fascinated, staring at the screen very intently and when I  appeared on it he turned and pointed at me to acknowledge he  knew that the person on the film was me.

Only one thing marred the day.  Mike had wanted to take them to the playground.  He has, so far, only taken Nathan there. He wanted to get pictures of the boys together.  So I smothered them in factor 50 sunscreen, got them dressed and off he set, armed with his camera.

Ready for the playground ~ this shows  how tall Nathan is and he is not yet two.

When he got there, it was disappointment all around.  Nathan got excited when he saw where they were going.  Mike was stopped by a Grandmother with two little tots.  She asked Mike if he was going into the playground (he could see it was already full). When he said he was, she told him that he would not be able to do so then promptly started to cry. 

The place was full of teenagers, about forty of them. They had taken over all the rides (which are for tots only and therefore totally unsuitable for them) they were kicking footballs around, causing havoc.  This poor woman had been subjected to some very unpleasant abuse.  Mike said he would take her in with him.  When they opened the gate and walked in Mike was also greeted with jeers and abuse. Abuse about his age, remarks about him being with young children.  Very nasty.  He decided to withdraw.  He and the woman waited for a while.  The woman rang the police but they were not really interested saying that they would "try" and get somebody down there later on.  The woman pointed out this would be no good because the ones causing the trouble would be gone by then and so would she as she would have to be back for her daughter to pick up the children.  So, none of the tots got their fun at the playground.  Nathan was upset.  I was furious and so was Mike.

We discussed what to do and after Mike had a cup of tea he set off to the council offices to make an official complaint.  They did take it seriously but whether anything will be done I do not know.  They will not spend the money on having a warden there, a warden with powers who could get the police if necessary.  They just seem to keep on paying out our money to  repair the vandalism and we continue to pay high community charge for very little in return.  I also know from his description of the uniform what school they attend and I am going to write to the headmaster.  I simply do not understand young people of today. So many have no manners, so many are foul-mouthed and nasty. So many have no respect for their elders or for younger children. So many have no respect for the police.  I believe that discipline starts in the home, even more so today when schools are no longer allowed to discipline. Many parents do not care what their children are up to as long as they are out of the way.  It is a sad reflection on our society.

Oh dear, this is turning into a book. I think it is time to wind up for today.  Oh yes, I mentioned the  Christening cake earlier. Becky and Dean had it made by a lady who lives not too far away and she has made a wonderful job of it. Becky kindly sent me some photos which I am sharing with you.

The little bear is so delightful with his tongue sticking out.  His fur looks almost real and so does the nappy, looks just like a proper terry one.  We all agree it is going to be a shame to cut.

However, they will keep the flowers and the plastic nappy pin as mementoes. 

The weather is due to change this afternoon so now I am going to take the daily paper into the garden and enjoy a little peace in the sun.

Have a great weekend, dear readers.



Anonymous said...

I agree about unruly kids, could you imagine if we'd behaved like that; we'd have g ot a welldeserved thrashing. That's what a lot of them need. The parents also need educating on teaching them manners. There are some good kids around still but the yobs get all the attention. I hope the christening goes well, have a lovely weekend. Only got a wireless alert for this again!! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

What a lovely day with your grandbabes - I'd be worn out too !  When we were younger and had little ones around all the time, it seemed a snap, now we're not used to it.  Sorry about the playground experience, I hope something gets done about it.  But you have a lovely garden to enjoy and that makes up for it.  I'm sure the boys loved being with you all too!  The cake is a work of art !  I hope you are enjoying the sun, we've got very chilly damp weather here.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are going to write to the school and that Mike complained officially to the Council Office ~ let us hope they take some action ~ as you say many parents don't care what their children are up to so long as they are out of their way ~ such a pity the Police did not take immediate action ~ The cake is lovely she really has made a a beautiful job of it ~ glad you had a nice day with the boys ~ and agree it is a shame you can't post pictures of them playing ~ Hope the Christening goes well hope to see some pictures if they are allowed to take any ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette. Enjoyed catching up with your entries. What a sad world we live in these days. How yobos get pleasure from insulting people and vandalising I do not know. I hope you are feeling OK and not in any type of discomfort. Regards Dan.

Anonymous said...

sorry to read about the yobs you are so right about the home life. Lovely cake Happy Birthday to Daniel who shares his birthday with me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your time with the boys sound so nice!  Too bad they could not enjoy the playground.  I understand what you mean about the disrespect of teens these days.  In fact there seems  to be an epidemic of disrespect among a lot of people; not just teens.  Too bad...
The cake is so cute!!!  Jae

Anonymous said...

Did not even get a wireless one for this one!!! Sorry to hear about Mike's problem with the park. Unfortunately a lot of kids have had an early half term (one of the schools here is off this week) and they will only have one day at bank holiday, strange but it happens. Also some have exam leave, and others just skive off early!! Our council does b all but Wicksteed park has security guards so not a lot of bad things happen there....other than traffic probs (see my entry today). Enjoy your afternoon in the sun!

Anonymous said...


Wow those kids sound terrible.. I have to say that the kids over here are a little better mannered.. i don't know why or how but they just are..when we come back to UK I have to warn my son about the "thugs" that hang around up the shopping precinct.. they will pick a fight just for the hell of it..thank god he is 6' 4" one will mess with him but i still tell him to be wary.. I don't even feel safe walking around when i am there... bloody sad really...I know there are some bad kids over here.. i was just reading about the latest "craze" where gangs of kids will randomly beat up someone for no reason..and when i say beat them up they almost kill them!!!  Thank god my little neck of the woods is relatively safe..although i am so nervous about guns and gangs..again thank god Ryans school seems to have a handle on that..they have a zero tolerance policy... sorry for rambling on..I just hate that Mikes and the kiddies were disappointed like that..bless them... thanks for wishing us yanks a Happy Mothers day..that was very thoughtful of you...even though it isn't Mothers day over there I wish you a happy one anyway;-)


Anonymous said...

I can't believe the socierty we live in today. It's the same down my park no children play just the teenagers. A few spoil it for the rest of us. All the best for the christening x

Anonymous said...

What a shame about the children not enjoying the playground.  I hope they do take Mike's complaint seriously and get it resolved.  I just hate that!  
The cake is SOOOOO cute!!  I hope you enjoy the Christening and it all goes well.              Pamela

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette ,hope all goes well for Daniels Christning,that cake is amazing some people are so talented,it looks too good to eat ,glad you took photos of it .
Sorry to hear Mike and the boys trip to the play park was ruined,theres some horrible yobs about ,no respect for anything or anyone. Its dull and miserable here today after the heavy rain last night .......Jeanx

Anonymous said...

wow that cake is adorable in the tenth degree. I love it. wow so neat having english friends I never knew or even thoght that there might be a difference. thats neat learning this.
Hey I love the graphics. Man we had four days now of cold rain and they predict it to stay like this thur next weekend. this is so not may. for ky. yuck. rany cold temps ugh. hate  this.
Hope you have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that Mike and the boys had their trip ruined. . . .its a sign of the times im afraid and the yobs rule.When I was young there was a Park Keeper ,he kept an eye on things.Dont they look lovely in their buggy lol. I bet you were shattered after having them but its a happy tiredness,Becky will be so busy arranging the christening.The cake is lovely.It does not seen two minutes ago that it was Nathans christening does it ?

Anonymous said...

Jeannettte, thanks for visiting my journal.  I've been reading some of your back entries.  What beautiful grandchildren you have!  And what a lovely idea for christening gifts.  That is a shame about the playground.  You would think the police would try to keep them out so they don't ruin it.  It is a shame that many youth today get absolutely no instruction in the home of any type of respect.

I knew that the UK had Mother's Day in March.  I learned that from Debbie (Essex).  LOL...we are schooling each other in different traditions and did think it was rather odd than father's day is the same but not mother's day.  Have a great weekend!  HUGS  Chris

Anonymous said...

The cake is so beautiful!  I'm sure it will be delicious, too.  Congratulations on the Christening.  What a wonderful family day!  Too bad about the trip to the park.  It's too bad that teenagers like those can create such problems.  I hope something is done to return the park to the younger children.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

I learned from Debbie (Life and Times Of an Essex Girl) that the UK Mother's Day is in March..I would like to know why it's different here myself. Happy American Mother's Day, sweetie! :-)

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

What a shame about the playground, hopefully something will be sorted out. The cake is wonderful

Anonymous said...

Such a shame about the playground - kids of today need to learn respect and I do blame the parents to be honest.  Hope the christening goes well - love the photos esp the cake :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette,

I was really incensed by the actions of those yobs in the playground.  They should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.  Like you say their parents have to take responsibility for their actions, how dare they imtimidate young children with their grandparents, it makes my blood boil at the thought of it.  Rant over:

The christening cake is lovely and I hope tomorrow goes well and that the weather will be kind.  Nathan is so tall, he looks more like a three year old than nearly two, I wonder if Daniel will be the same?  Have a lovely evening. :o)

Sandra xxxxx

Anonymous said...

hello friend thank you for the mothers day wishes I did not know you had a different day then us oh well love the pics of the boys they are getting so big what a shame about the park kids do not have a ny respect fof anything any more and my rant is that they took God out of everythng I hope something is done about your problem though hope you enjoy the christing love the cake so cute she did a lovely job have a great weekend GOd bless kelley

Anonymous said...

You have such a beautiful journal. I loved all the graphics and photo's, it was absolutely gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette !!!!!!!!!!!

I always enjoy coming to your journal for a visit. I really love the pictures of the cake and the boys they are soooooooooooo adorably cute. I hope that your day goes well. I really do think you have a wonderful family. I so love your entries they are always wonderful to come and see what you are all up to these days. I really hope that Sara doesn't stop her journal that would be sad. I really did enjoy reading Sara's journal and I have found some new ones along the way. I have really come to read more than ever.

As for me I spent the day with my family today going out to different places and shopping.........spending half of my pay check and basically buying things that I like. I really do enjoy nice days like this where I can go out with my family and just doing what we all enjoy doing...............Shopping. Anyway.......Thanks again for another great entry in your journal. Have a wonderful Mothers Day and we all love ya...................Take care !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bye.

Anonymous said...

I got the wireless alert.    Sorry to read about the trouble in the park.    Hopefully it will not continue to happen and the park will be for the people with children to use.   You would have to get political backing by someone in the government to get any action if it becomes a regular hang out for the idiots.    The cake decoration is the best I have seen of the teddy bear.    Very artistic.     Hope you have a good Sunday.    I will be calling my mother for Mother's Day.     mark

Anonymous said...

Oh it will be a shame to cut it Jeannette, but you have the photo's, it looks truely scrumptious.  Shame about the park, hope something is sorted there. Rache

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about the trouble with the kids in the park.  But as a mother of teenagers (and I work in a secondary school) I must point out that this kind of behaviour is carried out by only a minority.

In fact at our local park a 'grandad' has repeatedly reported kids to the police for playing football - on the football pitch!  He has gone as far as taking photos of them - in summer when they were wearing shorts and little else!  The police have stopped answering his calls and have gone round to his house to warn him to stop his 'yobbish' behaviour!  So it is not only teenagers who can act in this way!

Anonymous said...

What a shame about the park!!  We have a church around the corner from our house and recently a big gang of kids have started hanging round there and causing trouble...I totally agree about the respect thing.  And I agree that in a lot of cases it's caused by their parents attitudes.  My parents would have been mortified if the police turned up at the door because I'd been up to no good but I when I was at school there were a lot of people whose parents wouldn't have been at all bothered!!  It really irritates me that my council tax goes towards fixing things instead of the provision of facilities for everyone!!  I hope you get a response from the headmaster and the council!!
Gill xx

Anonymous said...

hi Jeannette...sorry to hear that Mike and the children were subjected to that kind of abuse, it is so out of order the way the younger ones are acting these days...I love the graphic and the picture of the two boys, also the christening cake is so beautiful...

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day Jeannette.........Hope you had a wonderful one.

Anonymous said...

The cake is beautiful!! laine xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi, I really enjoy reading your journal, Can you let me know where you bought the magic mat it sounds just the thing to take on holiday with my grandaughters.
Thanks Pat.

Anonymous said...

They are growing so fast!
I think it is a disgrace how some kids are being raised today. No manners or discipline. I also think it is a disgrace that the police would not come out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this beautiful occasion with us...the chairs are are the boys....God Bless the family....Hugs from KY....Ora

Anonymous said...

I was very interested to read your story. Sadly, what happened at the playground is a common thing everywhere now, you are right when you say there is no respect, sadly that seems to be the way of the world now. Lovely photo's. You have given me the impetus to try this myself. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

What a dreadful thing to happen to a Grandad taking his grandchildren to the playpark. I don't know what has happened to todays young people I suppose ther must be some good ones in the world will have to keep looking.  Hope you get the council to do something. Our council has just redone our playpark and there was grafitti on it before it was completed. Hope you are better soon Love Joan