Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Thanks, my friends, for all your comments on my last entry.

I must tell you though, that I am not the least bit worried by the comment I received.  I am old enough and wise enough not to let things like that bother me. I think it very sad when life makes people so bitter that they lose their sense of humour.

My view is that if people do not like my journal, then do not read it.  The choice is theirs. People do not have to read, watch or listen to things that annoy them, upset them or they find offensive.

So, please do not think I am worried.  I knew that the majority of people would take it as it was intended.

However, it costs nothing to be polite which is why I did the posting to explain to those that needed it explained that it was a "joke"

Enough said.


Anonymous said...

Yes thats what it was....JUST A JOKE!! For heavens sake!!!A BIT OF FUN. . A TONGUE IN CHEEK DIG AT MEN. . .A BIT OF HUMOUR. . SOMETHING NOT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY AND NOT INTENDED TO OFFEND ANYONE AT ALL. . .Why does everything have to be justified?

Anonymous said...

I being a mere creature known as WOMAN thought it to be hilarious!  Linda

Anonymous said...

A sense of humor is a must in the game of life! :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are not worrying about that...we love you!  JAE

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed talking to you yesterday.  When you were approaching 10 pm there in England, it was going on 4 pm here.  I wouldn't characterize your joke as containing WMD's (weapons of mass destruction) LOL.  Maybe the man does not have a sense of humor.  Perhaps he would like to explain just what it was he felt was so terrible about an object intended to be humorous?

Anonymous said...

Colleen said it all for me.  There was nothing remotely offensive in your journal. That man must have the thinnest skin in the world.  Carry on with those kind of jokes , they make me and the majority of others laugh!  :-)

Sandra xxxx

Anonymous said...

I completely understand why you did it and I think it's a bigger thing to do than I would've done if they had left a comment on mine

Anonymous said...

I miss all the excitment! Only just catching up!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said that better myself dear!! You should not be worried at you's your journal and those who comment just to cause trouble & friction... need to be blocked from future commenting.
(((((MANY HUGS)))))