I go and publish a poll on alerts yesterday for you all to take part in and today I hear alerts are down!!!! At least that is what I have been told in a couple of emails. So, I tempted fate, go on - you can all blame me.
Actually my alerts went down yesterday evening. I was getting comments but no alerts, people were posting and I was not getting alerts, not even an alert for Magic Smoke, the journal editors blog. It was only because of the Technorati gizmo on my sidebar that I saw people had posted. I reported it to the journals editor right away and had hoped they would be back on by today but it seems not and, as it is the weekend.............................
Ho hum, maybe you would like to visit the poll again and change your vote lol!
I got this alert OK Jeannette! I also had over thirty when I got home from work last night. Jeannette xx
Got this one ok........ but playing catch up as usual.
Have a good weekend , hope the weather is a bit better than in London at the moment
hugs Jayne
Good morning Jeannette, (well it is probably afternoon there - lol). I like the "gizmo" on your side bar. Neat.
I wondered where everyone was.
I got this one ok Jeannette ,after waiting ages to get on line ...love Jan xx
LOL, ok with me, I have me new Reader to get feeds trough. ;)
Have a good wkend.
I thought every one was just busy and not posting, thanks for letting me know alerts were down! ~~Kath~~
no alerts as you so rightly say jeanette. and lot of trouble posting. also,check your profile better than even chance its gone walkies as well. lol 100 and summat photos on mine. im sure it will return. he said. pleadingly.lol have a good weekend take care mort xxx
Hi Jeannette I was thinking all was quiet because everybody was sitting out improving their suntan alerts for you have been fine did your poll yesterday and voted today about a vets hospital so I have been OK for your post not sure about the rest will have to surf around. Love Joan.
Hi Jeannette,
I can`t believe alerts are down again, just when I needed to turn mine off before I go away. I suppose I`ll just have to keep trying and hope for the best....sigh. I hope Mike and the boys are feeling better now.
Love Sandra xxxx
Oh my mistake, I thought the boys were poorly too.
Love Sandra xxxx
Hi Jeannette mine seem OK ..hope you are feeling better and enjoy the w/end .......love Jeanxx
Thanks Jeanette, I did wonder why it was al so quiet...Ah well I won't feel so guilty if I don't add to my journal today !!! Love sybil xx
Well finally it's happened to me too. I posted a couple entries on Friday~got no "Comment Alerts" so went looking...sure enough there were comments. Ahhh at least we're all in the same boat. Linda in Washington
My alerts are really messing up. I'm not getting journal entry alerts, OR comment alerts for my own journal. So...I'm just checking on my favorite journals. So you're not alone, even though your across the ocean from me.
Hope you're having a good weekend.
Hugs Pam
been having trouble with alerts here and there also. Nice to know people haven't just dropped off the edge of the earth.
My mailbox has been so full, I'd probably never notice if alerts were down. But I did have a number dated for the 1st of August.....so maybe they were working for me.
Been some fairly hectic days around these parts. Haven't had the time to visit or post much.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))I seem to be getting alerts..Thanks for the notice.
I know I don't have all my alerts, but I did receive one for this entry.
Alerts are down. I posted like just after midnite last night and have like only two comments where I usually have at least 12. My journal isn't as popular as yours, but I still love hearing from my friends. :-)
Come to think of it, I will get alerts, but when I click on them, they will be empty. All of them.
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