Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Night Nurse - A Tale Of The Paranormal


So, why have I not shared this story with you before? Well, when it happened I had many other things on my mind as you will understand. When I got the good news in June, I had an adverse reaction and all the strain and stress fell in upon me.

Readers who have been with me for a long time will know that I have had many strange experiences in my life and I have written about them on this journal.

This occurred on the night following my surgery. Now, first I must explain a little about the lay-out. I was at the end of a very long ward. The nurses station was way down the other end. At the end of the ward were just four of us, two on one side and two on the other. My bed was placed so I faced directly onto a lovely lady called Ivy. Obviously there was a few feet between us but we looked straight at each other. Beyond myself and Ivy there was only the toilet and the washroom and beyond that was the day room, a place with comfortable chairs, books, magazines and a t.v. In the evenings nobody used it and it was in darkness.

Well, as I believe I have written before, I was totally unable to sleep that night. Firstly because I could not get comfortable and secondly because our ward was right next to Accident and Emergency. Ambulances were coming and going, drunks were arriving to be stitched up after being in fights and police cars were coming in and out to make arrests. It was all very interesting and I was watching all the proceedings.

However, I desperately wanted to sleep. The more I tried, the more awake I became. As the night progressed, things began to quieten down a little but sleep still eluded me. I gently turned this way and that and eventually got myself into a position that suited me and tried to drift off.

That was when I heard the footsteps coming down the ward. Typical, I thought. Just when I was ready to sleep here was the nurse coming to take my blood pressure and blood sugar, something they had been doing regularly all day, all evening and a couple of times during the night. I struggled back into a sitting position. I looked up. Nobody there. I thought maybe she had stopped to check on somebody else soI twisted my head and looked back down the long ward. Nothing. The entire ward was empty and deserted. At the far end the three nurses were at their station. One was drinking a cup of tea, the other two were writing notes. All the patients were in bed, none of them were wending their way to the toilet a short distance from me.

Thinking it must have been a sound from outside, I settled down again. I do not know how much time elapsed, not much that is certain, before I heard the footsteps coming down the ward again. I decided to pretend I was asleep. If it was a nurse this time maybe she would leave me alone and not do any tests. So I closed my eyes tightly. The footsteps stopped by my bed. I waited for the nurse to speak, to rouse me. Nothing happened. Then I felt a hand stroking my forehead. I could distinctly feel the fingers.

Try it yourself. If you close your eyes, put your hand to your forehead and stroke, you can feel each individual finger. That is how it was with me. Then the “hand” moved from my brow to my hair and began gently stroking. Now, I just had to open my eyes, I just had to see who was doing this. There was nothing and nobody there. There was no breeze in the ward, no draught. All was quiet, the nurses were still at their station. I closed my eyes. I could still feel the fingers, not actually stroking, but I could feel where they had been. I felt no fear. I drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Not long afterwards I was awoken by a nurse who did want  to check my stats. Then before I knew it, the curtains had been thrown open, everyone was having a wash and then breakfast was served.

I must digress here a little. I told you I was directly opposite Ivy. This poor lady had already lost a leg and they were desperately battling to save her other one. She had been in and out of this hospital for several years and always on the same ward. She was very well known to the staff. She had been admitted the previous day as I had been.

After breakfast the shift changed. The weekend staff appeared for duty. When they checked the patient list and found that Ivy was back there was soon a group of nurses around her bed chatting and laughing with her, talking of her previous stays with them. I was trying to immerse myself in a magazine with little success and I must admit that I was listening to the conversation.

Then Ivy told them how very sorry she was to have heard of the death of Sister X. The nurses grew quiet and reflective and said what a tragedy it was for her to die at such a relatively young age. From this I gathered that she had been somewhere in her forties. No details emerged of how she had passed away but a couple of the nurses were saying how very caring she was for her patients, treating them all as individuals and not as numbers.

Ivy agreed and said she would never forget her kindness. Then one of the nurses mentioned that this sister particularly cared for cancer patients as she knew how frightened they would be of this disease. She would make extra visits to them and when on night duty, she would check on them several times during the night, not because she had to but because she wanted to.

I knew then who those footsteps had belonged to. I knew then that she had visited me, it was she who had stroked my forehead and my hair.

I said nothing, I did not relate it to Ivy nor even to my family. I have kept it inside all these months. After all I was not completely sure what her visit meant. I only knew that I had a long road ahead of me, that I had gruelling treatment still to be faced. I did not know what the outcome would be as I still do not know one hundred percent. Then, when I did get my first bit of good news in June, as I said I went into a black hole for a while. Only now do I feel that this story can be told.

I remain certain that Sister X came to me that night to re-assure me that all would be well, that I was not alone, that I was being watched over. She came to give me comfort and hope for the future.

None of us know what fate holds in store but I like to think that she is still looking after me and that with her help and the love of our good Lord I shall remain cancer free always.

I did not know you Sister X but I thank you now for your visit to me that night when I was in pain, when I was afraid, when my life had been turned completely upside down in such a short space of time, when I thought I had no future.

I hope you are still caring for your patients and I hope that others have been given the comfort that you lovingly gave to me. An angel, still nursing from the other side. God bless you.




Anonymous said...

It does sound like you have your own special guardian angel.  How blessed you were to have those comforting fingertips.  So many times in sickness we just need a reassuring touch and to know we are not alone.    'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! What a story! Thank you for sharing this.

Anonymous said...

How blessed you were to receive a visit from sister x.  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

wow what an amazing story...thx for sharing

Anonymous said...

This was great Jeannette. She gave you comfort when you needed it. Makes me wonder also how many others she has given this comfort to since she visited you. Hugs, Helen

Anonymous said...

I agree Jeannette, it was Sister x and she was with you. I have always said that there is so much we don't see &  are surrounded by 'unseen' love, guidance and help. I hope you are well. I will be back with an entry soon!!! love Joan

Anonymous said...

What an amazing thing to happen. I think we all have a guardian angel that watches over us.  Love Joan.

Anonymous said...

 What a beautiful story.  Thank you for sharing that.  


Anonymous said...

Lovely & touching story, have heard many simialr over the yrs.
Angels walk among us, for sure!
Glad Sister X came by & gave you some peace.

Anonymous said...

How amazing and the fact that you were not afraid either, I had goosebumps at the end.  Eileenx

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story.                   Marlene

Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU)))))))))))))))))))What a beatiful story.Angels are all arund us.Sometimes,I would dream of my friend who was in a wheel chair all of His life and I dont know why He gets into my dreams alot,but He shows up and I miss Him alot.His name was Robert.

Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me the many ways our God can send us comfort when and where we need it.  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Sister X was there to give you the comfort you need, what a blessing she was to you and I'm sure many others who needed her.  Your story really touched my heart.  Arlene (AJ)

Anonymous said...

My dearest Jeannette,

What a special blessing your received that night....

I was trying to find the scripture where it says the Lord will send His angels to watch over us.

Blessings and big hugs,

Lori  (Alberta   still not reply why ABIceQueen was suspended.

Anonymous said...

Very touching account of your experience. Paula

Anonymous said...

A Angel for sure..  That is how I comfort my loved ones too.

Anonymous said...

I think that is very cool.

Anonymous said...

G-d always sends us just the person we need at that moment of need.

Anonymous said...

I loved this entry and it is so comforting knowing that we are cared for and not alone

Anonymous said...

    That was a wonderful story.

Anonymous said...

When I first started reading this story, I thought... "I should not read this so close to bedtime"  LOL!!!  Now I'm glad I did, that was a beautiful story.  What a comfort her visit must've been.


Anonymous said...

Thats quite a story ..but glad it helped you Jeanxx

Anonymous said...

wow what a great experiance, maybe one day you could write to the ward and tell them with a letter of thanks at all thier hard work.Maybe they have had other patients with similar experiences. Stay well, beckie x

Anonymous said...

Great story, what an amazing thing to happen.

Anonymous said...

a lovely entry  jeanette.   hope others in the same position as  you were  also  found comfort  in her visits.        just  read  the  story  of  dad  and  the  flowers   lol.   my  ruddy  alerts  still  work  only  occasionally      or  so i thought         or else           ive  not  got you on  alert???   anyway,just  added you again   take  care,i  love  your  tags          mort xxxx

Anonymous said...

Sometimes things happen that cannot be explained easily....then you rely on faith. This was a wonderful experience that you had thank you for sharing with, Sandi

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story!  LInda

Anonymous said...

I so love your stories, you tell them so well.....
I'm so glad Sister X appeared to you and gave you comfort....
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful story!

Anonymous said...

interesting story; thanks for sharing it


Anonymous said...

WOW.............. What an amzing story Jeannette.

God Bless Sister X for being there for you that night............ even after death she is continuing her gift of comfort
hugs Jayne

Anonymous said...

i am so glad you felt her caring touch.  God sends us angels of all kinds.  thank you for sharing that now.

be blessed dear one,
