Saturday, August 30, 2008

Please Take The Supernatural Survey


I have managed to get the dust sheets off the computer long enough to do a quick entry before him indoors continues with the painting.

It is scorching today, after days of miserable grey skies the sun has made an appearance.  Trouble is, it is now too warm for me to sit outside.  You just cannot win.  I might try in the late afternoon. Neither of us are enjoying the smell of paint fumes in this humidity.

I wish all our American friends a happy Labor Day weekend/holiday.

I thought I would do a survey as I do not have much else to write about at the moment.

I will leave the survey open until about next Wednesday which gives everyone a fair chance of taking part.

So, here goes:-

There are about four pages to this survey, make sure you visit them all and answer all the questions.  Please note, once you have taken the survey, if you wish to leave a comment you will have to come back to my journal as there is no direct link from the survey back to me.  Thank you.

View Survey

Well, he is telling me to hurry up so he can get back to the slog and it is nearly lunchtime anyway.

Have a great weekend dear friends and readers.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Legloland - Photo Entry

It was so dark this morning that I was almost tempted to put the lights on in the living room.  It remains very gloomy although the winds have dropped for the first time in days.

They say it might brighten up at the weekend, I hope they are correct.

As you know, Becky and family visited Legoland last week and I promised to share some pictures with you.  It has been a very hard choice out of a large selection but I have picked some I hope you will enjoy.  It is amazing to think these structures are built out of those little blocks and  of the talent that goes into creating these set pieces.
















I hope you have enjoyed this little tour.  My thanks to the family for providing these photographs.  Of course there were others, this is just a taste of what there is to see.  An amazing place.  Who would have thought that childrens' building blocks would lead on to something like this? Wonderful!

Well, Mike is going to make a start on painting the lounge probably tomorrow and the computer will have to be covered and I will have to find something else to do!

Hope your week has been going well.



Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Congratulations and Birthday Pictures

Firstly, I would like to congratulate all our British athletes for their achievements at the Beijing Olympics.  Well done to them all.  Thanks to their efforts this is the best we have scored in any Olympic Games for one hundred years!  Dare we hope to do better when we host the games in 2012?  Let us hope so.


Secondly, we had a lovely time on Sunday, Daniel's third Birthday. I did his Birthday entry quite early in the day on Sunday and he was thrilled to see it and the beautiful graphic that Sugar made for him.  Thank you all for his Birthday wishes.

Nathan told me that Grandad was 36 and I was 9!  Ahem, he will know better when he is older lol.

They were full of their trip to Legoland and telling us all about their favourite things there.  I hope to have some pictures to share with you soon.

In the meantime, here is a selection of Birthday pics for you to see:-


One of the things we bought him was a pop-up toaster as those boys so like to play at pretend cooking.  His parents bought him a Chef's outfit, amongst other things, so now he and Nathan both have one to dress up in.



We also gave him something a bit bigger!


A giant playmat keyboard.  The boys both loved it.  It has several different instrument sounds and a record facility where they can listen again to what they have "composed".  It also has a demo facility with several tunes they can listen to.  It can be played with either hands or feet but it was feet that won the day on Sunday.  Becky is very relieved that it also has a volume button!




Then it was time for cake



The above photo has to be my favourite.  What a handsome little boy he is (well I would say that wouldn't I?) and it is such a happy picture.

They both fell asleep on the way home.  Well, to be honest Nathan crashed out whilst he was still here. All in all, a lovely day.

Have a good week dear friends and readers.


Sunday, August 24, 2008


A Very Happy Birthday Daniel Luke and many happy returns.


How time flies, three already.  Daniel the pickle, always up to mischief, always the fearless one, always getting into one scrape or another.   With your cheeky smile and twinkling eyes you can melt anyone's heart.

You have been through a great deal over the past year or so but nothing has ever slowed you down or dampened your sparkling personality.  We are so happy to see you fit and well again.

We wish you a day filled with fun and laughter, happiness and joy.

You are loved very much by Mummy, Daddy, Nathan and also by us, your doting Grandparents.

So, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Daniel, Happy Birthday to you.



Lots of love now and always Dan-Dan


Nanjay and Grandy (Grand-dat)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday Things And Poll Results


Today is a bit warmer and we had quite a pleasant drive to the doctor's surgery.

It has been quite a time since I saw Kim - the diabetic nurse . She has just come back from a cruise around the Balkans and was full of the joys of spring and chatting about it.

She was pleased with my blood pressure reading and we chatted about my diabetes.  I showed her my testing machine which keeps records everytime I take blood and scanning through them, she says that, on the whole, they are very good.  We did talk about my reaction to my getting the first year all-clear and how I was surprised at first how it hit me and how I fell into a black hole.  She said that this is natural and has had the same thing happen with her own father.  That is why I always like this nurse, she is easy to talk to, very understanding, knows me very well and always makes allowances for my anxiety and fear of all things medical.

She then checked my feet.  She has done this before just by feeling the warmth of them and feeling the strength of the pulse.  This time I had to close my eyes and she used a pricker but only very lightly.  I had to tell her where she was pricking at four different spots on both feet.  I was able to describe them all and she was delighted.  It means that I have no signs of diabetic neuropathy.

She tells me that I do not have to have the diabetic blood test or the urine test until the beginning of October.  Hurrah! At last I can have a quiet month (fingers crossed) without having to worry.   I should have seen her weeks ago but first I hurt my back just doing something mundane and then Mike and I went down with awful bugs and then Kim went on holiday, so this has been hanging over me and niggling away at the back of my mind for quite some time.  It is nice to get it behind me.

So, you can imagine I am more than somewhat relieved.  We had a little drive around afterwards but could not find anything to photograph that we have not done before.

Becky and Dean have gone to Legoland with the boys and do not have to do everything in one day as they will be staying overnight in a hotel and visiting Legoland again tomorrow.  I hope they are having the reasonable weather that we are.  The boys are going to love it.

It was so sad to hear of that awful plane crash in Spain and to know that so many perished including children and babies.  So many grieving families.  God bless them.

Now to the results of the poll.

Krissy was right in her guess about what the top disliked chore would be :-

Ironing 37 17%
Cleaning Bathroom 25 12%
Weeding The Garden 19 9%
Cleaning Windows 17 8%
Changing Bed Linen 16 8%
Washing Floors 13 6%
Washing/Polishing Vehicle 13 6%
Dusting/Polishing 12 6%
Laundry 12 6%
Painting/Decorating 11 5%
Clearing Out Drawers 10 5%
Mowing The Lawn 9 4%
Washing Up 8 4%
Hoovering 4 2%
Preparing Vegetables 3 1%
Cooking 3 1%

The majority of us hate ironing and cleaning the bathroom! I was surprised to see weeding the garden score so high. I thought that would be lower on the list.  So interesting to see the results and to have 212 votes was very heartening. My sincere thanks to all who voted.

I have a couple of ideas for further polls but I would also be grateful for your thoughts.  Have a ponder, what would you like to see a poll  about?  You can either leave your choice in comments or send me an e-mail so that others do not have any inkling of what might be coming up.

I will save all your answers and some of your choices will be popping up from time to time.

Well, lunchtime now.  I have a very nice salad roll sitting here waiting for me with a nice cup of tea.  Then.....................housework!

Oh, before I go, J-Land is 5 years old today

Please visit    J-land Anniversary Blog  to leave your own anniversary posting.

I hope your week has been going well.

