Monday, August 11, 2008

Who Is Reading Who


Here we are at the start of another week. Already August seems to by flying by.  The weather today is a little brighter and a little warmer.

Last week I put a web tracker on my journal and I must say it makes fascinating reading. 

I was surprised to see I have readers in France. Well, when I say readers I do not know if they are just coming out of curiosity or by accident but one of them does seem to be regular visitor - bonjour!

I just checked a few minutes ago and I have a visitor from........................................Singapore!

It probably helps that I have put my blog on Technorati and now use tags at the bottom of my entries, using a few key words as to what the entry is about.  People from all over the world use Technorati to search for journals to read.  I would encourage everyone to put their journal on there unless it is private of course.  It is no good with private journals as people cannot access.

I can only give you an abbreviated glimpse here

France flagspacerTours Centre France 7 4.0
bar_bottom bar_middle bar_top
United States flagspacerLos Angeles California United States 6 3.5
bar_bottom bar_middle bar_top
Great Britain (UK) flagspacerLondon London, City of Great Britain (UK) 5 2.9
bar_bottom bar_middle bar_top
Canada flagspacerRed Deer Alberta Canada 4 2.3
bar_bottom bar_middle bar_top
Great Britain (UK) flagspacerNorthampton Northamptonshire Great Britain (UK) 4 2.3
bar_bottom bar_middle bar_top
United States flagspacerKennewick Washington United States 4 2.3
bar_bottomsrc="" bar_middle bar_top
Great Britain (UK) flagspacerMansfield Nottinghamshire Great Britain (UK) 3 1.7
bar_bottom bar_middle bar_top
France flagspacerSceaux Ile-de-France France 2 1.2
bar_bottom bar_middle bar_top


These are only the very recent statistics.  The first figure is the number of hits on the journal and the figures after that are percentages.

It is certainly very interesting and also gives me lots of graphs, day by day, month totals, city locations, a detailed world visitors map and much more. 

I think we all get visitors who do not comment so it is very nice to know just where your journal is being read and where your hits are coming from.

I certainly wish I had done it before now.

Mike has just gone out with the dogs and is popping into the doctors as I am long overdue for my bp and blood sugar check.  Hopefully the appointment will be this week.  I have had to put it off until now as first I had a back bad and could harden straighten (about three weeks ago) and then when my back got better and  just as I was about to make the appointment, we both went down with an awful bug.  I only have medication for a few more days so I need an appointment this week.  Fingers crossed please that all will go well for me.  I have had more than my fair share of stress.  I do not need more.

Well, I have spent far too long on here today already. I have been busy doing something important and also helping somebody out with something.  I need to get my act together now and get some exercise by doing some housework.

Mike just got back, cannot get an appointment with right nurse until the 21st.  Oh well, such is life.

Have a great week everyone.  Oh, I shall be closing the poll tomorrow and will publish the full results.




Anonymous said...

good luck with doctors  jeanette.  i  seem to have  more american readers  than  brits.     maybe  thats  why  i start  writng  in an american accent?  ya  think??  have a nice  day  y'all come back  real  soon............  ermmmmm  i  mean  take care  love  mort         lol xxxxx

Anonymous said...

It is interesting seeing who reads your journal.  I've never seen any journalers from France so it would be interesting seeing who they are.  I hope you don't over do on the exercise.  Remember to take a break now and then.  Have a great Monday and I do hope you get your appointment soon.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Lol to getting on with the housework Jeannette - I have got the vacuum cleaner out and the steamer for stripping the wallpaper - ho hum that's enough housework for today ;-)


Anonymous said...

Those stats are very interesting.  Good luck with your BP check and sugar levels.  Eileen x

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))))That is very intresting of how many who read your jOURNAL.i hope check up comes out good.

Anonymous said...

All this technology..........I do wonder though with all that can be found out about us where it will end.  Love Pat x

Anonymous said...

 I recently put one of those on my journal and wish I had done it from the beginning also.   I find it fascinating.  I remember when I needed a doctor we drove there, or they came here the day you needed them.  Now you have to know weeks in advance when your going to need a Dr.  Time to work on my ESP skills, LOL.


Anonymous said...

What web tracker is that, Jeanette?  It would be interesting to know who reads and where they are from.  I hope you can get your meds refilled without any problems.  Have a great week  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

Oh me.  Why does it take so long to see a doctor?  I can get an appointment for today if I need one.  
I love statistical stuff.  Too fun to see who and where people pop in from.

Anonymous said...

How interesting to know how widespread your journal is read and enjoyed.  I wonder how far away the most distant reader will turn out to be?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette.  That is very interesting that you can see who visits your journal.  Very cool!!  I hope you get to feeling better and good luck with your appts and medications and stuff. I keep after my hubby about getting his blood pressure checked but he won't ever do it.  What can you do?   Love always, Shelly

Anonymous said...

Wow, Singapore!!  I have been meaning to put the tracker in my journal, too.  I haven't done it yet.  I need to clean up my sidebar.  I better get to it!  Fascinating!  You take care, dear.  Love ya!  Hugs, Val xox

Anonymous said...

Hoping all goes well with your appts & meds. {{}}

Anonymous said...

Interesting about the tracker. I hope all goes well with your appointment. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, it's always the same when you need an appointment with a specific doctor /nurse they are always on holiday its just the same up here.  Hope you back clears soon. Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Straigh forward?  Ahhh is anything ever straight forward! LOL


Anonymous said...

Nothing is straightforward when it comes to doctors!  Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is straightforward when it comes to doctors!  Enjoy your day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanette, I read you Journal but don't always commment.   Seems like I am always pressed for time.  It is fascinating that I can be in touch with someone so far away.     Marlene

Anonymous said...

You are so much more savy than I am on seems whenever I try to do some sort of add on my computer freezes its like say "Oh no you don't!" lol...I have not been writing too much I should write more time just gets away from me...take, Sandi

Anonymous said...

That's fantastic that you have visitors from all over!  
I hope you get all your medical stuff straightened out.


Anonymous said...

I like the idea of the tracker. Hope your back doesn't give you any more trouble cause I know how much that can slow you down. I have to be careful or I have sciatic nerve trouble. Cute name tag:)............alice

Anonymous said...

i hope your back is better. i like that tracker thingy. hope your both doing well. ((((((hugs)))))))
Love ya,
cindy xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh, my word, this is comment #24.  You do have
an amazing number of readers.  Interesting to
track them.  Modern telecommunications just
boggle my mind with their advances.  Take
care, dear, and hope you feel all better.  Pat

Anonymous said...

wow what an audience!!!!! nice!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is interesting.  I put "Site Meter" on my journal but all it does is tell me the number of visitors each day and then they break it down by the hours of the day. I know who lives in Alberta, Canada...that's Lori of "Lori's Letter Box."   Singapore huh?  Wow, again...very interesting.  Linda in Washington state

Anonymous said...

It is a delight to see how far out into the world your posts go.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

I like seeing from how far away people come to visit my journal.  As you say, some are probably just popping in or coming by accident, but I like seeing the far away cities and countries that are repeat visitors.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting; I would love to know who is reading my journal. :)

Anonymous said...

thats fascinating! then you really realise you got to be careful who and what you write about ! beckie x

Anonymous said...

An interesting find with your web tracker Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

I use Sitemeter which I suppose is the same concept.  I like viewing who is viewing my Journal and where they are from.

Hugs, Rose

Anonymous said...


The counter was interesting. Its nice to see that you have visitors from all over the world.
Sorry to hear about the unavailability of an appt. Good luck when it arrives
hugs Jayne