It seems from a comment under the previous entry that I have upset somebody. Maybe the person is a new reader as I have not received a comment from this name before.
I can assure all male readers that this picture was posted as nothing more than a little bit of fun, something to raise a smile for the ladies. After all, us girls ( and our mothers)have been the butt of male comics for years, there are thousands of blonde woman jokes on the internet and also jokes about Essex girls. Us ladies take it all in good part.
I appreciate that people do go through painful and unhappy circumstances and that not everyone shares the same sense of humour, but you cannot please all the people all the time.
I am sorry if anyone was offended by this picture. I have tried to email the person concerned to apologise as he obviously found it distasteful but my mail to that particular address is blocked.
Maybe he will read this and understand that it was not intended as an insult to any male, only a little bit of black humour.
No he is is trouble maker I think as he isn't accepting any mail from anyone as I tried to explain to him it was just a joke and that you are very happily married woman.
Well I thought it was funny :) Danny xx
Try not to worry...the majority of us who KNOW you can take this as it was fun! It's not like you created it! You just appreciate the humor in it, as I do! JAE
Of course it is a bit of fun. Most of us do have a sense of humour...I know Jim would never be offended by something like this. He`d just laugh the same as me!:-)
Sandra xxxx
Oh dear...well, you've done your best, Jeannette but come on, it's YOUR journal, I've probably offended people but hey, if they don't like it, don't read it. I shouldn't lose any sleep.
I think its cute!!!!
WHen you get a chance IM me . I have the results of my tests.
*rolls eyes* there's always one isn't there??
No need to apologise,its all lighthearted fun isnt it? Its your journal and you can put in what you like within reason and people should not take things personally.You dont know the guy from Adam so how can you upset someone you dont know?He should be happy now though cos you have indeed apologised and tried to get in touch.
Yeah...I agree with other comments that it's your journal and you can put what you want in it and if people dont like it they shouldnt read it! It was obviously a joke...some people just dont have a sense of humour....(silly men! lol!)
love Amy xxx
Not worth worrying about :)
I showed it to my hubby and he laughed, which was what I expected of course! You are so right, I laugh at the blonde jokes, and other jokes about women without taking offence. Don't worry about it my dear, you can't help that you have a sense of humour and one person out of all that commented doesn't!!
Sara x
Actually, those knives are all placed in fairly tasteful parts of the male body, I thought - it could have been far worse! All just a bit of fun anyway - Vive la difference! Life would be so boring without a bit of good natured rivalry - bring it on I say! Lol.
Hello again....I think in your journal you have a right to say whatever you like about things. How can you upset someone you don't know ? If this person doesn't like your journal he doesn't have to read it. This person was wrong for his comment and he needs to apologize to you. Jeannette don't worry yourself fans like me love your journal....Keep up your journal you can't worry about people like this. All of your fans I included will continue reading your journal. Hang in there and take care......
Honestly, Dont worry about it, a bit of fun never hurt anyone. The amount of jokes told about women I mean come on. At least you had the decency to appologise and try to email him. Its his problem not yours.
Gem xx
all your friends who know and love you, know it was a bit of fun, as you said, you can't please everybody so dont worry about it.............Jules xxxx
I wouldn't let the comment bother you in the least.
Eh...ignore the foul-weather poster. There is always one that buzzes through to cause a stink. They don't stick around to defend their mess.
lol....well "said commentor" needs to lighten up! Geesh!!! SOME men just can't handle a GOOD sense of humor ;o)
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