Sunday, August 3, 2008

Results Of Poll

Yes, I receive alerts regularly 30 44%
It is hit and miss, sometimes I do and sometimes not 11 16%
Do you get problems with alerts for other journals? 9 13%
Overall, do you think that alerts work well? 9 13%
Other... 5 7%
No, I rarely get alerts for your posts 4 6%


As alerts have been down for the whole of the weekend, I wonder whether the results would have been different had I posted the poll tomorrow!!!!

I think the overall result does show that AOL could do a lot better with alerts.  We need them to be reliable. People put a lot of time, effort and thought into their postings only to find that others do not even know they have posted.

I know that some of you use readers and I now have the Technorati widget that tells me that people have posted within the last so many hours but neither of those work for private journals.

So, come on AOL, journals need alerts but more than that they need alerts that work.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you completely!!
Hope you're having a good weekend.
Pam xoxox

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe 44% get regular alerts!
I would have thought hit & miss would have won out.
Bet AOL thinks if almost half are staisfied, that's good enough. GRRR
Unhappy about not getting mine all weekend. :(

Anonymous said...

I recieved your journal alert today Jeannette. I have been getting some alerts but I have no idea if I am getting everyone's or not. Since I am not feeling very well I have read a few but have not been leaving comments because that takes a lot more sitting time to do so. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeannette, I did get an alert for this entry but am not getting any others I think I too will try to get Technorati so if you don't hear from me again you will know I have blown up my PC. take care Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if you will see we have replied !!  thanks for posting...I am sure many others are not aware that I am not seeing them !!...Good on you to alert us... Might not need to get ou the hoover now Lol   Love Sybil xx

Anonymous said...

Tho I've been getting a few of yours there are others I am not getting at all...  kind of sad...   I wonder if it still has something to do with the number of set alerts...  Maybe they need to increase that number.

Anonymous said...

Ugh.  I haven't gotten alerts all weekend.  Stupid aol.  I thought I was getting your alerts regularly.  They usually work.  LOL  I change my answer now.   LOL
~sigh~ I hope you are having a good Sunday, dear... Love, Val xox
P.S.  Since the alerts aren't working, I just posted and will be posting six new letters for my sentence game in about an hour if you would like to play this week.

Anonymous said...

This is actually the first time this has happened to me.  Usually I get alerts on a regular basis.  So this must be some big glitch for it to involve everyone.  I just won't be posting again until they are fixed.  Thanks for keeping on top of this Jeannette....Linda in WA  

Anonymous said...

you cant  even sign up for any new alerts  either jeanette.   ho well,buy some  flags and  wave  at each other,lol  take care  mort xx

Anonymous said...

I do not use alerts. I use a reader, Newsgator. The only alerts I recieve are for private journals.

Anonymous said...

I agree Jeannette.  It is hard when I put a lot of time into an entry and then an alert isn't sent out for others to read it.  I also don't know if others are missing vital info. that they may have wanted to read, esp. if there is something going on with John or something.  So I hate when alerts aren't working, I don't know if others have gotten important info. that is going on in my life or not.  I also HATE when I am missing what is going on in other's blogger's lives b/c there was no alert.  It does sometimes feel like we are being robbed after spending so much time.  I hope AOL alerts will work soon...  I am going to have to go with a reader or a widget...

Krissy :)

Anonymous said...

I can understand why you get upset when you write your journal and then no-one knows you have done it!  I do tend to get your alerts but some I don't and I think I have lost touch with some of those, which is really sad. You sound quite upbeat at the moment and I am happy about are sounding very positive.  Take care and thank you for your emails.  Eileen x

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to complain ((much))Lol,as AOL is free to me since I got broadband.I am thankful for AOL -problems and all,as I don't like  Yahoo or Hotmail. So much is so much easier on AOL.
If AOL would dissolve tomorrow-I would pretty much leave the internet.Maybe check the weather or sports for hubby but not much else.

Anonymous said...

 I guess I always thought my alerts are working pretty good.  I miss a rare entry but then again, maybe more, maybe I just don't know I am missing them.  I get way behind on my week of work though.


Anonymous said...

I was amazed that I'd been gone all weekend and there were no alerts for any of my journal friends.  I do have some of them listed on my journal page and some in my favorites so now I'll have to check around and see who made entries...what a bother.  It's funny how you put your poll up and then we have a weekend of nothing.  Thanks for letting me know ... you're only one who emailed to let me know.  'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))))Yes,they could be alot better.

Anonymous said...

I"m one of those who almost consistantly DOES get alerts.  But I think it a shame it is not always that way for everyone.  My question is, if they said they could put a good fix on it but we'd have to go without the system or our journals or something while they did the fix, would we be willing?  


Anonymous said...

Well, my computer can barely load your journal but here I am ....... Yaaa
I pray that you are well and blessed.  Thank you for inviting me to your page.  Yes, AOL is always at it and we never know what is working.  God bless you.


Anonymous said...


I know you have had your problems with AOL and I have my FIRST one...for some reason they have suspended my name ABIceQueen and I have NO idea why and one can not get through to anyplace to ask because of course you can not sign on..

I have set up a new name for now ChefLjj so you will know this is me.


Lori (ABIceQueen)  from Alberta

Anonymous said...

Sorry i am behind with responding to the alerts, my grandson has been sick since last week and its been doctors and two visits to the A&E....still doesnt seem right to me....  :o(

I have received your alerts....just working my way through some now while i have a few minutes....... but AOHell sure need to get their finger out
hugs Jayne

Anonymous said...

aol could do alot better with everything to be honest,take care xx zoe

Anonymous said...

You tell them!!  I am not in Technoratti so I am not getting any alerts...I am lost in J-Land Universe.  LOL

Anonymous said...

     I've been using Mozilla Foxfire of late. Recently they made upgrades which really suck. Everytime I try to find something using their search engine, I wind up at a page directing me to check into several other close subject, but when I click on something on that page, I get the same page back. If it isn't one thing, it's another. My alerts have been working fairly well. Every so often I get that page I just described.

Anonymous said...

I used to get lots of alerts but now only get alerts from 2 or 3 different journals.
I blame myself for not being a regular contributor to my own journal, but hardly anyone visits me now after I have posted a new entry unless I advertize the fact on someone elses journal.  Then they tell me that they never receive alerts from me. :-(
So please visit me sometime at :-)

and I will try to get back to continuing with my adventures in Freda's diaries at some point.  Here is the url if you want a reminder of where I left off ;-)

Thanks for the advertizing space Jeannette! :-D

Also, has anyone one else had a sudden price hike in their monthly charges from aol?  Mine has suddenly shot up by about £5 per month.
